( ( ( ( ( ( c ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( c ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( \.. \ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (_ ( ~ (_ ( (_ \___. (_ l... (__ STATE OF UTAH GARY R. HER6ERT OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR GREG BELL GOVERNOR SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR \ 84114-2220 October 2010 Dear Friends of Agriculture, Our Department of Agriculture and Food is one of the state's original agencies, dating back to the year of statehood-1896. Its dedicated employees enforce many of the laws that guard our food supply as it moves from the farm to the table. Inspectors regulate seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, food processing plants, meat inspection, as well as plant and animal health, and many other functions. The Department is assigned by law to protect the state's agricultural industries and our people. It does this so that fair commerce and human health and safety are safeguarded. Its emphasis on making farming more profitable has broad positive contributions to Utah's rural economy and quality of lite. In fact, Utah agriculture contributes billions of dollars to the state's economy and generates thousands of jobs. This year the Depa1tment began an impo1iant program to help Utahns understand the important connection between our food and the farm. The AgriAdvocates campaign is ground breaking and will ce1tainly lead to good things for us consumers and our farmers. I encourage you to review the Department's many programs in this annual rep01t. Sincerely, ~fl~..,___( Gary R. Herbert Governor Introduction The U.S. Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Statistics Service - Utah Field Office and the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food are proud to provide the 39th edition of this publication. Copies of the publication are also available on both organizations' Internet sites. Information in this publication is provided to help inform farmers, ranchers, and the public about activities within the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, and provide a detailed look at Utah's agricultural production. Also included are budgets for helping farmers and ranchers evaluate the potential profitability of various agricultural commodities. Estimates presented are current for 2009 production, and January 1, 2010 inventories. Data users that need 2010 production information or additional historic data should contact USDA/NASS - Utah Field Office at 801-524-5003 or Toll Free at 1-800-74 7-8522. State and U. S. statistics are available on the USDA/NASS Web page at http://www.nass.usda.gov/. You can find a variety of estimates by selecting any of the various options on the web page. Use the new and improved "Quick Stats" utility to search for current or historic data by clicking the Data and Statistics tab. The data found can be downloaded or click on the word "spreadsheet" to create and instant spreadsheet of the retrieved data. Cooperation from farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses responding to various survey questionnaires is essential for quality estimates. We thank them for their help and willingness to provide individual operation data. We pledge to keep their individual operation data confidential. Our National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) enumerators collect most of the data on our surveys. I enjoy talking to farmers and ranchers and hearing about their experiences with our enumerators. Prior year estimates are subject to revision and may have been revised in this publication. Data users should use this publication for previous years' data and not go back to earlier publications for those data. The following_9gricultural IJl!eb fJ.(l.9e sourc_es may_irite_r§lst you. _ _ _ _ _ Orga.'!i~ation_ _ \/Ve_b Pag~_Address U. S. Departme_ntof Agriculture (lnclud~s links to all USDA Agencie_s) http://V\fWW.usda.gov/ USDA - National_ Agric:;~tural S~ti~ics. Service (.Plus._Census ()f,A.griculture)_ ht!p://\NWW·na_s_s.Lisda.~()V__ US[)A- Utah ,A.g_ricultu_r-Cl_I §tatil)~CS. __ h_ttp:fi'VV\/VW·r1a5.S_.L1sda.g_o11!ut/ USDA - Utah_i=:arm §_erv~c_e Agericy,_FSA • http://vvww.fsa.usda.gov/ut/ e U§DA - Market News _ __ _ _ _ _ i h_ttp:llvvww._arns·Ll_sda.~()v/ ~ ~:~~~~~r~~~:!~~c-l__:rv_c_i~_:_s._erv-at-io_n __ s_e_rv __ i_C_E)._N_R_c_s__ ------+---~7~t{~·~-~=-------:~-~~-?-~~-~--~~~g~d:_~_go_v _______ _ 1 .Food and. Ag._ricultura_.~ Poli.cy.-.~.e.searc. h _lnstitljte ..- ___ h_ttp://wwv.1.faJ:>_f'i.missollri.edu/ __ FEldstats (~tatist!csJr()m Feideral Agen_cies) ___ .. -- http://wwvv.fedstats.gov/_ _ _ I 1~The F~der~I Re!:JistEl~ ___ _ --·----- _ __ _ _ h_ttp_://WlftfvV.a_rc:;hivel).gov/fed_eral-r_e_gister/_ ; CME Group . http: //www.cme.com/ ·~N-~a:t~1~0--n6a:l-~A:s~s~o~-·c;1.~a-1t--1.~o~-~n-~o-·~f-~Sf~t~att!e~D:e:p.~a-~rt-~m~~e.~n~ts--0MfaA_rgker~.tc- uRlet.•u-proe.~(sN_-A_- ·S-_D_A____ )- -- - - - ' ~!!