l KANSAN NAVAHONIAN TEXAN11 AUSTRO- I ll RIPARIAN BAID€ONI*N I HUAHUAN I 1' TAMAULIPAN Legend 345 KV SPACE CITY SOLAR PROJECT - Biotic Province Boundary FIGURE 2-5 e ~ County Boundary 0 30 60 120 180 240 LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA IN RELATION TO THE Miles BIOTIC PROVINCES OF TEXAS .~W. Sowce: B1-, 1930, *oochn,d *%£2!21 Datl: 12/1/2020 PAGE 2-34 100 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Space City Sojar Project Amphibians Amphibian species (frogs, toads, salamanders) that may occur within the study area are listed in Table 2- 9. Frogs and toads may occur in all vegetation types and salamanders are typically restricted to moist hydric habitats (Dixon 2013). TABLE 2-9 AMPHIBIAN SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING WITHIN THE STUDY AREA **@j*4%22¢Nj«59*f.%1*4*f¢*Etf*g%*fff*3*f;t,4 Frogs/Toads American bullfrog LIU) obates catesbeianus Cope ' s py tree frog Dtyophytes chlysoscelis Crawfish frog Uthobates areolatus t Eastern nan» mouth toad Gastrophryne carolinensis Gray tree frog Dryophytes versicolor Great Plains narrow - mouthed toad Gastrophryne olivacea Green kog LRhobates damitans Green tree frog Diyophytes dnereus Gulf Coast toad Inclius nebuNfer Hurter ' s spadefoot toad Scaphiopus hulef# Northern cricket frog Acris crepRans Pickerel frog Uthobates palustrls Southern leopard frog Uthobates sphenocephalus Spotted chonjs frog Pseudacrls clarkii Squrrel tree frog Dfyophytes squirellus Upland chorus frog Pseudacris ferianjm Woodhouse ' s mad Anaxyms woodhous# Salamanders/Newts Eastern newt Notophthalmus vindescens Small - rnouthed salamandor Ambystoma texanum Eastern tiger salamander Ambystoma tignnum Westem lesser siren Slren intermedla Solrce: Dixon 2013 Reptiles (turtles, lizards and snakes) that may typically occur in the study area are listed in Table 2-10. These include those species that are more commonly observed near water (i.e., aquatic turtles) and those that are more common in terrestrial habitats (Dixon 2013). PAGE 2-35 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Space City Solar Project TABLE 2-10 REPTILIAN SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING \MTHN THE STUDY AREA i td~04·**«if2%%~44*CZ**f%«4-:~*P~i~*~~12¥iqilfp'*<,f~.:Oti",A.,~*>«*Et'f?.r~f.- ~ .. -~ ~ ~,9.1»·p;M€***Ft.'.w.*#Mjjg**M Ptij.Jdi?*18!F,i;FE,)£*AJ':(;,i:p,m·4:«..r Turtles Eastern box turtle Te,73pe/le ca/o#ha Eastern mud turtle Kinostemon subrubrum hippocrepis Eastern musk turtle Stemo#lerus odomtus Eastern snappklg turtle Chelydra sepentina Ornate box tufe Terrapene ornata omata Palrld spiny softshell Apalone spjnifera pa#ida Red-cared pond slider Tracbemys scripta elegans Smooth softshell Apalone mutka Yellow mud turtle Kinostemon flavescens Crocodilians American alligator ~i Alligator mississippjensis Lizards Broad-headed skink Eumeces laticeps Brown anole Ana/s sggmi Common spotted whiptail Cnemldophorus gularls Eastern sbt-lined race runner Cnemjdophorus sexlineatus Fh,e·Iined skink Eumecesfasdatus Green anole Anolls carolinensls Uttle brown skink Sdncda Iateraljs Medterranean gecko Hemidactylus turcicus Northern fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus hyac#*hinus Prairie skink Eumeces septentrionalis obtusirostris Slender glass lizard Ophisaurus attenuatus Texas spiny lizard Sceloporus ollvaceus