Ansearchin ' News VOI.49, NO. 3 - Fall 2002 i /i THE TENNESSEE -& MAGAZINE - - - THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICALS OCIETY 9114 Davies Plantation Road on the historic Davies Plantation Maltng Address: P. 0. Box 247, Brunswick, W38014-0247 Telephone: (901) 381-1447 TGS OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERP President JAMES E. BOB0 Contributions of all types of Tennessee-related genealogical Vice President BYRON CRAIN materials, including previously unpublished family Bibles, Editor DOROTHY M. ROBERSON diaries, journals, letters, old maps, church minutes or Librarian LORETTA BAILEY histories, cemetery information, family histories, and other Treasurer LUCIUS F. WRIGHT, JR. documents are welcome. Contributors should send photo- Business Manager JOHN S. WOODS copies of original documents or duplicates of photos since Recording Secretary MARY YARBROUGH they cannot be returned. Manuscripts are subject to editing Corresponding Secretary SANDRA COOK ' for style and space requirements, and the contriiutor's name Director of Sales LORI TRENK and address will be noted in the published article. Please Director of Certificates JANE PARK PAESSLER include footnotes in the article submitted and list any Director at Large SANDRA AUSTIN additional sources. Check magazine for style to be used. Director at Large DOUG GORDON Manuscripts or other editorial contributions should be typed or printed and sent to Editor Dorothy Roberson, 71 50 EDITORIAL STAFF: Jane Paessler, Carol Mittag, Helen Belsfield Rd., Memphis, TN 38 1 19, [email protected] Rowland, Kay Dawson, Estelle McDaniel Jean Alexander West., Jama Richardson TGS SURNAME INDEX Fn,E LIBRARY STAFF; Howard Bailey, Jean Belzer, Winnie Members can obtain information fiom this file by writing Calloway, Harold Crawford, Kathryn Dickinson, Joanne TGS. Give the full name ofthe ancestor you are researching, Eastman, Lena Belle Forrester, Jean Gillespie, Stewart at least one date and one location, and enclose a self- Herron, Joan Hoyt, Thurrnan "Buddy" Jackson, Nadine addressed, stamped #lo envelope. Lfthe information is Jenkins, Sharon Kelso, Sari$ Mattox, Terry Nelson, Sheny available, you will receive two photocopy pages of up to 10 Nohsey, Jim Overman, Ruth Reed, Deborah Sandridge, surname cards of your ancestors, including the name and Juanita Simpson, Jean Thomas, Joan Vitale, Pauline Wash- address of the person who submitted the information. Any ington, Myra Grace Wright, Charles Yates, and D. A. R. other data, if available, will be supplied at 50 cents per page Saturday volunteers Judy Chaffin, Debra Niiand Angela (five cards to a page). Please limit requests to one a month, Groenhout fiom the Chief Piomingo Chapter; Lois Tobias and to one family name per request. Type or print on 3x5" and Lenore Gellar, the Chickasaw Bluff Chapter; Mary index cards your ancestor's name; birth, death, and marriage Margaret Buck, Fort Assumption Chapter; Ann Mitchell, dates and places; and names of parents and spouse(s). In the River City Chapter; and Sylvia Hanis,Watauga Chapter. bottom lefthand corner, put your name,address, and the date 9 submitted. If you have not sent in your own surname data, Cover illustration. of TGS Resea~chCenter- Estelle McLlan.iel please do so as soon as possible. 9 TENNESSEE ANCESTRY CERTIFICATES THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY publishes The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, TGS sponsors this program to recognize and honor the Ansearchin' News, (ISSN 0003-5246) in March, June, settlers who came to Tennessee before 1880. To place your September, and December of each year. Annual dues are ancestors in this roll of honor, request an application from $20, and members receive the four issues published in the Mrs. Jane Paessler, Certificate Program Director, at TGS. 12-months period following payment of their dues. Issues Complete and return it with supporting documents or other missed due to late payment or unnotified changes of proof of your ancestor's residency. (Family charts or com- address can be bought separately, if available, for $7.50 puter printouts are not considered sufficient proof) Each each, including postage. Members are entitled to one free application must be accompanied by a $10 fee. Attractive query each year and may place additional queries for $3 certificates suitable for framing are issued to each person each. (Non-members pay $5 each.) Ail queries must be whose application meets program qualifications. Certificates related to Tennessee. list the prime ancestor's name, when and where he or she settled in Tennessee, and the applicant's name and address. BOOKS. MICROFILM. AND COMPUTER DISKS ANSEARCHIN' NEWS, USPS M77-190 is published quarterly donated to the TGS Library should be mailed to Librarian by and for THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., Loretta Bailey at TGS headquarters. If a book review is de- 9114 Davies Plantation Rd., Brunsmick, TN,a non - profit o~ttoaPeriodicals postage paid at Bnmswick, TN 38014 sired, please indicate and