Please ask for: Richard Pawson Telephone: 01482 613539 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2015 Dear Sir/Madam, Joint Humber Archaeology Partnership Board The next meeting of the Joint Humber Archaeology Partnership Board will be held at 10:00 on Friday, 06 February 2015 in The Treasure House,Beverley. The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Democratic Services Officer for the Chief Executive Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of Street,28 Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300 Humber Archaeology To: Membership: Councillor S Chaytor, Hull City Council Councillors D Peacock and P Pollard, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Officers: Alex Codd, Planning Services, Hull City Council Steve Devey, Planning and Development Control Customer Services, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Dave Evans, Humber Archaeology Unit Dave Lister, Corporate Finance, Hull City Council Richard Pawson, Democratic Services Officer, Hull City Council (2) Ruth Atkinson, Humber Archaeology Unit Email (Agenda only): Paula Gentil, Hull Museums Mr A Wainwright, Planning and Development Control, Customer Services, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Diane Hindhaugh, Democratic Services, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Mr K Emerick, Yorkshire Regional Team, English Heritage Mr B Howard, National Monuments Record, English Heritage Group Secretariats, Hull City Council Page 2 of 28 Joint Humber Archaeology Partnership Board 10:00 on Friday, 06 February 2015 The Treasure House,Beverley A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Election of Chair for the Meeting To elect a chair for the meeting 2 Minutes of the Meeting Held on 31.10.14. 5 - 10 To agree the minutes as a true and correct record. NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 3 Report on the Work of the Partnership During the Current 11 - 28 Financial Year 2014 - 2015 To update the Board on the work of the partnership. 4 Any Other Business To allow Members to raise any further items foir discussion. 5 Date and Venue of the Next Board Meeting To allow Members to agree the date, time and venue of the next meeting of the Board. 6 Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider the exclusion of the press and public for the items listed as exempt. EXEMPT ITEMS Page 3 of 28 7 The Proposed Budget for 2015 - 2016 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Page 4 of 28 HUMBER ARCHAEOLOGY PARTNERSHIP JOINT BOARD 31st October, 2014 The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull PRESENT: Councillor D. Peacock (East Riding of Yorkshire Council) Councillor P. Pollard (East Riding of Yorkshire Council) Councillor S. Chaytor (Hull City Council) S. Devey (Team Leader, Conservation Landscape and Archaeology, Planning and Development Management, East Riding of Yorkshire Council) D. Evans (Archaeology Manager, Hull City Council) R. Atkinson (Senior SMR Officer, Hull City Council) D. Lister (Senior Finance Officer, Hull City Council) D. Macleod (English Heritage) R. Pawson (Democratic Services Officer, Hull City Council) APOLOGIES:- Alex Codd Minute Report Business No. No. 449 Election of Chair for the Meeting Agreed - That Councillor Chaytor be appointed as Chair for the duration of the meeting. 450 Minutes of the meeting held on 27th June, 2014 Agreed - that the minutes of the meeting of this board held on 27th June, 2014 having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair. 451 Auditors Comments on the Annual Return The Archaeology Manager submitted a report to the Board which outlined the comments received from the external auditors on the Annual Return for the Partnership, for the last financial year 2013- 2014, and on the actions which as a joint service the Board was now required to take. It was stated that the auditors had raised two specific issues which needed addressing but apart from these the auditors felt the information providedPage 5 inof the28 Annual Return was in accordance with 1 Minute Report Business No. No. proper practice and no other matters had come to their attention. The two issues were: (i) that the Board had not produced evidence that it had considered the adequacy of its internal controls, or that it had carried out a risk assessment. Such evidence it had produced was in respect of Hull City Council rather than the Board, and (ii) that the internal auditor had not considered whether a risk assessment had been carried out. Agreed - that the members of the Humber Archaeology Partnership Joint Board acknowledge their responsibility for ensuring there is a sound system of internal control, including the preparation of the accounting statements and confirm to the best of their knowledge with respect to the body’s statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014, that they have: i. approved the statement of accounts which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations and proper practice; ii. maintained an adequate system of internal control, including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption, and reviewed its effectiveness; iii. taken all reasonable steps to assure itself that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and codes of practice, which could have a significant financial effect on the ability of the body to conduct its business or on its finances; iv. provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors’ rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations; v. carried out an assessment of the risks facing the body and taken appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls, and/or external insurance cover where required; vi. maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the body’s accounting records and control systems, and carried out a review of its effectiveness; vii. taken appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit, and viii. consideredPage whether 6 of 28 any litigation, liabilities or commitments, 2 Minute Report Business No. No. events or transactions, occurring either during or after the year-end, have financial impact on the body and where appropriate, have included them in the statement of accounts. 452 Work of the Partnership The Archaeology Manager submitted a report which provided the Board with information on the work of the Partnership in the current financial year (2014-2015). In particular the Board were informed that: (i) one of the job share Administrative Officers took voluntary early retirement at the end of August; (ii) the detailed statistics for development proposals and Sites and Monuments Record(SMR) enquiries for the period 1st April 2014 to 31st August 2014 were detailed at section 3.10 of the report; (iii) the figures for expenditure and income for the period 1st April 2014 to 25th September 2014 were detailed at section 3.11 of the report and showed how 51% of the projected annual income had been raised already and of the allocated target for external income 92.9% had already been raised. However it was stated the income from agri-environmental schemes was showing a downward trend when compared to previous years but the shortfall had been made up by an increased demand for SMR searches; (iv) the total ear- marked reserve stood at £23,396; (v) watching brief reports have been produced since the 1st April 2014 bringing the Humber Field Archaeology watching brief reports to 1418; (vi) sections 3.18 to 3.27 outlined work undertaken by external contractors; (vii) the Historic Towns Atlas series were looking at producing a volume devoted to Hull; (viii) North Lincolnshire Council were co-ordinating a Heritage Lottery Fund project looking at the Isle of Axholme and Hatfield Chase Landscape Partnership. It had been suggested that a second phase of this project might be considered to include the areas of Snaith and Cowick Moors, Goole Moors and the Swinefleet area; (ix) the Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group are carrying out a project in Beverley, as part of a national programme, of surveying timber framed buildings in selected English towns; (x) the proposal to split English Heritage into two bodies, a new charitable trust called English Heritage and a non-departmental government body to be called Historic England had now been approved by Central Government and will come into effect on the 1st April 2015, and (xi) a number of National Mapping Projects had been undertaken by English Heritage within the East Riding during the last 35 years and there were now plans to complete the coverage of the East Riding, with an additional project to cover the remaining parts of Holderness next year. Page 7 of 28 3 Minute Report Business No. No. Agreed - That the report be noted. 453 Charging Policy The Archaeology Manager submitted a report to the Board outlining proposals to revise and update the charging policy for the Humber Sites and Monuments Records (SMR). The Archaeology Manager informed the Board that/of: (i) the last major overhaul of the charging policy was in October 2008 and therefore the bulk of the charges had remained fixed for the last six years and not been adjusted to take into account any rises in the subsequent costs of the service; (ii) the introduction of some additional charges had been discussed in March 2011, but not implemented; (iii) a programme of national changes was being progressively introduced as to how agri-environment schemes would be handled by the Government and particularly about which schemes would be eligible for payments under the schemes for which archaeological advice from Local Authorities could be paid.
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