Welcome Ronid'.Celebration TOWNSHIP Memorial Dedication SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1946 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1946 Woodbridge Township.. To Honor Us High Ranking Officials To Participate Figrhting- Men. Plan Gigantic In Dedication Ceremonies Military Parade. Honoring: War Dead. VOL. VIII.—No. 47 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1946 PRICE TH-REE CENTS Robert Brereton, 23-Year Old Sightless Pianist, 250-Home Unless You Use Sundial to KeepConfab Due Sweetness To Give Recital in High School on October 24 Time, Hereps Friendly Tip, Pal debut in the Town Hall, New Project WOODBRIDGE—Conies Sun- a sun-dial keeper, you don't get With Beard AND Rector is Chairman of York on December 11 last year day morning- at 2 A. M. and you in on this party at all—and the Arranging for Recital and received wide critical acclaim, can ring- down your own curtain same goes for those who still A rrangements: Trainer the critic for the. authoritative on summer. The boys in the keep time with an hour-glass. New York Times asserting the Is Vetoed equinoxial back room will, of Somebody with practically no- Over- Shift" Light Is Handling Tickets young pianist "is obviously an course, already have clone it for thing- to do decided that 2 A. M. artist of great native musicality you but here's an opportunity is the official time for putting By Charles E. Gregory WOODBRIDGE—Formation of and his playing showed promise Raritan Commissioners for you to have a little ceremony Nicklas Will Report on a permanent community commit- daylight saving back in moth- of a _ fine musical career. It was Turn Down Plans As all your own, in the quiet of balls for next season, but unless Parley With Mothers; It is beginning to look as tee to sponsor and promote various tasteful, vigorous and well-con- your boudoir. cultural attractions received Its trolled and the sonorities he struck the Federal government has set though we were really be- Undesirable to Town The best part of this stunt is up some new bureau (which is Pupils All in Class first impetus this week with the from the instrument were clear that you don't have to wait until ginning to peel the scum of announcement Robert Brereton. and fine." RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Permit entirely likely) to cheek up on WOODBRIDGE—A special re- Communism from the Ameri- 23-year old sightless pianist, will for erection of 250 homes in the two A. M. in the case you're one such matters, you can start play- port by Supervising Principal Vic- The son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. to wrap up the day when the ing: with your clocks when you can body politic, and I think give a concert in the High School Brereton, 72 Green Street, the township, proposed by Benjamin birdies do. On the other hand, tor C. Nicklas will be submitted we can probably do a very auditorium on October 24. ReV. young man studied with eminent Smith of Mttawan, a builder and if you cavort and consort with get ready to turn in, Saturday to the Board of Education on the William H. Schmaus, rector of owner of a tract between Stelton, the night owls and 2 A. M. finds night, and fear no penalty. efficient job of it in the; short- Trinity Episcopal Church, is chair- teachers, including Arthur Ruben- Highland Park and Piscataway- row which resulted on the transfer stein, and later was a student at you lapping one more up before If you retire at your normal of a number of pupils from School est possible time if our lead- man of the committee on arrange- the Juilliard School. Despite his town, was denied by the Board of we all go home, you still will hour and arise on schedule also, ers—rwherever they may b.e ments. inability to see, he won the affec- Commissioners at a meeting in have plenty of time to bid a you get an extra hour of siumber No. 1 to the Strawberry Hill •—continue to assert the vali- It is understood that the Brere- tion and the praise of his teachers the municipal building, Piscata- pretty good summer a fond at no additional cost, no amuse- School. A conference was held by dity of democracy. ton recital may be only the first and critics alike and Woodbridge waytown, Tuesday. adieu. ment tax, no capital gain on Mr. Nicklas with the mothers of of a series of outstanding oppor- Township and the vicinity are in- The ' commissioners, in stating The general idea, pal, is to your statement of income. some of the children Thursday, tunities for local residents to be deed fortunate to be able to hear their opposition, said they felt the turn back your clocks and The best things in life, as