Education and Inclusion Service UNCLASSIFIED People Directorate Civic Centre 1 Earl Street Coventry CV1 5RS Telephone 024 7683 3621 Please contact: Our reference: RFI 14-20123805 Becky Twite Telephone: 024 76832811 Date: 26 March 2015 E-mail: [email protected] Dear Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) Thank you for requesting information about School Catchment Areas, which the Council received on 26 February 2015. Your request has been considered under the above legislation. You have requested the following information: Details of school catchment areas (i.e. predefined areas within which residents receive some priority in the admissions criteria) which are being used in the current 2015/16 admission round in your local authority. We request this data in the form of a table of street names and addresses associated with each school, or a file containing the catchment map shapes in any GIS vector file format (see below for details). Please see attached document. Please note, under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information 2005 Regulations you are free to use this information for your own use or for the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use under the Regulations, for example; publication of the information or circulation to the public, will require permission of the copyright owner and may be subject to terms and conditions. For documents where the copyright does not belong to Coventry City Council you will need to apply separately to the copyright holder. If you wish to apply to reuse the information you have requested or have any other issues relating to this request please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are unhappy with the outcome or handling of your request you should write to us within 40 working days of the date of this letter, to the Council's Information Governance Team at: Council House, Room 21a Lower Ground Floor Earl Street, Coventry. CV1 5RR [email protected] If you have done this and are still dissatisfied, the Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Yours sincerely Becky Twite Project Support & Operational Finance Officer Attachment: Primary & Secondary Catchment Areas.pdf 2 Road Detail Catchment Aaran Croft Grace Academy Abberton Way The Westwood Abbey Cottages Ernesford Grange Abbey Road Whitley Academy Abbey Way Whitley Academy Abbeydale Close Caludon Castle Abbots Lane Barr's Hill Abbotsbury Close Caludon Castle Abercorn Road The Westwood Aberdeen Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Abergavenny Walk Ernesford Grange Acacia Avenue no properties Whitley Academy Achal Close Foxford Achilles Road Lyng Hall Acorn Street Ernesford Grange Adam Road Lyng Hall Adare Drive Finham Park Adderley Street Sidney Stringer Addison Road Coundon Court AdelaideStreet Sidney Stringer Agincourt Road Whitley Academy Ainsbury Road The Westwood Ainsdale Close Foxford Aintree Close Sidney Stringer Alan Marcell Close 1 - 113 (O) & 130 - 146 ( E) The Westwood AlandaleAvenue Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Albany Road 1 - 79 odd Barr's Hill Albany Road 141 up odd Finham Park Albany Road 2 - 76a even Barr's Hill Albany Road 98 up even Finham Park Albert Crescent President Kennedy Albert Drive Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Albert Fearn Gardens Foxford Alfred Herbert Close 1 - 8 consec Lyng Hall Albert Road Greenwich Judgement Albert Street Sidney Stringer Alcott Road 1-25 (ex 13) & 2-26 Lyng Hall Aldbourne Road Barr's Hill Aldbury Rise Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Alder Road Foxford Alderman’s Green Road Paget Court Foxford Alderman’s Green Road Foxford Aldermeadow Close President Kennedy Alderminster Road Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Aldermoor Lane Ernesford Grange Alderney Close President Kennedy Aldrich Avenue Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Aldrin Way The Westwood Alex Grierson Close Ernesford Grange Alexandra Road Sidney Stringer Alexandra Terrace Foxford Alfall Road Lyng Hall Alfred Road Sidney Stringer Alfriston Road Finham Park Algate Close President Kennedy Alice Drive The Westwood Alison Square Foxford All Saints Lane no properties Sidney Stringer Allan Road Coundon Court Allen Hill Way The Westwood Allerton Close Caludon Castle Allesley Court Birmingham Road Coundon Court Allesley Croft Coundon Court Allesley Hall Drive + Victoria Court Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Allesley Old Road 394 Upwards Coundon Court Allesley Old Road 1 - 181 odd The Westwood Allesley Old Road 183 - 379 odd Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Allesley Old Road 2 - 200 even The Westwood Allesley Old Road 202 - 390 even Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Alliance Way 1 -51 odd Lyng Hall Alliance Way 2 - 54 even Lyng Hall Alliance Way 53 upwards odd Stoke Park Alliance Way 56 - 62 even only Stoke Park Allied Close President Kennedy Alma Street Sidney Stringer Almond Tree Avenue Grace Academy Alpine Rise Finham Park Alspath