145-147 HIGH STREET DORKING PLANNING STATEMENT PREPARED BY PEGASUS GROUP | SHEET ANCHOR EVOLVE LTD | JULY 2016 | LON.0267 JUNE 2016 | JEB/HT| LON.0267 PLANNING STATEMENT 145-147 HIGH STREET, DORKING, RH4 1AQ ON BEHALF OF SHEET ANCHOR EVOLVE LTD TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE ACT 2004 Prepared by: HT/JEB Pegasus Group 23 Hanover Square | London | W1S 1JB T 0203 705 8060 | W www.pegasuspg.co.uk Birmingham | Bracknell | Bristol | Cambridge | Cirencester | East Midlands | Leeds | London | Manchester ©Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Limited 2011. The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Limited Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement CONTENTS: Page No: 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 2 3. PLANNING HISTORY 4 4. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5 5. PLANNING POLICY POSITION 7 6. PLANNING ASSESSMENT 12 7. CONCLUSION 21 APPENDICES: APPENDIX 1: PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA APPENDIX 2: TRAIN SERVICES MAP AND TIMETABLE APPENDIX 3: BUS SERVICES MAP AND TIMETABLE MAY 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Statement has been prepared by Pegasus Group on behalf of Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd (‘the Applicant’) in support of a planning application for the extension to the first and second floors to accommodate nine apartments which include seven 2-bedroom flats and two, 1-bedroom flats at Nos.145-147 High Street, Dorking, RH4 1AQ. 1.2 This planning application seeks permission for development for the following: “Rear and Second floor extension to No.145-147 High Street, Dorking to create 9 No. one and two bedroom apartments, with a new residential access on the High Street and associated cycle and refuse storage.” Application Pack 1.3 In accordance with the Council’s validation checklist, this full planning application comprises: Planning Application Forms, Certificates and Notices duly completed; Site Location Plan; Floorplans and Elevations (Existing and Proposed); and CIL Question Form. Report Structure 1.4 Section 2 of this Statement provides the context for this planning application. Section 3 summarises the planning history. Section 4 provides a description of the application proposals. Section 5 sets out the planning policy position and Section 6 provides an assessment of the proposals against the relevant planning policy and other material considerations. Section 7 sets out the conclusion. JUNE 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Page | 1 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement 2. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 2.1 The Site is situated on the northern side of the High Street, within Dorking Town Centre. 2.2 Nos.145-147 fronts onto the High Street, designated within the Primary Shopping Frontage. Nos.145-147 High Street is a three storey building located on the corner of High Street and Mill Lane, Dorking, with Class A1 (Shops) on the ground floor and vacant residential accommodation on the upper floors (Class C3). 2.3 High Street, Dorking has a mix of uses at ground floor level including Class A1 (shops), Class A2 (financial and professional services) and Class A3 (restaurant and cafes). On the upper floors, it is predominately-residential accommodation (Class C3). 2.4 Photographs of the site and surrounding area are included within Appendix 1. APPENDIX 1 – PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA 2.5 Dorking High Street is a busy two-lane road, expanding in front of the site into four lanes and connects east and west Dorking. It leads directly on to A25 and subsequently to A24, A3 and M23. 2.6 To the north of the site lie existing residential properties known as Ansell Cottages, which are accessed off Ansell Road. Ansell Road is a short residential road, which serves as a car park for residents of Ansell Cottages and a fire escape route for the building on the application site. 2.7 To the east of the site beyond Mill Lane is St Martin’s Walk Shopping Centre. Mill Lane is a busy road with passing traffic with no shops or activity. To the west of the site are retail properties and to the south is High Street where the main commercial activity in Dorking takes place. 2.8 The site lies within the boundary of Dorking Conservation Area. It is not statutory nor locally listed. The site is located an “area of architectural importance” albeit the buildings on site have no significant importance. 2.9 Dorking Town Centre is highly accessible area. In terms of surrounding facilities, Dorking Railway Station is approximately 0.7 miles away and there are numerous bus stops serving the local area situated along High Street. JUNE 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Page | 2 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement 2.10 A review of the Environment Agency’s website identifies the site as being within Flood Zone 1, which has the lowest probability of flooding (less than 1 in 1,000 (0.1%) chance in any given year). JUNE 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Page | 3 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement 3. PLANNING HISTORY 3.1 A search of Mole Valley District Council’s online planning database has revealed a number of applications that refer to the upperfloors of Nos.145-147 High Street, Dorking. The applications of relevance are listed below. Ref. DOR/4659B – An amendment to the Mill lane elevation extension – Granted 13/08/1968 Ref. DOR/4418 – Demolition of 149/153 and the incorporation into 145-147 High Street Dorking – Granted 05/05/1966 Ref. DOR/1137 – Addition of first floor and extension of basement – Granted 04/12/1954 JUNE 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Page | 4 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement 4. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 4.1 It is proposed to extend Nos.145-147 High Street at the second floor and change the use of the first floor to create nine residential apartments. There will be five flats on the first floor and four flats on the second floor. It is proposed to create a new shop frontage on the ground floor of the Mill Lane elevation and to the High Street to allow access to residential units. 4.2 In addition to the above, the majority of the apartments will have their own amenity space in the form of private balcomies, with the exception of apartment 2 and apartment 7. Both of these apartments have been oversized to compensate for lack of amenity space. 4.3 A dedicated refuse and waste store will be provided alongside secure cycle parking spaces at the ground floor level. The refuse store would be serviced from High Street. 4.4 With regard to energy, allowance has been made for the provision of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the proposed extension. Provision has also been made for the provision of water devices to ensure no more than 110 L water per person per day shall be consumed. 4.5 Given the sustainable location of the application site, within a town centre location, the proposed development would be car free. 4.6 Table 1 below provides a schedule of the proposed residential accommodation; all of which exceed the nationally prescribed residential space standards. Table 1 – Proposed Apartment Sizes Flat No Proposed (sq.m) Flat 1 82.5 sq.m (with terrace) Flat 2 67 sq.m Flat 3 81.6 sq.m (with terrace) Flat 4 83.3 sq.m (with terrace) JUNE 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Page | 5 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement Flat No Proposed (sq.m) Flat 5 83.3 sq.m (with terrace) Flat 6 91 sq.m (with terrace) Flat 7 67 sq.m Flat 8 85.8 sq.m (with terrace) Flat 9 86.9 sq.m (with terrace) Total 728.4 sq.m (inc terraces) JUNE 2016 | HT/JEB | LON.0267 Page | 6 Sheet Anchor Evolve Ltd 145-147 High Street, Dorking Planning Statement 5. PLANNING POLICY POSITION 5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning applications to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. In this instance, the Development Plan for the proposal comprises the Mole Valley Local Plan (2000); Mole Valley Core Strategy (2009); and Dorking Town Area Action Plan (2012). 5.2 Other material considerations include the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2012), the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG); and the Mole Valley Built-up Character Appraisal SPD (2010). 5.3 The following policy is considered of relevance in the determination of this application. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 5.4 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in March 2012 sets out the Government’s overarching policies for the planning system with the aim of ensuring that the planning system helps to achieve sustainable development. 5.5 Paragraph 14 confirms that a presumption in favour of sustainable development is at the heart of the NPPF, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan making and decision taking. Developments that accord with the Development Plan should be approved immediately. 5.6 The core principles of the NPPF states that local planning authorities should “proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes … that the country needs” and “encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high environmental value”.
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