Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76641-8 - Arsacids and Sasanians: Political Ideology in Post-Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia M. Rahim Shayegan Index More information Subject Index Achaemenid(s) Antiochos (Seleucid general) 65–66 Arsacid reception of, 39–45 Antiochos, son of king Aryabōžan/Aryabarzan? Roman reception of, 332–340 (Arsacid generalissimo in Babylonia), royal titulatures of, 41–49, 247–260, 287–292 67–68, 78–79, 82, 200–201, 204–208, Sasanian reception of, 5–29 219, 223 Achaios, 218 n. 724, 219 Antiochos III Megas, 155–156, 158–161, 172–174, Achilles, 350, 353–356, 358–359, 361 177, 179–180, 217 n. 719, 310 Aelian (Roman rhetor) 133 anabasis of, 155, 172 Afranius, see Lucius Afranius campaigns in Asia Minor, 172 ahēnag (Pth. hasēnag), 2–3, 14, 16–19, 20–24 campaign in Elymais, 159–160, 174, āiiapt@m, 24–25 176–177 Airiia–, 24–25 date of death, 91 n. 206 Alexander Balas, Seleucid rival–king, 60–63, letter of, to the city of Amyzon, 173 n. 543 95–98, 100, 148, 178, 181 royal cults, establishment of, by, 68, 173–174 Alexander the Great, 28, 32, 40, 307, 311; see also Antiochos IV Epiphanes, 157–167, 180–181, 244 imitatio Alexandri anabasis (including H abigalbat) of, 161–166, in Alexander Romance, 303–306 176, see also H abigalbat2 in Astronomical Diaries, 57 appointment of Noumenios2 (satrap of D- ū l–Qarnayn in Koran, 304 Characene) by, 165, 168 and the Dynastic Prophecy, 51–57, 59, coinage of, 159 n. 484, 167 137–138, 294 and Hyspaosines, 161–167 in Middle Persian texts, 295–297, 301–306 Antiochos V Eupator, 156, 166–168, 181 reception of, in Rome, 332, 338–348, 354–356, date of rule, 166 n. 515, 168 359–361, 366–368 Antiochos VI Dionysos, 124, 156 in the Šāhnāme, 297–302, 304, 306–307 coinage of, 63 n. 96 soul (khÿst) of, 344–347 infancy of, and Tryphon’s revolt, 63–67 in Syriac tradition, 304 n. 866 Antiochos VII Sidetes, 91, 101, 145–153, 156, 205 Alexander Macedon (private citizen of Dura), anabasis of, 98, 121–143, 145, 157 345–347 chronology of, 123, 185 Alexander Severus, 341–349, 350, 359, 368 occupation of Babylonia and Elymais, imitatio of, 343–344, 347–348, 354–356, 360, 110–111, 115, 118, 123, 185 369 relations with Characene, 156–157 Persian wars of, 31 titulature of, 383–384 and Philostratus, 353–357 Antiochos VIII Grypos, 150 n. 449, 207, 313, Alexander II Zabinas, Seleucid king, 148–150 314 n. 912 Alexandros (satrap of Persis under Antiochos III, Antiochos IX Kyzikenos, 150 n. 449, 313–314 brother of Molon), 179, see also Molon Antiochos) X Eusebes Philopator, 314, 316 n. 927 Ammianus Marcellinus, 2–3, 4–5, 30, 33–35, 37, Anti ukusu, see Antiochos, son of king 40, 293–295, 307, 331 n. 1003, 332, 361 Aryabōžan, Anērān, 14, 21, 27 n. 49 Anzaze, consort of Kamniskires III, 118, 325 Antigonos Monophthalmos, 54, 56–59, 309–310 Apamea–on–the–S.ilhu (toponym), 78 n. 168 2 503 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76641-8 - Arsacids and Sasanians: Political Ideology in Post-Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia M. Rahim