Minister and Mason============ June Quarterly will be Held in Harrisburg The R . \\'.Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania will meet in Quarterly Communication on June 14, 1989. at the Zemba Shrine T emple, 2801 North Third Street, AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFU L GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg. The Communication begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. VOLUME XXXVI MAY 1989 NUMBER2 As always. the Communication is open to all Master Masons; one need not be a member of Grand Lodge to auend. Dinner is free and is open to all Master Grand Master Kurtz Breaks Ground Masons; and will be served at 5:00 p.m. that day in the Scottish Rite Cathedral for the which is located witl1in walking distance from the Shrine T emple. Independent Living Community On Sunday, February 26th, Rev. John royal trea tment, and the occasion proved masonry, but it gained a new member. H. Weaver, Pastor of Trinity Tower to be a moving experience for both Rev. Weaver's petition was approved just United Methodist Church in Penn Hills, Mason and non-Mason alike. Comments clays before this picture was taken , and by near Pittsburgh, graciously invited from the Brethren reflected a feeling of now, we may recognize him as a Brother members of the Masonic Fraternity to great satisfaction. " It's good to see of the Craft. It is our hope that other attend church services. 'The affair was Masons in tails and white gloves at church members will follow R ev. made possible through permission from something other than a Funeral Service," Weaver's example by seeking Masonic Bro. Alan T. Male, D.D.G.M., who has remarked one Brother. " We used to do Light. urged Lodges in the 54th Disu·ict to look this sort of thing all the time," said for ways to bring the L ight of Masonry another. r----------------------------, before the public. In this endeavor, the Lodge not onl y HARRISBURG Members of the Fraternity were given h elped expose the public to Free- June Quarter!y Communication June 14, 1989 Masonic Temple One North Broad Street Second Class Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 POSTAGE :'\a me PAID Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a nd Additional Lodge :'\o. Offices . \tltUL"'>> C:i1' ~t;tte Zip Telephon{' ( :\H~ t Code) Pl ea~e e nd o~e a ~ t a m ped. ~e lf- ad d t e'>'>l' d On T hursday, March 9th, Grand Master Kurtz broke ground for the new Independent Living Community em·elotx• and '>end "·ith coupon to: which will be located at the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown. Site clearing will begin by the end of March, with construction scheduled to begin in June. Occupancy of The Office of the Grand 'laster Phase I is expected by the Fall of 1990. T he :\ I a~o n ic T emple One :\ollh B10ad Sueet At this time we are pleased to inform you that we have fifty-one of the eighty-two units planned for Phase I POSTMASTER: Send address changes to above. Please include complete imprint of address on your postal return clipping. Philadelphia. P.\ 19107 reserved. This type of response reaffirms our belief that we are developing a community which is both appealing to and needed by the Masonic Fraternity and their families. 16 continued 011 page 2 Grand Master's Itinerary Please note- because the Grand Lodge your many, many expressions of sym­ May, June, July and August 1989 Officers and other Brethren are touring pathy, fl owers, phone calls, comri­ Southern Ireland and climaxing the tour butions, kind thoughts and prayers. We MAY 1989 J UNE 1989 J UL Y 1989 with a two-day officia l visitation to the shall never forget your love and com­ Grand Lodge of Ireland, from th e dates passion in our hour of sadness. Thank 2-3 Grand Lodge of Maine 9-10 Spring Reunion, Valley of 2-7 Imperial Shrine of Nonh of May 24 thru June 3rd, the June you so much. 6 Lodge No. 348, !25th Coudersport, A.A.S.R. America, Canada Quarterly has been changed to Wednes­ Plans fo r the Independen t Living Anniversary, Hanover 14 Quarterly Communication of 7-9 Grand Lodge of New day, June 14. Community at the Elizabethtown II Harrisburg Chapter, Grand Lodge, Harrisburg Hampshire 22 Potentate's Dinner, Irem All Brethren are cordiall y urged to Masonic Homes are progressing nicely. Sojourners, Han;sburg 16 International Order of Job's Daughters, Banquet, Temple, Wilkes Barre attend the June Quarterly in the beauti­ A ground-breaking ceremony was per­ 12 Sp1;ng Reunion, Valley