Cambridge University Press 0521829623 - The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden Edited by Stan Smith Index More information INDEX Auden’s works are subdivided below into Poetry (volumes and individual poems), Plays (includ- ing libretti, radio and film scripts) and Prose (volumes, essays, chapters). The latter includes prose passages from ‘mixed’ volumes of verse and prose, where such extracts have individual titles and are discussed separately in the text, and anthologies edited by Auden, whether of prose or verse. Poetry and prose collections and critical and biographical sources are indexed only when they are discussed in their own right, but not when identifying references. Where there are alternative titles both are indicated. The poet himself is not indexed. Abyssinia 28, 157 Ashbery, John 4, 22, 227, 230 Ackerley, J. R. 178 Some Trees 230 My Father and Myself 178 Asperger’s Syndome 16 Adams, Anna Atwell, Mabel Lucie 135 A Reply to Intercepted Mail 236 Auden, Bernard xiv Adams, Henry 45 Auden, Constance Rosalie (nee)´ Bicknell xiv, Aeschylus 85 16, 154 Agape 18, 31, 32, 33, 37, 113, 157, Auden, George Augustus xiv–xv, 4, 16 175 Auden, John xiv, 17 Aguledo, Juan Sebastian and Murguıa,´ Auden Society Newsletter 234, 246 Guillermo Aguledo 214 Auden, W. H.: poetry The Sentient Universe 214 About the House (book) xix, 23, 64, 66, ‘Auden’s Question, Gould’s 222 Answer’ 214 Academic Graffiti xxi, 104 Allison, Drummond 230 ‘Address to the Beasts’ 223–4 Amis, Kingsley ‘Adolescence’ 203 ‘Socialism and the Intellectuals’ 231–2 ‘After Reading a Child’s Guide to Modern Amundsen, Roald 88 Physics’ 214 Anderson, Hedli 131 The Age of Anxiety , xix, 5, 7, 10, 21, Andreirsson, Kristian 74–5 46–7, 49–50, 88, 94, 112, 128, 133, 134, Anglo-German Naval Agreement 28 146, 206, 207, 235 Anselm, St 189 ‘The Aliens’ 66 Ansen, Alan 50 ‘Amor Loci’ 65, 211 The Table Talk of W. H. Auden 241 Another Time xvii, xviii, 6, 9, 44, 133, Aquinas, St Thomas 148 134 Archer, William 84 ‘Anthem for St Cecilia’s Day’ 134, 207 ‘Arden, W. H.’ xiv ‘Archaeology’ 67, 193, 195, 211 Arendt, Hannah 22, 50 ‘The Art of Healing’ 221 Armitage, Simon 4 ‘A shilling life’ (‘Who’s Who’) 128 Arnold, Matthew 113 As I Walked Out One Evening 13 247 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829623 - The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden Edited by Stan Smith Index More information index Auden, W. H.: poetry (cont.) ‘Dichtung und Wahrheit’ 63, 112 ‘As I walked out one evening’ 101, 131 ‘Dirge’ 49 ‘Atlantis’ 37, 149, 211 ‘Doom is dark and deeper than any sea ‘At the far end of the enormous room’ 184 dingle’ (‘The Wanderer’) 145–6, 202 ‘At the Grave of Henry James’ 132 The Double Man (New Year Letter) xix, ‘Aubade’ 67 2–3, 7, 9, 20, 25, 37, 98, 113, 121, 128, ‘Auden and MacNeice: Their Last Will 133, 134–5, 138, 152, 153, 162, 189–90, and Testament’ 18, 72, 76, 130 191–2, 206, 207, 210, 213, 218, 231 ‘August 1968’ 23, 60, 65 ‘Dover’ 70, 205 ‘Before this loved one’ (‘This Loved One’) ‘Easily, my dear, easily you move’ (‘A Bride 70, 181 in the Thirties’) xvi, 10, 70, 106, 159, ‘Bestiaries Are Out’ 221 184, 205 ‘The Bonfires’ (‘Look there! The sunk road ‘Easy Knowledge’ 211 winding’) 182 ‘Encomium