Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting Date: Wednesday 2nd July 2014 Time: 12.30 pm-15.20 Venue: Kingston House Room: Lancaster Suite, Carters Green AGENDA Non-Confidential Item Subject Lead Time INTRODUCTION 1. Apologies for Absence Verbal Dr N Harding 12.30 2. Declarations of Interest Verbal Dr N Harding 12.35 To request members to disclose any interest they have, direct or indirect, in any items to be considered during the course of the meeting and to note that those members declaring an interest would not be allowed to take part in the consideration or discussion or vote on any questions relating to that item. 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 4th June Enc 1 Dr N Harding 12.40 2014 4. Action Register Enc 2 Dr N Harding 12.45 5. Chairman’s Report Verbal Dr N Harding 12.50 6. Questions from the Public Verbal Dr N Harding 13.00 7. Performance 7.1 Quality and Safety Committee Report Enc 3 & 3a Dr Mukherjee 13.05 7.2 Finance Committee Report Enc 4 J Green 13.15 7.3 Performance Report Enc 5 J Green 13.25 7.4 Partnership Committee Report (bi-monthly) Enc 6 Dr Andreou 13.35 7.5 Strategic Commissioning and Redesign 7.6 Committee Report (no meeting) 7.7 Audit and Governance Committee Report (no meeting) 7.8 Organisational Development Committee Report (no meeting) 8. Governance and Business 8.1 Urgent Care Enc 7 Dr S Bath 13.45 8.2 Falls Review Enc 8 C Parker 13.55 8.3 Corporate Objectives Enc 9 (to follow) A Williams 14.05 8.4 Co commissioning Enc 10 A Williams 14.15 8.5 Continuing Healthcare Data Review Enc 11 R Thompson 14.25 8.6 Sign up to Safety Letter Enc 12 Dr N Harding 14.35 8.7 Declaration of Interest Register 2014/15 Enc 13 C Parker 14.45 8.8 Referral to Treatment Verbal J Green 14.55 8.9 Safeguarding Children Update Enc 14 G Kelly 15.05 9. Minutes of Committees for Information (All minutes available on CCG Website) 9.1 Finance and Performance Committee Minutes To follow All 15.15 9.2 Quality and Safety Committee Minutes Enc 15 9.3 Partnership Committee Minutes (no meeting) 9.4 Strategic Commissioning & Redesign (No Meeting) 9.5 Audit and Governance Committee Minutes (No Meeting) 9.6 Organisational Development Committee Minutes (no meeting) 10. Minutes of Locality Commissioning Groups for Information 10.1 Sandwell Health Alliance LCG Enc 16 10.2 Pioneers for Health LCG Minutes (None Ratified) 10.3 HealthWorks LCG Minutes Enc 17 10.4 Black Country LCG Minutes (No meeting) Enc 18 10.5 ICOF LCG Minutes Enc 19 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 12. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 6th August 2014 CLOSE OF MEETING 15.20 Resolution adopted from the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: That those representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest. Guidance on Declarations of Interest Definition of Interests A Governing Body/Committee member has a personal interest if the issue being discussed at a meeting affects the well being or finances of the member, the member’s family or a close associate more than most other people who live in the area affected by the issue. Personal interest are also things related to an interest the member must register such as outside bodies to which the member has been appointed by the CCG or membership of certain public bodies. A personal interest is also a prejudicial interest if it affects the finances of the member, the member’s family or a close associate and which a reasonable member of the public with knowledge of the facts would believe it likely to harm or impair the member’s ability to judge the public interest. Declaring interest If a member has an interest, they must normally declare it at the start of the meeting or as soon as they realise they have the interest. If a member has a personal and a prejudicial interest, they must not debate or vote on the matter and must leave the room. Enc 1 Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting held on Wednesday 4th June 2014 12:30-16:30 Boardroom, Kingston House Present: Dr Nick Harding Chair Dr George Solomon Chair of Black Country LCG Dr Felix Burden Secondary Care Consultant Dr Sirjit Bath Vice Chair of Pioneers for Health LCG Mrs Claire Parker Chief Officer (Quality) Mr James Green Chief Finance Officer Dr Vijay Bathla Chair of Pioneers for Health LCG Ms Janette Rawlinson Independent Committee Member Mr Ranjit Sondhi Lay Member Mrs Julie Jasper Lay Member Dr Pri Hallan Vice Chair of Sandwell Health Alliance Dr Basil Andreou Chair of Sandwell Health Alliance LCG Dr Inderjit Marok Vice Chair of ICOF LCG Mrs Sharon Liggins Chief Officer (Partnerships) Ms Jyoti Atri Director of Public Health, SMBC Mr Jon Dicken Chief Officer (Operations) In Attendance: Ms Lynda Scott Communications Lead Mrs Alison Hodgson Head of Quality Safety and Risk Miss Toni Welch Business Support Apologies: Mr Andy Williams Dr Ram Sugavanum Dr Sam Mukherjee 1. Welcome and Introductions Dr Nick Harding welcomed everybody to the meeting. 2. Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were raised. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting Ms Janette Rawlinson requested that under the Questions from the Public section of the minutes it is accurately recorded whom the question has been received from. She also noted the misspelling of breech within the performance section. Dr Felix Burden highlighted that on page 10 of the minutes, within the discussions surrounding prescribing in pregnancy; he has specifically mentioned the prescribing of Foliates and would like that recorded in the minutes. 1 Enc 1 He also felt that the description of the VTE issues that he raised should be made clearer and picked up as an action going forward. With these amendments, the minutes were agreed as an accurate record. 4. Actions and Matters Arising 050314 School nurse workforce Ms Jyoti Atri explained that she had recently met with the Local Authority (Sandwell) regarding the change of service for School Nurses, informing that the current contract and service provision is held by NHS England. She informed that workforce figures were being looked at and that details would be held by the current commissioners. Mrs Claire Parker suggested that it may be best to invite representation from the school nurse provision to a future meeting to provide assurance. Dr Nick Harding requested that Mrs Claire Parker approach NHS England in writing to request further information and detail regarding the service and transition. Following on from this Dr Basil Andreau asked for clarification regarding the process that Health Visitors are to follow with respect of prescribing vitamins to children, he also noted that Midwives should be prescribing vitamins to pregnant women, although this does not appear to be a universal and consistent approach. In response Ms Jyoti Atri explained that the vitamins prescriptions were means tested and that would be the reason that some mothers/children are not in receipt in Sandwell, she and Dr Nick Harding commented that the vitamin prescribing was a universal procedure in Birmingham. Discussion regarding the changes to the systems over the years and the shift in responsibility concluded with Ms Jyoti Atri offering to explore this issue further, although suggested that there may be work relating to monitoring to be undertaken on the Sandwell side to inform any desired changes to the universal method. Dr Nick Harding commented that this work and investigation would link into the on going peri natal workstream that had been agreed at previous meetings. With reference to this Ms Jyoti Atri also noted that Ms Liann Brookes had fed back that the Governing Body had suggested further education campaigns for Pharmacists may help to reduce infant mortality and increase folic acid prescribing etc.. She informed that the Local Authority and NHS England had agreed to co run 6 campaigns per annum, she suggested that this facility could be used. 070514 IAPT Data Mr James Green updated that the IAPT raw data was due to be released on 20th June, leading him to anticipate the figures to be available in the August performance report. He also noted that clarification regarding the VTE data would be picked up within this. 070514 Infant Mortality It was suggested that further areas were added to the dashboards that would allow monitoring of factors known to be reasons of infant mortality. Data such as Immunisations, Foliate prescribing, maternity care, smoking advice and gestational diabetes recording may help to identify areas of concerns and inform action plans to address the wider issue. Mrs Claire Parker commented that she would need to speak to informatics regarding changes to the dashboard, although Ms Jyoti Atri advised that due to the cross boundary issues and the data collection of the 2 Enc 1 systems this may be a difficult implementation. It was agreed that Mrs Claire Parker and Ms Jyoti Atri would meet separately to discuss this matter. Dr Nick Harding felt that regular reporting of this should be made available to the Governing Body. Mrs Claire Parker also felt that there may need to be some project works completed around this data and area of concern. Dr Felix Burden suggested that some data should be collected around the things that we know are components to the mortality rates, e.g.
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