Shayegan Index More information 504 Subject Index apanayāka–, 18–19, 23 campaigns against Elamites, 114, 116–118 Apdakos (juvenile) son of Hyspaosines and campaigns against Seleucids, 313–315 Talasi4 asu), 114, 116, 168, 187 Characene, entente with, 112–114 Apollonios of Tyana (philosopher), 357–358 command structure in Babylon and Appian (historian), 74–75, 309–310 Mesopotamia, 200–205, 208–215, Aqfūr–šāh (Afqūr–šāh), 28, see also Pakōr 217–221 Arab hordes (in Babylonia), 120, 205–206 and Elamite incursions into Mesopotamia, Ardawān I, 114, 115 n. 309, 118, 241, 229 n. b, 242 77–83, 122 chronicle of rule, 123, 186 hostage policy, 91–92, 113, 144–145, 325–328 titulature of, 41–42, 232, 233 n. i, 233 n. k, matrimonial policy, 141–142, 326, 328 385–387 numismatic evidence for the Dark Age, Ardawān II, 244, 293–294, 307, 308, 330 188–197, 226–228 rulership over Elamites, 123 order of succession, 229–239 territorial claims of, reception of Alexander, see Alexander the via Achaemenid connection, 2, 39–41, 244, Great 292–295, 308, 330 relations with Armenia, 39, 91–92, 241–246, via Macedonian connection, 293–295, 308, 312–313, 320–323, 329 330 relations with Elamites under the titulature of, 39–40 Kammaškiri, 88–101 Ardā Wīrāz Nāmag, on the accursed Alexander relations with Rome, 311–330 (gizistag Aleksandar ī Hrōmāyīg), 296, royal titulatures of, 41–45, 229–239 306 n. 870 Aršak, 39, 307 Ardaxšahr (fratarakā), 168 n. 521, 169, 179 dynastic name, 43, 194 Ardaxšīr I, 2, 16–17, 22, 28, 37, 346, 360 Arsames (Achaemenid forebear), 17–18, 249–250, Roman accounts of, 30–32, 37, 40–41, 294, 256 307 Arses (Achaemenid forebear), 51, 257 n. 802, 258 Ardaya (Seleucid general), 62–63, 71, 77, 204 n. 803, 291 n. 666 Artabazos I of Characene, 92–93 Arəduui Sūrā Anāhitā, 24–25 Artavades (pretender to Armenian throne), Ariobarzanes, king of Cappadocia, 207, 310, 339 311–312, 315 Artaxata (old Armenian capital), siege of, 323, Arkathias (son of Mithridates VI Eupator), 309 326 Armenia(n) Artaxerxes I, 18 apple of discord between Šābuhr I and Rome, titulature of, 47, 254, 257, 260 5, 11, 13, 33, 35, 37 Artaxerxes II, 18, expansionism under Tigranes (the Great), inscription of (A2Sa), 18 311–313, 319–320 titulature of, 255, 257–258 relations with Arsacids, 39, 91–92, 241–246, Artaxerxes III, titulature of, 256–257 320–323, 329 Artoadistes, king of Armenia, 242 under Frahād III, 245–246, 320–323, 329 Aš.i, 25 under Mihrdād II, 241–244, 312–313, 320 Asinaios and Anilaios, 211 n. 699 relations with Rome, 245–246, 318–320, Aspasinē, see Hyspaosines of Characene 323–324, 327 Aspastanu (Arsacid general), 199, 224 royal titulatures, 245 n. 782, 318 Aššurbanipal, 275 n. cm, 279 n. da, 287–289 submission of, by Seleucids, 161–163 Astronomical Diaries, 156, 165–166, 168, 172, Syrian campaign, 316–318 225, 227 Arpoxaïs, 26, 26 n. 48 on Achaemenid titulatures, 47, 257–258 Arsacid(s) on Alexander (the Great), 57, 59 Achaemenid Program, 39–45, 244–245, on Antiochos Sidetes’ anabasis against 292–293, 330–331, 369 Arsacids, 125–128, 135–136 and anabasis