Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.500.432 on 1 June 1967. Downloaded from 432 Case reports References KORST, D.R., CLATANOFF, D.V. & SCHILLING, R.F. (1956) APPLEBY, A., BATSON, G.A., LASSMAN, L.P. & SIMPSON, On myelofibrosis. Arch. intern. Med. 97, 169. C.A. (1964) Spinal cord compression by extramedullary LEIBERMAN, P.H., ROSVOLL, R.V. & LEY, A.B. (1965) Extra- haematopoiesis in myelosclerosis. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. medullary myeloid tumors in primary myelofibrosis. Psychiat. 27, 313. Cancer, 18, 727. ASK-UPMARK, E. (1945) Tumour-simulating intra-thoracic LEIGH, T.F., CORLEY, C.C., Jr, HUGULEY, C.M. & ROGERS, heterotopia of bone marrow, Acta radiol. (Stockh.), 26, J.V., Jr (1959) Myelofibrosis. The general and radiologic 425. in 25 cases. Amer. J. 82, 183. BRANNAN, D. (1927) Extramedullary hematopoiesis in findings proved Roentgenol. anaemias. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 41 104. LOWMAN, R.M., BLOOR, C.M. & NEWCOMB, A.W. (1963) CLOSE, A.S., TAIRA, Y. & CLEVELAND, D.A. 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SHANKS, S.C. & KERLEY, P. (1962) A Text-book of X-ray (1960) Massive thoracic extramedullary hemopoiesis. Diagnosis by British Authors, vol. 2, 3rd edn, p. 895. New Engl. J. Med. 263, 120. Lewis, London. KNOBLICH, R. (1960) Extramedullary hematopoiesis pre- WYATT, J.P. & SOMMERS, S.C. (1950) Chronic marrow failure, senting as intrathoracic tumours. Report of a case in a myelosclerosis and extramedullary hematopoiesis. Blood, patient with thalassemia minor. Cancer, 13, 462. 5, 329. copyright. Neurofibromatosis with pancreatic duct obstruction and steatorrhoea K. G. WORMSLEY W. F. W. E. LOGAN M.D., M.R.C.P. M.B., M.R.C.P. V. F. SORRELL G. C. COLE http://pmj.bmj.com/ M.B.(N.Z.), F.R.C.S. M.B., Ch.B. Manchester Royal Infirmary INVOLVEMENT of the alimentary tract is a well Investigation confirmed the presence of severe recognized and documented manifestation of steatorrhoea (Table 1). Jejunal biopsy was normal on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected neurofibromatosis, but there appears to be no but duodenal intubation with pancreatic stimula- record of steatorrhoea complicating this disorder. tion (Burton et al., 1960) showed no appreciable We have encountered two patients in whom pancreatic secretion although the biliary fraction steatorrhoea was due to obstruction of the pan- was normal. Radiological studies of the alimentary creatic duct by neoplastic processes attributable tract and gall bladder were normal. The anaemia to this disease. (Hb 9-6 g/100 ml) was due to thalassemia minor (/, chain type, Hb A2 4-1%, Hb F 1-5%). Case 1 Laparotomy revealed a nodule (7 mm diameter) F.S., male, aged 40, was admitted to hospital on the medial wall of the second part of the for investigation of severe diarrhoea of 1 years duodenum at the orifice of the pancreatic duct, duration associated with considerable weight loss. which was obstructed 1 cm from its entry into the The faeces were typically fatty. duodenum. The pancreas was small and atrophic. Examination revealed a cachectic anaemic man The bile duct opened into the duodenum 2 cm with oedema of the feet and the typical cutaneous proximally to the pancreatic duct. The obstructing stigmata of neurofibromatosis. nodule was excised. Histological examination Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.500.432 on 1 June 1967. Downloaded from Case reports 433 TABLE 1 Laboratory investigations of Cases 1 and 2* Case 1 Case 2 Normal values Pre-operative Post-operative 1962 1963 1965 Haemoglobin (g/100 ml blood) 11-5-16-5 9-0 9-6 14 13-5 13-5 Vitamin B12 (pg/ml) 120 227 410 Folate (g/ml serum) 3-8 7-3 1 5 Albumin (g/100 ml serum) 3-5 2-3 3-7 4-5 4.3 Globulin (g/100 ml serum) 3-5 2-1 3-0 2-4 2-7 Alkaline phosphatase (King Armstrong units) 15 9 16 21 18 13 Amylase (Units/100 ml serum) 120 30 135 Lipase (Units/100 ml serum) 1-5 1.9 0-7 Calcium (mg/100 ml serum) 9-11 9-4 9-5 10-3 10-2 10-3 Phosphate (mg/100 ml serum) 2-4 2-9 3-2 1-4 2-2 3-5 Urinary calcium (mg/24 hr) 300 300 150 Urinary phosphate (mg/24 hr) 290 Faecal fat (g/72 hr)t 24 192 34 11-2 31 Case 1: Pre-operative xylose (25 g) and glucose tolerance tests normal. Case 2: Augmented histamine test - 8-6 mEq/30 min. *Methods according to Varley (1962). t80 g/day intake. showed that the nodule was a well-differentiated Examination showed only typical marked adenocarcinoma. The pancreatic acinar cells were cutaneous neurofibromatosis. completely