jiei/euω- nerve yuauty lίiuί tixplaΐϊ .Folklore Gaans 1 Ability of Humans to W, ' Cornell^ Stm Junior I Cornel Interest Cornell Are An VAMOS LtRl EtptctEi para .t<* CORNELL Ίfc& ALUMNI NEWS VOLUME 43 ΓeVV s ?*w^l[Lornel1 fo Offer >iyOTl ^rs^ϊs Λ (^ • ^/t ""4 ^iiKinbHoaJt I1TATES WHO ARE TAKING PART IN T ;: Cornell Teacher V- --?" 00 Training Course ^ ^i7""1 ^"^ «w^ / ^<^*y^. bssA jl\?a* CoWe M ίH <<>nuup*\ ^ fot New Coroett 'omen's Counci Oe Cuttura When PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY You Go OF CORNELL ALUMNI East or West, Stop off NEW YORK AND VICINITY HARRY D. COLE Ί8 RE A RET A*—Folded and ίnterfolded facial tissues REALTOR at For the retail trade. Business, Commercial and residential S'WIPES*—A soft, absorbent, disposable tissue; properties in Westchester County. packed Rat, folded and interfolded, in bulk or Appraisals made. CORNELL boxes, for hospital use. RKO Proctor Building Mount Vernon, N. Y. FIBREDOWN*—Absorbent and non-absorbent DAILY AIR CONDITIONED TRAINS cellulose wadding, for hospital and commercial use. WESTWARD Light type, a.m. EASTWARD Read Down Dark type, p.m. Read Up FIBREDOWN* CANDY WADDING-h BALTIMORE, MD. 11:05 t10:10 ί10:45 Lv. New York Ar. 8:1- -0 - 8:2- -0 several attractive designs. 11:21 t10:25 ί11:00 " Newark 7:54 8:04 11:20 t10:35 ί10:35 " Phila. 7:45 8:10 FIBREDOWN* SANITARY SHEETING- 6:49 Oi7:48 # 7:27 Ar.lTHACA Lv. '10:30 12:15 For hospital and sick room use. WHITMAN, REQUARDT & SMITH *Trade Mark reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, Enjoy a Day or Week End THE GENERAL CELLULOSE COMPANY, INC. Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, Plans, and General Consulting Practice. GARWOOD, NEW JERSEY In Ithaca EZRA B. WHITMAN, C.E. Ό1 D. C. Taggart Ί 6 - - - Pres.- - Treas. 6:491 8:02|# 7:41 ILv. ITHACA Ar. 110:12 12:15 G. J. REQUARDT, CE. '09 9:5θ| 11:35|#11:1θlAr. Buffalo Lv.| 6:45! 9:20 . B. L SMITH, CE. Ί4 7:25 11:03 Pittsburgh 10:30 11:40 West Biddle Street at Charles 7:15 5:20 " Cleveland " 12:30 2:15 8:30 12:30 Ar. Chicago Lv. 8:00 tDaily except Sunday. °Daily except Monday. XSunday only. ^Monday only. WASHINGTON, D. C. • New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at 9 p.m. from Ithaca AirConditionedDeLuxe Coaches, Parlor, Sleeping, Club Lounge and Dining Car Service. THEODORE K. BRYANT NEW JERSEY DEALERS LL.B. *97—LL.M. '98 BERGEN COUNTY Master Patent Law, G. W. U. Ό8 Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively STILLMAN & HOAG 309-314 Victor Building ENGLEWOOD, N. J. THE ROUTE OF THE BLACK DIAMOND W. W. STILLMAN '29, President ESSEX COUNTY KENOSHA, WIS. BELLEVILLE-NUTLEY BUICK CO. NUTLEY, N. J. MACWHYTE COMPANY CORNELL UNIVERSITY G. R. B. SYMONDS Ό9, President Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire PASSAIC COUNTY Rope Sling, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. Literature furnished on request VON LENGERKE BUICK CO. Summer Session JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. Ί3 PRES. & GEN. MGR. PATERSON, N. J. July 7 to August 15, 1941 J. VON LENGERKE '17, President R. B. WHYTE, M.E. "13, GEN. SUPT. We are anxious to place the Announcement of the STANTON CO.—REALTORS YOUR BUSINESS CARD Summer Session in the hands GEORGE H. STANTON '20 In this Professional Directory reaches of as many prospective Sum- Real Estate and Insurance 5000 Interested Comedians. mer Session students as we For Special Rate write: MONTCLAIR and VICINITY can. The Announcement con- CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS tains excellent illustrations of 16 Church St., Montclair, N. J., Tel. 2-6000 3EastAve. ITHACA, N.Y. the beauty of the campus and its setting, as well as descrip- tions of all the courses offered in the Summer Session. We are especially interested in improving the distribution of ESTABROOK & CO. Hemphill, Noyes <& Co. the Announcements in the » South, the Middle West, and Members New York Stock Exchange the South West. Members oί the New York and Boston Stock Exchange 15 Broad Street . New York Won't you please send us names and addresses of any Sound Investments INVESTMENT SECURITIES persons who may be inter- Investment Counsel and Jansen Woyes '10 Stanton Griffis '10 ested in receiving the An- Supervision nouncement? Send them to L M. Blancke '15 Willard I. Emerson '19 LOREN C. PETRY* Director Roger H. Williams '95 BRANCH OFFICES Office of the Summer Session Resident Partner New York Office Albany, Chicago, Harrisburg, Indianapolis/ Cornell University Philadelphia, Pittsburgh/ Trenton, 40 Wall Street Washington Ithaca, New York Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS ELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLIII, NO. X5 ITHACA, NEW YORK, APRIL 2.4, I94I PRICE, 15 CENTS CLUBS AT WORK FOR CORNELL DAY MAY 3 Interview