of Antiochos Sidetes, 125–140, on Arsacid command structure in Babylonia, 150 208–209, 211, 213, 219–221 and anabasis of Demetrios II, 68–72 on Arsacid conquest of Armenia, 161–163, in Babylonian prophecies and chronicles, 59, 244 137–140 on Arsacid conquest of Babylonia, 114, 151 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76641-8 - Arsacids and Sasanians: Political Ideology in Post-Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia M. Rahim Shayegan Index More information Subject Index 505 on Arsacid Dark Age, 188–192, 196, 198–206, Baydād (fratarakā), 168 n. 521, 169, 178–179, 181 208 rival king of Wādfradād, 178 on Arsacids and Elamites, 68, 77–83, 114, Bessos (Achaemenid grandee, last Achaemenid 116–120, 122–123, 184–187, 324–325 king), 49, 258 on Arsacid titulatures, 41–45, 228–247 in Chronicle 8 (= Chronicle on Dareios III), on Bagayaša, 72–73 258 on Demetrios II, 68–74, 142–145 bidaxš (title of “viceroy” ), 218–219, 221 on Demetrios II and Kammaškiri the Elder, derived from *duitiya-xšā˘ya-, 218 61–66 Bisitun ˆ on Elamite raids, 77–83 Dareios’ inscription at, 12 on Hypaosines, 164–166 Arsacid relief at, 197–198, 221–222, 226 on Kammaškiri the Elder and Younger, bīt akīti, 67 89–92, 95, 97–100, 107–108 Bīt-Karkudī on the Tigris (toponym), 78 on Mihrdād I’s conquest of Mesopotamia, 67, Bundahišn, on Alexander (the Great), 295–296 115, 122, 183 on prophet of Nanaya, 83–85 Cambyses, 12 Athenaios (Seleucid general), 130–131 co-regency of, 248 n. 795 Atta-hamiti-Inšušinak (Elamite ruler), 274 n. cl, Caracalla, 341–345, 354, 359 275 n. cm, 277, 278 n. cx, imitatio of, 342–343, 348, 369 Atta-hušu (Elamite ruler), 266, 283 n. 825 Carrhae, battle of, 292, 334 Augustus, 334–340, 362, 369 Cassius Dio, 30, 37, 40, 293–294, 307, 332, 342, divisio orbis policy, 334–335, 338–340, 355, 362 344, 361 Avroman I deed, 195–196, 317–318 account of Arsacid–Roman conflict in Awanite rulers (Elamite dynasty), 261–262, 282, Armenia, 321–324 285 Characene/Characenean, 101, 152, 160 Ayādgār ī Jamāspīg, on Frēdōn’s division of the alliance with Elamites, 82–85, 114 world, 26–27 and Arabs, 120 Azizos (phylarchos of the Arabs), 203 control of Babylonia, 110–112 entente with Arsacids, 112–114 Babylonia(n) rulers of, 115–116, 183–186 Arsacid conquest of, 131, 151, see also under the Seleucids, 156–157, 161, 165–166, Astronomical Diaries, on Mihrdād I’s 167–168 conquest of Mesopotamia under Wahbarz, 171, 176–177 Arsacid generals in, 198–206, 207 Chronicle 8 (= Chronicle on Dareios III), Arsacid and late Seleucid command structure 47–49, 258 in, 208–215, 217–221 Chronicle of Seleukos I, 58 under Arsacid sovereignty, 114 Civitates, mutiny of, 129–131, 134–137, 139, 143 Chronicles, 47, see also Chronicle 8 (= Constantius II, 362–365 Chronicle on Dareios III), Chronicle Crassus, 334 of Seleukos I, Bagayaša Chronicle, Cyrus (the Great), 30, 32, 40, 50 n. 40, 294, Diadochoi Chronicle 306–308, 336–337 preservation of Achaemenid titulatures, co-regency of, with Cambyses, 248 n.
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