csc L:ib rary R t. 1 13 Warne ox 1 Ooo r, Ok. Forwarding & Address Correction Requested Onty PHID BULK RHTE PERffiIT # 17 WRRilER, OK 71169 Vol. Vlll Issue 2 FIVE STAR NEWS Wedntsday, November 3, 1993 Ten Pages City sewer lines Area residents celebrate the Halloween spirit! NSU hosts Continuing Education classes Northeastern Stale University will be holding several Continuing undergo testing Education classes in Muskogee during the month ofNovember. They include For the next several months, the following: smoke testing of the Warner sewer WordPerfect 5.1 Basics. on Saturday. November 6, from 9 am. to 4 system will be conducted by employ­ pm. at theNSU Muskogee Campus. The fee is $60 and the instructor is Jamie ees of the WarnerUtilities Authority. Stocks. This class is designed for those who want lo learn how to use This is being done to find where the WordPerfect 5.1. city sewer needs lo be repaired. It Paper Twist Baskets. on Thursday, November .i. from 6:30 to 9:30 may also reveal breaks in residence . pm. at the NSU Arrowhead Mall location. The fee is$ l O and the instructor lines. All tests will be conducted is Cindy Keeling. This class presents a technique of basket making that during daytime hours. produces very nice decoration pieces. While these arc being con­ Meditation, on Thursdays from November 11 through December 16, ducted, you MAY sec smoke coming from 7 to 8 pm. at the NSU Muskogee Campus. The fee is $-lO and the from lhc sewer manholes, from the instructor is Bhavani lndu. This class presents stress reducing and awareness ground over city sewer lines or your enhancing techniques. own sewer lines. and possibly from Turkc:rs, Pilgrims and Indians, on Saturday. November 6. from JO drain lines in your house. am. to 12 pm. at the NSU Arrowhead Mall location. The fee is $7. inclHding If you have any questions or supplies, and the instrnctor is Sandy Mercu-Culp. This class is a part of the city may be of assistance to you, Youth College designed to inspire the imaginations of children. you may call Warner City Hall at Fund-raising and Basic Grant Writing. on Tuesday, November 2, -ioJ-2896. from I :30 to 4:30 pm. at the NSU Muskogee Campus. The fee is $22 and the instructor is Lisa Finley. This class is dcsigncd to help small businesses and CSC offers organizations increase their resources. Seminar: Stress Management, on Friday, November 5. and Satur­ computer workshop day, November 6, at the NSU Muskogee:: Campus. On Friday. the seminar MUSKOGEE - A specialized will be held from 4:3U to 9:30 pm. and on Saturday. the seminar will be held computer workshop will be offered from 8 am. to 5 pm. The fee for the seminar is $15, and the instrnctor will by Connors StatcCollege's Muskogee be Linda Axlcy, MS, L.P.C. This seminar providcs an over.iew of slress Campus at 12 noon for two weeks on A ghoulish.fig11re esrnrls.1n111er11/11/t1· tltro11gh the PTA .\pook house at /VarnerHigh School fast Saturdaynight. Afany theory, a variety of self-assessments. and an abundance of information on Tuesd<1ys and Thursdays beginning aclults ancf cl11fd1·e11 /tad a good 11111<' 111th all of the eene creatures wllhin tin confines of the school. basic approaches for coping with stress. November 9 and ending November For more information. contact Northeastern Stale University at its 18. Muskogee Campus at (918) 68Hlll-l0. "Computer Specialities - In­ troductionto Software Applications" will introduce students to the word Statewide contest held for students processing, data base and spread­ OKLAHOMA CITY - Would you like to experience the thrill of being sheet software while also learning launched in a space shuttle and perform space lab experiments? America's the basicsofcreatingand manipulat­ Challenge. an Oklahoma based non-profitorganization, will give five lucky ing these software types. youths just that chance in it's first annual "Shoot For The Stars" contest. For word processing, students Winners will be sponsored by America's Challenge to atlend the Oklahoma will learn how to create, save and Aerospace Academy's Space Camp, located at the University of Oklahoma print a filewhile also utilizing print­ next summer. ing enhancements, such as Oklahoma students age 8 to 18 are eligible and entering is easy. On boldfacing andilalicizing. They will a piece of paper, tell America's Challenge in 75 words or less. "Why r Would also learnhow to create, manipulate, Like To Allend Space Camp". All entries must include the youth's name, save and print simple data base and address, phone number. date of birth, and nmne of the school they attend. spreadsheet files. Mail contest entries to: "Shoot For The Stars". c/o America's Challenge, P.O. Workshop instructor is Ms. Box 890849, Oklahoma City, OK 73189-0849. Entries must be postmarked Sharon Robertson, an