n ' LLBRs^LL* ^ 3 THE MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY * 5 5 5 * w .i 0 ^ - i t M. WARMKESSEL VOL. XXVI NO. 1 3 Aprii 1 ,1 9 9 3 Thursday, Aprì! 15 Millersville to Host Beatrice Medicine to Speak ADA Videoconference Millersville University and the Americans Dr. Beatrice Medicine, until recently a Titled “ Unmasking the Past to Face Future with Disabilities Act (ADA) Task Force of visiting professor of women’s studies at the Issues: American Indian Women,’’Medicine’s Lancaster County will sponsor the one-day University of Toronto, will present a public talk is free and open to the public and will seminar and videoconference “ Successfully lecture atMillersville on Thursday, April 15. begin at 7:30 p.m. in Myers Auditorium at Employing People with Disabilities: What McComsey Hall. The talk is the final one in Managers Need to Know” on Wednesday, MU’s 1992-93 lecture series on gender, race April 14, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and ethnicity. Louise Perna, coordinator of the Du Pont Dr. Medicine, who retired to the Standing Disability Program at the Wilmington head­ Rock Indian Reservation, South Dakota, in quarters, will give the keynote presentation 1988, is an associate professor of anthropol­ during the morning session in the Bolger ogy emeritus at California State University, Conference Center. A panel, featuring em­ Northridge. Earlier in her career, she was a ployers and employees with disabilities, will professor and director of the Native Centre at discuss making the Americans With Dis­ the University of Calgary in Canada. abilities Act work. A number of vendors will She is a prolific writer of books and articles; display products and services relating to among them are The Role o f Am erican Indian ADA programs. Women in Cultural Continuity and Transition From 1 to 4 p.m., participants will join a and Indian Women and the Renaissance of national audience for a live, interactive Traditional Religion, both published in 1987. videoconference in Stayer Education Cen­ An Ethnography of Drinking and Sobriety ter. Panelists will discuss hiring, supervis­ Among the Lakota Sioux, in preparation, is ing, and providing accommodation for people Dr. Beatrice Medicine one of her most recent works. with disabilities. The videoconference is sponsored by the Public Broadcasting Ser­ State System Funds 7 Grant Proposals vice and Mentor Media. Professional Development Committee Awards 9 Grants Registration costs $25; for information, contact the MU Office of Human Resources Seven grant proposals involvingMillersville in Modern America, $2,008; and at ext. 3017. University faculty members were among the Diane Umble, communication and theatre, 78 proposals from SSHE faculty that were “Controlling the Telephone; Managing the Spring Enrollment Down funded recently by the State System Faculty Boundaries: Women’s Voices in Old Order A total of 7,264 students are enrolled this Professional Development Council. Mennonite and Amish Debates about Tele­ semester at Millersville, down 123 from the Grants for the proposals totaled over phones at Home and at Work,” $5,500. spring of 1992. The total, for both on- and off- $270,000. Of that amount, $22,370 was In all, Millersville had forwarded 16 grant campus students, includes 6,547 undergradu­ awarded to MU faculty. Awardees, projects proposals to the State System Faculty Profes­ ates and 717 graduate students. and grant amounts are as follows: sional Development Council. Those propos­ Also registered for Millersville’s noncredit Jamie M. Byrne, communication and the­ als not funded were partially funded by the atre, completion of course work for a Ph.D. University’s Professional Development Com­ mini courses this spring, which are offered in communication, $2,000; mittee; grant awards for these project propos­ both on- and off-campus, are 392 students. Carole Counihan, sociology/anthropology, als totaled $17,244. “Food, Reproduction, and Female Identity Awardees, along with their projects and The Encounter of Two Worlds Among Pregnant Puerto Rican and Euro- grant amounts, are: - EVENTS - American Women in Lancaster,” $2,474; Cynthia Dilgard, English, “An Edition of Brigid O’Hanrahan, art, research on “ Cre­ John Taylor’s Commonplace Books, ” $1,500; A pril 7 ative Thinking as a Learned Skill,” $2,000; Bonnie Duncan, English, “ Geopolitics and Film series featuring At Play in the Fields Jam es C. P arks, biology, “Species Com­ Textural Aesthetics Written Between 1250 o f the Lord', Myers Auditorium at McComsey position of Fern Spore Banks as Determined and 1550intheMidlandsofEngland,” $1,250; Hall, 7 p.m. Free. by Starch-gel Electrophoresis,” $4,550; Mary Glazier, sociology/anthropology, April 4-May 15 JoelB.Piperberg, biology, “GeneExpres- ‘ ‘The Growth of Delinquent Gangs in Lancaster Juried