of Bloomsburg, A.A.S.R. Elizabethtown College 25 Lodge No. 537, National ful and spacious auditorium of Zemba formed on March 9th, and pictures of 13 Lodge No. 577, lOOth 16-18 Council of Deliberation, Camping Travelers Rally, Shrine Mosque. Dinner for the Brethren same wil l be featured in this iss ue of The Anniversary, Leechburg A.A.S.R. Held at the Center Hall will be served at 5:00p.m. in the Harris­ Pennsylvania Freemason. Ground clear­ 15-16-1 7 Grand Lodge of Indiana Sheraton, Valley Forge 28 Committee on Masonic Homes, burg Scottish Rite Cathedral, just ad­ ing is scheduled fo r the middle of March 19 Committee on Masonic 21 Lodge No. 576, lOOth Elizabethtown Bro. Anhur J. Kurtz, R. W. Grand Master jacent to the Masonic Complex parking and actual construction will begin by Homes, Elizabethtown Anniversary, Millvale 29 Board of Directors Meeting, lot. April 20th. Our Brethren from all parts 20 Spring Reunion, Valley of 23 Commiuee on Masonic Pennsylvania Youth Brethren . It was most gratifying to Brethren, the Great Architect of the of the state are looking forward with New Castle, A.A.S.R. Homes, Elizabetl1town Foundation, Elizabethtown see the exceptionally large attendance at Universe has been most kind to your great expectations to this newest project 24 Special Communication of 24-6/ 3 Ten day trip to Ireland, AUGUST 1989 the recent Philadelphia March Quarterly Grand Master and his lady Jane, for a of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia ­ including a visit lO the Grand Grand Lodge for the purpose Communication. Additional chairs had good long time and we are truly grateful. the Independent Living Community at Lodge of Ireland of Laying the Cornerstone 18 Commiuee on Masonic Homes, and Dedication, Lodge No. Elizabethtown to be set up in Corinthian Hall and every H owever, this past month of January, Eliza bethtown. 462, Benvick seat in the house was filled . It H E saw fit to call home our oldest We invite you to share in our en­ 24-31 Supreme Council, A.A.S.R., presented a convincing picture o f grandson Richard, just 27 years old. thusiasm and interest. .. Pittsburgh support and interes t in your Grand Your response to our loss was over­ Sincerely and fraternally, Lodge ... Thank you, Brethren . whelming. It helped immeasurably to The June Quarterly will be held at ease the emptiness and sorrow of those Zemba Mosque, Third and Division few days. Jane and I thank you, Brother The Regional Instructor's Lament: The Long Drive Home Streets, in Harrisburg on the date of Masons, your ladies, members of our 4£)'~ Wednesday, June 14, 1989 at 7: 00p.m. Youth Groups and personal friends, for Grand Master The laughter was good Watch out for the deer, So few want to hear it T he fellowship great They're out late at night. Why am I doing this? .• Hoped for students aplenty Ah, yes, the riLUal Relief in sight; the There were only eight. So few want to learn it driveway is bare Ah, yes, the ritual So few want to hear it My wife had it plowed; So few want to learn it Why am I doing this? she really does care. So few want to hear it Did I tell him "this" Why am I doing this? Village lights in the va lley did I tell him "that" indicate action. T he midnight hour At what point did I say, Be careful of steering, pay T he blinding snow shower. "Put on your hat?" attention to u·action. Mind your Ps, sound your Ds Ah, yes, the ritual What would Lodge be withouf Watch your "buts" if you please. So fe w want to learn it the Past Master faction? Ah, yes, the ritual So few want to hear i't So few want to learn it Ah, yes, the ritual Why am I doing this? So few want to hear it So few want to learn it Bed feels good to these Why am I doing this? So few want to hear it weary bones. Why am I doing this? T he flap of the blades, Sleep will shut out the T he mountain road grades, My eyes are ti ring, ritual's tones. Did he say it in the plural? T he truck lights glaring, If I can just keep gain' My memory fades. What's the use of even caring, to help it survive, T he next Brother, too, Ah, yes, the ritual T he insu·uctor before me must've will keep it alive. So few want to learn it asked the same question. So few want to hear it Look out for the turn he Ump h! I guess that's G rand Master Arthur J. Kurtz congratulates the Building and G rounds Subcommittee on the completion of forgot to mention! why I'm doing this! the p lans for the Independent Living Community - Bro.
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