Snakes Blotched water snake Nerodia erythrogaster Broad-banded water snake Nerodia fasdata confluens Canebrake rattlesnake Crotalus horridus Checkered garter snake Thamnophls marcianus Diamond-backed water snake Nerodia rhomblfer rhombifer Eastern garter snake Thamnophb sirtaBs sirtalis Eastern hog-nosed snake Heterodon platirhinos Eastern yellow-bellied racer Coluber constrictor 6aviventris PAOE 2-36 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Space CIty Solar Project TABLE 2-10 REPTILIAN SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING WITHIN THE STUDY AREA :*®,@**%*%*3513¢Eft 9.'k.·,63:2,4*»4.*Zit, 3,#..H(Bdi?~ i.1.*,g~,A:'%.-:4&*w.·e ". '.-4.•%>WE#0,·:·,1·9··.Y·- f*?·1-f@NZ Flat-headed snake Tant#la gradlis Graham's crayfish snake Regina grahamli Louisiana milk snake Lampropeltb genl#is Marsh brown snake Storen'a dekayi Mississippi green water snake Nerodia cydopion Pmirie king snake Lampropel#s camgaster cal#gaster Pygmy rattlesnake Sislrurus mlliarlus streckerl Rough earth snake Haldea striatuta Rough green snake Opheodrys aes#vus Southern copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix contonrix Sped<led king snake Lampropeltis holbrooki Texas coral snake Micrurus tener Texas glossy snake Arizona elegans arenicola Texas rat snake Pantherophis obsoleta Hndhetmeri Western coachwhip Masticophis flagellum testaceus Western cottorrnouth Agkistrodon 0sclvons kucostoma Western diamond-backed ratilesnake Crotalus atrox Western mud snake Famncia abacura relnward# Western ribbon snake Thamnophls proximus proximus Source: Dixon 2013. Birds Numerous bird species may occur within the study area and include year-round residents and summer, and/or winter migrants as shown in Table 2-11. Additional transient bird species may migrate within or through the study area in the spring and fall and/or use the area to nest (spring/summer) or overwinter. The likelihood for occurrence of each species will depend upon suitable habitat and season. TABLE 2-11 BIRD SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING WITHIN THE STUDY AREA -f#4.':t...N.Utw~~1<1. t*il +41~*·m:*duf:7* -f*IUR#~@MM~AMR*,#Wi*-~)i~ fif;&<f»**%*f;***;t·'·- *»f.¢.':*Fkt~ ACCIPITRIFORMESi Acdjpitrjdae Broad - winged hawk Buteo platyptens * Cooper ' s hawk kcip #er cooperl * Harris' s hawk Parabuteo unidndus X PAGE 2-37 103 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Space City Solar Project sitia<~eiji~**ij~TABLE 2-11 BIRD SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING WITHIN THE STUDY AREA Missbslppl klte leonia mississippiensis X Northern harrier Circus cyaneus X Red - tailed hawk Buteojamajcensis X X Sharp - slinned hawk Acdpiter striatus X Swainson ' s hawk Buteo swalnsonl X WNte - tailed hawk Gemnoaetus abjcaudatus X Whlte -talled kite Elanus ieucurus X ACCIPITRIFORMES: Cathanidae Black vullure Coragyps atratus X Tuttey vulture Cathartes aura X ACCIPITRIFORMES: Pandionidae Osprey Pandbn haliaetus X ANSERIFORMES: Anatidae- American wigeon Anas arrlericana X Black- bellied whisuing - duck Dendrocygna alkimnalls X Blue - winged leal Anas djscors X Bumehead Bucephala albeola X Canvasback Aythya valisineria Gadwall Anas s#~m X Greater white4ronted goose Anser albkons X Green-winged teal Anascrecca X Lesser scaup Aythya amnis X Mallard Anasp»*xbos X X Northern ptntail Anasacuta X Nonhem shoveler Anas *eata X Redhead Aythya americana X Ring - necked duck Aythyaconaris X Ruddy duck Oxyurajamaicensis X Snow goose Chen caerulescens X Wood duck Alrioonsa X X APODIFORMES: Apodklae Chimney swift Chaehira peiagica X APODIFORMES: Trochilidae Buff- bellied hummingbird Amaz# m yucatanerEjs X PAGE 2-38 104 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Space City Solar Project TABLE 2-11 BIRD SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING WITHIN THE STUDY AREA Ikit{ LI.