PLAINS C U 1927 BABTLE AVENUE SCOTCH PLAINS, N.J. 07076 SCOTCH PLAIN? — Serving Scotch Plains and Fanwood Since 1959— OUR* THE TIMES BJECTIVES FOR FIVE-YEAR S Board of Education Approves Priorities District-Wide for Upcoming School Year High School Proficiency Test Results Reveal That 97 Per Cent Of Students Passed Sections on Reading, Writing and Mathematics By*VI**£Y KA"J'!'SKY 8ram andinto administrative opera- presented to the public in March. The tio s a d partnerships with business and com- nB t«. r « .. " . " recognizing and drawing finalplanislheresultofseveralmeet- 1 he Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board on the diversity of the community by ings of board members and public munity members; technology career of Education unanimously approved various methods including broaden- input and includes language clarifi- awareness and community-wide in- the final plan for implementation of ing access to all groups in the com- cation and modifications, formation access. Additional plans include integra- itmeetins 1995-199g oh Jun6 prioritiee 27. s at a special munity to information about the Dr. Faith Spitz, the Assistant Su- tion of curriculum for grades nine m°"*'"~ ' perintendent for Curriculum and In- through 12, media center and class- on the room linkages, acommunity outreach released High brochure, community outreach via . --..—.. ,«.,VIVIIV; <cst. The follow- cable television, and a community ( festival. - • .viiwiKu imc lumng adjustments" jng represents combined results of integrates appropriate and proven as well as incorporation of sugges- students who passed in October and Dr. Spitz said action plans under technology into the educational pro- tions. The first draft of the plan was jn April diversity include technology work- Dr. Spitz noted students who did shops to the community, access to not pass in October had to re-take the computer laboratory centers during Township Council Approves $307,058 to Remove test in April. extended hours, access to a lending A total of 97.2 per cent passed the system of technology which will be reading section, 97.3 per cent suc- available to students who otherwise cessfully completed the writing sec- do not have access. Various Underground Fuel Storage Tanks tion, and 98.9 per cent passed the mathematics section. In addition, a comprehensive plan to recruit minority teachers will be Dr. Spitz presented the Scotch implemented,,,,Klunciucu. Handicapped-Accessible Ramp to Be Built at the Municipal Building; Cost Is $13,500 Plains-Fanwood Public Schools Stra- Dr. Spitz said the diversity plan tegic Plan for 1995 to the year 2000. also includes a future teachers pro- By GLENN R. KAPLINSKY bid on the project was $537,520. She said the mission of the plan is "to gram to create an incentive program Sptcially Written for The Timrs expire laterthis year, the new lease is Proposed ordinances and resolu- educate all students to becomeconfi- for graduating Scotch Plains- The Scotch Plains Council at its to be for a three-year period at an Her fellow council members took tions which passed on first reading turns in honoring Councilwoman dent and caring life-long learners who Fanwood High School minority stu- Tuesday public meeting voted to included: annual rental of $ 18,000. The actual can communicate and contribute posi- dents to return to the district as lead- award a contract to D. T. Allan Con- Irene Schmidt, who, withThurman P. - Introduction of an ordinance re- use by the township will be from ti vely to the rapidly changing world." ers. The plans also features parenting Noeb I Ail 30 Simmons, wawaSs m thee drivinm g force be- Thc district in tracting, Inc. of Perth Amboy for re- garding the membership of Scotch November I to Anril 10 nM. v™ u'TE™* VZ § "T***^ " « partnership with courses and information, expansion . 5 rZ> urimP ..rhnr^fno t, '"d ft S^S? °f W fifth me community, will create an aca- of student support programs, social moval of underground fuel storage Plains in the Rahway Valley Sewer- a g annua Shipi lf Tourna tanks located in the township. The age Authority. Scotch Plains will have year ttowinS g .licenseiZ t«s tfo r thSe * n yP T ?? - demic environmenenvironment t whicwhichh valuevaluess activities, adbpT-a-new family liai- ing towing companies: Plains Auto excellence, initiative and diversity," contract price is $307,058. a seat on the governing board of the towm.. !.«.„«.« f«r .I.- faii™. , he|d a, Scotch Hl|ls Country excel,ence initiative and diversity," son, and community schools and corn- D.T.Allan Contracting also will be Body, Estelle's Automotive, Sevell's she said. ~* newly-formed authority along with ClubAmon. g those in attendance was ->-—" munity service to provide high school paid $13,500 to construct a handi- voting r.