Our Aim Is To Serve THE other day we were aske d why it was that pe opl e liked to do business with us. To tell you the truth , we never th ough -z much about it. We think that there are man y reas onSy -' among them being: Quality merchandise-You will fin d here a wide selection of n i onally kn own pro ducts -b acked by the arantees of l ea din g ma nufacturers. Right prices-Y ou 'll fi nd ou r price s ex- tremely at tra ct iv e to th e thr ift y pocke t- book . Court eous s ervice- When you giv e us bu si- ness, our m et hod of showing our app re ci a- tion is to ex tend courteous and effi cient serv ice. Reputa tion- We hav e a reputa ti on of stand ing ba ck of the merchandi se we sell . The cu sto mer must b e s ati sfied. If we h ave no t had the pleasu re of se rving you, ma y w e look forward to the oppor - tunity of doing so? SCRIBNER BROTHERS Scbobar ie, N. Y. The RCA RADIOTRON Radio Log With B iog raphica l S~e tches by Jac~ Fos ter, LOOK INSIDE THE Radio Edit or, N .ew Y or~ World-Teleg ram RADIO CABINE T THAS bee n t he aim of the publi shers of th is IRad io Log to g ive you i nform atio n w hic h wil l enab le yo u to be tt er enjo y th e marve ls of radi o. BE FORE YOU BU Y In additi on to a com pl ete cr os s inde xed lis t- ing of all broa dc as ting s tati ons on th e Nort h HE N yo u buy one of th e fi ne new radio sets Am eri ca n Continent , as well as th e prin cip al W now being o ff ered, be sur e th at yo u l oo k at t he shor t-wave s tatio ns of th e wor ld, this Radi o Lo g tu bes before yo u purc hase it. Make su re that th e se t you buy is e qui ppe d with RCA R adi otr ons. has many other fe atures, not th e leas t o f which For yea rs lea ding set man uf ac tur ers hav e r eco m- are th e bi og raphica l ske tches o f th e lea ding ra dio men ded th at you use RCA Radio tr ons in orde r th at yo u ar ti sts. ma y ge t out of yo ur set eve rythin g t hey have b uil t in to Th ese a uthenti c ske tches are b y Jack Fos ter, it. Don' t ga mble with yo ur r adio enjo yment . Make certai n t ha t yo ur new s et is deli vered equi pped with Radio E dit or o f the New York Wor ld- Teleg ram. RCA R adio tr ons- th e stand ard tu be s of the industr y. Few w ri ter s kn ow as intim ately as does Jac k Fos ter th e li ves o f th ose we hea r ea ch ni ght on Copy right '9 ) 1 the air . Th ese ske tches wi ll enab le yo u t o k no_w RCA R ad iotron Co. In c. , yo ur favo rite ar tis ts. Ha rri so n, N . J. The ea rly pion eer da 'ys in r adi o broadcastin g c reated The ReA Radiotro n many n ew e xpress io ns, some va gr an t, som e un popul ar. Many of th em we re short lived . But the re a re m any sl ang wor ds an d ph rases no w recog niz ed, wi dely used Rad io L og and readil y underst ood b y p rod ucti on m en, a nnou nce rs, and studio e ng in ee rs . , Here is an in ter est ing li st of som e of th e w or ds, each with i ts s ingul ar me aning: Ki lo- Di al "Ade noid te nor :" on e w ith a "ti ght " voice. Can TRANSMIT TER L OCA TI ON Po we r Kilo cycle Letter s Watt s cycle s Settin g lndex "Ann oun cer's d eligh t:" sar ~as tic al ly ap plie d to the --- -- --- - anno uncer 's co ntrol b ox in the stud io, a comple x inst ru - WAAF Chi ca go , Il l.. ... ' .,., .. 500 920 550 KC ment w it h ro ws of li ghts . WAAM New ar k, N . J ...... .. , 2000 1250 KFDY "Birdi e: " th e twee t-t wee t sound occ as ional ly Divi des ti me with WGCp. WODA KFU O encount ered on lo ng-d istance tra ns mis sio n lin es. WAAT Je rsey C ity , N. J .. .... , ... 300 940 KFYR "Bl asty :" the blas ting sou nd, too muc h volum e. WAAW Omaha , Nebr .... ... ....... 