adjunct busi­ by December 18, 1993. Winners will be announced January 25, 1994. ness and computer inslrnctor for America's Challenge was organized shortly following the space shuttle CSC, who notes that participants "Challenger" disaster. H's focus is to help educate Oklahoma's youth about should be familiar with operating a space, science and mathematics. America's Challenge has been sponsoring MS-DOS microcomputer before en­ students to the Oklahoma Aerospace Academy for the past three years. For rolling. She is a graduate ofNonh­ more information about the contest. America's Challenge or Oklahoma easternStale University and has ex­ Area residents e11jov tlu:111sel1·es on ,\'alurday as the Warner Parent!Tea,her Association hosted the annual Aerospace Academy, call Michael Raymond. President of Amer!ca's Chal­ perience in the private business sec­ Halloween cam11·al at fli<' h1glt -,c !,on/. lenge, at ( 405) 799-5108. tor in insurance. Enrollment is at 20 I Court St. in Muskogee or at the WarnerCam­ Post hosts dinner, Connors, Vo-Tech reach agreement pus. Tuition is$20 forthe non-credit workshop. garage & bake sale For more information, contact The Warner VFW Post #9152 Dr. Ron Garnerat 687-6747. and the Ladies Auxiliary will have a barbeque dinner, bake sale and ga­ rage sale on Friday, November 5, Winners named! 1993. Webbers Falls Elementary The bake and garage sales will School students. in conjunction with begin at 8 am. Space for the garage Halloween, decorated pumpkins do­ sale will be available for rent. Call nated by River Valley Produce as a 463-2742 or 463-2383 for informa­ school project. They were then judged tion on garage sale space. and the winners then named. Serving of the barbeque dinner They include: Kindergarten - will begin at 11 am. and continue to Katie Girty, 1st, Bobby Ross. 2nd, Webbers Faffs E/e111entm:1 School sfru/enf., decorated pumpkins as a project ?? Delivery is available by calling and Corey Clay, 3rd;Mrs. Coleman's in conj1111clio11 wilh IJallm1·cu1 'J'he,e/11 e/\'e titat are shown werejudged the 463-2398. 1st grade class - Ali Morton. l st, best a111011g all of !he pumpkins decorated. Robert Ward, 2nd, and Nicole Turley, 3rd; Mrs. Carter's 1st grade class - Turkey shoots Josey Armstrong, 1st, Rebecca Scott, Pictured with the signed agreement between CSC and the Kiamichi Area Vo­ 2nd, and Josh Girty, 3rd; Mrs. Rock's scheduled for Nov. Tech are from left, Dr. Carl 0. Westbrook, president of CSC, and Dr. 2nd grade class - Jacquelyn Adams. There will be a turkey shoot at Amanda Copeland, director of Kimnichi Area Vo-Tech. 1st, Nicole Henson, 2nd, and Ashley the Blackgum Fire Department on November 6 from 9 am. until ??, Crow, 3rd; Mrs. Bedford's2nd grade W ARNE.R - A Cooperative Enrollment Agreement has been reached class - Adam Warren. 1st, Twyla sponsored by the department and on between the Kiamichi Area Vo-Tech of the Haskell County Campus in McLaughlin, 2nd, and Sam Griffith, November 13 from 9 am. until ??, Stigler and Connors State College, beginning January of 1994. 3rd; 3rd grade - Nicole Terrell, 1st, sponsored by the VFW Post #4609, The agreement will allow adult students to enroll in approved voca­ Jenny Webb, 2nd, and Corey Turley, Vian, Gore and Webbers Falls. tional programs and receive college credit for application toward an Asso­ 3rd; 4th grade - Crystal Clifton, 1st, Proceeds will go for fireequip­ ciate in Applied Science Degree at Connors. Representing the two institu­ ment and to help area veterans, fami­ Regan Warren, 2nd, and Kelly tions at the signing agreement were Dr. Carl 0. Westbrook, president of lies and the communities. Barnes, 3rd; 5th grade - Meredith Connors State College; a11d Dr. Amanda Copeland, director of Kiamichi Bedford, 1st, Stacy McLaughlin, 2nd, On the 6th, there will ham­ Area Vo-Tech. and Justin Clay, 3rd; and 6th grade - burgers and cake available and on "We presently have over 175 students at our Stigler campus and I am Sam Barnes, J st, AciaMadding, 2nd, the 13th. there will be beans and very pleased to be associated with Connors in this agreement. It will benefit and Jake Marvel, 3rd. cornbread. Free coffeewill be avail­ both of us and will encourage vocational-educated students to continue their Overall winners were: Kin­ able on both days. education," notes Dr. Copeland. dergarten - K. Girty, 1st, B. Ross, Only 12 gauge shotguns and "We foreseemore and more vocational and higher education instit\1- 2nd, and C. Clay, 3rd; lsU2nd grades .22 rifle with open sights will be tionsjoining together in such agreements throughout the United States in the allowed. Ammunition is furnished. - A. Warren, 1st, N. Henson, 2nd, near future. We have already entered into such an agreement with Indian and A.
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