~.,~.~*.l~~~.k:~,~~.22@kmfX~%3 f¢-**tf *4*#iii#* Ruby- throated hummingbird Archjlochus colubrh X CAPRIMULGIFORMES: Caprimulgidae Chuck - will ' s - widow Antrostomus camlinensls X Common nighthawk Chordelles minor X Common pauraque Nyclidromus albicolis X Common poorwil Phalaenoptjlus nuttall# X Lesser nighthawk Chordeles acu* ennis X CHARADRIIFORMES: Charadriidae Blackbeliled plover Pluvlalis squatarola Killdeer Chamdrius vociferus X Semipalmated plover Chamdrius ser® almatus X Wilson's plover Chamdmm twboria X CHAUDRIIFORMES: Laridae Black tern Childonlas n© er X Franklin ' s gull Leucophaeus pipixcan X Herring gull La/us a/yentams X Ring - billed gull Lams delawarensb * Sandwich tern Thalasseus sandvicensis * '- CHARADRIIFORMES: Recurvkostridae Arnerlcan avocet Rearvirosua americana * Black - necked stllt Himantopus mexkanus * CHARADRIIFORMES: Scolopacidae Dunlin Ca #dds a/ pina X Greater yellowlegs Trlnga melanoleuca X Least sandpiper Calidris minutilla X Long- billed curlew Numenius americanus X Long - billed do~tcher Umnodromus scobpaceus X Pectoral sandpiper Ca #dris meianotos X Ruddy turnstone Arenaria Interpres X Sanderling Cahdris ama X Short - billed dowltcher Limnodromus grisel/ s X Spotted sandpiper Actitls macularius X Stllt sandplper Ca~s himantopus X Western sandpiper Candris mauri X PAGE 2-39 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Spaw City Solar Prtlect TABLE 2-11 BIRD SPECIES POTENTIALLY OCCURRING Wn-HIN THE STUDY AREA ~»40<·.©O-I~O.~~„~.„~~.~~-1 . r.'. A .'"/»¢7 ": eu . to: A W .'- Y trfd 'EAE',ai - illtl U*zi·~~*.gt*'RY »,J: b: i 2* 4;. oa ' -, Ni{*4 f**g..ifi*R<„. //*•. :.'. iv, Ci > WHIet T/#iga s0*knata X Wilson ' s phalarope Phalampus trjcolor * COLUMBIFORMES: Columbi(lae Common ground-dove Co/l#libhapassar#?a X Euasian collared.dove S#*ooebobcaocto X Inca dove Columbine ima X Mourning dove Zenaida macroura * Rock pigeon Co/umba#Wa X Whlte - tipped dove Leptot# a vmreauxi X Whlte - wlnged dove Zenaidaasiatica X CORACIIFORMES: AIcedinidae Belted kinglisher Megaceryle atyon CUCUUFORMES: Cuculid@e Greater roadrunner Geococcyx caljfornianus X Groove-blled ani Dvtqohaga sik#os#* X Yellow- billed cuckoo Coccyzus amertanus X FALCONFORMES: Falconidae American kestrel Falco sparverjus X Crested caracara Caracara chdway * GALLIFORMES: Cracidae Plain chachalaca Ottaks veh* X GALLiFORMES: Odontophoridae Northern bobwhite Co #nus virglnianus * GALUFORMES: Phasianldae Wild turkey Mefeagnsga/bpam X GRUjFORMES: Gruidae Sandhill crane Gus canadensis X GRUIFORMES: Rallidae American coot Mcaamericana X Common gallinule Gal# nula galeata X Sora Pbrzanacarokha X X Vrginia rail Rallus bkola * PASSERIFORMES: Bombycilidae Cedar warning Bombyd# acedromm X PAGE 2-40 POWER ENGINEERS, INC. 345 kV Space City Solar Project TABLE 2-11
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