include the cost of the book and and additidmailing offices. where readers can place orders. Memoriams are welcomed .m AN,!i'EARCHLV NEWS VISIT THE TGS WEB SITE at P.O. Box 247, Brunswick TN 38014-0247 http://www. rootsweb.com/-tngd EDITORIAL The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, VIEWPOINT Vol. 49, No. 3 - Fa11 2002 by 1 Editorial Viewpoint - DorothyMarr Robersm Dorothy Marr Raberson 2 Bartlett Circuit Court Adjourns for Last Time To the Ladies of Somerville & Vicinity 3 Remembrances of Stanton, Tenn. - Adams Colhorrn WHERE IN TENNESSEE is Stanton? If you don't 8 Tennessee Obituaries know, read the feature story by the late Adam ~olhounthat 13 Chester Co. Court Minutes, 1891- Jane ParkPaessler begins on Page 3 .... and you'll discover it was a delightful 16 Gleanings (Mentions of Tennesseeans in Our Exchanges) place for a boy (or a girl) to be growing up in back in the late 20 Bedford Co. Vital Statisties (Installment 5) 1800s and early 1900s. For that matter, it probably still is. 23 Clerk Calls for Claims in Fayette Co. Estates, 1839 Colhoun tells what life was like in the small Haywood Coun- Eight Fayette Countians File for Bankruptcy, 1842 ty settlement when he was a boy ... and does it in such a de- 24 Crockett Co. Deeds (Installment 3) Iightfd way that it almost makes you wish you had grown up 29 Tennesseans Turned Texans: Lt. Col. Isaac Holman there. The community was known as Stanton Depot in 1860 by Betty Nelson McDougald and then simply as Stanton when a postoffice was established 31 Chester Co. Insolvent Estates 1891-99 -Jane Poessfer there in 1903. Its present population, according to Rand 32 Tennessee Comings & Goings McNally, is 487. Jean Crawford, who obtained the story for 34 Tennessee Marriages us, had some Adams kinfolks who lived at Stanton. Our 38 Book Reviews thanks to her! Letters to the Editor *** 39 Unicoi Co. Marriages, 1876-77 - Jean Alexander West 43 Lloyd Bockstruck seminar OUR NEW FEATURE, "Tennesseeans Turned Tex- 44 Farewell, Sweet Prince.. ans," has apparently hit a responsive chord among our . Coffee County Citizens Invite Immigration members. Betty Nelson McDougald has sent us a story 45 Dovie Ann Martin - Mary Ann (Needham) Hollijield about her ancestor, Col. Isaac Holman, which appears on 48 Decatur Co. Vital Statistics (Installment 3) Page 29. has been doing genealogical research for Betty 51 Coal Creek Remembered about 30 years and will be glad to hear from any of you who 56 Queries may have ancestors in common. Considering how many Ten- 57 Surname Searching nesseeans did turn Texans, it should be a I-o-n-g time before Tom Hamson's Death the column runs out of material if other members follow McNatt Dies in Train Mishap Betty's lead. ***. Former TGS President Lucille Cox Dies J. D. Nailor Murdered has NORTH CAROLINIAN Mary Ann Hollifield 58 Index by Frank d;. Jmle Paessler contributed an interesting story about her gTandrnother, 62 Give GenealogicalBooks for Chlirtmas Dovie Ann Martin, who remained a true daughter of 64 Time mes Tennessee even though she lived in other states for much of her life. It begins on Page 45. *** SPECIAL TFL4NKS also go to those kind souls who have been pouring over some newly acquired microfilm to help us bring you records from counties not previously covered. This issue contains transcriptions of some Chester Editorial Policv Announcenient County records by Jane Paessler, and of some Unicoi records by Jean Alexander West. Also included are Frequently of late, we have been asked ifit is permissible transcriptions I do in my spare time of Crockett County deeds to reproduce articles ffom our magazine. The answer is yes, from the 1870s when the county was created. It may help sort provided you credit The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine/ out some ancestors who originally were listed as living in Ansearchin' News, Brunswick, TN as your source. Please Haywood, Madison, Gibson, or Dyer and became Crockett include the volume, issue number, and date in which the Countians without moving a peg. Coming up in the next issue wdl be transcriptions of article appeared. Hamblen County wills by Jarna Richardson and of some Clay County marriages by Mark Williamson. *** IF YOU MISSED OWon hearing Lloyd Bockstruck when he conducted a seminar here a couple of years ago, you can catch him on 12 Oct when he returns to share more of his fantastic genealogical knowledge. Details on Page 43.r Page 1 - THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGiCAL MAGAZlNE/ANSEARCHiN NEWS - Fall 2002 Afier A Lifi of 15 Years -- - Bartlett Circuit Court Adjourns For Last Time And 'Gorgeous' Barbecue Celebration Follows After an existence of 15 years, the Bartlett Circuit Court in Shelby County was shut down by the Tennessee General Assembly in July 1885. For most county residents, its demise was a cause for celebration. The act creating the Bartlett court gave it jurisdiction over all of Shelby County north of the Wolf River. Only residents of that locality could bring suit at Bartlett.
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