Decline of Medieval Urban Symbols of Power: Tower Houses in Trogir, Croatia

Decline of Medieval Urban Symbols of Power: Tower Houses in Trogir, Croatia

RIHA Journal 0177 | 10 August 2017 Decline of Medieval Urban Symbols of Power: Tower Houses in Trogir, Croatia Ana Plosnić !"arić Abstract The paper analyses the diminishment of the importance and signifcance of the medieval tower houses in Trogir caused "y social# political# and economic changes as !ell as "y the ur"an development and the changes in the city defence system$ The fndings suggest that the decline of the towers had already "egun during the 13th century$ & entually it resulted in the preservation of only a few, who have, however, been su"'ected to su"se(uent remodelling$ Contents Introduction Residential comple)es with towers *hanges in the owners+ attitude to!ards tower houses The City Council and the defence system until 1420 *hanges under Venetian rule Remodelling of the tower houses in the Early Modern Period *hanges after 1797 To summari1e Introduction2 314 The image of any medieval city implies high defence walls and towers rising a"ove$1 The southern prospect of modern Trogir still shows the medieval city wall 2 5ome of this paper+s issues !ere discussed at the Tenth &uropean 5ocial 5cience History *onference# -ienna# 2%-27 April 201,# !ithin the session "Real &state and 5ocial Topography in /re6.odern &urope (1100-1:00;8 organi1ed "y Heidi Dene!eth and =ram -annieu!enhuy1e$ This !or> has "een supported in part "y the *roatian 5cience ?oundation@s funding of the pro'ect 0,02 "Du"ro ni>A *i itas et Acta *onsiliorum# -isuali1ing <e elopment of Bate .edie al Cr"an ?a"ric". 1 The sur ey of the phenomenon !as conducted "y Jacques Heers, Be clan familial au .oyen6Dge$ &tude sur les structures politi(ues et sociales des milieu) ur"ains, /aris 107, 3?amily *lans in the .iddle Ages. A 5tudy of /olitical and 5ocial 5tructures in Cr"an Areas, trans. =arry Her"ert# Amsterdam# Ee! For># and G)ford 10774$ Gn some common characteristics of to!er houses in the region of Dalmatia# i$e$ in Trogir# 5plit# Du"ro ni># Hadar and Ra"# seeA Hrin>a Ei>oliI Ja>us, 8/ri ately G!ned To!ers in Dalmatian To!ns RIHA Journal 0177 | 10 August 2017 !ith the "attlement and two s(uare towers in front of them$ However, the old city maps and edute2 (fg$ 1, fg$ 2;# as well as historic texts% testify to the existence of three other towers that were attached to the city walls$ This evidence led to research into the processes that made those tall structures disappear# on the "asis of the feld studies of medieval residential architecture and the research of the archival sources$ 1 Jiuseppe Juster# TraK# 170:# eduta 9reprod$ fromA -an'a Lo ačiI# "Trogirske fortifkaci'e u N-$ stol'eću8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i %7 (1007-100:;# 11O; during the High and *entral .iddle Ages", inA To!ns and *ities of the *roatian .iddle Ages: Authority and /roperty# eds. Irena =enyo s>y Batin and Hrin>a /ešorda -ardiI# Hagre" 201,# 27%-20%$ Gther references to the a"undant literature are omitted here "ecause the aim of this paper is not to compare the similar aspects of the to!er houses in Trogir and the cities of Dalmatia as !ell as in other &uropean regions, "ut to pro ide a proper comprehension of the phenomenon$ 2 ?or Trogir city maps and edute seeA Jio anni Bucio# .emorie istoriche di Tragurio ora detto TraK# -enice 177,Q *iril .etod I e>o iI# Dalmatiens Architektur und /lasti># Te)theft# Rien 1027# 17Q Bukša =eritiI# 8G"alna ut rSen'a na naPo' o"ali8# inA /omorski 1"orni> 1 91072;# 217-27%# hereA 2,0-2,2Q I o =a"iI# Lruno /ri'atel'# Tomisla .araso iI# Rado an I anče iI# 5 eto1ar -učeno iI# and 5tan>o JeiI# Lulturno "lago Trogira# Hagre" 1000# 2%Q .ir>o .ar>o iI# <escriptio *roatiae# Hr ats>e 1eml'e na geografskim >artama od na'stari'ih remena do po'a e pr ih topografskih >arata# Hagre" 100%# 72# 171# 27%Q -an'a Lo ačiI# "Trogirske fortifkaci'e u N-$ stol'eću8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i %7 91007-100:;# 100-1%7# hereA 111# 11%# 117Q Andre' TmegaM# =astioni 'adranske Hr ats>e# Hagre" 2000# 102# 10,# 1:7Q Andre' TmegaM# 8< a pri>a1a trogirskih ut rda i1 N-II$ stol'eća8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i ,2 92011;# 2076%0OQ 5 ein .Unnesland# Dalmaci'a očima stranaca V Dalmatia through ?oreign &yes# Hagre" 2011# ,0# 1%2# 10O# %11$ % Bucio# .emorie istoriche di Tragurio# ,706,77$ RIHA Journal 0177 | 10 August 2017 2 Trogir+s fortifcations around the mid-17th century# from an atlas of the -enetian 5tates. The city is still protected "y the medie al city !alls !ith to!ers, !hile modern "astions, impro ing the defence# are partly "uilt and partly pro'ected (reprod$ fromA Andre' TmegaM# 8< a pri>a1a trogirskih ut rda i1 N-II$ stol'eća8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i ,2 92011;# %0%; 324 .ost houses in the city of Trogir !ere "uilt during the 12th and the 13th centuries and still sho! the masonry techni(ues characteristic of the Romanes(ue period#, although some older structures are preserved as well$O Over the centuries# these buildings !ere remodelled and/ or em"ellished, and the main principle was always to retain most of the existing structures. During the research campaign fve other towers were identifed in the historic ur"an area as well as the remains of a sixth one$ They are discerni"le as tall structures "uilt on s(uare "ases$ The study of archival material included the documents of the medieval communis Tragurii up to the year 1500. These are only partially preserved# "ut fairly continuously from the seventh decade of the 13th century onwards$7 , In the 12th and the 1%th centuries, a huge "uilding campaign !as launched during !hich the late anti(ue cathedral and =enedictine church !ere dismantled and ne! Romanesque ones !ere "uilt on their sites. Gn Romanesque houses seeA * ito ?isko iI# 8RomaniM>e >uće u 5plitu i Trogiru8# inA 5tarohr atska prosv'eta ser$ III# ol$ 2 910O2;# 120-17:Q Tomisla .araso iI# 85tam"ena >uIa u Trogiru Rado ano a do"a8# inA /er Radouanum$ .a'stor Rado an i n'ego o do"a# ed$ I o =a"iI# Trogir 100,# 10%-100Q Dan>o HeliI# 8Bes maisons romanes dans les illes da le *roatie mXditerranXenne (l@Istrie et la Dalmatie;8# inA B@ha"itation Y l@Xpo(ue romane$ Actes du NIIe collo(ue international d@art roman# ed$ =ernadette ?i1ellier65auget# *lermont6?errand 200O# 270-200$ O I o =a"iI# 8HapaZan'a o trogirskim cr> ama 5 $ .ari'e od trga i 5 $ .artina 95 $ =ar"are;8# inA .unuscula in honorem Tel'>o RapaniI# eds. .il'en>o Jur>o iI and Ante .iloPe iI# Hagre"# .oto un and 5plit 2012# 27%6%01$ RIHA Journal 0177 | 10 August 2017 Residential comple)es !ith to!ers 3%4 Trogir is a city on the eastern Adriatic coast$ It was founded in approximately 220 =*& and is situated on a small island "etween the land and the island of [iovo$7 The anti(ue settlement as !ell as the medieval city 9civitas; occupied the eastern part of today’s island$ The archaeological e)cavations identifed parts of the fortifcations that were "uilt in the age of Anti(uity and again in Bate Anti(uity$: Their spatial relation to the medieval defence walls shows that the city area was enlarged gradually (fg$ %;# up to the "eginning of the 13th century, when the medieval "urgus started to develop to the !est of the city,0 on the lands gained through earthwor>s$ 7 The research included all preser ed notarial and 'udicial acts. They are held in DrZa ni arhi Hadar 35tate Archi e Hadar4# !ithin the fund "Arhi Trogira8 [Trogir Archi e4 (hereafterA <AHd# AT), and in Arhi Hr ats>e a>ademi'e 1nanosti i um'etnosti u Hagre"u [Archi e of the *roatian Academy of 5ciences and Arts in Hagre"] (hereafterA AHAHC;$ The complete transcriptions of documents from 127% to 1%%1 as !ell as testaments from the 1,th century are pu"lished$ 5eeA .iho =arada# Trogirski spomenici# dio I$# Hapisci pisarne općine Trogirske# sv$ I$# od 21$ N$ 127%$ do 22$ -$ 127%$ 9.onumenta spectantia historiam sla orum meridionalium# ol$ ,,;# Hagre" 10,:Q .iho =arada# Trogirski spomenici# dio I$# Hapisci pisarne općine Trogirske# sv$ II$# od %1$ I$ 127,$ do 1$ I-$ 120,$ 9.onumenta spectantia historiam sla orum meridionalium# ol$ ,O;# Hagre" 10O0Q .iho =arada# Trogirski spomenici dio II$ Hapisnici sud"enog d ora općine trogirske# sve1a> I$# od :$ -III$ 1277$ do 7$ NII$ 1200$ 9.onumenta spectantia historiam 5la orum meridionalium# ol$ ,7;# Hagre" 10O1Q .iho =arada# Trogirski spomenici# Hapisci >uri'e grada Trogira od 1%10$6 1%%1$# 5plit 100:Q .ari'a Lar"iI and Horan BadiI# 8Gporu>e stano ni>a grada Trogira u Arhi u HAHC8# inA Rado i Ha oda 1a po i'esne 1nanosti HAHC u Hadru ,% (2001;# 1716 2O,$ 7 Eenad *am"i# "Trogir u antici8# inA .oguInosti 10-11 (10:0;# 0O0607%$ : ?rane =uliI# "Ritro amenti di mura antiche grecho6illiriche a TraK8# inA =ullettino di archeologia e storia dalmata 20 91:07;# 1%7-1%7Q *am"i# "Trogir u antici8# 0O260OOQ I o =a"iI# 85tarokršćanski ulomci u Trogiru8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i 2O 910:O;# 2O6,7# hereA %2Q I o =a"iI# 8Jedna prostorna inter enci'a Ignaci'a .acano ića u Trogiru8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i %: 91000-2000;# %0O6%%:# hereA %076 %10Q I o =a"iI# 85'e eroistoMni "edemi antiM>og Trogira8# inA Jrčki ut'eca' na istoMno' o"ali Jadrana# eds$ Eenad *am"i# 5lo"odan [aMe# and =ran>o Lirigin# 5plit 2002# %076,1,Q -an'a Lo ačiI# 8/orta dominica i cr> a sv$ Du'ma u Trogiru8# inA /rilo1i po i'esti um'etnosti u Dalmaci'i %, (100,;# O1670Q -an'a Lo ačiI# 8Euo e scoperte nella Tragurion ellenistica8# inA Jrčki ut'eca' na istočno' o"ali Jadrana# eds.

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