- - -_-.- INSIDETHIS WEEK THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $2.00 BLOCKSHOPPER Which local residence sold how much, 23 .: o FILM CUPS:'Nanny McPhee i Returns', BZ HERALD-SPECTATO R AT CARSON'S 20-50% OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DENIM! DETAILS INSIDE. s s s e e e s e55.5.5 e . .e e s . ,,, s a a .- s . - . " -e - . - .0 E s .' e e s e e NOW THROUGH flfl. s MONDAY, SEPT. 6, 2010 s e Choose as many items Class excitement as you like! 6t2e Fiona Maloney of Park Ridge gets excited after finding out what third grade s class she will be in atTheodoreRoosevelt Elementary. See story on page 4. e I I II o I II Photo by Curtis Lehinkuhi/Staff Photographer DO10001OECF s. e e ss e o e s ss s e s s s e e s s e LOOK INSIDE FOR MORE EXTRA SAVINGS COUPONS!- * CM4oIil'h45eott7 COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE® GET DEALS, STAY CONNECTED OCi09 S1I .LS HOIUD ..LSItj p 0959 like' uso on Facebooki AèjU8I1 Get otters In your inbox. 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I Nius USE THESE COUPONS FOR EXTRA SAVINGS! o.. n SEPTEMBER 2, 2tt0 * A PITBEER ecss PUBLICATION * WWW.NILEsHEnALT5PECTATOB.COM * Sato Now throWn Monday, Sept. 6,2010 - e THIS WEEK EXTRA !NVFRSIONS irrt0 .,r i-0100000 o: ,ioi ein. iod,oO a 'r oiS0n1O%orCOoOc nno ion . 2O?OOFF a sole price apparel or l'ne eweiry ¡terri 2Nt,hiOwi,l0000 6 days only! u0'. wodneaday, September t - monddy, neptembor 6: ciar: up rei & coo your t io in 0 00 it carcans cord 1010ko on corro 20% oit dimori everything :0 the nroro SCARY NANNY A000001 2ONH 'Nanny McPhee Returns' Or Shop Online: Diconont onde PRLBRDAY91O ro oprr ubionirocudiO poro: featured in this week's Now thr000h Monday, Sept 6,2010 Film Clips PAGE 02 EXTRA o wren ens arr o inni :o nuca o THOUSANDS OF NEW ITEMS, aaea005e.dSaey.wrr ADDED! 2 a.of .a era.i1 .rr.O roc Icoerdo. ci aselo price apparat or tiny jewelry itere IIII °0'v,' aOcocOruONH ,yjco save R Or whop wnitne1 Otsowont code PRLSRDAY91O o and more on O original prices. Home Front Now throogh Monday. wont. o. Zorn when you take an by BlockShoppen EXTRA r SonnelN%0000000 nwnn00000iy i., in L00000:oln:ni:b.iod:o House calls ois,neOtO%OCCouOO runo icy. permanently reduced sudimer apparel, accessories, 0.5.0 baaradSwel.oriiaa SOi000020e footwear and home store merchandise Which local osate price appornl nr fune jewelry Item fo050 residence sold, und look for the yellow signs for how much? Turn to llhIIIIlIlll 11111 throughout the storel A000001 dONA Home Front to find out Floua Maloney of Park Ridge gets excited after finding out what third grade class she will While supplito tool No prier Otjoolrrenlo toi preo:000lypurchaSOd he in at Theodore Roosevelt Elementary. PAGE 4 (Curtis Lehmkuhl/Staff Photographer) Or shop online: Dis000nr ocde PSLSRDAY61O 010 001e rirrrhondos felon col goudron errohardise 0(0th 0610e PAGE 23 BIG NEWS 61055001 diconunIt do nel cpp1e. 125rt051 Now rhtough Macday Septe 2010 EXTRA 1O%neeo, prou irr. esser a.asaareoa.lswroa 500500 aise ..uTLm 2 Oarfoo.ioreaiaisrl.' a sate arce acyaral nr lina ¡Wnlry item us,wrr°o i MOtds0F02 .55,00 P0051020 cOONS 020W week rocje','i-opp I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AccorDi DOttA :: c 745ett P105000 POcOS rrr000rsoo', Or Shop online: Discount code PRLA0DA'r'Nlo COME To THE RIGHT pLACEe u www.pioneerlocal.com NIL- ThURSDAY, StP1Et3tR2.2010 MaosagioogEolllase: MattSchuiite J'hone: (708) 524-4433 f 000bhnsito@pionenrloealcomo Loca'Xei°2555020200 THIS WEENO 722210 15221LOYAIIITITAIISTICSI TEEN TALENT0 22000515015012100FR 0210$ 202012 MILL RE I SCHOOLS3 MOCiL21112120AS PRINCIPAL CRIME,00325*SPULOSIZES, 0H16 SOCOLO Outstanding Agents -.