V. M J FlLE Copy the i Li t a U. S. DEPARTMENT OF March 12, 1963 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE RecordVol. XV, No. 5 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVIC E Nirenberg Receives Belgian Royalty Visit Here, Powell Announces Biological Sciences Plan Heart Research Center Establishment of NIH employees caught a glimpse of royalty on February 21 when Princess Liliane and her husband, ex­ King Leopold III of Belgium, vis- 2 New Branches Award From WAS ited NIH to discuss their plans with officials here for a Belgian heart Dr. Marshall W. Nirenberg, of research center. Dr. Clinton C. Powell, Director the National Heart Institute's Lab­ The center, planned as part of the Princess Lilian of the National Institute of Gen­ oratory of Clinical Biochemistry, dation, will be the focal point in eral Medical Sciences, today an­ recently received the annual Award Belgium for diagnostic and clinical nounced the establishment of two for Scientific Achievement for the cardiology. It will be academically new branches: the Research Fel­ Biological Sciences from the Wash­ tied to the University of Brussels. lowships Branch and the Program ington Academy of Sciences. Dr. The Princess's great interest in Analysis Branch. Nirenberg is Head of the Section cardiovascular matters, especially The Research Fellowships Branch on Biochemical Genetics. surgery to correct congenital heart will award and administer predoc- defects, stems from the day nearly Five Honored toral, postdoctoral, and special fel­ ten years ago when her son, Prince lowships as well as career awards Dr. Nirenberg's award was one Alexandre, was operated upon for of five presented by the Academy and development awards for the coarctation of the aorta by Dr. support of research training in for scientific achievement in 1962, Robert Gross of Boston. Prince at its annual dinner meeting on basic biomedical and health-related Alexandre is now, a medical stu­ sciences. February 21. Dr. Nirenberg was dent at the University of Louvain. cited "for his contributions toward Branch Heads Named the first direct experimental verifi­ Visitors Listed This Branch, formerly a Section cation of the chemical basis of the Accompanying King Leopold and in the Research Training Branch, genetic code." the Princess on their NIH visit will be headed by Dr. Frederick P. Working with Dr. J. Heinrich were Ambassador Louis Scheyven Ferguson. In calendar year 1962 Matthaei in NIAMD's Laboratory of Belgium; Prof. Pierre Rylant, this program supported 1,384 Fel­ of Biochemistry and Metabolism in Professor of Physiology of the Free lows at a level of more than six 1961, Dr. Nirenberg succeeded in University of Brussels; Prof. Henri Dr. James A. Shannon, NIH Director, and one-half million dollars. partially cracking the genetic code Maisin, Director of the Institute and Princess Liliane of Belgium con­ The Program Analysis Branch which lies at the heart of the sys- of Pathology, Catholic University fer during a buffet luncheon here for will be responsible for data accu­ (See NIRENBERG, Page 7) (See ROYALTY, Page 4) the visiting Belgians and members of mulation and analysis of the vari­ their party.—Photo by Bob Pumphrey. ous programs of the Institute. It will be headed by Maurice Odoroff, Hamsters Production of 'Pajama Game formerly Assistant to the Chief, Move to Westwood Planned Division of General Medical Sci­ Has Factory Set, Hit Songs and Dancing For DRG, Parts of 8 Institutes ences. Sewing machines will hum, chorus girls will dance and sing, and All NIH Extramural pro­ (See NEW BRANCHES, Page 7) the audience will enjoy such hit numbers as "Steam Heat," "Hernando's Hideaway," and "Hey There" in the Clinical Center auditorium Thurs­ grams except those of the Na­ CC Patients to Hold day evening. Curtain time is 8:30 tional Institute of Mental o'clock. Health are .scheduled to move St. Patrick's Dance This will be the first of four per­ to the Westwood Building Clinical Center patients will cele­ formances of "Pajama Game" by about June 1, Dr. James A. brate St. Patrick's Day with a dance on March 14 at 8 p.m., in the the Hamsters, dramatic group of Shannon, Director of NIH, an­ the NIH Recreation and Welfare 14th floor assembly hall, which will Association. The remaining per­ nounced recently. be decorated with' the traditional formances are scheduled for Fri­ The move will concentrate in symbols of the famous Irish patron day and Saturday nights at 8:30, one area research grants and saint. and Sunday at 2:30 p. m. training programs which are The U.S. Navy Dance Combo will now located in a number of provide the music for dancing. In­ 'Good Entertainment' buildings both on and off the termissions will be devoted to "This rendition of a love affair NIH reservation. group singing of Irish melodies, led in a garment factory disrupted by The Division of Research by Ada Boone, pianist, and Myrna a strike, affords some very good Grants and the National Insti­ Louis, vocalist, of Silver Spring, entertainment for the whole fam­ tute of General Medical Sci­ who are sing-along specialists. ily," said Arnold Sperling, the ences also will move to the There will also be door prizes for show's director. "There are many Westwood Building, located at all patients who attend. NIH'ers in the cast," he said, "as "Sid" and "Gladys," played by John 5333 Westbard Avenue (be­ Arrangements for the dance were well as people from the nearby Kinnamon and Anita Ash, meet se- tween River Road and Massa­ made by the CC Patients' Activi­ communities." eretly at Hernando's Hideaway in the chusetts Avenue), Bethesda, ties Section through the Montgom­ In addition to the four leads—-Hamsters' production of "Pajama Maryland. ery County Chapter of the Ameri­ (See PAJAMA GAME, Page 8) Game."