THE KOREAN WARS OLD SOLD1ERS NEVER DlE! ... 1950 - 1953 This photograph was taken during Gen. McArt­ hur, Commander in Chief, U.N. Forces in Korea has paid a short visit to the I'st Turkish Brigade in good old days. Left to riget: Gen. McArthur, Gen. Ridge­ way, Capt H. Hocaoglu the interpretor and Turkish Brigadier Tahsin Y AZICI WE ALWAYS REMEMBER THiS OLD SOLDIER WITH THE BEST REGARDS. The present booklet has been dedicated to the sacred souls and the memories of the Turkish martyrs and the war veterans who sacrificed or ris­ ked thir lives for paece keeping battles in their nati­ ve country and in any.part of the world . ' This booklet has b~en prepared by the Turkish War veterans association. l "MEMORANDUM ON THE EFFECT ON WORLD ACTIONS OF THE BATTLES CONDUCTED BY THE TURKISH ARMY IN KOREA AND THE PRIDE BESTOWED UPON THE TURKISH NATION" COUNTRY-FLAGE-SERviCE COURAGE - FRIENDSHIP Production c; a l't da~ Hizmetler Bas. Yay. Ltd. ~ti. T el: 0.312.310 04 44 Fa.-x: 311 03 35 . ANKARA FOREWORD As the United Nations establishment, which was formed after so many war disasters which mankind suffered, and its principles in the second hfilf of the 20th century, aimed at not leaving alone the wron­ CONTENTS ged nations which were subjected to aggression and PAGE meeting the aggressor head on as an establishment, part of the Turkish Armed Forces who ran to the Summary of the Memorandum .......................... ! · help of the wronged South Korea nation upon the I. The General Political Situation and Turkey in invitation to serve this aim have completed the mis­ sion there which fell upon them and have been awar­ 1950 .................................................................... 5 ded by the United Nations Command the distinguis­ II. The Korean War and Turkey's Position ............ 7 hed unit citation. III. Expectations of Turkey and the World from All the brave soldiers of the nations who fought the Korean War ................................................ 9 in Korea have achieved success at serving the joint aim which the establishment envisaged and have gi­ IV. The Tasks Accomplished by our Soldiers in ven its first example. Korean Combats ..................... :.. ................... 10 I respectfully bow before the souls of our beloved The Kunuri Battle .......................................... 11 martyrs who rest in Korean soil, with the wish and · hope that we join together in the same purpose aga­ Echoes of the Kunuri Battle .......................... 15 inst the probable aggressor of the future. The Transformation of Panic into Victory .... 17 The First Returns .......................................... 20 ' . Hilmi EL<;I The Turkish Brigade Provides "Cease Fire".22 . Retired Genel V. The Great Services Rendered to the Country Old President by the Turkish Brigade ................................. 27 Turkish War Veterans Asso­ ciation VI. We have given medals to 3 U.S. Generals .... 28 2 3 I. THE GENERAL POLITICAL SITUATION AND TURKEY IN 1950 THE SUMMARY OF THE MEMORANDUM THE SECOND woJLD w AR: Even in 1950 Turkey was under the obligation to defend her existence on its own, against a great external threat which The War erupted upon the accord and agreement of the still was not eliminated, and knew very well what a serious task Germans with the Russians on the plan eliminating Eastern this was. European and Baltic Nations. Considering this, even the mista­ ke made by the Western Nations in the Munich Conference; Turkey advocated forming the world not by the "Two Gi­ can not save Russia from the millions of lost human lives and ants" but by the Law of the United Nations Organization witho­ demolished countries. ut resorting to the use of force. After a long period of confusion the allied countries finally Turkey which was absolutely against the gaining of terri­ understood that in order to defend the independence of nati­ tory and of political superiority by means of force decided,· ons, the territorial integrity and security of states against exter­ upon the call of the United Nations Organization, to immedia­ nal attacks and pressures no choice was left but to declare war tely assist South Korea which was attacked by North Korea. on the Axis Powers. From that moment, the realization of the ideas and beliefs Turkey took her place near the Allied Powers in the dark adopted by Turkey, depended on the results to be achieved by and hesitant days before the war, as well as when the war star­ her soldiers on the battlefields of Korea. ted. The suggestions even threats of Russia to Turkey to part from the Allied Powers did not achieve any results. Turkey The Turkish Brigades which went to Korea; achieved there, continued to support the Allies even in those years when the among the strongest, most confident and experienced selected Axis star was the