-.--. ,...,.-.1 tALES VILLAGE BOARD Outstanding Results. SuburbanuuclIlpiuymellL 'The Number One Selling RWI( Office is Board focuseson twoaudits SkokieSince 1986.° Suiving the SoUte North Shore. Thinking of SELLING rate changes varied in July By ALEX MCLEESE The booed usthaeieed theprocess on Sept, 22, usd11 Call for a Free Market Analysis! 847-674-9797 Cortybaler nillage louse $10,000 fol' Iho hopes tu rave the village nudit, which will ha rom- Your Home? 34410110e54220534427 04noV 0 *722140 By LYNNE STIEFEL 5173,500 ecer the remoim- [email protected] Area unemployment statistics At thu Riles Villuge 00usdpleiedhy Ills sod of Novem- leg yours of she debt insoes. Or305luyeonl 7155 l5/t2d'Ssie9 01 1011/04 OliShliN sr 41401*080- ofTnemtesammnliogoo Aug lo 0005her move 5e im- 24, the huord chose a Orm The number of suburban F17 July 112mo mtntt esruiortnioeg 1220770 uf Itose Chicoqt'aree The hourd cooed 10411cmprsvr Ihm vilboge's ledgers, 'reidemts Im the Inbar 0,ac- te madit the nilluge'a lotee-Ihe villlage odwinistrolionIhn board upproved the suhurts 210244 hy P140511 111233, 20 aithapopsl000e 4140 lIcol27,020, nul financial ramonais ood bel r000iwoed to ebb cod 00e Unemployweol 75123 ore ooh 2240075118052,104, to send aal u reqasst ZarRiles Fsmily P110000 Coo- 11221 Vow in July. moved u asep rloaer ta Sod-propunals for Ohs informa- ler's reqamvt la bred se the CHICAGO "' LObaefO,40 J0t J'ose .J550NoOtlOy' 9Sidy' img a Orm for an infomma-tion tecl,sology oadil, Unemployment rates in-os I,.t J 54) 20200000 po'ion07000ess membership 0000 4700 4 0 flol4404124100422,,,n3,144 403122113 444224 2414 37111332F 432491021 tion technology usd11, "The idac is for ehe roo- ,,llwllwI004tolI-23434223424im2 created slightly 304000-lo- Os401olo 0,420 no Sops. i, Prices will riso IO 24,207 0,5 0.6 8.4 -0.1 0.0 &l2,14014332221211641,433110323l 7333 22W3313192112 114234311213321233 3714*40 342.227319231 lO *11241461 mouth im fine of the 06 The baaed oworded u con-sultanI 0000mo in ond re-by $11092 per peenoa pem ElnohorsI 23,020 7.8 7,5 6,2 -0.0 -0.4 13f, 313331, 34312, 23121 4102,000 531002l44,lI3 22 11l031411l07I420 Chicago-area communitias Irart to Smidmu Fon LLC forview thu IT depal'lmaot lo monib aor050aumeross 3770,022 2603,02 01022400M Pork 13,26310.4 02,4 10.1 0.0 -'0.3 the cadis nf imleemol coo- cosa!'a Obey hove pl'uperse- 0242,000 0400,000 withpopsiulisosoven cutegorics of membership, 25,000 merced by loemos Esofl5tsa 42.070 8.2 8.2 7.9 0.0 2.3 trein, which mes prnposod csrisp 0e providm oser sup-Tho ocotes lust inereesed 352,1 70424 lila 50,32110 $4241224 5401T'4620 0103000w 24.039 7.2 7.4 0,0 -0.2 -9.5 by bcamd members dumimg 662-260'2045 770'010.6114 347'Otl-5381 Press; was umehauged im port 004ta nhonh lheO sofi-prices im Pebraary 2006, four rommusitie,; umd de- Soess, 00,952 8.2 9.5 8.0 0.3 0.7 the budgetiog process famwore