AGENDA ITEM: 7. PLANNING COMMITTEE 4th OCTOBER 2012 Report of: Managing Director (Transformation) Relevant Head of Service: Borough Planner Contact for further information: Mrs.C.Thomas (Extn. 5134) Planning Control Team Leader (E-mail:[email protected]) SUBJECT: PLANNING APPLICATIONS Background Papers In accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972 the background papers used in the compilation of reports relating to planning applications are listed within the text of each report and are available for inspection in the Planning Division, except for such documents as contain exempt or confidential information defined in Schedule 12A of the Act. Equality Impact Assessment There is no evidence from an initial assessment of an adverse impact on equality in relation to the equality target groups. CONTENT SHEET Report Ward Appn No Site Location &Recommendation No Proposal 1 Up Holland 2012/0760/COU Crawford Arms 93 Planning Crawford Road permission be Crawford Village Up granted. Holland Lancashire WN8 9QS Conversion of public house into two dwellings. 2 North Meols 2012/0591/HYB Land To The East Of The decision to The Close Greaves Hall grant planning Avenue Banks permission be Lancashire delegated to the Borough Planner Full application for the in consultation erection of a two storey with the 70 bedroom care home Chairman and with associated Vice Chairman of landscaping, car the Planning parking, amenity and Committee service areas. Erection subject to a of electricity sub-station. planning Outline application for obligation under Mixed use development Section 106 of comprising Doctors' the Town and surgery and pharmacy, Country Planning nursery and specialist Act 1990 being care facility (including entered into. details of access). 3 Newburgh 2012/0784/FUL Blythe Hall Blythe Lane Planning Lathom Ormskirk permission be Lancashire L40 5TY granted. Erection of gallop rails to previously approved gallop track. 4 Newburgh 2012/0905/ADV The Red Lion 9 Ash Advertisement Brow Newburgh Wigan Consent be Lancashire WN8 7NF refused. Retention of one illuminated double sided twin post sign to the right of the car park entrance. 5 Knowsley 2012/0628/WL3 Coronation Park Car The decision to Park Park Avenue grant planning Ormskirk Lancashire permission be L39 3LB delegated to the Borough Planner Erection of 4 no. 1 in consultation bedroom flats and with the provision of Chairman and replacement car parking Vice Chairman of facilities (20 spaces). the Planning Committee subject to a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 being entered into. 6 Hesketh- 2009/0228/COU Hesketh Bank Riding Planning with- Course Dib Road permission be Becconsall Hesketh Bank Preston granted. Lancashire PR4 6XQ Retention of use of land as clay target shooting facility. 7 Derby 2012/0692/FUL Land Bounded By Ruff Planning Lane And Scarth Hill permission be Lane Edge Hill granted. University St Helens Road Ormskirk Lancashire L39 4QP Variation of condition no. 2 imposed on planning permission 2011/0504/FUL to vary phasing of development and consequential variation of condition nos. 3, 5, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31. Variation of condition nos.14 (car parking management strategy) and 27 (use of new access) imposed on planning permission 2011/0504/FUL. 8 Aughton And 2012/0780/FUL Gerard Hall Prescot Planning Downholland Road Aughton Ormskirk permission be Lancashire L39 6TA granted. Temporary siting of a 50m high meteorological mast. No.1 APPLICATION NO. 2012/0760/COU LOCATION Crawford Arms 93 Crawford Road Crawford Village Up Holland Lancashire WN8 9QS PROPOSAL Conversion of public house into two dwellings. APPLICANT BAB Construction WARD Up Holland PARISH Up Holland TARGET DATE 4th September 2012 1.0 PREVIOUS RELEVANT DECISIONS 2.1 2012/0228/COU REFUSED Conversion of public house into two residential dwellings and erection of detached garages to rear. 2.0 CONSULTEE RESPONSES 2.1 LCC HIGHWAYS (6/8/12) – No objection. There is an overall improvement to the adjacent highway network subject to conditions being attached. 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MANAGER (3/8/12) – No objections. 3.0 OTHER REPRESENTATIONS 3.1 I have received one neighbour representation making the following comments: - Widespread discontent in the village about the proposed conversion; - Social hub in the village and attracts people from wider areas; - Would have a major impact upon the social environment of the village. 4.0 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 4.1 The following documents have been submitted in support of the application: - Planning, Design and Access Statement - Public House Viability Assessment 5.0 RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES 5.