~~~~~~~:~:~~~~/~a~kets. html l 1 _http{/\Af'v\/\A/2. na::;~a_._org/NM3_D~ i-1s_a_-lt_L_a_k_e_c_it~y_N_a_ti_on_a_T_w_e_-a_th_e __ ;.___ s_e_rv_ic_e __ -_- -_--_-_-__--_- _--_-_-__--_- -_-------+-ht~tp~:_//n_i_m_b_o_.wrh.noaa.g~o_v_/s_a_lt_la_k_e/____ .__ ---ci : Western Regional Climate Center 1 http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/ 1Utah Climate Center , http:£1c:;l~matE).usu_rf.u::;u.edu£ 'U~~Q Exte_~i9_~_Se~i~-·-- ____ -1 htp://ex~en~iCJ_n_.LJ_l)U.ed_LJ_/ _ _ _ ~ah Ag~cu~tJ.Jre in_th_e__(;laSS_f'OD_fl'l___ _ _ _ 1 ht!P_://ex~enl)_ic:rn.L1.::;u.~du/aitc/ National Farmers Union http://www.nfu.org/ ____ -------j Utah Farm Bureau 1 http://utfb.fb.org/ r-1N-a-t-io_n_a_l_C_a_tt_le_m_e_n_'s-B-ee_f __ A_s_s_oc-ia-t-io_n___________ I http://www.beef.org/ ~,A.meric~n_ Sh_eep l_n_dLJ_stry Assocja_tion, !nc i~_!tr:>://."VWW.Sh_E)ElJl.US_a.o_rg_ - ---- ----! 0 0 1-~~: S~~~a_~~g~ 0~-r~ricu1ture___ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~%ry_c()_unc~.org __ LFarm Credit ~~~012.s _ _ _ __ _J_h_ttp:/[WW\N.fCh_()riz()n_s.._c()l!l __ _______ _ Information presented in this publication may be reproduced without written approval with the proper credit. John Hilton, Director Utah Agricultural Statistics UTAH AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS AND UTAH DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Prepared by Utah Agricultural Statistics 176 North 2200 W, Suite 260 Salt Lake City, Utah 84125-0007 801-524-5003 Fax: 801-524-3090 Web Page: http://www.nass.usda.gov/statistics-by-state/utah/ E-mail: [email protected] John Hilton, Director Kerry McBride, Deputy Director Arlene Reeder Editor ( Statisticians Support Staff Joel Gentillon Maeta Navajo ,{ Kent Hall Bonnie Spencer \ Rebecca Baillie Todd Jones Cassandra Paden ( \ Issued cooperatively by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food 350 North Redwood Road P.O. Box 146500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6500 801-538-7100 Fax: 801-538-7126 Web Page: http://ag.utah.gov E-mail: [email protected] Leonard Blackham, Commissioner Larry Lewis, Public Information Officer Photos - compliments of Digital Art Impressions and Diane Garcia Photography United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service Web Page: http://www.nass.usda.gov Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture Cynthia Clark, Administrator Janice A. Goodwin, Director, Western Field Operations Table of Contents Utah Department of Agriculture and Crop Progress Barley ......................................................................... 48 Food 2010 Annual Report ........................... 1 Oats ........................................................................... 48 Department Directory ................................................... 2 Alfalfa ......................................................................... 48 Commissioner's Message ............................................ 3 Wheat ........................................................................ 49 Mission Statement ....................................................... 4 Corn ........................................................................... 49 Commissioner's Office ................................................. 5 Deputy Commissioners ................................................ 6 Fruits ............................................................................ 50 Animal & Wildlife Damage Prevention ......................... 7 Acreage, Yield, Production, Use & Value Administrative Services ................................................ 8 Apples ..................................................................... 50 Animal Industry ....................................................... 9-12 Tart Cherries .......................................................... 50 Sweet Cherries ....................................................... 50 Chemistry Laboratory ............................................ 13-14 Apricots ................................................................... 51 Conservation Resource Management.. ............. 15-17 & Peaches ................................................................. 51 Grazing Improvement Program ................................ 18 Homeland Security .................................................... 19 Cattle and Calves .................................................... 52 Marketing & Development... .................................. 20-21 Number of Farms, Inventory & Value ........................ 52 Plant Industry ........................................................ 22-26 Inventory by Classes & Weight... ............................... 52 Regulatory Services .............................................. 27-33 Inventory & Operations by size Group Organization Chart ..................................................... 34 All Cattle and Calves .............................................. 52 Beef Cow ...............................................................
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