1939 CONGRESSIONAL RE.CORD-SENATE 83 secure a bonus by backing a bill to be introduced in Congress to serve Thee is perfect freedom and everlasting joy. Thus by our Resident Commissioner, the Honorable SANTIAGO we commit ourselves, 0 gracious Father, into Thy holy keep­ IGLESIAS; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. ing. In the spirit of Him whom heaven and earth adore, 38. Also, petition of the National Farm Loan Association, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Decatur, Ala., petitioning consideration of their resolution THE JOURNAL adopted August 8 and 9, 1938, with reference to interest rate on loans; to the Committee on AgricUlture. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, 39. Also, petition of the United Mine Workers of America, the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday, Morrisdale, Pa., petitioning consideration of their resolution ·January 4, 1939, was dispensed with, and the Journal was adopted by the members of Local Union No. 6240, with refer­ approved. ence to imported oil, hydroelectricity, and natural gas; to· the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Committee on Ways and Means. Messages in writing from the President of the United 40. Also, petition of the Northern Baptist Convention, New States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one York, N.Y., petitioning consideration of their resolution dated of his secretaries. May 26 to 31, 1938, with reference to the international arma­ CALL OF THE ROLL ment race; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. MINTON. I sugg~st the absence of a quorum. 41. Also, petition of D. G. Esslinger, Jasper, Ala., petition­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. ing consideration of his plan relative to employment of men The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators and women; to the Committee on Labor. answered to their names: 42. Also, petition of Hollywood Anti-Nazi League for the Adams Donahey La Follette Russell Defense of American Democracy, Hollywood, Calif., petition­ Andrews Downey Lee Schwartz ing consideration of their resolution approved August 24, 1938, A ustin Ellender Lewis Sch wellen bach Bailey Frazier Logan Sheppard with reference to the Dies committee; to the Committee on Bankhead George Lucas Smathers Rules. Barbour Gerry Lundeen Smith Barkley Gibson McCarran Taft· 43. Also, petition of the National Farm Loan Association, Bilbo Gillette McKellar Thomas, Okla. Cullman, Ala., petitioning consideration of their resolution Borah Glass Maloney Thomas, Utah dated August 23, 1938, with reference to interest rates; to the Bridges Green Mead Tobey Brown Gu1fey Miller Townsend Committee on Agriculture. Bulow Gurney Minton Truman 44. Also, petition of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Burke Harrison Murray Tydings Byrd Hatch Neely Vandenberg Association, ';t;ashington, D. G., petitioning consideration of Byrnes Hayden Norris Van Nuys their Resolution No. 1, by Local Union No. 28, New York Capper Herring Nye Wagner City, with reference to President Roosevelt's recovery pro­ Caraway Hill O'Mahoney Walsh Chavez Holman Overton Wheeler gram; to the Committee on Appropriations. Clark, Idaho Holt Pepper White · 45. Also, petition of Labor's Non-Partisan League, Detroit, Clark, Mo. Hughes . Pittman Wiley Connally Johnson, Call!. Radcliffe Mich., petitioning consideration of their resolution dated Danaher Johnson, Colo. Reed August 26, 1938, with reference to the Dies committee; to the Davis King Reynolds Committee on RUles. Mr. BARKLEY. I announce that the Senator from Arf.;. 46. Also, petition of the American Legion Post No. 13, zona CMr. AsHURST] is absent, attending the session of the Brooklyn, N. Y., petitioning consideration of their resolution Supreme Court. dated December 5, 1938, with reference to the Dies commit­ Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Oregon tee; to the Committee on RUles. [Mr. McNARY] is temporarily absent from the Senate, being 47. Also, petition of Mrs. Carrie Jones, Winfield, Ala., peti­ engaged in the Supreme Court of the United States. tioning to hold the Wagner Labor Relations Act as it is at I further announce that the Senator from Maine [Mr. · present; to the Committee on Labor. HALE] and the Senator from Minnesota CMr. SHIPSTEAD] are 48. Also, petition of the Louisiana Teachers Association, necessarily absent. BatGn Rouge, La., petitioning consideration of their resolu­ Mr. WALSH. I announce the absence of my colleague ~Mr! tion passed November 19, No. 139, with reference to the Na­ LoDGE] because of illness. tional Youth Administration; to the Committee on Education. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-nine Senators have an­ 49. By Mr. RICH: Petition from Union No. 1, Woman's swered to their names. A quorum is present. Christian Temperance Union, of Jersey Shore, Pa., asking the Congress to pass legislation to prevent the advertising of REGENT OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION alcoholic beverages by press and radio; to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. Under authority of section 5581 the Judiciary. of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U. S. C., title 50. Also, petition from businessmen of Williamsport, Pa., 20, ch. 3, sec. 43), the Chair reappoints the Senator from asking that the National Labor Relations Act be revised; to Kentucky [Mr. BARKLEY] as a member of the Board of the Committee on ·Labor. Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. GOLDEN GATE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION COMMISSION The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair appoints the Senator SENATE from California [Mr. DowNEY] as a member on the part of THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1939 the Senate of the United States Golden Gate International Exposition Commission, established by Public Resolution 52, The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the approved July 9, 1937, to fill the vacancy caused by the resig­ following prayer: nation of Han. Wm. G. McAdoo. Loving Father of mankind, who hast revealed the vastness COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF of the universe in the blue depths of the sky, whose im­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Under authority of section 4863 mensities are lit by spining stars. beyond the strength of of the Revised Statutes, the Chair appoints the Senator from mind to follow, enable us, as we bow before Thy glory, to Utah [Mr. KING] as a director of the Columbia Institution realize Thy wonderful nearness to us, for we are Thy spirit­ for the Deaf. born children linked by nature, love, and choice to Thy mighty being. May this vision make all fears to fade and JOINT COMMITTEE ON FORESTRY a divine strength to pulse within, that we may bring courage The VICE PRESIDENT. Under authority of Senate Con­ to our exacting duties and a sweet reasonableness to every current Resolution 31 of the Seventy-fifth Congress, the Chair day's most . quiet need. To think of Thee is rest, to know appoints the Senator from Idaho [Mr. CLARK] as a member Thee is eternal life, to see Thee is the end of all desire, and on the part of the Senate of the Joint Committee on Forestry, 84 CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENAT:E JANUARY 5 to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of expanded its program in an effort mare nearly to meet the service of Hon. James P. Pope. needs of the unemployed. While, beginning in July 1938, FINAL REPORT OF ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SOCIAL SECURITY 125,000 to 150,000 workers were voluntarily leaving Works (S. DOC. NO. 4) . Progress Administration projects. each month, it was neces­ Mr. HARRISON. Mr. President, in May 1937 the Senate sary to add from 200,000 to 300,000 others monthly to the Finance Committee appointed a subcommittee, consisting of rolls in order to meet the needs of those whose personal the Senator from Michigan [Mr. VANDENBERG], the Senator resources or compensation benefits had become exhausted, from Virginia [Mr. BYRD], and myself, to act in cooperation and to take back, as required by section 12 of the act, those with the Social Security Board in the designation of an who had left the Works Progress Administration for private advisory council consisting of experts from various sections employment and whose employment had been terminated of the country to study the Social Security Act, with a view through no fault of their own. to making certain recommendations, if necessary, as to The demands upon the Works Progress Administration changes in that law. The advisory council made their re­ appropriation were increased by two additional factors. The port some 10 days ago. It is very interesting, and most il­ critical foreign situation has had an adverse effect upon luminating, and I am sure that the Members of the Senate American business and industrial employment in this coun­ and the House, as well as the people of the country generally, try, and has been an unexpected deflationary force affecting would like to read it and study it. I ask that the report be the prices of commodities entering into world markets, such printed a Senate document. as c_ertain of our important agricultural commodities. This as has accentuated relief problems in important areas in the The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair country. In addition, the hurricane which devastated large hears none and it is so ordered. areas of New England last September seriously dislocated THE BUDGET industry and trade in the northeastern section of the country The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a message and added to the relief burden in that area. from the President of the United States, which was read, As a result of the foregoing factors, the employment pro­ and, with the accompanying document, referred to the Com­ vided from the Works Progress Administration appropriation mittee on Appropriations, as follows: increased from 2,900,000 at the beginning of July 1938 to a <For Budget message, see House proceedings, p.
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