HONOlU&ggg&lCORd The Newspaper Hawaii Needs / Vol. 6, No. 10 SINGLE COPY, 10 CENTS Thursday, October 8, 1953 Another ‘Marcotte Case’? EDITORIAL COMMENT Roberts Finished 9th Grade, Got Cop Halts Maternity-Bound Drought and Politicians It took the Sam King administration a long time Residence Waiver Jeep By Orders; Mishap First to act in the drought situation. The governor has finally- Following a statement of Police Officer Albert Alana, who to “keep the jeep from- cracking declared a drought emergency and called upon the na­ Chief Dan Liu’s, information un­ stopped a Ft. Shafter jeep bearing up.” tional administration for Federal relief. earthed by the RECORD indicates an army officer’s wife to a ma­ Capt. Edward Hitchcock of the= But bad as this performance looks, with 14,000 cat­ that City Hall and the police de­ ternity hospital, did so on orders patrol division, police depart- partment may soon face another of his dispatcher, his superior ment, said a police escort, was: tle expected to die unless rain comes within the next “Marcotte Case” with at least one says, and the act was ordered provided for the jeep to con-' 60 days and with produce withering from lack of irri­ police officer. tinue on its way to the hospital. gation water, the box score of Delegate Joseph Farring­ That officer is Frank B. Rob­ Interest in the incident came af­ ton in Congress looks far, far worse. erts, who stated on his appli­ OR&L Gets Minimum ter it was learned that the army The Merchant St. publisher has not brought back cation that he had finished only was investigating. The occupant of' nine years of schooling in his the jeep was the wife of an army the bacon to Hawaii. A glaring example is the failure of native city of San Francisco— Fine for Polluting officer stationed at Etj.,. Shafter, Hawaii in getting Federal aid from the department of and who would therefore have her driver a sergeant of ‘ the Ft. interior for irrigation and reclamation of land. qualifications less than the re­ Harbor; Fire Hazard Shafter military police,, and her quired high school graduation. destination the Kapiolani Materni­ Yes, if Hawaii received even a small amount to de­ If he has otherwise acquired a Oahu Railway and Land Co. was ty Hospital. ” developing irrigation-—in proportion to the tax Islanders (more on page 4) given a minimum fine of $500 by The jeep was stopped by Officer pay—much of the present suffering would be obviated. Federal Judge J. Frank McLaugh­ Alana reportedly ■ on Beretania St. In many areas water is going to waste, even today, but lin for violating the anti-pollu- near the Nuuanu intersection, be- the islands are afflicted by drought. Three-Year-Old Gid (more on page 4) (more on page 4) The Democratic administrations which preceded the present King regime cannot escape the severest crit­ Told To Sign Loyalty icism. They might say that the Big Five Republicans Thompson Denies Fasi's Bribe Tale; controlled the legislature. They might as well , admit Oath Covering 5 Yrs. that the Big Five controlled the administration too. PASADENA, Calif.' (FP) -Mr. and No Dealer Fits Story; Imaginary? A most glaring example of how the people were let Mrs. Robert Gray think the Pa­ sadena school system may be car­ Foreman Thompson, former down is the proposed Molokai water project. For 10 rying its “loyalty” oath program member of the territorial board' of years the books of the Democratic administration car­ too far. paroles and pardons, denied state­ ried a legislative authorization to spend $2,500,000 by Their 3-year-old daughter Janet ments made by Frank Fasi on a floating bonds for constructing an irrigation and water earned $3 modeling for a Muir radio program Sunday night to the utilization system on Molokai where fresh water is pour­ Junior College art class. She posed effect that a used car dealer had ing into the ocean. for four hours at 75 cents an hour. approached him in an attempt to When Mrs. Gray tried to collect arrange paroles in return for mon­ This authorization is still in the books. At the last her little girl’s pay, she was told etary consideration. Democratic convention a Maui delegate pushed through by the school’s paymaster’s office “If anyone had ever attempt- ' a resolution on this very issue, to develop the irriga­ that Janet would have to sign a ed to bribe'me,” Thompson said, tion system by spending the funds authorized for this “loyalty” oath. “I would have seen to it that he very purpose. “But she can’t write,” the mother was prosecuted.” Fasi had used the story of the Today, Molokai is hardest hit by the drought and explained. The pay clerk handed the oath ■«?sed car dealer in an obvious ef­ the small people are suffering. Official negligence be­ form to Mrs. Gray to sign for fort to smear the administration