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan (WLRLP) and the West Lancashire Local Plan Publication Document (WLLPPD) provide the policy framework against which the development proposals will be assessed. The site comprises of a Public House located within the Rural Settlement Area of Crawford Village. The following polices are therefore relevant: NPPF Supporting a prosperous rural economy Delivering a wide choice of quality homes Requiring good design Promoting healthy communities West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan GD1 – Design of Development DE1 – Residential Development DE10 – Retail and Other Town Centre Development West Lancashire Local Plan Publication Document Policy GN1 – Settlement Boundaries Policy GN3 – Criteria for Sustainable Development Policy GN4 – Demonstrating Viability Policy RS1 – Residential Development Policy IF3 – Service Accessibility and Infrastructure 6.0 OBSERVATIONS OF BOROUGH PLANNER Site Description 6.1 The Crawford Arms Public House is located on the southern side of Crawford Road, within a row of residential properties. There is a large car park to the rear of the site, with access adjacent the eastern gable, off Crawford Road. The first floor of the pub provides residential accommodation. The site lies within the Rural Settlement of Crawford. The Proposal 6.2 The application seeks planning permission for the change of use of the pub to 2 residential units. Each unit will comprise 2 bedrooms. Alterations will be made to the fenestration, including the insertion of 2 doors on the front elevation to create separate entrances to each unit. 6.3 This application has been submitted after the refusal of planning permission 2012/0228/COU for the conversion of the public house into two residential dwellings and the erection of detached garages to rear. This was refused for the following reasons: 1. The proposed development would conflict with Policy DE1 of the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan and the Council's Interim Housing Policy in that the site is not located within an area designated for market housing. 2. The proposed development conflicts with Policy DE10 of the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan in that no supporting information has been submitted that demonstrates that the current use of the site as a pub is unviable, adequate alternative provision exists within the nearby area and that loss of a community facility would not adversely affect the vitality of Crawford Village. 3. The proposed development would conflict with Policy GD1 of the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan in that the proposed off-road car parking spaces are insufficient in size to accommodate a vehicle and the proposed access is sub-standard. 4. The proposed development would conflict with Policy GD1 of the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan and the SPD Design Guide in that insufficient private outdoor amenity space has been provided. 5. The proposed development would conflict with Policy GD1 of the West Lancashire Replacement Local Plan in that the proximity of the proposed garage would create a poor outlook and would appear overbearing when using the ground floor rear rooms of the property and the adjacent garden area. An appeal has now been lodged against this refusal. Principle of Development 6.4 Since the refusal of planning application 2012/0228/COU, there has been a material change in the policy situation in West Lancashire, namely the Publication of the emerging West Lancashire Local Plan (WLLP). The ‘principle’ of the development needs an updated assessment in terms of the current policy situation. Residential Development 6.5 The proposals are contrary to WLRLP Policy DE1 and the Interim Housing Policy, as per the first reason for refusal of 2012/0228/COU quoted above. However, in the West Lancashire Local Plan Publication Document (WLLPPD), in terms of housing policy, Policy RS1 Residential Development would allow, in principle, the creation of two new market housing units in Crawford. 6.6 Under the NPPF (paragraphs 49, 215 and 216), the WLLPPD policy (which is in line with the NPPF) carries more weight than the WLRLP Policy DE10 and the Interim Housing Policy which are to be considered out of date. Therefore, under the current planning policy framework, the creation of two residential units is considered acceptable. Loss of Community Facility 6.7 Policy DE10 (part 6) of the adopted WLRLP relates to the loss of facilities such as public houses in villages. In order for the proposals to be judged consistent with this policy, it must be demonstrated that three criteria are satisfied: (i) The proposals would not adversely affect the vitality and viability of a centre; (ii) It can be demonstrated that adequate alternative provision exists, and; (iii) It can be demonstrated that there is no longer any demand for a public house in the area. 6.8 Policy DE10.6 is considered to be in line with the NPPF which advocates ‘the retention and development of local services and community facilities in villages, such as local shops, meeting places, sports venues, cultural buildings, public houses and places of worship’ (paragraph 28). Paragraph 70 further echoes this stating that decisions should ‘guard against the unnecessary loss of valued facilities and services, particularly where this would reduce the community’s ability to meet its day-to-day needs’.
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