\. WIDNES, APPLETON, BOLD, DITTON, FARNWORTH, HALE BANK, HOUGH GREEN AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. WIDKES is a manufacturing town and township on the banks 7.50 p.m. (general nigh~ mail). There are three deliveries by- of the Mersey, and was formed into a parish May 17, 1859, from I town postmen, commencmg at 7 a.m. 12.45 & 4 p.m the civil parish of Prescot; it is 6 miles south-wes~ from W"r- Post & M. O. O. S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, rington, 5 south fr0:n Prescot, 13 so~tJ:t-.east from Live::pool ,:n!'l 148 Wldnes road.--'-Mrs. Jane Edwards, ,sub-postmistress. Le~- 184 from London, ill the Widne. divIsIOn of the county, CIVil ters from all parts dispatched at 9.40 & 11.25 a.m. & 2.2a, parish and unbu of Prescot, hundred of West Derby, Prescot 740 & 9 5 pill petty sessional division, county court district of St. Helens, . .. rural dear:ery of Prescot, archdeaconry of Warrington and diocese Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & AnnUity & Insurance Offi~e, of Liverr;ool: there are stations here ou the London and North 8 Mersey road.-James Watter,son, sub-postmaster.. Letters ills- Western and Cheshire Lides railways, the last of which, opened patched at 9.30 & 11.15 a.m. & 2.30, 7.25 & 9.5 p.m in 1891, is on the loop line between Sankey and HDugh Green; Town Sub-Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, these afford a ready means of access to the Lr:ncashire coal Halton View.-Philip E. Evans, sub-postmaster. Letters dis- fields,..the salt works of Cheshire and tt.e port of ~iverpool. The patched at 9.20 a.m. & 2, 7.5 & 8.50 p.ll. except sundays rown adopted the "Local Government Act, 18a8," August 1, 1865 but en May 26th, 1893, it was incorporated by Royal Charter, County Magistrates. the borough b~ing divided intD. six wards, tJ:te counc!1 consisting .. • .. .. .. ·of a mayor, six aldermen ana. eighteen councillcrs. The Corpora- Wldnes is par, of the Prescot petty. sessIOnal. diViSiOn, slttmgs tion own the gas and water works supplying the town: the are held at the Court house, VICtona road, Widues, every d~y at water, of which there is an abundant supply, is pumped from 10.30 a.m. except mondays & thursdays, when the court Sits at deep wells at DittGn and Little Woolton. The church of St. 11 a.m Mary, erected in 1856, is a plain building of stone, consisting Perkins Hugh esq. 17 Fulwell park, Liverpool (chairman) Df char:eel, nave, two western por?h?s and an ~astern turret Birchall John esq. Oaklands, Rainhill containing one bell: there are 42~ sittmgs, ?O.O be~ng fre.e. The Blackburne Robert Ireland esq. Hale hall, Hale register dates from the lear ~8a6. The l:vmg '.S a vlO:tnge. Brock John esq. Abercromby square, Liverpool gross yearly value £330, mcludmg glebe, With reSIdence, JD the Cotham A. Walmsley esq. Springfield, Eccleston, St. Helens gift of trustees, and held since 1893 by th~ ~ev. W. H?dg~on Deacon Henry Wade esq. Appleton hDuse, Widnes M.A. of Merton College, Oxford. St. Ambrose s .is an eCCleSiastical Gaskell Holbrook esq. Woolton Wood, Liverpool Darish fermed November 7, 1884, from the pansh of Farn,,:"orth; Gaskell Holbrook esq. jun. Clayton lodge, Aigburth, Liverpool the church, ereoted in 1883, is of brick and terra cotta '!l the Gaskell Lieut.-Col. James Bellhouse, Roseleigh, Woolton, L'pool Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave and ai~les: Gossage Frederick Herbert esq. Camp hill, Wooltclll, Liverpool the~e are 520 sittings. The register dates from th.e year.•884. GO~i'age W. W. esq. 13 Hargreaves road, Sefton Park The living is a vicr:rage, ne.t yearly value £200, WIth .reSidence Lister John esq. Bilsil grange, West Derby (rece .. tly erected), III th., gift of trustees, and held smce 1888 Mather Ellis ESq. Sandfield West Derby by the Rev. GeorgE> Antonius L~ Ber.t B.:~. Df Tr~ty O.)l1e%"", :Muspratt Edm'l:ld Knowles' esq.'Seaforth hall, !..iverpool Dublin, and surrogate. ~t. PaUls, VlCt::m.a road, l.n the parish Pilkingtclll George esq. Stoneleig'h, WOQlton, Liverpool (If St. ~ary, and opened I? 1884" is a bU.lJ~llg of bnck and terra Pilkington William Lees esq. Huyton, Liverpool .. cotta III the Early English style, consistlllg of chancel, nave, Stapleton-Bretherton Fredk. esq. The Hall, Ramhill, 'Prescot aisles and south pQrch,. wit!J- sittings for ?50, all free: the cJ;lUrch Stone John esq. The Orchard, Huyton, Liverpool will ultimately have a portion of the parish of St. Mary asslgn<:d Timmis H. S. Beechwood road, Aigburth to it: it is served by the clergy of St. Marl's. 