ym MX-y FRIDAY, JLU<5tJS5 21, 10«4 The AvHrifFDailjr Net Preea R ub |RimrIi»0ter Sit^nitq^ Hrralb --- ------------------ ; ad U. S. 1 ‘ , Woe -Omt eftok'RnCM V' : • A ufuft 15, IBM OhmRy «kla Marilyn OourU bulldinr of aosilitg. Big lots ara TlM M^ncMatar Rotary Club and breed st^isnMvo feouia- ■Ight with park M flt i more than 100 units at Adams lahi aai driola. I ^ T o w n will have an open meeting Apartment Building Value and Olcott 8ts. Such a build­ Renos the only wsqr So psodooe 13,764 Tueaday at 6:30 pm. at the ing requires so large an in­ InexpaBstve liousihg Is to bidld ■Ma, Boattond Muioheataf Oonntiy Club. r «C tha Audit warnwr tomomw. vestment that It may not be aparisnent typo rental units s i OteoQlattaa IMpMt A OMMtojTO_£Kr. In Fiscal Year Sets Record dufdloated for some time. that wfll aooonanodate mors Mmchmstor~—A City o f Villdge Charm "iBHHeldt Ohsan^ 44 The Junior Century Club of In addition, the Town Plan­ peoplo on the sanM amount of Dr, taft Wtyik F. Mancheater, Inc., will have Ita The dollar value of apartmentfment building last year, the ning Commission (TPC) is PRICE SEVEN C E N T t _ HD o f Mr. and annual Summer Ldwn Party drafting new zoning regulations MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22; 1964 (OaeaMled Adverttatoa *) Friday, Aug. 38 at 8 p.m. on the construction in Manchester hit total value of new eenstruction All together the facts kuH- TOL. LXXXm , NO. 276 (TEN PAGES^TV SECTION) Ml*. OW M F. RautaiM^, is subetantlally below the 13- which wUl take the power to jS f atanlock St., today anliatad adjoining lawns of two Vernon wi all Ume high during the fls- eate that, although the vtdue year average. The total value permit aJArtment buildings in of apartment building in town Si tha MiBtaB Oorpa and M t for members, Mrs. Richard Abele, eikyear ending June 80 — shar­ some zones from the zoning 116 Hany Lame, and Mrs. Dr id for the 12 months ending June may be proportionately greater IS waaka Valnlng at tha Marina SO was $4,066,024, while the 12- board of appeals and put it Aubln, 119 Hany Lame. Mem­ in g in an apartment boom that over the next few years than it Oorpa neraiUt Depot, Parrla la* year average is about $6,500,000. under the TT^'s Jurisdiction. lai4 V. C. Thay will be granted bers and friends are invited. Is/sweeplng the Capitol Region. has been in the past, it will Events Most of the high value years Against this must be bal­ Congolese Take BukavfU, a I0*dmy leave after four addl* Dress will be informal. Orinders But was the increase in new anced the obvious surge in not continue at or exceed the Civil Rights Compromise that brought the average up tldnal waaka o f advanced com* will be served at midnight. In apartment buildings reaUy sig­ were during the first half of apartment construction level attained this year. case of rain the event will be bat trebling, nificant for the town? Or was the past 12-year period — the throughout the Capitol Regrion, And it seems unlikely that In State it Just a momentary quirk of canceled. fiscal years between 1062 and a surge that cerUlnly suggests apartment construction will building trade? 3 Americans Found Alive Tha Rav. Abram W. Sangrey 1058. a growing trend for Manchester take the lead from single fam­ of united MethoiBat Church, Lit. (j. g.l David C. Wlchman That there is a boom in apart­ ily home developments as Man­ of the Coast Guard Reserve, ment' building in Manchester— Those were the years when as well. , Bolton, will be in charge of ra­ Mancheater had a real building Local builders say that the chester's chief source of new th«989, countorinaurgency exparUeera. Tha gendarmea had been Assembly Quits, Next Goal for Democrats son of Dr. and Mrs. Barney at least in the dollar value of the RATED LEOPOLDVILLE, dio broadcaata next week apon- real estate tax revenue for •t NORMAN'S - - " _«ii*— called back to fight by their Wichman, 54 Brookfield St., is new multi-family units that boom going — when there were town Is encouraging apartment aasigned to me U.8. military aored 1^ the Mancheater Mlnla- some time to coma Congo (AP) — Congolese former chief in the days of Ka­ No Bills Pass serving this summer on the were put up If^ year — is as many as 360 single family construction here by large lot miaalon to the Congo. tarial Aaaociatlon on WINP, homes built annually. List year soldiers today began roust­ tanga's secession, Con$;olese staff at the Coast Guard Re­ clear: The cost of new privately Latest radio meaaagea from Sunday at 7:35 pm ., and daily there were 132 single family Bukavu aaid the rebels atUI con­ Premier Moise 'Tshombe. serve Training Center, York- owned apartments