Police Wink At Prostitution On Garden Isle s HONOLULU RLCORD Hawaii Needs - Vol. 2, No. 50 i LE COPY, 10 CENTS Thursday, July 13, 1950 Maui Vets Blame Tokyo Singer Kasagi "Illness" Gallas Provisos Will H. C. & S. Cause Rite Hoarders Bring Shortage; Doubted By Vets; Still Unexecuted; County To Hold Bag If Importers Caught Flatfooted Tournahaulers Taxed? Suit Considered ’ By Special Correspondence Scare-buying since July 1 has A Wing Sing Wo. spokesman Sherretz Blamed By EDWARD ROHRBOUGH said the flurry was unexpected at WAILUKU, Maui — Supervisor reduced Honolulu’s rice supply to Of the 121 recommendations John Bulgo has been listening to Did Miss Shizuko. Kasagi, the practically nothing, a check of his company, so that, though there “Boogie Woogie Queen of Japan,” rice importers here revealed. All is a small shipment on the way to from the much-discussed Gallas the growing ’concern locally that Report adopted last winter by the the Hawaiian Commercial & .Sug­ have a nervous breakdown after wholesalers interviewed expressed; be landed' here’ next 'week, it is her initial appearance pt the Mani themselves as surprised by the the .customary small shipment and civil service commission, not a ar Co. would make Maui County single one has^ yet been actually hold the bag if the supervisors 442nd Club’s Fourth of July Carni­ flurry of buying and were there­ not adequate to cover the demand val at Wailuku? Or was she mae- fore, caught short, since they had, indicated, by the buying. put into effect, the RECORD demanded the company to pay tax learned authoritatively. on the tournahaulers because the ly dissatisfied with the stage "in not anticipated it. They also said1 Among those hit hardest by thei q, barn” upon which her act was the shortage is only a temporary The Gallas Report, which evoked giant cane haulers cross govern­ current shortage are restaurants ment roads. scheduled and the audience? thing and ithat shipments are due and cafes which bfty.their supplies considerable debate when it be­ Fred Matsuo, one of the pro­ next week. came public information, was Local observers are waiting td from week to week. Several res­ made to determine the efficiency see what steps he will take next; moters responsible- for” bringing Some said, however, they al- taurants reported to the RECORD The tournahaulers are now run­ Miss Kasagi from Ja^an and book­ ready’have orders to cover the that they have no rice and have of personnel procedures in the city­ ing her at the carnival says: “She amount of shipments expected. county government, and it was ning on HC&S roads and are using not been able ,to get , any from government roads only for cross­ was sick. She told me she was One attributed the scare-buying their customary sources. made at the order of Mayor Wil- ' sick and it was up to me to stand to the fear that “the government son. Of its original 163 recommen­ ing. Common talk in Wailuku is that if the county demands tax by her. ■! would do the -same is going to take over everything.” dations, 121 were adopted by tha for anyone who works for me.” Of the six companies ap­ commission, 34 more, were dis­ payment from the company, thet New Shipping Line cussed and left in abeyance of HC&S will demand to use the gov- Vets Seek Action proached, none would admit hav­ crnjilent -roads. - -- —...... - - * - ... Bui. -the ? Maui-^veter ans - bejiesst., ing” any1 nee for sale- now.” • • - - final •• decision,and• 'rseven^ttrote f; Miss KaSagi had - other reasons An American Factors spokesman were rejected. The wide and heavy monsters Actually No Threat would wreck the, paved roads in than illness for failing to perform .said, the flurry .'started last Thurs­ The fact that none of the rec­ at the carnival after her first ap­ day. short order, people here say. On To Matson Business ommendations have been execu- the other hand, if the HC&S- tour­ pearance. The RECORD has "We’re out...now,” he said, “but , ted was revealed this past week, learned that the Maui 442nd dub: we’ve got"more coming im” after the RECORD learned that nahaulers were taxed, the com­ The Pacific Transport Lines, pany might demand that’the coun­ has appealed to the 442nd dub A Fred L. .Waldron, Ltd., spokes­ Inc., which the local dailies re­ commissioners’ have asked D. here for aid in representation man’ said: “There’s been an ^m- , ty pave HC&S roads if the vehi­ ported will compete with the Mat- Ransom Sherretz, civil service cles cannot use the paved high­ against the Matsuo brothers. usual demand for the last five or son Navigation Co., for Hawaii- personnel director, at least three Though Akira Fukunaga, exec­ six days.” . times to produce a civil service way. West