INSTRUCTION: SET THE START PAGE OF THIS ARTICLE BELOW. ENSURE PARAGRAH STYLE “META__FIRST-PAGE” IS USED. 43 APN Science Bulletin 7 (1) www.apn-gcr.org/bulletin Community resilience assessment to support climate change adaptation in Cambodia and Viet Nam Chris Jacobsona*, Tuan Tuub, Phong Tranb, Emtotim Siengc, Chanseng Nguonc, Kim Nongd, Patrick Nunna and Timothy Smitha a Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Queensland, 4558, Australia b Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Hue University, 22 Lam Hoang street, Hue city, Viet Nam c Institute for Social & Environmental Transition (ISET)- Viet Nam, No. 18, alley 1/42, Lane 1 Au Co, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Viet Nam d University of Battambang, State Highway, Battambang, Cambodia * Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Rural communities throughout the Asia-Pacific are generally more exposed to Adaptation, Assessment, Community climate-driven changes to their livelihoods than those in larger/urban com- resilience, Vulnerability munities. We developed and piloted a community resilience tool to be used to support climate change adaptation within existing development planning pathways. Our framework included 39 key questions based around outcomes DOI related to (i) livelihoods and environment, (ii) infrastructure, (iii) community https://doi.org/10.30852/sb.2017.15 self-reliance, and (iv) climate and disaster management. In peri-urban Thuy Thanh (Vietnam), climate and disaster management were most concerning, DATES with plan implementation funding the most limiting factor. In rural Vinh Hai, Received: 31 January 2017 livelihood and environment outcomes were of most concern but again, plan Published (online): 9 November 2017 Published (PDF): 9 May 2018 implementation funding and information contributed to poorer outcomes. In rural Lvea Krang (Cambodia) community outcomes were most concern- ing, limited by ineffective collaboration, and plan implementation funding. In peri-urban Chamkar Samrong, all outcomes except climate and disaster management were of concern, with plan implementation funding and infor- mation the most limiting factors. Building resilience requires context-based consideration of desired outcomes and factors that affect them. Our assess- ment tool provides project managers with a comparably cheap means for monitoring the long-term effectiveness of uncoordinated aid donor projects in supporting community-based adaptation to climate change. 1. INTRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS Climate change adaptation in Asia is particularly » Resilience assessment supports climate change complex owing to interactions of geography, income, adaptation using existing resources capacity and population change. The overwhelming » Factors limiting overall resilience are mostly majority of the population rely on subsistence agricul- dependent on context ture, making them particularly vulnerable to both climate » Limited resources and plan implementation commonly drove poor resilience outcomes variability and change. For example, 80% of Cambodi- » Central Vietnam reported higher community ans depend on subsistence agriculture (mostly rice and resilience than Cambodia fish) (Thomas et al. 2013). Forecast rice yield losses of » Links between climate change and development 5% predicted by 2020 in Cambodia, combined with few outcomes are often misunderstood opportunities for livelihood diversification, means that 42 APN Science Bulletin, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2017): 43:49 communities may experience severe and recurrent food and sub-national planning by identifying communities shortages and debt if adaptation planning is not effective most in need of interventions to enable effective and (Nuorteva et al. 2010, Sovacool et al. 2012). sustained adaptation. This project developed and piloted Community vulnerability to climate change can be a rapid community resilience assessment tool address- minimized through adaptation planning that builds on ing these knowledge gaps and identified opportunities to inherent community-based sources of resilience (Adger use community resilience assessments to enhance adap- et al. 2011). Understanding such resilience is especially tation planning. important in remoter areas where communities are largely self-reliant yet may or may not have developed 2. METHODOLOGY high degrees of adaptability to climate-driven change Our methodology included three steps: (i) assess- (Nunn et al. 2014); an additional consideration is a ment framework development and revision based on degree to which such communities retain their levels of expert feedback (2 months); (ii) assessment trialling traditional coping in the face of encroaching globaliza- in four communes (two in Vietnam and two in Cambo- tion. Vulnerability comprises a community’s