• -..__1., ..- .• _ ,ward·~VI telWltI~ TOTAL TROPICA PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD Volume 25, #2 May 1996 ,~ _: .-::t). Wardley Total Tropical is the ulti­ mate freshwater flake food, created to provide an extraordinary diet that considers not only your fishes health of today, but their nutritional needs for tomorrow, Better meta­ bolic responses, faster attraction to the food, brilliant color and im­ \ proved overall health and vitality are only a few of the benefits of '. , l~ ( - feeding Total Tropical as your ,J" ....1" 'l,'l ',",' everyday staple food. Total Tropi­ ll':~tIo ., i~I~.~ ~ ". cal begins where all other staple "- " "J.'~~i.~:'1'" foods leave oH, I I­ ,QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER ' I :f!"" AUSTRALIA'S PREMIER BRAND "1/; r' (/). I /'/ (j] . r a FfCr·{/IUNl f!.)('(~IIUC1 ~fOO'f3r!l'y'nc. $1 REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST -- 1'1':l427RO.'0024 CONTENTS Cichlid Scene 2 Editorial 3 Minutes of Previous Meeting 4 Table Show Calendar 7 Breeding Cyphotilapia Frontosa 8 Rowemin' 'Round 10 Jawlocking 18 Cypriniform Method 19 Love Me - Love My Fish 21 Definition and Tem1S 23 Life Members: Graham Rowe, Heinz Staude, KeVUI Archibald, Keith Patford, DatUlY Genovese. Honorary Members: Max Davenport, Dr. Angus Martin. Committee Members: President Jolm McConnick (059) 443502 · ' Vice-President Lynda HaYInes 97042046 CLEANING SYSTEM Secretary Graham Rowe 95607472 Editor Elias Iliopoulos (053) 42 2460 Pro-Clean Citrus Cleaning System is Treasurer Daryl Hutchins 9872 3225 the result of 12 months development Social Secretary Helen Rowe 95607472 and testing. It is simple to use, leaves Librarian Scott HaY\TIes 97042046 no hannful resid ue, is biodegradable Show Secretary Ben Carbone 95455040 and does NOT have the harmful Trading Table John Reeves 98034109 effects of other cleaners. Committee-at-large Aussie Magnussen 95462974 Under normal- use WILL NOT Helen Jackson 95455040 HARM YOUR FISH! Darren Howard 97424724 ie: I part concentrate to 10 parts water Travis Hingston 98856818 'k1:f:"::~:f'-;~ Facsimiles 95607028 9872 3225 lrlf/!f~\;/'~, • LIGHT CARPET & FABRIC STAINS I'~ ...><~~ - LIGHT DIRT STAINS ON PAINTED SURFACES Reprints © Copyright, Victorian cichlid Society ll\collJorated 1996. - BATH & SHOWER RECESSES Anyone wishing to reprint material from any edition of 'The Cichlid Monthly' Ul their regular club ~r-_~~~ magazine (not other publications which are sold), may do so (unless the article itself carries a - TOILET BOWLS, STOVE TOPS copyright notice) provided due credit is given to the author and 'TCM' and one copy of the relevant • REFRIGERATORS, PLASTIC & PVC FURNn'URE 'rt~JI'" . ....... ._;,.,.,IfJ publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretary. Enquires re the use of material in any '·a!~~.;.-",. - FISH TANKS, PIlli-LAUNDRY STAIN REMOVER ',~~~.~~ ... other publication may also be directed to: (DO NOT USE !\f FULL STRENGTH) ~~<-.~ .. • OTHER GENERAL APPLICATIONS THE SECRETARY Contact Scott or Lynda on (03) 9704 2046 VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC c/- 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia 3170. SCEN~~ CICHL[D Edito~iaf GREETINGS budding fish keepers and fish alike. After THE NEXT MEETING will be held on the second Friday of' thl; IlIonlll (10 May 1996) at 8:00 pm sharp (the trading table opell~ earlier) at the success of my first magazine, even though a little rough around the edges, I'm the Courtyard Room, Nunawading Civic Centre, Whitellorse Road glad to say the support received after the publication of Vo1.25, # 1. was Mitcham. Supper will be partaken of after the meeting. overwhelming and has been sufficient enough to make me happily sit down in front Visitors are, of course, most welcome. of my computer, with my Pseudotropheus zebra happily spawning in the MINI TALK: Cichlid Heads background to produce #2. MAIN TALK: Black Worms I have to make one confession however. Due to certain circumstances that were DOOR PRIZES: Kongs quite unavoidable over the past few weeks, I've left the mag till a little late. ll1is is DRAW PRIZES: I. Power Board and Extension Lead not to say however that I intend to let all you kind people down. Furthermore, as 2. Frozen Food - courtesy of Aquavell you will notice throughout this issue, there are no aquatic pictures of any nature. 