—Photo by John Bfamphin. can Red Cross and the U.S. Navy. Page 2 March 12, 1963 THE NIH RECORD Twelve Science Talent Search Finalists Discuss Research With NIH Scientists Twelve finalists in the 22nd Annual Science Talent Search for the "f \l iMliRecord Westinghouse Science Scholarships and Awards visited NIH March 1 for a luncheon and individual consultations with NIH scientists. Published bi-weekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Public Information Section, Dr. Stanley G. Korenman of the Office of Research Information, for the information of employees of the Endocrinology Branch, National National Institutes of Health, principal research center of the Public Fredrickson to Speak at Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Cancer Institute, welcomed the Program for Students group to NIH. Dr. Korenman was NIH Record Office Bldg. 31, Rm. 5B41. Phone: 496-2125 Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson, Clini­ a national finalist in the 1950 Sci­ Editor E. K. Stabler cal Director of the National Heart ence Talent Search. Institute, will deliver the third and Staff Correspondents Dr. Arthur Weissbach, of the Dana Neimark, NCI; Tony Anastasi, NHI; Bryson Fleer, NIAID; Mary final lecture in the 5th Annual Laboratory of Biochemistry and Henley, NIAMD; Bob Callahan, NIDR; Lillie Theobald, NIMH; Bob High School Student Heart Re­ search Program for District of Co­ Metabolism, National Institute of Walters, NINDB; Elsie Fahrenthold, CC; Faye Heil, DBS; Mike Can­ Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, ning, NIGMS; Helene Doying, DRFR; Dick Turlington, DRG; Robert lumbia High School Students at Handy, DRS; Marianne Scoville, OAM; Dorothy Jeanne Davis, NICHHD. 10:30 a.m. Saturday. was guest speaker at the luncheon He will speak on "The Aging held in Wilson Hall. Heart" to about 500 students in Students Meet Scientists NIAID 'Common Cold' Study the D.C. Medical Society audi­ After the luncheon the student- NEWS from torium, 1718 M St., N.W. Seeks Additional Volunteers scientists met with NIH staff mem­ The Washington Heart Associa­ bers engaged in research of par­ PERSONNEL Although the response to tion is sponsoring the program ticular interest to the visitors. date has been satisfactory, vol­ which consists of three Saturday "OPERATION TELEFRIEND" The twelve students, all high unteers with recent common morning lectures and laboratory school seniors, were Jo Birkhead, To aid in the NIH search for cold infections — preferably tours of six local hospitals on Oklahoma City, Okla.; Alan Camp­ qualified typists, stenographers and during the first three days of March 20. NIH is one of the six in­ bell, Fairfield, Conn.; Bernice secretaries, Personnel Management illness—are still needed by stitutions which the students may Chang, Honolulu, Hawaii; Deborah Branch has prepared and distrib­ NIAID's Laboratory of Infec­ visit. Chase, New York, N. Y.; Douglas uted "Operation Telefriend" fliers tious Diseases. Prior Lectures Listed Cole, Holden, Mass.; Michele Flick­ to NIH employees. The Laboratory is conduct­ Previous lectures in this year's er, Prairie Village, Kans.; Jona­ These fliers request employees to ing a project designed to un­ program were given March 2 by than Fruchter, Austin, Tex.; Jack "tell a friend" or acquaintance cover new information about Dr. Estelle R. Ramey of the Kyte, Pasadena, Calif.; Bruce Les­ whom they believe to be qualified the common cold group of in­ Georgetown University School of lie, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Alice Martin, for these positions to visit or call fections through studies of Medicine and Dentistry and on Cleveland, Ohio; Zachary Miller, the NIH employment office and nasal washings and blood March 9 by Dr. Samuel P. Bessman Brooklyn, N. Y.; William Pickard, learn of employment opportunities specimens. An appeal for vol­ of the University of Maryland Jr., Atlanta, Ga. at the NIH. unteers was carried in the No­ School of Medicine. 40 Finalists Chosen PMB is also willing to contact vember 21 issue of the Record. The Heart Research Program is directly individuals who may be They were among 40 national Volunteers Are Paid designed to stimulate interest in interested.
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