THE HOjjffi PAPER TWELVE PAGES PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1928 $1.50 PER YEAR ------------- - - ■ - -r---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Little Glimpses o f America — — ... By Albert T. Reid I PLYMOUTH DEBATES ___ 1 FISH HATCHERY c o n NORTHVILLE T0NI6HT WITH A HEW HUME GETS APPRQPRUTIOH Mrs. Mary Zollinger, nee Mary Kel­ Tonight at 7:45 Plymouth High logg. daughter of the late Joel and irhool debates Northville in Northville APPROPRIATION TO BE USED TO AIR RIFLE CO, Delia Kellogg of Plymouth, passed high school auditorium. Plymouth INCREASE SCOPE OF WORK. IN THE AIR RIFLE away at her home in Indianapolis. has the affirmative side of the proposi-j , CHANGES ITS NAME TO Inti.. Monday. Mrs. Zollinger war a. ‘'Resolved, that Hie direct pri- j years of age. and was born on r.v system of nominating candidates i MANUFACTURING CO. Au appropriation of $22,000 has been present site of the Hotel Mayflo for public office should bo abolished. obtained for additions and improve­ Her husband. Col. Charles A. Zollinger The Plymouth team who will debate ments at the Fluted States fish hatch­ in name and the re­ preceded her in death forty yea tonight. January 13th. are Until Root. ery at Northville. it was announced" action of one of Plymouth’s For fifteen years he served as Harold Hubert and Franklin Atkin- yesterday. The money 1ms been grunt­ ; and oldest industrial enter- o f F ort W ayn e. I ml. son. T o p repare for tin N o rth v ille ed through the efforts of Representa­ f has just taken place. The dob.-iu . P lym ou th iiis had three prae- The deceased leaves two daughters. tive Grant M. Hudson, who obtained [ which has operated under lic e <1 •bales during th e pa> tw o w eek s Miss Mamie Zollinger and Mrs. Mary the appropriation committee's approv­ .» <>f the Markham Air Rifle w ith C en tral I lij- ll sclioi 1. Detroit1: Turner, liesiiles two brothers. Dougho al. • for the past forty-two years Ypsil: mi Central. ■nid Pei n< late. Kellogg of Plymouth and Lucius «*f J Tin- mouey will l>e used to increase known as the Kiiijc Mantl­ So far tills seast li th e I y m o n th de- IH-lrnit. and two sisters. Mrs. J. It. 1 the scop-- of work now lieing done. A ing Company.' The Markham bii.lel‘> ha ve won i M-ir tw i d eh a tes in S u m n er o f D etro it, and M rs. Ida Ta.fl't | new building for housing employes is Company, pioneers in tin­ Ilie S aic series. Novem *er 19. our t.f Plymouth. Mrs. Zollinger Wii< ; planned. A public rest room for visit­ cture of air rifles, was leillii c o n sistin g >f lia r . Id H ubert. lady greatly U'loved by till wlm knew ors. additional |Minds for fish fry and | by W. F. Markham in 1886. Ida. Leon: B eyer and Franklin Atkinson her. The interment took a fish exhibit patterned after the Belle tBiness grew from a very small ill •fell t d Fnrdsnii it Ford son. 3 to D. Fort Wayne. Ind. I<lc display at Detroit are included ' until its products were Itecci Iter sill, tin sa m e i ■am detVai- 1). A. Kellogg of this place th e i-ojec | all oyer the world. ill Ki ver Rouge II igli lien . 2 to t. the funeral services. It is the intent ion of SniK-rintendent 'trademark of the company be­ Tin Norihville-Plyinoiitl d eb a te to- William Thayer not only to use the lt* wn for so many years as night will lie a • u se coi test. Drive appropriation to increase the value of it was thought advisable to over o Xorthville and lid i our Plym- i the name of the company to the hatchery, hut to make it more at­ 1 also for advertising purposes. FUNERAL OF MRS. tractive to the increasing number of !■ company has splendid pros- tourists and sightseers who visit it. |: f<*r a most prosiierous year MARY CHAPPEL The water us»><l lit the Northville sta­ £j928, and expects to show an tion fo r fish pro]M>gath>u com es from BANKS HOLD STOCK­ flowing springs and necessitates no e in the nnmber of employes at June 11. 1S45, a little girl came to p u m ping. 1 Jant. When yon hear the Robert and Charlotte Osborne at Port HOLDERS’ MEETINGS The Northville station is the head­ [Tblow now it will be the King Hope. Ontario, whom they named quarters for all the federal fish ac ­ 1 of the Markham, which has Mary Anne. While still a child, her tivities in Michigan. Branch stations c familiar sound here for many parents moved to what was then a Tin- annual stockholders meeting of are at Alixuin and Charlevoix.