but the result has not been dis- I was particularly pleased afforded the finest in music, drama his recital here. type of home planned for the sec- watches an hour. In case you're usual, are free. to note last week that my and lectures. The success of the tion would not benefit the com- closed by him. All those desiring tickets should Andrew Aarce, president of the old boss, Chester Bowles, had first concert will probably deter- communicate with Mr. Trainer, munity and would result in de- mine the future of the program. creased valuations. It was pro- Board, said yesterday that the offered his services to the in order to obtain the best selec- parley will be referred to the Board Democi*atic party in ConMichae- l J. Trainer is in charge Rev. William H. Schmaus tion of seats. A general sale will posed by Smith to transfer homes, Tries, to End Life, I Lesion to Install of the sale of tickets for the eon- fore leaving on an extended con- be conducted in advance of thebuilt for war workers in Vir- as promptly as possible. In the necticut and the Democratic cert. ginia, here and to reconstruct meantime, it is understood that cert tour which will take him to concert, and special prices will be the children who were kept from party in Connecticut said no Mr. Brereton will play here be- the Pacific Coast. He made his set for students. th%m. Smith said the homes Condition Serious Officers Tonight thanks. To be sure, by the would be priced at about $6,200. classes in protest over the shift have now returned to school and time Mr. Bowles started to The property was bought by WOODBRIDGE — The condi- WOODBRIDGE—Anton Larsen Smith early this year. He said he are attending Strawberry Hill, at market the O P A in his tion of George Seipt, 72-year old will be installed as Commander of least for the time being. The mo- best metropolitan advertis- Overloading Truck Gold Star Mothers Honor Guestsplans to proceed with erection of Woodbridge Post- No. 87 of the houses on the land and- if thepatient at the Edgar Hill Nursing American Legion tonight in cere- thers rose in protest because of ing technique, there wasn't board refused permits for the war Home who slashed his throat in a monies in the post headquarters in their claim that the children were much left in the OPA to de- Costs Owner $100 At Reception on GI Bay, Get 20 homes, he would build houses to I fit of despondency, was still said the Municipal Building. Eugene required to travel too far from moralize-but what was left, conform with his original plan. Bird will be the installing officer. their homes to get to Strawberry Commissioner Julius C. Engel by police to be critical today. The Hill, and also were subjected to he promptly finished. This, RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Kal- Others to take office will be he did, by the simple ex- To Take Place at CloseAvenue for a parking lot, and per- asked the board to communicate man is a patient at the Perth traffic hazards which did not exist man Posnak, president of the P. with the federal government to Amboy General Hospital. Russel Deppe, first vice comman- when-they went to School No. 1. pedient of enlisting the lying, & T. Trucking Company, 127 East mission will be asked of the Board der; William Fitzpatrick, second Of Program- Speaker recommend that "10 or 12" bar- "The man was found in the bath- Mrs. Alton Cathcart, 341 De cheating, villifying- propa- 22nd Street, Bayonne, was fined of Education which holds title, to racks located near Raritan Arse- vice commander; Kenneth S. Sota Avenue, leader of the com- Of Day Also Invited, room of the Home early Sunday Derick, finance officer; Thomas ganda machines; of all the$100 and assessed $3 court costs the property to employ this loca- nal be made available for vet- plainants, stated she did not feel morning, bleeding profusely. Dr. Kath, Jr., sergeant-at-arms, E. S. 1 e f t - w i n g organizations for overloading of a truck owned tion for parking. This site is situ- erans housing. The commissioner her group had received "any satis- WOODBRIDGE •— A reception Ira T. Spencer was summoned and Brookfield, adjutant and Malcolm which infest, Washington by the company when arraigned ated so that walking distance will said Rutgers University students faction" out of the conference with for the Gold Star mothers of the are using barracks within the administered first aid, and theRutan, chaplain. Mr. Nicklas. The Supervising Prin- these days, to scare the peo- before Recorder Christian J. Jor- not be too great to several points Township will take place after the reservation.
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