Lane Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Alton Close Grace Academy Alum Close Foxford Alverley Road Barr's Hill Alvestone Road Stoke Park Alvin Close Ernesford Grange Alvyn Smith Close 1-26 (ex 13) Grace Academy Ambler Grove Stoke Park Ambleside Grace Academy Amelia Crescent 2 - 114 evens & 1 - 89 odd Ernesford Grange Amersham Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Amy Close Foxford Anchorway Road Finham Park Road Detail Catchment Anderton Road Foxford Angela Avenue Grace Academy Anglesey Close Coundon Court Anglian Way 2 to 18 & 20 to 72 (Evens) 88 to 104, 192 to 198 & 214 to 234 (E) & 1 to 37 (O) & 39 to 125 (odds) Ernesford Grange Angus Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Anley Way Barr's Hill Anne Crescent Whitley Academy Ansell Drive Foxford Anson Way Grace Academy Ansty Road 2 - 40 even only Stoke Park Ansty Road 42 - 448 even only Caludon Castle Ansty Road 43 - 455 odd only Lyng Hall Ansty Road 458 upwards even Grace Academy Ansty Road 535 upwards odd Grace Academy Anthony Way Stoke Park Antrim Close Coundon Court Apple Way 1 - 15 (O) 2 - 10 ( E) The Westwood Applecross Close The Westwood Appledore Drive Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Arabella Walk 2 - 4 evens & 1 - 3 odd Ernesford Grange Arbury Avenue Foxford Arch Road Caludon Castle Arden Street Finham Park Argyll Street Stoke Park Arkle Drive Grace Academy Armana Drive Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Armfield Street Harry Stanley House Foxford Armfield Street Foxford Armorial Road Finham Park Armscott Road Lyng Hall Armstrong Avenue Ernesford Grange Arne Road Grace Academy Arnhem Corner Whitley Academy Arnold Avenue Whitley Academy Arnside Close Sidney Stringer Arthingworth Close Ernesford Grange Arthur Street Sidney Stringer Arundel Road Whitley Academy Ascot Close Whitley Academy Ash Priors Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Ash Tree Avenue Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Ashbridge Road Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Ashburton Road Grace Academy Ashby Close Ernesford Grange Ashcombe Drive Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Ashcroft Close Grace Academy Ashcroft Way no properties Grace Academy Ashdown Close Ernesford Grange Ashfield Avenue Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Ashington Grove Whitley Academy Ashmore Road Barr's Hill Ashorne Close Grace Academy Ashwood Avenue Coundon Court Aspen Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Asthill Croft Finham Park Asthill Grove + Kenilworth Court Finham Park Astley Avenue Foxford Aston Road The Westwood Astoria Drive 1 - 17 & 21 - 91 (O) & 2 - 38 (E) & 40 - 134 (E) Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Athena Gardens Foxford Atherston Place The Westwood Athol Road Grace Academy Attoxhall Road Vincent Wyles House (Flats) Caludon Castle Attoxhall Road William Malcolm House (Flats) Caludon Castle Attoxhall Road 1-12 Caludon Park & 200-214 (Evens) Caludon Castle Attwood Crescent Lyng Hall Auburndale Avenue 1 to 7 (odds) & 2 to 22 (evens) Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Augustus Road Sidney Stringer Austin Drive Lyng Hall Avocet Close Foxford Avon Street 1 - 135 odd Stoke Park Avon Street 2 - 138 even Stoke Park Avon Street 137 0dd Upwards Lyng Hall Avon Street 140 even Upwards Lyng Hall Avondale Road Finham Park Awson Street Sidney Stringer Axholme Road Caludon Castle Aylesbury Court Gressingham Grove Sidney Stringer Aylesford Street Sidney Stringer Aynho Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Babbacombe Road Whitley Academy Bablake Close Coundon Court Bacons Yard no properties Foxford Badger Road Ernesford Grange Baginton Road Finham Park Bakers Lane Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Bakewell Close Ernesford Grange Baldwin Croft Foxford Balingham Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Ballantine Road Barr's Hill Road Detail Catchment Balliol Road Lyng Hall Balmoral Close Lyng Hall Bangor Street Barr's Hill Banks Road Coundon Court Bankside Close Whitley Academy Banner Lane Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Bantam Grove President Kennedy Bantock Road Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Barbicane Rise Caludon Castle Bardley Drive Barr's Hill Barford Close Ernesford Grange Barkers Butts Lane 1 - 75 odd + 79 & 81 (including Walker House,Jackson House,Preece House,Godwin House Barr's Hill Barkers Butts Lane 2 - 88 Even Barr's Hill Barkers Butts Lane 9-21 (Inc 9A, 15A &19A) Barr's Hill Barkers Butts Lane 77 up odd Coundon Court Barkers Butts Lane 90a up even Coundon Court Barlow Road Grace Academy Barn Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Barnack Avenue Finham Park Barnfield Avenue Coundon Court Barnstaple Close Tile Hill Wood & The Woodlands Baron’s Croft Whitley Academy Baronsfield Road Whitley Academy Barras Green Stoke Park Barras Heath Stoke Park Barras Lane Barr's Hill Barrie Way 1-17 (ex 13) Lyng Hall Barrow Close Grace Academy Barston
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