for which ing rebels out of hillside HARTFORD (AP)—The Unseen Hand at d:SO Am. and 6:30 p.m. homce built. trolled some of the city’s out­ The battle mai-ked the army's town, Va. He is an instructor in permits were Issued by the town shanty towns surrounding General Assembly has com­ building department was about In 4act, the years when con' skirts. Bukavu. once a popular first key military success in Iha VFW Auxihary wUl a course which includes safety struction value is highest are Bukaini, wrested from the tourist resort, is built on fingers months after repeated rebel ad­ pleted three weeks of its Inspection, riot control, nuclear 36 per cent above the best pre­ Of Johnson aponeor a card party toidi^t at vious year of the past 1 years. regularly the years when the NORTH END FIREMEN'S leftist insurants Friday. of land Jutting into Lake lUvu. vances. It enabled the central special session on reappor­ g at the olubhouae. defense, fire fighting, law en- most single family homes are Three Americans missing At one point, Congolese Col. government to maintain at least tionment without any bills forecent and harbor patrol. The cash value of apartment a toehold in the eastern Congo, construction was $1,207,000, as built. during three days of fierce Leonard Mulamba and Bukavu's Guides Party army garrison of about 800 men where rebels control the big cit­ being passed. opposed to a previous high of For apartment construction to fighting were found alive Next w e ^ tha Democratic Fireman Douglas 3. Luongo, supply the base that single fam­ were driven back into the Euro- ies of Albertville and Stanley­ U. 8. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. $837,368. ville. National Convention will be (This excludes the fiscal year ily home construction has tradi­ andlu well. pean resldentisl section, which ATLANTIC CITY (AP) Lawrence Luongo, 31 Preston MeanwhUe, 'Tshombe's gov­ held in Atlantic City, and all 1960-61, when $896,000 was tionally provided will require a The American Embassy in suffered heavy damage during —With the unseen hand at Dr., is on an around the world PEACH Leopoldville received a radio u,e three days of street fight- ernment began to expel citizens of Connecticut’s leading Demo­ spent on the publicly financed great deal more apartment con­ trip on the USS Long Beach, message this morning saying] jng. -------------from fihe‘former French Congo, crats plan to be there — except President Johnson guiding Westhlll Oavdens housing for struction than was begun last Lt. Oov. Samuel J. Tedesoo, with the world's first nuclear- year. the three Americans had been Mulamba managed to break' Burundi and Mall them, Demberats try today the elderly.) picked up “near Bukavu.” Other <,ut of the rebel ring after rein-1 Sources said that__ Tshombe who will be minding the shop powered task force. The two- That this year's increase in in Oov. John Dempsey’s ab­ to compromise a civil rights month Journey will cover more And the 12-year aver; | e fbr apartment building may Indeed detailssMAAmflm wereaasAseA isatAvmlla'KlAunavailable. mforcements_____ PwAtori reached him from hopes to force Brazzaville's apartment building was about president, Alphonse Massamba- sence. fight that might make than 30,000 miles and take the be a quirk of the building trade FESTIVAL The three are Lewis R. Mac- Ijeopoldvllle. The deciding fac­ $260,000, excluding federally Debat, and his pro-Communist The next House and Senate shambles out of their con- ' task force across the equator is suggested by two facts; tor was an airlift of about 150 farlane, 26, 8eattls, Wash., regime to stop aid to the rebels sessions are scheduled for at least four times. They will sponsored projects. — If this is an apartment Tonight, Aug. 21—4 to 8 P.M. juiloriH;«iiAmerican viceviww consulwii«ui inui Buka-lauiv*- foriner Katanga-o— ogendarmea---- -- — to vention which opens Mon­ Although the dollar value of boom, it is a new one; last ▼u; Col. William A. Dodds, 60, Bukavu aboard two U.S. Air Sept. 1. The three-judge Fed­ day. Aaaorted BOIk and S 1 .A B cross the international date line construction is up, there have ON THE FIREHOUSE GROUNDS * (See Page ’Ten) eral Court that ordered reap­ Dark Chocolate Lb.^1 once, and will pass through year there were only two and L t OoL Donald V. Rattan, I Force C130 Hercules air freight- The word from the Prwldent been more apartments with apartment houses erected, con­ MAIN and HILLIARD STREETS portionment has 8(iven the leg­ was to play it cool at a sched­ four latitudes and 17 meridians more dwelling units built in islature until Sept.
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