of comes glaring in times like these. her daughter. She r.ead the form Mayor Wilson, saying that the car and then protested: “How can I dealer (whom Fasi declined to swear, for my 3-year-old child that name) had contributed $1,000 to ‘within five years immediately the mayor’s campaign. Stambler Seen As Oiie Target Of New preceding .this oath’ she has not Story Fits None been a member of any organiza­ Conjecture around City Hall was tion tirat advocates overthrow of varied after it was discovered that Law Proposal By Hawaii Jewelers Ass'n the government? I haven’t known most of those named did not fit, her that long." (more on page 5) A measure that would severe­ article sufficient to identify it, its "No exceptions,” the clerk re­ ly restrict the activities of Louis serial number and the price re­ plied/ "No oath, no pay.” Stambler’s auction room has been ceived. The auctioneer is forbid­ handed the mayor and board of den to include his own goods for supervisors by the Hawaii Jewelers sale at such a time! Smith's Charge On Rent Why Not Territory Take Association and referred to the fi­ • Fictitious bids on auction nance committee. goods, or bidding by persons known “Auction rooms,” according to under the titles of “capper," Control Contradicts the provisions of the bill, would be “booster,” or “shillaber,” would be Over Army Pier?—Crozier prevented from setting up busi­ illegal. Other Landlords-Miles R. Jay Smith’s charge made to The Territory which has been Section 89 of the Organic Act puts ness within 500 ft. of any mercan­ • Each buyer would receive a pressured to buy Dillingham’s tile store which offers similar receipt stating; the name of the the board of supervisors Tuesday the Territory in a very favorable that the rent control commission Oahu Railway and Land Co. piers position in erecting such a deal. goods, unless thqy have already auctioneer, the date, the price paid for about $20 million has an op­ been in business on such a site for for the article, any tax paid, a is “operating Illegally,” was hotly Section 89 says in part: denied by Rent Control Director portunity to obtain excellent dock six months. statement of the quality of the ar­ facilities if the -U. S. government “. no (wharfage) tolls or Other restrictions include the ticle and the name of the person William Miles. charges shall be made by the' Smith, speaking on special is selling the Honolulu-Army Port following: to whom the article is sold. as currently reported. government .of the Territory of privilege appeared miffed by in- Hawaii for the use of any such 0 Such auction rooms could not • Every auctioneer would be re­ formation he had received that Piers 39 and 40 which were built operate between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. quired to “keep and preserve” a the commission had adopted on­ during the war years take up ap­ (more on page 4) nor during the months of Novem­ record book into which would be ly one of the rfetommehdations proximately 12 acres, and about ber and December. entered: a detailed list of property made by Smith’s special com­ eight acres are covered by roof­ • In the case of stock which is received for sale, the name of the mittee. ing. Each pier has room for four Record Predicted Post being closed out, the auctioneer person from whom the property is The “illegal’^ charge, as Smith ships at one time. received,- the. date received, the shall file with the C-C treasurer a explained it/was that the law re­ Favorable Position For Young Kee Kim detailed inventory of the stock, in­ date sold and the name of the per­ quires that a landlord be allowed son to whom each article is sold. Willie Crozier, former: legislator, cluding a description of each arti­ a fair profit on his investment, and says that the Territory should pro­ When the official announcement cle to be sold, its serial number, © An auctioneer would be allow­ the rent control commission does pose to the national government came this week that Young. Kee cost price and the dates of its re­ ed to charge a commission not to not do that. that it turn over the piers to the Kim had been appointed ambassa­ ceipt. Upon sale,, the auctioneer exceed 10 per cent of sales and “The landlords themselves set local government. dor to the Philippines represent- shall file a description of each (more on page 4) (mpee on page 4) He says that the provision of (more on page 5) Page Two THE HONOLULU RECORD October 8, 1953 FyWUVtftfUWVUUWVWWVUUUWWWVWWWWWUUWUWWWtfWWW* posed to the UN General Assembly that his country would introduce a formal resolu­ East Coast Docks: tion, if it could get sufficient support among Hi-lights of the News the 60 UN members, calling for a big-four Aim, Company Union talk.
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