brightest units, above all expectations, great and unforgettable, honorab­ le successes. The First Turkish Brigade as a whole was awar­ As the end of the war was being approached, the only sta­ ded by the United States Congress the "Distinguished Unit Ci­ te to warn the World and especially the Western Allies against tation". All the Turkish Brigades that went to Korea, continued the new great dailger which threatened the aims which ~uma­ to show the highest combat capability which would win the nity was fighting for was Turkey. But it was not easy to expla­ respect and praise of the World. in to the Allies, who were thinking of nothing but winning the war, that it was much harder for victory to achieve positive and just results. In fact, when this great and destructive war, which passed in blood and fire, was terminated it was seen that East and Central Europe and the Balkans were left under the tight control of Russia. After this, all efforts of the United Nations and the Western Allies could not get Russia out. THE WORLD AFTER THEW AR: Upon the victory of the Allies Russia began to demand a base in the straits and territory from the Eastern provinces. 4 5 .. confidence of the clarity and certainty of a solidarity agree­ Turkey which never parted from the Allies'in this war which ment Thus Turkey, having passed through the dark and dange­ was considered to have a dark end, suddenly began to be accu­ rous days following the end of the Second World War reached sed of pursuing "two faced politics"· during the retreat of the year 1950. Axis States. However, Turkey was sure of the Allied victory. Therefore it had no need to pursue such politcs. What caused II. THE KOREAN WAR AND TURKEY'S Turkey concern was the expansionist politics which Turkey POSITION was sure Russia would pursue after the victory. Although the Second World War had ended and five years Turkey had resisted the fall of her territory and the Middle had passed, peace had not been signed. For the claims of the ·East under Russian dominnance like the Balkans, based on her "two Great powrers" on arranging the world had transfonned long historical experiences and realistic forecast; refected the into a fight. · insistent proposals of the Allies to join the war, because she Mean- while, the nations, whose independence was decla­ considered these wrong and thus pursued a realistic and logical red to be the cause of the war could not be prevented from fal­ policy. Therefore to look at the policy Turkey pursued as a ling within the Iron Circle. Countries were being intervened in "two faced policy" could only be one purpose. Indeed this cla­ and borders were being played with under the mask of "De­ im would lose its validity and credibility in face of very dange­ mocracy" or "Rights" administration. rous developments which would soon occur. Turkey's policy was not one which was temporary, against treaties and indeci­ The Russian "Security Area" rer,Iaced the German "Life sion. However, a long and, serious period had to pass for the Area". °'Liberal Individualism" and 'Dictatorial Collectivism" Allies to understand this position of Turkey which served pea­ replaced the "New Order" of the Germans. The victorious were ce iii a large area, and precluded expansionism. not trying to realize peace and justice but they were trying to expand into the whole world. As a natural result, everyday While Turkey resisted with courage Russian demands and concern raising events were erupting, in different parts of the expansion an her own, the Allies were in a dangerous state of world. The "Cold War" was continuing with occasional reservation and indecision. "Small Warm Wars". · Russia's expansionist demands soon came to light Upon The world which expected peace to come from victory and this the Western nations felt the need to fonn a defence front which yearned for security, woke with terror on the morning of against the Russian· threats. But it is sad that, Turkey's request 25 June 1950, at a time when it had not yet recuperated from to enter NATO was rejected even though she had seen previo­ the fatigue of the war, upon the sound of artillery exploding in usly the dangers being faced now and brought them into fo­ Korea. cus .. They shut their eyes to the fact that Turkey was all alone against Russia, On the other hand Turkey had started to gain North Korea which was under Russian control, attacked So­ the sympathy of the world through her comageous and decisi­ uth Korea which was under United States supervision and ra­ ve attitude. But, nevertheless Turkey was a country which did pidly proceeded to advance. The parties which had separated not have a solidarity agreement and was alone and without fri­ into Eastern and Western Camps had finally passed from Cold ends.
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