Boys with Help of Faculty and Students Cornell Clubs over the country are Peirce '07 discussed scholarships at the and after luncheon boys from the schools busy making the acquaintance of boys University. With Ross W. McKinstry came in to talk with the visitors from in secondary schools, giving them in- Ί8, Professor Durham drove to Culver the Campus. formation about the University, and Military Academy for luncheon with Ashbery and Louis C. Boochever Ίz, inviting those whom they will bring nineteen boys interested in Cornell—a University Director of Public Informa- to Ithaca for Cornell Day, May z and 3. larger number than are headed for any tion, were speakers at a Cornell Club Many Clubs took advantage of the other college. luncheon for schoolboys at the Univer- presence of undergraduates and "travel- Professor Jordan talked with prospec- sity Club in Syracuse, April 5. That day, ing professors" of the Faculty during tive Freshmen at three schools in also, the Cornell Club of Buffalo had spring recess to entertain promising boys Kansas City, Mo., March 31, and spoke high school and undergraduate guests and tell them about Cornell. Three to twenty members of the Cornell Club at a luncheon at the Buffalo Athletic members of the Faculty committee on at dinner at the University Club. In St. Club. Richard W. Johnston '41, son of relations with secondary schools, Pro- Joseph, Mo., April 1, he interviewed Herbert F. Johnston '17, Club secretary, fessors Bristow Adams, Charles L. Dur- prospective Freshmen in company with related the news of Ithaca, and Hendrik ham '99, and Riverda H. Jordan, have Dr. Joseph S. Clark '09 and W. True B. von Arnim, scion of an ancient Ger- been on the road for several days, Davis, Jr. '41. Forty members of the man family, spoke on'' What of Germany speaking at Club parties and interview- Cornell Club of Omaha, Nebr., greeted and Europe After the War?" ing prospective Freshmen in company him at a dinner at the Blackstone Hotel, Cornell Club of New York was given with alumni. managed by Edward T. Schimmel 'Z7. over April 11 to its annual "Cornell Roderic B. Crane 'zz, president of the Day" for boys of secondary schools from Professors Meet Many Club, arranged for him to talk with the Metropolitan District. Eighty-five Among the seventy-five persons at a students at three schools. With Warren came for two sessions, afternoon and meeting of the Cornell Club of the W. Fisk 'Z7, president of the Cornell evening, with Professor Adams speaking Lehigh Valley, April 1, to whom Pro- Club of Minneapolis, Min., he visited on the University, motion pictures fessor Adams brought the latest news of West High School there, April 3. shown by Ashbery, and individual con- the University were fourteen under- ferences with Professors Adams, Lewis, graduates and their fathers. After dinner Cover Metropolitan Area Rideout, Jordan, Howard B. Meek, at the Livingston Club in Allentown, Cornell Clubs of Elizabeth, Plainfield, Hotel Administration, and Director Pa., the speaker was introduced by and Westfield, N. J., joined with the William L. Malcolm, PhD '37, Civil Alexander L. Brodhead '95, president of Lackawanna Cornell Club to invite boys Engineering, and Dr. Eugene F. Brad- the Club. Charles L. Beckwith '15 out- from high schools and preparatory ford, Director of Admissions. "Between lined the Club's Cornell Day plans, and schools of the vicinity and some home acts," Carl Schraubstader 'Z5 entertained Charles E. Grimes Ίo told of the value from others to a record-breaking "get- at the piano. of Club membership. Thirty-five alumni wise" party of zoo, March Z7, at the and about as many boys heard Professor Beechwood Hotel in Summit, run by Ben- Cornell Day Program Adams at a smoker of the Cornell Club jamin B. Adams '35. With Daniel T. Gil- Cornell Day in Ithaca will begin Fri- of Delaware, April z, at the DuPont martin, Jr. Ί8 as master of ceremonies, day, May z, with arrival of boys invited Country Club, Wilmington. He was brief talks were given by Professor Adams by Clubs and fraternities, and their introduced by John M. Clark '19, presi- on Agriculture; Director William A. registration in Willard Straight Hall. dent of the Club. Next evening, the Lewis, Engineering; and Professor Blanch- There the boys will be introduced to Cornell Club of Washington, D. C, had ard L.Rideout, PhD '36,Arts and Sciences. their undergraduate hosts and taken to forty boys and forty-three alumni at its After songs by an undergraduate quartet the fraternity houses where they will be secondary school party. April 4, after from the Glee Club and motion pictures guests. Alumni "chauffeurs" who regis- dinner with fifteen members of the Cor- shown and explained by Ray S.
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