Balnae’ 108 ‘A Bride in the Thirties’ (‘Easily, my dear, Epistle to a Godson (book) xxi, 66, 222 easily you move’) xvi, 10, 70, 106, 159, ‘Epistle to a Godson’ (poem) 108 184, 205 ‘Epithalamium’ 99 ‘Brussels in Winter’ 42 ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’ 64, 220–1 ‘Bucolics’ 13, 22, 58, 59, 97, 99, 208, ‘The Fall of Rome’ 21, 131, 132 209–10, 219 ‘Family Ghosts’ 202 ‘The Capital’ 42 ‘Far from the heart of culture he was ‘The Cave of Making’ 115, 136, 211 used’ 78 ‘The Cave of Nakedness’ 210 ‘Feed the brute with eggs and fruit’ 131 ‘Certainly our city’ 170 ‘First Things First’ 108 ‘Certainly Praise’ 205 ‘Fish in the unruffled lakes’ 131, 149 ‘A Change of Air’ 63 ‘Fleeing the short-haired mad ‘Chilled by the Present’ 206 executives’ 128 City Without Walls (book) xxi, 65–6, For the Time Being (book) xix, 133 233 ‘For the Time Being’ (poem) 5, 7, 21, 46, ‘City Without Walls’ (poem) 132, 211 47, 48, 94, 112, 133, 134, 206 Collected Longer Poems xxi ‘Forty Years On’ 107 Collected Poems (1950) 125 ‘Friday’s Child’ 62, 125 Collected Poems (1976) 125, 228, 235 ‘From scars where kestrels hover’ 182, 201 Collected Poetry (1945) xix, 117, 163, ‘From the very first coming down’ (‘The 230 Letter’) 201 Collected Shorter Poems 1939–1944 xix, ‘The Geography of the House’ 64, 108–9, 85 210 Collected Shorter Poems 1927–1957 xxi, ‘Get there if you can’ 13, 100–1, 156, 169 2, 52 ‘“Gold in the North” came the blizzard to ‘Commentary’ 42, 79 say’ 131 ‘The Common Life’ 64, 211 ‘Goodbye to the Mezzogiorno’ 23, 61, ‘A Communist to Others’ 2, 32, 34, 36, 208 100, 130, 152 ‘Grub First, Then Ethics’ (‘On Installing ‘Compline’ 58, 198–9 an American Kitchen in Lower ‘Consider this and in our time’ 4, 156, 201 Austria’) 23, 63, 64, 210 ‘Control of the passes was, he saw, the key’ ‘A Happy New Year’ 41, 100, 129–30 (‘The Secret Agent’) 16, 124, 181, 202 ‘Have a Good Time’ (‘ “We have brought ‘Dame Kind’ 63, 98, 149, 219–20 you”, they said, “a map of the ‘Dear to me now and longer than a country” ’) 204 summer’ 184 ‘Heavy Date’ 47, 108, 149 ‘Dedication’ (‘We Too Had Known Golden ‘Here on the cropped grass’ 37 Hours’) 2, 55, 185 ‘Here war is simple like a monument’ 4, ‘Deftly, admiral, cast your fly’ 130 79, 160, 190 248 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829623 - The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden Edited by Stan Smith Index More information index ‘Herman Melville’ 134 ‘Look, Stranger!’ (‘On This Island’) ‘The Hidden Law’ 215–16, 220 (poem) 4, 130, 142–3, 145, 159–60, Homage to Clio (book) xx, 62 205 ‘Homage to Clio’ (poem) 62 ‘Look there! The sunk road winding’ (‘The ‘Hongkong’ 79 Bonfires’) 182 ‘Horae Canonicae’ 4, 8, 10, 22, 58–9, ‘Love by ambition’ (‘Too Dear, Too 193–9 Vague’) 126 ‘A Household’ 21, 116 ‘Lullaby’ (‘Lay your sleeping head, my ‘Hunting Season’ 217 love’) 2, 6, 102, 130, 184 ‘I have a handsome profile’ 25–6, 32, 33 ‘A Lullaby’ 24 ‘In Memory of Ernst Toller’ ‘The Managers’ 51 ‘In Memory of Sigmund Freud’ 43, 46, ‘Marginalia’ 65 165, 173 ‘Master and Boatswain’ (‘At Dirty Dick’s ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’ 4, 16, 36, 40, and Sloppy Joe’s’) 133 42–3, 52, 97, 132, 139, 188, 213 ‘May’ (‘May with its light behaving’) ‘In