replaced by fibrous tissue. The islet Investigations. The serum phosphorus levels were cells were well preserved. Chronic inflammatory repeatedly low, and alkaline phosphatase levels copyright. cells were infiltrated around the pancreatic ducts. slightly raised (Table 1). Radiologic survey of her Following operation, the patient gained weight skeleton showed multiple Looser's zones and bone rapidly, with hourly pancreatic extract supple- biopsy confirmed the presence of osteomalacia menting a normal diet. Six months after the opera- with secondary osteitis fibrosa. Faecal fat estima- tion, the diarrhoea had ceased, and although tions and urinary aminoacid chromatography were steatorrhoea persisted, the faeces appeared normal normal. She was given oral vitamin D (50,000 units macroscopically. The haematological findings were daily) and the Looser's zones healed radiologically unchanged. within 16 months. Six months before her death she developed overt steatorrhoea and paraplegia. http://pmj.bmj.com/ Comment She was re-admitted to hospital, where attempts at Neither neurofibromatosis nor thalassemia had jejunal biopsy and duodenal intubation proved been noted in other members of the patient's unsuccessful due to pyloric stenosis. Investigation family and, owing to the dispersion and death, it of the neurological condition repeatedly revealed proved impossible to investigate any relatives. Both raised cerebro-spinal fluid protein (80-90 mg/100 conditions are uncommon, but thalassaemia is being ml). Myelography showed no abnormality. discovered more in of frequently persons Anglo- Operation to relieve pyloric stenosis before on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected Saxon stock (Callender & Mallett, 1961; Beaven attempting metabolic studies revealed gross thicken- et al., 1964). The anaemia was at first thought to ing of the pylorus, multiple neurofibromata of the be related to the steatorrhoea (Dawson, Holds- small intestine and marked narrowing of the worth & Pitcher, 1964) but the raised A2 and F duodenal end of the pancreatic duct, with proximal haemoglobins, typical of thalassaemia minor, were dilatation and induration of the head of the not changed by marked improvement in his pancreas. The tail of the pancreas was anasto- nutritional status. mosed into a Roux loop of the jejunum to permit retrograde pancreatic drainage. Biopsy of the Case 2 jejunum showed normal appearances. Two days E.K., female, aged 63. This patient first pre- following the operation, the patient suddenly sented when 57 years old, with a 'stress' fracture of collapsed and died. the right third metatarsal bone. One year later, Necropsy failed to reveal a cause of death but she developed a similar fracture in the left foot. confirmed the operative findings. A duodenal ulcer She was admitted to hospital in 1962 to investigate was found in the first part of the duodenum, the cause of generalized bone pain. reducing the lumen to a diameter of 4 mm. The Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.500.432 on 1 June 1967. Downloaded from 434 Case reports head and body of the pancreas were severely system, due to separate openings of the two ducts fibrosed with dilatation and thickening of the wall into the duodenum, an anatomical variant which of the pancreatic duct. An ill-defined mass (8 mm has been found in up to 20% of subjects (Mill- diameter) surrounded the termination of the pan- bourn, 1950). The almost complete obstruction of creatic duct but did not involve the common bile pancreatic exocrine secretion in such cases appears duct. No accessory pancreatic duct was found. to be due to lack of communication between the Microscopically, the lesion consisted of a neuro- main and accessory pancreatic ductal systems. fibroma containing a number of small pancreatic The steatorrhoea in Case 2 did not become ducts, but without recognizable remains of the apparent clinically or biochemically until 6 months main pancreatic duct. The pancreas showed before her final admission to hospital. During the marked fibrosis with considerable residual acinar first when she with osteo- tissue and admission, presented apparently normal islets. Sections of malacia, fat excretion was apparently normal. The iliac crest showed much less severe osteomalacia osteomalacia associated with neurofibromatosis has (and no osteitis fibrosa) than in the bone biopsy been attributed to vitamin D resistance (Dent, taken 3 years previously.
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