licanses are in place," Ilespoodiag too reqaest oruased shghtly is secos, Hi)NIood P32k 14,102 7.4 7.0 6.4 0,4 1.0 Baosi ymuc 2011, Vas Oeew sold, He uddedby o nitisen, lbs beard dis- 01,920 "Theimmediacy of ))oywood 16,2 16.0 16.3 - 0,1 -0.0 "They're geiog to fucus onOhot the hoard would pooh-cassod Ohm possibility sf m052hly dota um it trirhies M62t64 02004 10,832 9,9 8.7 8.9 0.2 0.0 any ways Ihr village couldably apprsvsaromlmortotteem limits fee elseted vil- up oc dome does mot onmo- )00odalaln 07,944 00.2 9,8 9,2 0.6 1,0 monreinably be dth'noded 10, Seplembar meeting, loge 07501015, but mome of the SKOKIE uhudswthelong-term 461110 04,201 9.0 9.0 00.0 -0,0 -11.9 oc less ssomap wilh mio- 0e additioo lo pl'ossiogmembern ancre in levee of NOrtI,hroak 0709M 7,2 7.4 7,2 -0.2 0.0 tebea," said Village Memeg- aheod with Oho two uadiOs, she policy chan ge, Vom 31143 Somp. 3!l33F4'3 713W3 024 40020 40,,0,0407b0.l'i32 12]' 3 I 302393,32 22,7 041F ,32121,132 01/44244244340222 121144, 2211m4$31w12 43442243421. 1013243 lcendsthatshow carotate ISOlI91220*1,243.0217 ouociog im the right direr- $40k Pork 20,405 03 8.3 6.3 0.3 0,f er George Ven Geem,the buord tppronmd a reO- Geam said thoU oolp u small 13342,7*3 44,3431224 42 0132431 21213 222,323 341431072 2321213. 1443124 10304171 hou," Maureoo O'Deooeli, Park BiNo 19,201 7,7 7,0 6.2 -S.l -0.8 "That's whet loternal can- 00001mg of up to .95,1 millioo fraction of the Northonent 001940 teols ura, to wshe name iu ciliege debt Imam 2003, Munieipol dirrrlor of the Jilionim De- Skokie ' 34.250 8,9 8,9 9.2 0.2 -0.3 Comferemee's yao'oegatampstem im place The village odwioiulrahon paclweol cf tOmployweet W11s4,tte 02,632 8.8 7.2 7.0 -0,4 -0,2 mewbemu limit the terms nl 211,03,14Lindos? 00,47 5000001010 to protact assets," will hold un opeo bid their oO8eials. 047.740.1140 622'327'6104 775.230-3060 047.334.0077 Security, simlrd. At6.8 pmrraml,Wilmmttmh -.$----- usrmploy,00mmt rulo re- ,noioed thu lowest omoog hundo mumiripailtirm avith °The iotsnediacy of monthly data as it .1376062 Man threatenswomanfrom cell o popsiuliono over 20,000, ful- trickles up or down does not overshadow CHICAGO EVANSTON towed by Glmmriew und By JENNIFER JOHNSON officer Ohot he could hove 24,0 8000,000 bond ives set, IllS 4I,21a154,43l12 2412132 422 1242 .172450503.422,5, 4,0 211mLIS No,'lhbrooh al 7,2 percuo i 5 lIn SO5Op anse rIa adiete 3 32101.0214' llIm*0'O 203901,40 34312330iO403 4 420 430 34047100 54 0w232io sso I 033311I0I11000,44 ,124150/43I,315 03k24,224321I1 the longterm trends that show ator state the viotim "hilled for 100 police coud, F4313 /1433 2433 111313204, 235 1044F 1t10202301 2353, W0021443 31441313I bachu" Aller police ollo,,od Omron viceim han report- 212412! 0300,090 Maywood't i8.2-puceru moving in the right direction.°° Ouad was Set sO 8300,000Owce lo moho 000 phonoedly be eo effsrcd a "sofe 0000,00 4706,000 unemployment rute mue forsnuoieco,'pomuied call 070es 1,1 was processed boceo" for bec lInd her 0h11- 4100,200 seornib highest im thu sial Mtsrrre O'Daenetl Molos Township 01 11,0 Moy0000d BIli201300,0 O 001$07000 442 410,152 0211444444, behind North Chicego, gas mon accuseduf Lochop, delcotiveu d4;ruç1,s 247.022.6277 Poluca said Owne SI.
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