Coast shipping, is not wor­ The Baldwin-controlled com­ utive secretary of the 442nd Club - His company has no rice, he said, rying the Matson firm at all, manual of procedure—recom­ here, says no action will be taken but “adequate stocks” are on the pany should not get away without sources on Merchant Street say. mendation No. 30 of the Gallas paying a cent. For the moment, until; further information and ad- ■ way. Matson said it has no objection Report. vice has been received from the A Theo. H. Davies man said: “We people say, the company should to the new “competitor.” Irked by Mr. Sherretz’s failure maintain the' road crossing where Maui club, i,V-is known that sev­ don’t have any now.” He said the to comply, the commission at its eral possible' actions have been frenzied buying began “about ths Walter F. Dillingham is one its tournahaulers pass, with con­ of the founders of the Pacific June 29 meeting ordered that a crete. • discussed informally. They are: turn of the. month.” ‘ Transport Lines and Dilling­ manual be written by an outside’ (a) A- legal suit against the . “I don’t know what happened,” ham’s Oahu Railway and Land agency. Sherretz has always said Matsuo brothers to recover mon-: said an official of T. Sumida. & Co. has a contract to supply ■ (more on page. 7) Korea, Focal Point ey lost as a result of Miss Kasa­ Co., “but all of a sudden every­ wharfage to Matson ships for gi’s failure to appear. body started buying rice, rice, eight more years. Page 2 (b) A letter to. General Mac-- nothing but rice.” Arthur ’.regarding_ the imports- . Asked .if IJuji Junichi Shoten, Since the Territorial wharves tion of -Japanese -artists to the Ltd., has rice for Sale, a spokes­ aren’t making money and locally, HRT Workers May U. S. and their behavior. man said: “No. We’re expect­ there might be loud complaints ■ (c) A letter to the U. S. Im- about the Dillingham dock monop- ' The Massie Case ing some but we have orders to (more on page 7) cover it.” (more on page 7) ' Face "Spotters77 Page 8 By New Finding Policy of Local Banks Restricts Two Alien Seaman Held Here 3 Months; Does : "thorough investigation” by a job security committee in­ clude its examination of company Types of Loans To Small Businesses MCS lawyer Says New Doctrine Shown spies or “spotters,” or must the to finance their merchandising By STAFF WRITER whose& entry into the country spotters’ (reports be accepted at Two ’types' of loans, procurable their face value by the committee? operations. Jose Bradshaw, Marine Cooks & would be “prejudicial to the best from Mainland banks, are not , interests of the U. S.” -Ernest B. de Silva, impartial made" available by banks in -the Boon To Small Operator Stewards seaman, is not being held chairman of the seven-mah job “Accounts receivable financing,” incommunicado by the U. *S. Im­ Praised New China security -committee set up by Ho­ Territory, it’' was learned by the. another boon to the small opera­ migration authorities—but he can’t What was the information? It nolulu Rapid Transit Co, and the RECORD, through informed, fi­ tor, involves the lending of money be interviewed by a reporter even was alleged that a Chinese-pas­ Transit Workers Union of Hawaii nancial. sources; These types are against accounts which are “his­ though he wants to be. senger aboard the Cleveland- re­ (Ind.), has settled a five-year-old “inventory financing” loans and torically” sound, but which are not “The old man doesn’t want to ported. Bradshaw to the customs dispute . by ruling that. the comi "accounts receivable financing.”’ collectable Within the period of be put in the position of holding officials' for praising the new gov- pany must bring its spotter be­ Both are important especially; to currency — 30 days. In the is­ .him incommunicado,” explained a; ernment -of China. Also, it is al­ fore the committee for examina.-' - small businessmen who must work lands, those familiar with such subordinate, “so- he’s allowed, to leged, the customs officials found tion in order to provide the) - with limited capital, and they are- finance say, there are more of see his port agent and his attor­ certain literature in Bradshaw’s "thorough investigation” - called most important to importers. these accounts proportionately ney, but. the old man thinks he locker, specifically, the Big Strike for by the union contract. than on the Mainland,' but local might get in hot water if the’pa­ by Mike Quin, a copy gf the China “Inventory financing,” . which , May Face Accuser involves loans made on goods banks do not make- loans on, such pers were to make a big story out Digest and union material.
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