500 660 KO AC "Bug juic e:" a t er m descr ibing carbon t etra chlori de, KSD WABC } New Y ork City . ... .... 5000 860 "Bu gs:" troubl e in e qui pment caus ed b y s om ething WBOQ WGR WKR C not imme diately o bv ious. WABI Bangor, Me ... ..... , .... .. 100 1200 "Cans: " head phon es. "Corn fed:" when the p erfc irmar:ce of either a s inger WABO (See WHEC-WAllO ) WHEC } 560 Kc or in strumental is t l ac ks cult ure. KFDM "Cro ss -fire :" Morse t elegraph code s pi cked up by WABZ New Orleans, La. .... ' . ' .. 100 1200 program lines . Div ides time with WJBW KLZ KTAll "Cross-t alk:" conversation picked up from a foreign WACO Waco , Tex ... "" . .. ". ... 1000 1240 source . Divides time with KTAT WFI ,WIBO "Cross -tone :" forei gn tones picked up. WADC Tallmadge, Ohio . .. , .... ". 1000 1320 WLIT "Down in th e mud:" a very low rep roduction volu me .. WAIU Columbus, Ohio ..... , , . , .. 500 640 WNOX "Electrical trans crip tion:" broad casting a pr ogram WALR Zanesville, Ohio ,. , 100 1210 WPCC recorded on a record. WAPI Birmingham, Ala... .. ...... 5000 1140 WQAM "Fade in" or "fad e out:" gradual reductio n o r Divides time with KVOO incr ease in volum e, respectively. WASH Grand Rapids, Mich ...... 500 1270 "Fighting the music:" l acking ease in sin ging. Div ides time with WOOD 570 KC "Fill in:" those who st andby to go on the air in case a program change must be made. WBAA W. Lafayette, Ind . ... .. , 1000 1400 KGKO Divides time with WCMA~ KMTR "Final shot:" the last te st of a program origin ati ng WKBF KXA outside the main studio . WBAK Harrisburg, Pa .... , .... ' . , 1000 1430 WEAO "Fuzzy:" a voice lacking in clarity. Di vides lime with WHp·WCAH WKBN "Gelatine tenor:" one with vibrato or tremolo in his WBAL Baltimo re, Md .. , . , .. .. ' 10000 1060 WMAC voice. Divides time with \VTIC WMCA "Haywire:" relates to equipment in poor cond ition. "Hold it down:" an order dir ected to studio engineer to reduce the volume. St udio Siang-A Colorfu l Ne w Language Cali (~o ntin ued) TRA NSMITTER LOC ATI ON I Pow er Kilo - Dial I Kiloc yc;; ' Le tt er s I Walls cyc le s Sett ing Index -- '- "H ot swi tch:" a rapid prog ram transfe r from one WBAP Fort Worth , Tex ........... 50000 800 570 KC po int of ori gin to anot her. Divid es tim e w ith W FAA (Cont 'd) WNAX "K ill ie 100 bird :" a fli ght y co loratur a sop rano who WBAX Wilk es- Barr e, Pa .. .. .. .... 100 1 210 sings wi th a florid sty le. Divid es time wi th W J BU WNY C WSYR "L ine hits:" whe n overhead tr ansm iss ion w ires WBBC Br ookl yn, N. Y ... .... .. .... 500 1 400 WWNC contac t accident ally, usua lly durin g storms . Divid es ti me with WCG U- "Loc k jaw :" the voice of one who sings as if tired . WLTH-W FOX "Nemo: " pro grams or igin ating outs ide of s tu dio . WBBL Richmon d, Va ....... ...... 100 1210 "Nervous b aritone :" one who over-e mphasiz es the 580 KC WBBM } drama tic effec t. Chicago , lll ... .... ..... 25000 7 70 KGFX WJBT Divi des time with KFA B "Old sexton:" a bass w ith a sep ulchr al voice . KSAC "On the beach: " out of a job, unemp loyed. WBBR Broo kl yn, N . Y... ...... .... 1000 1 300 WIBW Di vides time with WHAZ~ WOBU "On th e log: " an en tr y in th e s tudio reco rd, c omp li . WHAP·WEVO WSAZ men tary o r otherw ise . WBBZ Pon ca C it y, Okla .... ..... .. 100 1 200 WTAG "O n th e no se :" a radio p rog ram exe cut ed ac cordi ng WBCM Ba y Cit y, Mich . ....... ... .. 500 1410 to sc hed ul e. WBEN Buffalo , N. Y•... .... ..... 1000 900 "O n t he pipe :" a nswe r t he telepho ne.
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