
NTEU WOMEN’S MAGAZINE WWw.NTEU.org.Au/womeN HoldiNG THe line womeN’s coNfEreNce aNd blUeStockinG wEEk 2013 eEo in prActicE did julia make a differeNCE? femiNism in AustRAliaN uNiVErsitieS workplace gender EqualiTY AcT womeN Rock sciencE ISSN 1839-6186 Volume 21 SepTEMber 2013 NATIONAL TERTIARY EDUCATION UNION MEMBERSHIP FORM I want to join NTEU I am currently a member and wish to update my details The information on this form is needed for aspects of NTEU’s work and will be treated as confidential. Women’s Action Committee (WAC) YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS The NTEU Women’s Action Committee (WAC) develops the Union’s TITLE |SURNAME |GIVEN NAMES work concerning women and their professional and employment rights. HOME ADDRESS The WAC meets twice a year. Its role includes: • Act as a representative of women members at the National level. CITY/SUBURB |STATE |POSTCODE • To identify, develop and respond to matters affecting women. HOME PHONE WORK PHONE INCL AREA CODE | INCL AREA CODE | MOBILE • To advise on recruitment policy and resources directed at women. • To advise on strategies and structures to encourage, support and EMAIL |DATE OF BIRTH | MALE FEMALE OTHER _______ facilitate the active participation of women members at all levels of the NTEU. HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY BEEN AN NTEU MEMBER? YES: AT WHICH INSTITUTION? |ARE YOU AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL/TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER? YES • To recommend action and advise on issues affecting women. PLEASE USE MY HOME ADDRESS FOR ALL MAILING YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYMENT DETAILS wAC DelEgAtes 2013-2014 • To inform members on industrial issues and policies that impact on women. INSTITUTION/EMPLOYER |CAMPUS Aca Academic staff representative • To make recommendations and provide advice to the National Exec- MAIL/ FACULTY DEPT/SCHOOL G/P General/Professional staff representative utive, National Council, Division Executives and Division Councils on | |BLDG CODE industrial, social and political issues affecting women. POSITION CLASSIFICATION STEP/ ANNUAL MONTH NEXT | LEVEL LECTB, HEW4 | INCREMENT | SALARY | INCREMENT DUE nAtional President • Monitor and review the effectiveness of issues, policies and structures IF KNOWN Jeannie Rea, [email protected] affecting women. YOUR EMPLOYMENT GROUP ACADEMIC STAFF GENERAL/PROFESSIONAL STAFF I HEREBY APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF NTEU, ANY BRANCH AND ANY ASSOCIATED BODY‡ ESTABLISHED AT MY WORKPLACE. nAtional vice-President (general sTAff) WAC is composed of one Academic and one General/Professional Staff TEACHING & RESEARCH RESEARCH ONLY SIGNATURE DATE RESEARCH ONLY Gabe Gooding, [email protected] representative from each Division, plus one nominee of the Indigenous OTHER: Policy Committee. TEACHING INTENSIVE You may resign by written notice to the Division or Branch Secretary. Where you cease to be eligible to become YOUR EMPLOYMENT CATEGORY & TERM a member, resignation shall take effect on the date the notice is received or on the day specified in your notice, indigenous RepresentAtive whichever is later. In any other case, you must give at least two weeks notice. Members are required to pay dues and Sharon Dennis, [email protected] FULL TIME PART TIME HOURS PER WK SESSIONAL ACADEMIC levies as set by the Union from time to time in accordance with NTEU rules. Further information on financial obligations, including a copy Office use only: Membership no. CONTINUING/ FIXED TERM GENERAL/PROFESSIONAL STAFF CASUAL of the rules, is available from your Branch. DATE OF EXPIRY PERMANENT CONTRACT Act IF YOU ARE CASUAL/SESSIONAL, COMPLETE PAYMENT OPTION 4 ONLY OPTION 4: CASUAL/SESSIONAL Aca Sara Beavis, [email protected] 1. Choose your salary range. 2. Select 6 month or 1 year membership. G/P Katie Wilson, [email protected] IF YOU ARE FULL TIME OR PART TIME, PLEASE COMPLETE EITHER PAYMENT OPTION 1, 2 OR 3 Membership fees = 1% of gross annual salary 3. Tick the appropriate box. OPTION 1: PAYROLL DEDUCTION AUTHORITY Office use only: % of salary deducted 4. Pay by cheque, money order or credit card. neW SouTH WaLes Salary range 6 months 12 months wWw.nteu.Org.Au/wOMen I hereby authorise the Institution or its duly authorised Aca Cathy Rytmeister, [email protected] I INSERT YOUR NAME | STAFF PAYROLL NO. IF KNOWN servants and agents to deduct from my salary by regular $10,000 & under: $27.50 $55 G/P Karen Ford, [email protected] instalments, dues and levies (as determined from time to time by the Union), to NTEU or its authorised agents. All $10,001–$20,000: $38.50 $77 OF YOUR ADDRESS payments on my behalf and in accordance with this author- ity shall be deemed to be payments by me personally. This Over $20,000: $55 $110 authority shall remain in force until revoked by me in writ- NORTHeRn TeRRITORY HEREBY AUTHORISE INSTITUTION ing. I also consent to my employer supplying NTEU with updated information relating to my employment