n e t pebss e u n A V M AQ B DAILY CIEODLATION for the Month of April, IMO Members ef tbe Asdit Bureso of Clrcolsf lose VOL. X U V DAVISON SILVER HOOVER TO HONOR HEROES, AT GETTYSBURG TARIFF CONFEREES PARADE HEADS LOST IN A FOG northward ON MEMORIAL DAY Just What Guests of Assistant REACH Secretary of War Ate Out of HAVAMFUGRI is Not Disclosed. V HAVElrorSURANCaB NOW • ^ a g a i n s t k i d n a p in g New F le x ib le P r o v is io H PROGIMHERE New York, May ^9.— (AP.)— Just what toe guests at a din­ Rolls Up Another Thousand Kansas City, May 29— (AP)— ner given by Assistant Secre­ Recent Wdnapings «md « to r - Woidd Greatiy Increase tary of War-and Mrs. F. Tru- ' -kC* tions here have resulted in the Town Halts Tomorrow to bee Davision did' under the cir­ Miles on Journey; Sighted sale of insurance poUcies to a Preddent's Power and cumstances ha^ not been dis­ number of Kansas^aty closed, but these are toe facts: tecting them against victimiza­ Honor Its War Dead; Che­ The Davisons suddenly dis­ hy Steamer Which Re­ tion. ^ , Restrict Anthority of Tar­ covered yesterday that they The insurance against kidnap­ ney Hall Ex:t cises, March needed more silverware for a ports All Well on Board. ing is believed the first srfd in dinner party at their , Sands the United States. It is offered iff Conunission— Debate Point, Long Island, estate, and by a London company through Leading Attractions. sent a burry call for extra muT Jones, a Kansas City agent. pieces to the Davison home in By Assosiated Press On Proposition is Expect­ A premium of 1 per Washington. The Graf Zeppelin today had roll­ charged for a maximum poUcy Early in toe evening an Army Memories of the World War, les- | ed up another thousand miles of her of $50,000. ^ ■ A ed on Monday. -cned by twelve years of peace, will i plane took off from Washing­ journey from Friedrichshafen., Ger­ Mr. Jones said, he had obtained ton with toe needed ware, and return with all the vividness of i many, to Lakehurst, N. J. The the insurance at considerable a Davison chauffeur was hus­ cost to satisfy an expressed de­ rcalitv tomorrow—Memorial Day tled to a Long Island landing dirigible was 450 miles due east of Washington, May 29.— (AP)— mand. Names of purchasers of The conferees on the tariff bill today S veterans of the Civil. Spamsh- field to await its arrival. The Cayenne, French Guiana, this the insuranee was not announced, Am^'rican, and World Wars, and guests finally arrived but the non, going sixty miles an hour and agreed upon a new flexible provi­ <•>*---------- ^ - ------------- - other patriotic organizations, “ arch chauffeur was still maintaining '4k'£ rapidly cutting down toe distance to sion which would broaden consider­ again on Manchestet streets m his vigilance in vain. the West Indies. ably the powers of toe President honor of the war dead and li^mg. At a late hour it was learned The dirigible had less than a Activities in Manchester will be that toe plane, piloted by Lieut. thousand miles left of toe journey ONLY 2 AMERICANS and restrict the authority of the practically at a standstill. All st^es, W. J. Willis, had become lost in to Trinidad, or a point at sea op- tariff commission. according to agreement of the Mer- toe fog and had landed at posrtotoat island city. This distance The new proposal would author­ chant’s division of the ! Trenton, N. J. covered, she would pass into toe AVOID EIMINATION ize toe tariff commission to recom­ Commerce, will be West Indies where her progress mend increases or decreases in rates out the day, industries wiU pause. would be almost continuously over even sporting attractions are not up to 50 per cent and toe President scheduled. Manchester will honor , populous island areas. could approve them or let them her war dead with the greatest , CHAMBER PLANS lapse by inaction. i SIGHTED BY STEAMER. Jones and Voigt Left In Brit­ Tbe executive would not be re­ tribute of all, silence. | London, May 29.-(AP)-The Industries Close i Quired to disapprove a commission Cheney Brothers’ plant w ll clo.e BAND CONCERTS m ^ter of toe steamer W o l^ g a m ish Amateur, Former finding, if he saw fit, as was re­ tomorrow noon. The p-ant ^ -------------- ——— ------------ - , HVo tin. Confederate and Union monuments that now today radioed toe Associated Quired under toe original plan. The by way of Salina that he i also be closed on 60 day period given him to act also ing. wdth the exception o- a few de stand? C ”SrS5torfc” a « S e S turn,or- 90^^ sighted toe Graf Zep^lto at too Beats Johnston One Up. was stricken out. o’clock today, Greenwich tune, (5 a nartments. Work will be resumed Monument that stands on toe exact ’ Eliminate Section. Also Decide to Hold General m. E. S. T.) and exchanged radio S usual time Monday morning. ............................ ‘ ........................ ..... Other smaller factories, it is Be­ where Uncoln made hie famoue Gettysburg address. 'The conferences also eliminated messages. St. Andrews, Scotland, May 29.— that section which would have per­ lieved. will be closed all day. The Message. The. sport program for Memorml Outing of Members; Hear The radio from the Wokingham (A.P)—^Tbe“ lost eight” of toe Brit­ mitted a commission rate to become Day is blank. Not a single g a ^ effective if toe President neither BAPTISTS TO BACK ish Amateur golf championship will approved nor disapproved it within has been announced Executive Reports. ^^‘^10:00 a. m. G. M. T., Passbd :find two players from toe United so Manchester athletic fans who HOOVER APPROVES NEW very close to Graf Zeppelin Lat. 5.35 sixty days. must have their holiday sport <hsh North, Long. 46.9 West. Exchang- States, Bobby Jones and George The new plan follows closely the must go elsewhere for the fe^t. PROHIBITION LAW I ed radio signals. Fine califi weath- "Voigt, and one American who lives existing flexible tariff policy with a Sunday the West Sides open their Weekly band concerts here dur­ in'London, Douglas Grant, fighting few minor additions taken from tbe ing toe summer and approval of an home season with toe VETERAN PENSION BILL i ^ “Zeppelin fljdng low toward it out with five British competitora House bill. Republican leaders were Wheel Club and the Bon Ami plays old fashioned business men’s outing for toe right to continue in toe certain it has been made safe at WUlimantic. Otherwise no games were toe outstanding results of last i northwest. Presume all weU. against further points of order and t 'The position indicated by to e championship play. have beeif announced for the week- night’s membership meeting of toe j To FilJit It Out fo r “ Next I Tomorrow morning Voigt will planned to report it to the Senate I steamer is 450 miles east o f end. _ Chamber of Commerce, Both were President Vetoed Original NO HERALD play William Sutton, former Eng­ today. Italian Service . ' approved by the 65 members in at­ lish native champion, while Jones Debate on the proposition, as well tendance and committees will be | Hundred Years Says’ u.. Churches, for toe most part, will TOMORROW meets Eric Fiddian, who remov- as toe tariff in general, is expected hold no services. Many have al­ named by President Emil L. G. Ho- j mouth of toe Amazon. o ready held Memorial se^ ces last hentoal Jr. to perfect plans. Spanish - American War The Herald will not be The Wokingham is a Bntisn Tony Torrance, one of Britain s best to start in the Senate Monday. The band concert and outing sub­ issued tomorrow. Memo­ Their Report. steamship of 2268 tons bound from players from toe competition today. The flexible plan was returned to Sunday and others wnll hold fitting Douglas' Grant made three Amer­ observance next Sunday, As far as jects were introduced by Oliver F. Measure Yesterday— To rial Day. Tampa, Fla., AprU 29 to M o n ^ d o conference Tuesday. is known only toe Sons and Daugh­ Toop, chairman of toe Meetings and Buenos Aires by way of Mobile icans in toe quarter f in ^ The only restriction now to be ters of Italy will unite in a service committee of toe Chamber. George Cleveland, May 29— (AP) — The and Pensacola. he no longer Uves in toe placed on toe President which is not Members wUl meet at toe DeUa L. Betts and Edward O. Stearns en­ Be Offered Today. Northern Baptist convention, was States, when, he defeated toe Hon in existing law Is that ho shall not Michael Scott; conquerer of vou Fera tailor shop on Oak street to- tered into toe discussion on band ciiUed upon to “stand imwaveriugly change the commission’s findings in morrow morning to attend the 8 concerts, Mr. Steams suggesfang iciTn, three pp and one to play.. proclaiming a rate change. o’clock high mass at St. James s Washington, Way 28.r-( AP) — in defense of temperance and law .. J d ^ ha» now passed rou ^ A t present, the President may church, for deceased brothers (Continued on Pagg IbrjEse.) enforcement” in a report of toe pro­ in wMci'Tie was dUirfiflated. the last Chairman Knutson of the House hibition and law committee .prepar­ proclaim a difieremt duty from that sisters of toe organizations. Later time he ifiayed In the rscominended by the committee but they will march to toe cemetery to pensions committee said today ed for submission at today’s session teur championship.
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