CURRICULUM VITAE The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Kyrana Tsapkini, PhD June 1st, 2020 DEMOGRAPHIC AND PERSONAL INFORMATION Current Appointments 2020- present Associate Professor, Department of Neurology (primary appointment), Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 2020- present Associate Professor, Department of Cognitive Science (joint appointment), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Personal Data Department of Neurology Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Phipps 488 600 North Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 21287, USA Phone: (+) 1-410-614-2646 E-mail: [email protected] Education and Training Undergraduate 1992 BA in Psychology, Education and Philosophy with Major in Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Graduate 1995-2001 MA in Psychology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA PhD in Neuropsychology, Biomedical Sciences Program, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Canada, directed by Prof. Gonia Jarema; Honors, highest distinction: upper 5% of the Université de Montréal Post-Doctoral 2001-2002 Postdoctoral fellow, Linguistics Department, Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM, Canada, under Prof. Anne-Marie DiSciullo, (Asymmetry Project Valorisation Recherche Québec) 2002-2003 Postdoctoral fellow, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Canada, under Prof. Alain Ptito and Denise Klein, fMRI training for language research (Fonds de la Recherche en Sante Quebec, FRSQ) Professional Experience 1996-2001 Research Assistant, Université de Montréal, Canada. Responsibilities included neuropsychological testing of aphasic populations in Montreal, Canada, and in Thessaloniki, Greece, to fulfill the requirements of my PhD dissertation in standard neuropsychological and neurolinguistic batteries. Research was a component of the MCRI (Major Collaborative Research Initiative) Project (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant #412-95-0006 awarded to Gonia Jarema, Université de Montréal, Eva Kehayia, McGill University, and Gary Libben, University of Alberta). 2003-2009 Lecturer in Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 2005-2009 Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University 2009-2013 Research Associate, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 2013-2015 Instructor, Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 2015-2020 Assistant Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (primary) 2018-2020 Assistant Professor of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University (joint) 2020-present Associate Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (primary) 2020-present Associate Professor of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University (joint) PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Original Research [OR] (mentees are underlined) 1. Jarema G, Busson C, Nikolova R, Tsapkini K, Libben G. Processing compounds: A cross-linguistic study. Brain Lang. 1999 Jun 1-15;68(1-2):362-369. 2. Kehayia E, Jarema G, Tsapkini K, Perlak D, Ralli A, Kadzielawa D. The role of morphological structure in the processing of compounds: interface between linguistics and psycholinguistics. Brain Lang. 1999 Jun 1-15;68(1- 2):370-377. 3. Tsapkini K, Kehayia E, Jarema G. Does phonological change play a role in the recognition of derived forms across modalities? Brain Lang. 1999 Jun 1-15;68(1-2): 318-323. 4. Tsapkini K Jarema G, Kehayia E. Regularity revisited: Evidence from lexical access of verbs and nouns in Greek Brain Lang. 2002 Apr-Jun;81:103-119. 5. Tsapkini K, Jarema G, Kehayia E. Regularity re-revisited: Modality matters. Brain Lang. 2004 Jun;89;611-6 6. Tsapkini K, Jarema G, DiSciullo AM. The role of configurational asymmetry in the lexical access of prefixed verbs: Evidence from French. Brain Lang. 2004 Jul-Sep;90: 143-150. 7. Kosmidis ME, Tsapkini K, Folia V, Vlachou CH, Kiosseoglou G. Semantic and phonological processing in illiteracy. J Internat Neuropsycholog Soc. 2004 Oct;10:818-827. 8. Ypsilanti A, Grouios G, Alevriadou A, Tsapkini K. Expressive and receptive vocabulary in children with Williams and Down syndromes. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2005 May;49(Pt 5):353-364. 9. Emmanuil Α, Tsapkini Κ, Rudolph J. Deep dyslexia in a language of shallow orthography: Evidence from Greek. Hellenic J Psychol. 2006;14:1-34. (article in Greek) 10. Kosmidis ME, Tsapkini K, Folia V. Lexical processing in illiteracy: Effect of literacy or education? Cortex. 2006 Oct;42(7):1021-1027. 11. Tsapkini K, Vivas A, Triarchou L. Does ‘Broca’s area exist?’ Christofredo Jakob’s 1906 response to Pierre Marie’s holistic stance. Brain Lang. 2008 Jun;105(3):211-219. 12. Andreou C, Tsapkini K, Bozikas V, Giannakou M, Karavatos A, Nimatoudis I. Effects of sentence context on lexical ambiguity resolution in patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 2009 Mar;47(4):1079-1087. 13. Fyndanis V, Varlokosta S, Tsapkini K. Integrating representational and processing accounts in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from Greek verbal inflection. J Neurolinguistics. 2010;23:644-662. 