exposure dia) over a period of 3 months in each commune; and to risk and their sensitivity to impacts arising from risks (iii) adaptation policy dialogues (one day each, one in (Adger et al. 2011). Community resilience is broader than Vietnam and two in Cambodia). In conjunction with vulnerability, including consideration of a communi- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN ty’s assets and the dynamics by which they are able to FAO), we also collected some household migration and and are limited in mobilizing those assets to address food security data for Cambodia. For tool piloting pur- risk. Thus, it pays greater attention to governance and poses, communes (typically a cluster of 3-5 villages) social dynamics that affect a community’s development for which climate vulnerability data and relationships trajectory (Magis 2010). Understanding each commu- existed were selected, including ones in both peri-urban nity’s assets and how they can be mobilised are critical and rural situations. in addressing the climate change-development nexus Participating Vietnamese communes included Vinh in comparatively poor rural communities (Friend and Hai (rural) and Thuy Thanh (peri-urban) in Tha Thien Moench 2013, Adger et al. 2011, Adger et al. 2013) yet this Hue province, Central Vietnam. In these communes, understanding is limited in the Asia-Pacific region and urban growth has encroached in rural areas while tra- merits further investigation (Friend et al. 2014, Nuorteva ditional agricultural livelihoods face increased impacts et al. 2010). Some communities and practitioners (such from more frequent typhoon and flood events as well as as those we work with) feel that some current tools for groundwater salinization. Thuy Thanh has 9,717 people assessing vulnerability (including measuring resilience) and Vinh Hai has 13,019 people. to climate change are narrow in focus and as such, are Cambodian communes included Chamkar Samrong not easily integrated into multi-sectoral development near Battambang city (peri-urban) and Lvea Krang, a planning. rural commune in Siem Reap Province, both in Northwest Community resilience assessment has recently Cambodia. From unpublished remotely-sensed data, it is emerged as an area of focus in disaster management, clear that over the past 16 months these areas have expe- promulgating tool development contextualized to the rienced increasing dryness and a concomitant decrease needs of different programs and the aims of specific in the number of abnormally wet months. In combina- projects (see Sharifi 2016, Sharifi and Yamagata 2016 and tion, this affects food security with consequently high Ross and Berkes 2014). Many of these tools are broad in rates of out-migration to the capital (Phnom Penh) and nature and detailed in anticipated analysis, sometimes to Thailand in search of work (Kingdom of Cambodia failing to consider how climate change and development 2014). These two communes are home to populations of are inter-woven, instead focussing on disaster manage- approximately 17,927 and 2,963 (respectively). ment at the expense of considering how communities actually change and adapt (Loring et al. 2016). Further, 2.1. Assessment Framework Development they are often very complex and detailed, and not easily Starting in 2014, we reviewed ten community resil- applied without expert assistance to guide local scale ience assessment frameworks and indicators (exclud- adaptation. Improving tools for rapid measuring and ing disaster resilience on the basis that it addresses strengthening the resilience of rural communities to climate crises rather than slow onset change) to develop climate change has the potential to (i) identify the a common indicator set. We then aligned indicators existing status of resources and processes that could be against a framework based on context, management mobilised to support adaptation to climate change and inputs, planning, plan implementation and outcomes enhance community resilience, and (ii) inform national 43 APN Science Bulletin, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2017): 43:49 (including livelihoods, infrastructure, community and cost-effective assessment process. Qualitative assess- climate and disaster management). This assessment ments have been routinely criticised in monitoring and structure is endorsed by the International Union for the evaluation, irrespective of their ability to verify infor- Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to meet commitments to mation needed for decision-making and a structured the Convention on Biological Diversity (Leverington et approach to planning in the absence of quantitative data al. 2010). We developed a four-point qualitative scoring (Hockings et al. 2009, Jacobson et al. in press). Where it system for each
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