3. Feedwell Fish Foods All that I can say to this is sorry, but due to some technical incapacitation's I've been unable to reproduce photographic images. "So what ?" you say, "there TABLE SHOW: K.A. Show = Central Americans weren't any in the last issue either!" I know, I know, last issue lacked a bit in the K.P. Show = Lake Tangyanika picturesque side ofthings too, but I had a good excuse then too.... really, I did. You wanna hear it? Guess not. Anyway, trust me folks, I'm on the improve and so Aims: The VCS was fonned by cichlidophiles in March 1972 and thus became the first specialist is The Cichlid Monthly. aquarist group in the state of Victoria. Its main aims are: On another note, I'm pleased to say that the response to Dear Elias has not been all I. To promote the keeping of cichlids; 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cicWids', their habits and attributes through the use of that bad. Even though there weren't exactly enough letters to fill half the mag, we slides, films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazincs, articles by still had enough to keep the column going...... Thanks Guys! members and discussion with fellow members or experts in the field.; Oh, by the way, as of next month, TCM will have a new column called 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; "Members Corner". It's designed to give all members of the club a fair chance at 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regards to the benefits offishkeeping (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal mismanagement; contributing to the magazine. Each month, at random, a member of the club will be 5. To promote fellowship between members; selected to make hislher entry for the magazine via either an article of their own, or 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; a written report of the talk that was made at that month's meeting. The article can 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjo)1TIent of the species in be posted to me within two weeks of the general meeting at the address that has the Family CicWidae. been previously cited, and will be published in the following months magazine. Disclaimer: 'Ule opinions expresscd herei.n are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those Articles can be about anything that you feel would be valuable to the Society in of the Editor of TCM or the committee of the Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated. conveying information that you feel you have to share with us and must be original. Communication on subjects raised is encouraged. For anyone that isn't too confident with their writing skills, don't worry, everything that is published in TCM is proof read prior to doing so. Standing Sub-Committees One other item I feel needs mentioning is my promise to a number of people about Fund Raising: Helen Jackson Accommodation: Daryl Hutchins Mailing: Elias lliopoulos writing an article on preparing and transporting fish for table shows. I'm not one Handbook: Daryl Hutchins Constitution: Daryl Hutchins to break a promise but I haven't written it yet so stay tuned for it in the June issue BAA: Jolm Reeves Species Maintenance: John Reeves ofTCM Anyway, I think I've fished on long enough for one issue, so until next time, keep feeding, breeding, and try to provide some reading! SeeYa ~. Aftcr a short brcak Scott Haylllcs with help from John Rccves spokc about gctting Minutes of the Previous General Meeting a tank right for the Home Show. John McConnick moved a vote ofthanks for Scott The President welcomed all and opened the meeting at 8.20pm. Most prcsent had and John which was carried by acclamation. received their magazines. BAA. Graeme Moulden was presented with his certificate and badge for breeding Apologies were received from Carl Bentin, Ernie Hicks, AlIen Hawkins, JlIstin 10 species of cichlids. Hawkins, Jann Recves, James Reeves, Graham Doyle, Darren Howard, Lynda Aart Langelaar was prescntcd in his abscnce with a ccrtificate for the first Haymes, Kevin Archibald, Danny Genovese, Kathy Breward, Peter Jager and spawning of Otopharynx Iithobates. It was stated that the dwarf Auratus availablc Heinz Stallde. is definitely different to the original Auratus but does not have a name yet. The minutes of the March meeting were acceptcd as read on a motion moved by Ben Carbone then announced the Table Show results. Ben Carbone and seconded by John Reeves. Correspondence Draw Prize First Robert Coghlan $35 Malvern Aquarium Sid Solch Magazine returned gift voucher. Andrew Dicker Magazine returned Second Graeme Moulden AquavelI frozen Talk to the Animals Expo invitation food. Peter Malloy Renewal Third Jeffrcy Staude Chocolates. The Hawkins Family Rcnewal Door Prizes were won by Gavin Melder, Daron Proudlock, Helen Rowe, Maurice Greg & Belinda Katsap Membership application Breward, Jeffrey Staudc and Scott Haymes. Aquarium Industries Available cichlid list AOB> John Reeves announced that he had deputised Aussie Magnussen to run the Noel Harcourt Zoo Expo proposal Trading Table next month. Annandale Publishing Subscription & Advertising offer for Practical Aquariums The President thanked everyone for attending and invited aB to share the supper. Outward The meeting finished at lO.30pm. Fax to Heiko Bleher re Aqua Geo. John Reeves to talk to EDAS re combining an order. Correspondence was received on a motion moved by Michael Cotterell and seconded by Jeffrey Staude.
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