Praise of Limestone’ 21–2, 25, 56–7, 131 59, 98, 138, 144, 149, 163, 185, 208, ‘Memorial for the City’ 19, 56, 208 216–17 ‘Miss Gee’ 101–2, 131 ‘In Sunshine and in Shade’ 98 ‘Mountains’ 210 ‘In the Year of My Youth’ 113 ‘Mundus et Infans’ 216 ‘In Transit’ 52, 209 ‘Musee´ des Beaux Arts’ 19, 194, 196, 205, ‘In Time of War’ 19, 36, 76, 78, 160, 190 209, 210 ‘Ischia’ 21, 43, 59, 209 ‘Music is International’ 43 ‘Islands’ 210 ‘Natural Linguistics’ 66 ‘It’s no use raising a shout’ 171 ‘A New Year Greeting’ , 12, 66 ‘It was Easter as I walked in the public New Year Letter (The Double Man) gardens’ (‘1929’) xv, xvi, 155, 180–1, (book) xix, 2–3, 7, 9, 20, 25, 37, 98, 212, 214–15 113, 121, 128, 133, 134–5, 138, 152, ‘James Honeyman’ 101 153, 162, 189–90, 191–2, 206, 207, ‘Joseph Weinheber’ 62 210, 213, 218, 231 Journey to a War xviii, 9, 11, 13, 19, 68, ‘New Year Letter’ (poem) 20, 44–6, 47, 76, 134, 160, 190, 204 50 ‘Journey to Iceland’ 72, 204 ‘Night Mail’ xvii, 70 Juvenilia: Poems 1922–1928 124, 240 ‘1929’ (‘It was Easter as I walked in the ‘Lady Weeping at the Crossroads’ 149 public gardens’) xv, xvi, 155, 180–1, ‘Lakes’ 98, 210 212, 214–15 ‘Lauds’ 58 ‘No Change of Place’ (‘Who will endure’) ‘Law Like Love’ 134 70, 202 ‘Lay your sleeping head, my love’ ‘Nocturne’ 67 (‘Lullaby’) 2, 6, 102, 130 ‘Nocturne i’ 60 ‘Leap Before You Look’ 192–3 Nones (book) xx, 4, 10, 55–8 ‘The Letter’ (‘From the very first coming ‘Nones’ (poem) 58, 193, 195, 197, 199 down’) 201 ‘No, Plato, No’ 8 ‘Letter to Lord Byron’ 8, 12, 72, 73, 75, ‘Now from my window sill’ 25, 203 96, 103–6, 108, 119, 133, 153, 172, 173, ‘Now the leaves are falling fast’ 102 179–80, 236 ‘Now through night’s caressing grip’ Letters from Iceland xvii, 12, 18–19, 68, 131 69, 71–6, 103, 118, 130 ‘Ode to Gaea’ 98, 208, 209, 211, 217–19, ‘Let the florid music praise’ 130 222 ‘Like a Vocation’ 47 ‘Ode to Terminus’ 13, 99–100, 188, ‘London to Hongkong’ 76 217 Look, Stranger! (On This Island) (book) ‘O, Love, the interest itself in thoughtless xvii, 4, 13, 41, 96, 133, 157 Heaven’ (‘Prologue’) 126, 205 249 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829623 - The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden Edited by Stan Smith Index More information index Auden, W. H.: poetry (cont.) ‘The Secret Agent’ (‘Control of the passes ‘O what is that sound that so thrills the was, he saw, the key’) 16, 124, 181, 202 ear’ 157 ‘September 1,1939’ 1, 14, 20, 23, 43, 44, ‘On Installing an American Kitchen in 55, 65, 102, 121, 132, 134, 161, 162 Lower Austria’ (‘Grub First, Then ‘The Seven Stages’ 146 Ethics’) 23, 63 ‘Sext’ 196 ‘On the Circuit’ 64 The Shield of Achilles (book) xx, 4, 10, 55, ‘On the frontier at dawn getting down’ 12 58, 60, 97–8 On This Island (Look, Stranger!) (book) ‘The Shield of Achilles’ (poem) 22, 59–60, xvii, 4, 13, 41, 96, 133, 157 98, 146, 162–3, 208 ‘On This Island’ (‘Look, stranger!’) (poem) ‘Short Ode to the Cuckoo’ 221–2 4, 130, 142–3, 145 ‘Since’ 65 The Orators: An English Study xvi, 4, 9, ‘Since you are going to begin today’ 17–18, 27–8, 31–2, 102, 112, 118, 124, (‘Venus Will Now Say a Few Words’) 127–8, 130, 133, 149, 165, 170, 172, 146, 149, 202, 215 179, 182–3,
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