— De­ new country near Collingwood on the the Plymouth United Savings, Bank troit Free Press. I following are the officers of Georgian Buy. In 1M63. the family was held at the office of the hank, . iny• came to Canton township, where in Tuesday afternoon. The following j Ident—E. S. Roe. 1871. Mary Osborne became the bride I ward of directors was elected: J. W. NEW BUSINESS M EN ’S CLUB fe-Fsecddent and General Man- of Lester Chappel. taking up family Henderson, E. O. Hough. L. W. Good- F. Valentine.' life in Dayton. Ohio, where three chil­ enough. C. M. Mather. E. O. Huston, The Business Men's Club i» th e ^Secretary and Treasurer—Cass S. dren were born. Mary B. Hull of To­ DAISY COMPANY W. It. Shaw. P. W. Voorhies, Edward name of a new organization that h as ledo, Robert O. of Plymouth, and the G ayde. C. It. T a ll wit, t \ A. F ish er. E. taken over the club rooms fo rm erly above officers, together with late Lieut. Charles F. ANNUAL MEETIN6 K. Bennett. F. 1>. Schrader. L. B. Tlic following officers for Tonquish conducted by the Chamber o f Gam- H. Bennett and E. C. Hough, con- She passed peacefully away at the S an iscn . Lodge No. 32. I. O. O. F.. have l*een mem' in the rooms over the Comm un­ the board of directors. home of her daughter in Toledo. Jan­ Following the stockholders meeting, installed for the ensuing year: At the annual stockholders meeting ity Pharmacy. i j. Barrows is superintendent uary 2, 1928. aged 82 years, six months In the death of Ammon Warner, the newly elected board of directors 1*. G.—Archie Meddaugh of the Daisy Mfg. Co., held at the Tli(' Chamber of Commecee hav® l the plant. and 21 days. Funeral services were which occurred at his home in this met and elected the following officers: X. G.—Robert Todd company's offices January 10th, the moved their office to a room in th e held at the Schrader Bros. Funei.i* village Friday, Jalytary 6th, 1928. President—C. A. Fisher V. <».— A llen W em p following hoard of diroi <)»}. was Hotel Mayflower block on West A nn'” Home, Thursday, January 5th, Rev. Plymouth loses another of her well Vice-President—J. W. Henderson Itec. Sj.-fj c. A, Hearn elected for the ensuing year: <?. H. Arbor street, which they will occupy H. P. Marley of Toledo, officiating, known and highly respected citizens, V ice-P resid en t— <'. O. B all. Fin. See. —Vretf. Wrtgejuichntx Bennett. E. C. Hough, fteorge together with the Merchants Seryijge ASSQGIATIQH assisted by Mrs. W. S. Bake, soloist, and a lifelong resident of Wayne I Cashier—E. K. Bennett Treas.—F._S. Wilson ‘ * Bureau office. “ and M rs. J. T. Chapman at the organ. oodat^. He was a prominent farmer | Hunter and W. T. Conner, ■ V 'Awft Cashier—R. A. Fislier Warder—Wesley G.. Evans The officers of the nj*^ organized HOL0S ANNUAL MEETING Burial took place In Riverside ceme­ 1 n township for many years. The hoard of_jJirvi^uj^ elected th e BMUgh Mgr.—F. J. Pierce * Cond.-rr-Albert Fisher nlub, w liich JiORa nifSlWrehip o f a te r y , beside her husband. an' active member of the foilowipflf iTacers: Chaplain— Alliert Trinkaus sixty, are as follcws: Mary Osborne Chappel's long life ffm ee and was a member of the President —i\ II. Bennett annual meeting' of the stock- I. G.—Moritz Langendam. Jr. PreHideut-^Wjn. j. Harrows was one of rich experience, and a help school board of his district for more The annual •. stockholders' meeting v t the Plymouth Home Bnild- O. G.—Earl King Vice-Pros., Treas.—E. C. Hough V ice-Indent—Harry Shattuck to many, for with a marvelous mem­ than thirty years. of the First v\3rtifion«l Bank of lon was held at the office It. S. N. G.—Earl Gray Secretary—George W. Hunter See.-TVeas.— Hannon Smith ory to tell of her life as a (laughter, Ammon Warner, son of Erastus Plymouth was held .fit the bank _ association Monday evening, L. S. N. <!.—W. McViccar Asst. Treas.—W. B. Lombard granddaughter, sister, wife, mother, and Olive Patten Warner, was born Tuesday afternoon. The following y the following directors were R. S. V. (1.— Harold Anderson and grandmother from pioneering, to in Nankin township, Wayne county, Supt.—W. J. Burrows hoard of directors was elected for the for the ensuing year : William L. S. V. G.—Percy Gntts E a s t e r n s t a r i n i t i a t i o n a n d modern comforts, never once shirking November 4th, 1849.
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