'I]h<: Cath~hc Timmis Thomas Sutton esq. Cleveley, Allerton, Liverpool ehurch of St. Mary, in Lugsdale road, opened m 186~, is a bnck _. , bUilding in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, Clerk to the Magistrates, Castle Spenceley,.St. Paul s c~a.mbers; north porch and a turret containing one bell, and will seat 650. Victoria. roa~ ; deputy, Charles Henry Lewm, St. Paul s cham­ St. Patrick's Catholic church, West Bank street, built in 1888, is bers, VICtona road of brick in the Gothic style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a turret .cuntaining one bell: it will seat 600. Corporation 1894-95. The Congregational. Church, at Simms' cross, is a building in the Mayor-Samuel Sadler. Gothic style, and will seat about 500 persons: there are also Primitive Methodist and Welsh Congregational chapels, and a Aldermen. Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1863. The Drill hall of the H 'IfFrederick Herbert Gossage i-Samnel S~d!er . company of the 2nd Volunteer BattaEon, The Prince of Wales's 'IfJames Tilley tJohn WJ:"~tmghamWareing. Volunteers (So"th' Lancashire Regiment), built in. 1?73, is of 'IfHenry Sutton Timmis tJolm Williamson brick, with a central tower flanked by two smaller; It IS 100 feet long by 50 feet wide, and attached to it are an armoury, .an CDuncillors. entertaining room and drill sergeant's quarters. The fire statiOn and cottages for the firemen are in Lacey street. Widnes. is the FarnwDrth Ward. Victoria Ward. principal seat of the manufacture of alkalies and soap; cDpper :j:Thomas Shuttleworth :j:Henry Singleton smelting is also carried on here and there are iron works, t Peter Longton tHugh O'DDnnell foundries, limestune mills, oil and paint and locomotive and "'Charles Edward Barlow "'Samuel Quinn waggon grease works. The Fever Hosptal, Crow Wood, erected in . Halton Ward. Waterloo Ward. 1887 at a cost of £4,500, is available fDr 26 patients. " Tueller's :j:David Wright :j:Thomas Carney Girder," a wrought-iro:l bridge over the river Mersey, connecting tWilliam Christie tHenry Benjamin Shores Lancashire with ChE,shire, was completed in 1868 and is 1,000 feet "'Thomas Allen Bul10ugh *Charles Hemmingway .. ' long and 95 feet in height above high-water mark, being sup­ Simms' Cross Ward. West Bank Ward. ported over the river by two stone piers, E>ach 80 feet in depth :j:8amuel Owens :j:William Hodgkinson by 30 feet in width, placed 300 feet apart in mid-channel, thus tGeorge Ingram Neil tWilliam Winwood Gossage form,ng three openings Df 300 feet, exclusive of piers and *George Davies *Thomas Smith abutments: there are two lines of railway and one footway for Marked thus '* retire in 1897. passengers. The representatives of the late John Hutchinson Marked thus t retire in: 1895. are lords of the manor, and W. Wright, the trustees of J. Marked thus :j: retire in 1896. Hutchinson, J. Shaw Leigh and J. BeTho<1ee esqr,s. are the chief Marked thus ~ retire in 1898. landowners. The soil· is clayey and the subsoil is of a sandy nature. The acreage is 3,339, of which 314 are water; rateable The Council meet 2nd tuesday of eooh mDnth at 3 p.m. value, £152,592; the population in 1871 was 14,359, and in 1891, 30,011. Officers of the Corporation. Parish Clerk and Sexton, John Jessop. Municipal Offices, Town Hall, Victoria road. A technical school is now (1894) in course of erection, .in T;N; 20. Victcria road; the estimated cost is about £12,000. Town Clerk, Henry Samuel Oppenheim Assistant Town Clerk, Thomas Craik Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Borough Treasurer., John Dun, Parr's Banking Co. & The Alliance Widnes n·ad.-Joseph Ison, postmaster. Letters are dispatched Bank Limited at 5, 6, 8.50, 9.30, 10, 10.20 & 1.1.45 a.m. 12.30, 12.50, 1, 2, Borough Accountant, Samuel Hoyle 3.15, 3.30, 5.40, 9.45 & 10 p.m. (general night mail); sundays, Dillef Clerk, James Woodend WIDNES 1 2 WIDNES. [SLATER'S Medical Officer of Health..Tnhn 1fcKaughten O'Keeffe L.RC.P. I junior girls, 207; infant" 4.50; (senior boys) T~10mas Sh?w~n, Edin. Brendan' house, Widnes road master' (senior o-irls) M,SS JessIe Venables, mIstress; (Julllor Borough Surveyor, John Sma,t Sinclair A.M.I.C.E boys) Miss M. E~ Naylor, mistress; (junior girls) Miss E. C. Assistant Surveyor, Thomas Hughes Moore, mistress; (infants) Miss J. E. N. Lloyu, mistress Borough Rate Collectors, Charles Whitfield & J chn Drury Warrington Hoad (mbred & infant~), built in 1876,. for .830 iN"uisance Inspector, Walter Lowe children; average attendance, semor boys, 2.07; semor grrls, Assistant Nuisance Inspector, John Shepherd 132; junior mb<:ed, 114; .
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