status. PLEASE ACCEPT MY CHEQUE/MONEY ORDER Aca Sue Stanton, [email protected] OR CREDIT CARD: MASTERCARD VISA G/P Janet Sincock, [email protected] SIGNATURE |DATE NAME ON CARD SouTH AusTRALia OPTION 2: CREDIT CARD Processed on the 16th of the month or following working day I hereby authorise the Merchant to debit my Card account with the amount and at Aca Debra Hackett, [email protected] NAME ON CARD intervals specified above and in the event of any change in the charges for these goods/ CARD NUMBER services to alter the amount from the appropriate date in accordance with such change. G/P Shelley Pezy, [email protected] This authority shall stand, in respect of the above specified Card and in respect of any Card CARD NO. issued to me in renewal or replacement thereof, until I notify the Merchant in writing of its — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — cancellation. Standing Authority for Recurrent Periodic Payment by Credit Card. DoWnlOAD OR reAd THis MaGAZIne OnLine @ EXPIRY $ QueenslAnd EXPIRY | MASTERCARD VISA |PAYMENT: MONTHLY QUARTERLY HALF-YEARLY ANNUALLY | Aca Donna Weeks, [email protected] SIGNATURE G/P Carolyn Cope, [email protected] wWw.nteu.Org.Au/agenDA SIGNATURE DATE | Description of goods/services: NTEU DATE Membership Dues. To: NTEU, PO Box OPTION 3: DIRECT DEBIT Processed on the 15th of the month or following working day 1323, Sth Melbourne VIC 3205 Agenda (formerly Frontline) ISSN 1839-6186 (print), ISSN 1839-6194 (online) TASManiA I hereby authorise the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) APCA ‡Associated bodies: NTEU (NSW); Union of Australian College Academics Aca vacant Editor: Jeannie Rea Production: Paul Clifton Original design: Maryann Long I INSERT YOUR NAME User ID No.062604 to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our (WA Branch) Industrial Union of Workers at Edith Cowan University & Curtin account at the financial institution identified and in accordance with the University; Curtin University Staff Association (Inc.) at Curtin University; Staff G/P vacant Editorial Assistance: Anastasia Kotaidis terms described in the Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement Association of Edith Cowan University (Inc.) at ECU FINANCIAL INSTITUTION All text and images © NTEU 2013 unless otherwise noted. Full text of DDR available at www.nteu.org.au/ddr MAIL TO: BSB ACCOUNT NO. REGULARITY OF PAYMENT: VicTORiA Published annually by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU). ABN 38 579 396 344 | Aca Virginia Mansel Lees, [email protected] PO Box 1323, South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia Email: [email protected] MONTHLY QUARTERLY NTEU National Office G/P Alyson Waterson, [email protected] BRANCH NAME & ADDRESS Phone: 03 9254 1910 Fax: 03 9254 1915 HALF-YEARLY ANNUALLY PO Box 1323, South Melbourne VIC 3205 T (03) 9254 1910 ACCOUNT NAME 5% DISCOUNT FOR ANNUAL DIRECT DEBIT WesTern AusTRALia In accordance with NTEU policy to reduce our impact on the natural F (03) 9254 1915 environment, Agenda has been printed using vegetable based inks with E [email protected] Aca Silvia Lozeva, [email protected] alcohol free printing initiatives on FSC certified paper by Printgraphics under SIGNATURE |DATE G/P Kate Makowiecka, [email protected] ISO 14001 Environmental Certification. Environment ISO 14001 NTEU WOMEN’S MAGAZINE Cover: Julie-Anne Foster (USC) with the 2013 Bluestocking Week poster, part of the Women Vote Smart video shot at Women’s Conference. Photo by Terri MacDonald. wWW.NTEU.ORG.aU/WOMEN VolumE 21, SepTeMBer 2013 WOMEn, wORK & CAREERS 15 AUNTY KERRIE DOYLE GRADUATES editorial Dr Kaye Broadbent and Professor Glenda FROM OXFORD 25 STANDING WITH UPPITY WOMEN 2 Strachan’s research investigates the difference in A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION 26 NTEU National President Jeannie Rea. positions men and women occupy in universities. The ins and outs of the new Workplace Gender Equality Act. NEWS THE ALARMING STATE OF WOMEN’S GENDER PAY GAP COMPETITION WOMeN’S CONFeReNCe SAFETY ON CAMPUS 28 WINNING GUEss A WOEFul $8500 3 The NUS Talk About It survey revealed some har- rowing figures of women’s life on campus. EXTRA PAID LEAVE BREAKTHROUGHS ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CLAUSES 4 CONFERENCE REPORT 16 MORE WOMEN THAN MEN IN A wrap-up of two busy days in June at our bien- INSECURE JOBS 4 nial Women’s Conference. my CAReeR CREATIVE CAMPAIGNING 18 USYD Casuals Network members Claire Parfitt and Sharni Chan delivered a workshop on how bluestockiNg WeEK to organise in imaginative ways. CAROLE FERRIEr: fighTING THE GOOD FIGHT FOR FORTY YEARS 30 SINGING FOR SOLIDARITY 19 Carmel Shute interviews Carole Ferrier, Professor Lyrics from the singing workshop. of Literature and Women’s Studies at UQ. HOLDING THE LINE 5 ANTI-BULLYING 19 CAROL JOHNSON 32 A round up of the myriad of Bluestocking Week A workshop to help address an issue that has events at NTEU branches across the country.
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