14. Tsapkini K, Rapp B. The orthography-specific functions of the left fusiform gyrus: evidence of modality and category specificity. Cortex. 2010 Feb:46(2):185-205. 15. Paraskevopoulos E, Tsapkini, K, & Peretz, I. Cultural aspects of music perception: Validation of a Greek version of the Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusias. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2010 Jul;16(4):695-704. 16. Tsapkini K, Vlachou CH, Potagas C. Adaptation and validation of standardized aphasia tests in different languages: Lessons from the BDAE-Short Form in Greek. Behav Neurol. 2010;22(3-4):111-119. 17. Sepelyak K, Crinion J, Molitoris J, Epstein-Peterson Z, Bann M, Davis C, Newhart M, Heidler-Gary J, Tsapkini K, Hillis A. Patterns of breakdown in spelling in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Cortex. 2011 Mar;47(3):342-352. 18. Tsapkini K, Vindiola M, Rapp B. Patterns of brain reorganization subsequent to left fusiform damage: fMRI evidence form visual processing of words and pseudowords, faces and objects. Neuroimage, 2011 Apr 1;55:1357- 1372. 19. Peristeri E, Tsapkini K. A comparison of the BAT and the BDAE-SF batteries in determining the linguistic ability of Greek-speaking patients with Broca’s aphasia. Clin Linguist Phon. 2011 Jun;25(6-7):464-479. 20. Tsapkini K, Frangakis C, Hillis AE. The function of the left anterior temporal lobe: evidence from acute stroke and infarct volume. Brain, 2011 Oct;134(Pt 10):3094-3105. 21. Fyndanis V, Varlokosta S, Tsapkini K. Agrammatic production: Interpretable features and selective impairment in verb inflection. Lingua, 2012 Aug;122(10):1134-1147. 22. Epstein-Peterson Z, Faria A, Mori S, Hillis A, Tsapkini K. Relatively normal repetition performance despite severe disruption of the left arcuate fasciculus. Neurocase, 2012;18(6):521-526. 23. Faria A, Crinion J, Tsapkini K, Newhart M, Davis C, Cooley S, Mori S, Hillis A. Patterns of dysgraphia in primary progressive aphasia compared to post-stroke aphasia. Behav Neurol. 2013;26(1-2):21-34. 24. Tsapkini K, Hillis AE. Spelling intervention in post-stroke aphasia and primary progressive aphasia. Behav Neurol. 2013;26(1):55-66. 25. Peristeri E, Tsimpli IM, Tsapkini K. The on-line processing of unaccusativity in Greek agrammatism. J Appl Psycholing., 2013;34:233-276. (doi: 10.1017/S0142716411000683). 26. Fyndanis V, Varlokosta S, Tsapkini K. (Morpho)syntactic comprehension in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from Greek. Aphasiology, 2013;27:398-419. (doi: 10.1080/02687038.2013.770817). 27. Race DS, Tsapkini K, Crinion J, Newhart M, Davis C, Gomez Y, Hillis AE, Faria AV. An area essential for linking word meanings to word forms: Evidence from Primary Progressive Aphasia. Brain Lang. 2013 Nov;127(2):167-176. 28. Jarso S, Li M, Faria AV, Davis C, Leigh R, Sebastian R, Tsapkini K, Mori S, Hillis AE. Distinct mechanisms and timing of language recovery after stroke. Cogn Neuropsychol, 2013;30(7-8):454-475. 29. Tsapkini K, Peristeri E, Tsimpli IM, Jarema G. Morphological decomposition in Broca’s aphasia. Aphasiology, 2014; 34:233-276. 30. Tsapkini K, Frangakis C, Gomez Y, Davis C, Hillis AE. Augmentation of spelling therapy with transcranial direct current stimulation in primary progressive aphasia: Preliminary results and challenges. Aphasiology. 2014;28(8-9):1112-1130. 31. Sebastian R, Saxena S, Tsapkini K, Faria A, Long C, Wright A, Davis C, Tippett D, Mourdoukoutas A, Bikson M, Celnik P, Hillis AE. Cereberal tDCS: A novel approach to augment language treatment post-stroke. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Jan 12;10:695. 32. Peristeri E, Tsimpli IM, Sorace A, Tsapkini K. Language interference and inhibition in early and late successive bilingualism. Lang Cogn. 2017;10: 1-26. doi:10.1017/S1366728917000372. 33. Oeltzschner G, Snoussi K, Puts NA, Mikkelsen M, Harris AD, Pradhan S, Tsapkini K, Schär M, Barker PB, Edden RAE. Effects of eddy currents on selective spectral editing experiments at 3T. J Magnc Reson Imaging. 2018 Mar;47(3):673-681. 34. Ficek B, Wang Z, Zhao Y, Webster K, Desmond J, Hillis A, Frangakis C, Faria A, Caffo B, Tsapkini K. The effect of tDCS in functional connectivity in primary progressive aphasia. NeuroImage: Clin. 2018 May 21;19:703-715. 35. Rofes A, Mandonnet E, de Aguiar V, Tsapkini K, Rapp B, Miceli G. Language processing from the perspective of electrical stimulation mapping. Cogn Neuropsychol. 2018 Jul 12:1-23. 36. Tsapkini K, Webster KT, Ficek BN, Desmond J, Onyike CU, Rapp B, Frangakis CE, Hillis AE. Electrical brain- stimulation in different variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia: A randomized clinical trial. Alzheimers Dement. TRCI. 2018 Sep 5;4:461-472. 37. Riello M, Faria A, Ficek B, Webster K, Onyike CU, Desmond J, Frangakis CE, Tsapkini K. The role of language severity and education in explaining performance on object and action naming in primary progressive aphasia. Front Aging Neurosci. 2018 Oct 30;10:346. 38. Fenner AS, Webster KT, Ficek BN, Frangakis CE, Trapkini K. Written Verb Naming Improves After tDCS Over the Left IFG in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Front Psychol. 2019 Jun 12;10:1396. 39. Rofes A, de Aguiar V, Ficek B, Wendt H., Webster K, Tsapkini K.
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