exhibition, “Encounters of Two sion in the Retina Controlled by Four-Degree County,” $3,925; Worlds,” featuring artists who, in their art, C. Storage and Its Possible Relationship to Michael Houlahan, music, “ A Sound address the subject of ethnicity in contempo­ Cellular Stress,” $3,838; Approach to Music Theory,” $1,500; rary life; Ganser Library Art Gallery. Free. Jeri Robinson, art, an artist’s book, Family (cont'd on p. 2) Staff Activities International Exchange WALTER BLACKBURN, music, conducted the topic, “ Preparing Those Who Teach: Content-Spe­ Seminars Available five performances of the Lancaster Opera Company’s cific Pedagogy.” International Faculty Development Semi­ DR. JANE BRADY MATANZO, elementary and interpretation of Gounod’s Romeo and Juliet, which nars are now available through the Council on was staged at the Fulton Opera House in Lancaster. early childhood education, has been appointed to The He also adapted the original orchestration for these Reading Teacher Editorial Advisory Board for 1993- International Educational Exchange, accord­ performances. 95. A refereed publication of the International Read­ ing to the MU Office of International Affairs. DR. XIMENA CATEPILLAN, mathematics, pre­ ing Association, The Reading Teacher is published The seminars provide opportunities for short­ sented a lecture, “ Models of Families of Quasi- eight times a year with a circulation of more than term, intensive overseas experience for uni­ Normal Operators,” at the Southeastern Analysis 66,000. versity faculty and administrators. Hosted by Meeting, SEAM IX at Memphis State University, DR. THOMAS O’BRIEN, educational foundations, prestigious academic institutions, International March 5-7. published, “ Irreconcilable Priorities,” a review of DR. JACK FISCHEL, history, has had a publica­ Wayne Urban’s book, Black Scholar: Horace Mann Faculty Development Seminars offer focused tion that he co-edited, Jewish-American History and Bond, 1904-1972, in Southern Changes, Spring, updates on global issues and regions that are Culture: An Encyclopedia, selected by the American 1993, Volume 15, No. 1, p. 25-7. shaping the course of world events. Library Association's Reference and Adult Services RICHARD PAWLING, geography, was the key­ The seminars are as follows: “ Politics and Division as an Outstanding Reference Source for note speaker for the U.S. Forest Service’s Northwest Society in Post-Pinochet Chile” at Catholic 1992. Regional Training Workshop held in Portland, Oregon. University in Santiago, Chile, Nov. 21-27, PATRICIA HOPSON-SHELTON, assistant to the Also, Pawling wrilesa regular column, “The Chew,” president for social equity and diversity, recently for the Mason-Dixon By-line, the newsletter for 1993; “Colonialism, Capitalism, Commu­ received a certificate of studies in contract administra­ Region II of the National Association for Interpreta­ nism: Hong Kong 1997” at Chinese Univer­ tion from the Cornell University Labor Relations tion. sity of Hong Kong, Nov. 21-27,1993; “Japan’s School. DR. KAREN SANCHEZ, educational foundations, Role in the New World Order” at Interna­ DR. WILLIAM F. KRUMSKE JR., business ad­ presented a paper, “Teacher Intention and Teaching tional House of Japan in Tokyo, Nov. 21-27, ministration, presented a paper, “ When Medical Practice,” at the Spring 1993 Mid-Atlantic States 1993; “ Northern Ireland: Images of a Di­ Doctors Conduct Marketing Research: JAMA (Jour­ Philosophy of Education Conference held at the State nal ofthe American Medical Association) and Old Joe, University of New York, Binghamton, March 6-7. vided Society” at the University of Ulster in the Camel,” at the 1993 American Marketing Activities of Retired Staff----- Coleraine, Northern Ireland, Nov. 21-27, Association’s Winter Educators’ Conference held in 1993; “Post-Communist Poland: An Eco­ Newport Beach, California. The paper also was DR. PHILIP D. WYNN, industry and technology, nomic Miracle?” at the Warsaw School of published in the Conference Proceedings. has been appointed to the Aviation Careers Commit­ Economics in Warsaw, Poland, Nov. 21-27, tee of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for DR. JOSEPH F. LYNCH, counseling and human 1993; “ The United States of Europe: Beyond development, had his article, “ Identifying Anticipa­ the central Pennsylvania region. The committee is tory Anxiety in the Therapist Trainee,” published in responsible for helping qualified high school and 1992” at the University of Limburg, in the Temple Psychiatric Review (January, 1993). college students to be aware of and consider careers Maastricht, the Netherlands, and Brussels, DR. ANNE MALLERY, elementary and early in aviation. Belgium, Jan.2-8,1994; and “Tradition and childhood education, attended a National Endowment Also,
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