^hts. Auto Body of Westfield, A&M Auto Governor, Mrs. Christine Todd The objectivesofthisfive-year plan students with additional credit to- capped-accessible ramp for the Mu- Whitman. are similar to the priorities of the ward graduation by performing nicipal Building in order to comply 1995-1996 plan which included ex- community service. called the... '• v taken "a significant Mr. Augustine noted this was Gov- cellence, initiative and diversity. with the Americans with Disabilities have been recommended by Chief of ernor Whitman's first visit to Scotch Currently, the strategic planning —_ ..o^.iuiynaumun aaday in mthee history of Scotch Plains." „ Some action plans listed under the Police Robert A. Luce and will be Plains since being elected Governor. team consists of 34 members. Ten are Act. An underground fuel storage tank The former Rahway Valley Sewer placed on a police list to be called on excellence objective include inte- community members, three are board is locateppd underneate h rampthe presen. t Authority is 44 years old, having a weekly rotating basis, A special use permit was granted grated curriculum, enriched literary members, seven are teachers, two are been established in 1951. All this to Raymond Pardon who owns Nuts handicapped-accessiblAcceptance of (he bied rampwas recom. - been estahlisheH in io<!i AII ••.:« A resolution to provide funding environment, a summer reading pro- students, two are supervisors, five time Scotch Plains has not been a V Plenty at 1906 Bartle Avenue jMr, ojNup, district-wide standards, a peer mended by (he Director of Public for,-the Cultural Arts Committee's are site administrators, and five are member but a customer of the sewer Pardon will be permitted to have a Involvement program, career explo- Properties, Walter DiNizo, Killam concerts on the Village Green. The office staff. authority with no control over poli- free-standing sign and two decora- ration and life' skills development, Associates, the consulting engineers cies or management. concert series began in 1979. Dr. Spitz said the opportunity for • A resolution regarding Glen tive flags on the exterior of his store lunchtime enrichment, a student port- involvement in strategic planning on the project, and the office of the Mr. Augustine said, "It is a great until December 31, folio which will maintain a collection Township /Wtorney, Donald T. Eagle Estates, Inc, upon the recom- exists. The President's Council will pleasure to moveJhi&ordinance" and ,.. ML. Ajt,Jsi|).sjnentiQO.ed.cJpnges in for every student of their best work; select from the pool of volunteers to DiFrancesco. mendation of the township attorney's the recycling schedule which will "the law will benefit the people!"'' technology, wK^ch'wifT "include a 'ensure 'the broadest' representation D. T. Allan Contracting was not the Mayor Robert E. Johnston stressed office, the council voted not to re- take place in July. Collection days duce Glen Eagle Estates' performance modernization and upgrade of the low bidder for the project. The low that "Sicotch Plains will be an equal will remain Tuesdays and Wednes- media centers, current technological bond which totals $395,826. -community will be provided bidder was Metro Tank, Inc. of partner in all decision-making." days. The township, however, will be resources and the establishment of an with copies of the strategic plan. Hackensack which bid some $7,000 An amended ordinance to install a divided into four sections which are • An ordinance authorizing the electronic network to link classrooms, On the last page a volunteer form less than D. T. Allan. Metro Tank, sanitary sewer along Union Avenue those utilized for "Clean-Up Week." media centers, schools and the com- Mayor and Township Clerk to sign a was adopted. The ordinance appro- will be included for completion for however, failed to furnish Scotch Recyclables are to be placed munity, and staff development, which possible consideration on the Stu- Plains with certain documentation lease agreement with the Jerseyland priated $37,000 for this purpose. curbside no later than 7 a.m. on the will be site-based and district-wide. Park Community Center. Scotch dent Assessment Committee and on which is required under the public Councilwoman Joan Papen re- designated days. Action plans listed under the ini- the Strategic Planning Team. Those contract law and its bid was removed Plains operates a leaf composting and ported the drive to restore the Veter- A mailing has been sent to all resi- tiative objective include: Technol- persons interested are asked to con- from consideration. Fourteen bids transfer site on land owned by ans Monument at Park Avenue and dents detailing the changes. ogy support-staffing, acquisition of tact Dr. Spitz at 232-6161, Extension Jerseyland Park Community Center. were received on May 11. The high Front Street has raised $8,000 of the CONIJNUEOONMOEn technology resources, technological cutmuuoMMaeit The current three-year lease will $ 16,000 needed to complete the work. The restoration work will commence in August with the arrival of the gran- Culinary Adult Courses Set ite block.
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