OIRECTOBY,J BERKSHIRE. WEST ILSLEY, 106 under the pulpit, restored and placed in the centre landowner. T of the ba~ement. of the. tower, the chancel re-decorated Thehe soil is chalk and gravel; subsoil, chalk and a st.amed Window mserted at the east end: in the and flint. crops ~re wheat, barley, oat&, turnips chancel 1s a marble slab, with arms. inscribed to the and hay. The area 18 3,017 acres; rateable value, 2 R~v. Joseph Ba!nes A.J~:~. r~ctor, d. 1753, and to his £ •444; the population in rgrr was 445. Wife, d. 172I ; "'.' the aisle 1S a brass, placed by their Parish Clerk, George Welch. daughter Katherme, to. the wif_e of 'Yilliam Hildeslea, Post, M. 0. & T. Offi.ce.-Edwin Thomas Taylor, sub- ob. January, r6o6, havmg survived him 3o years; the postmaster. Letters arriv& from Newbu:ry at 7 a.m. churchyard contams memorials to the Rev-. Thomas & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 6.so a.m. & 2 & 6 p.m.; • Loveday~ 34 ye~rs rector, d. r873, and his wife, d. 1s45 ; sundays, arrive 7 a. m.; dispatched, 4.45 p.m four stamed wmdows were presented, in 18g6-7 by the late James Gr~y esq.: there are 25o sittings, rso being COUNTY MAGIS'l'RATES FOR THE ILSLEY f~e_e. ~he regrster date~ from November, 1653. The DIVISION. hvmg IS a rec_tory, ne~ mcome £380, with 63 acres of Bowles Col. Thomas John ~fe tnd Je~1 ~tc~, m thebgift of iMagdalen College, Carter Col. James Colebrooke V.D. Orpwood, Arding- or • sn e smce rgr3 y the Rev. William Henry ton Wantage McKe~nal Cal~well B.A. of Magd_alen College, Oxford. Eysto;, John Joseph, Hendred house, Steventon Here .'s. & Baptist chapel, ere_?ted 1?- r864, and affording Hazel Commander James R.N. Rowstock, Steventon 1 5~/Ith:gs. The poor of this pansh have the right of IJohnston Geo.Arth.M.A. Broomdown, Chieveley,Newbu.ry cu mg ur:ze upon several downs. !Jsley has long been Loyd Archie Kirkman K.C., D.L. Down ho. Steventon noltde~ forf 1 tsh~heep market~ and fair~, a grant for the Martin-Atkins Ernest Edwin, Downend house, Chieveley. ho mg o w 1c~ was obtamed_ by S1r Francis Moore, Newbury from James I. m r62o; prev:10us t~ this time fairs Wasey Edward, Bradley court, Newbury were held a~ Cuckhamsley H11l (Cw>ehelmes hlrewe), Wroughton Philip Musgrave Neeld B.A. Wooley park, but on the tssue of the grant were traditionally re- Wantage moved to a square enclosure now planted and called Cl k · "The Warren." the fortni<>htl k t . er to the ·M!Igistrates, Edward Brooks Ormond, • ~ Y mar e s commence m Market place Wantage February an<!- continue every alternate Wednesday till - . ' the Easter fan·, held on the Wednesday in Easter week ; Pett_y ses.siOns are held at the Police Station the first cattle, sheep and lamb fairs are held from Easter till ~r1d~y m each month ~except October, when the meet- N~vel'!-ber, August 1st and 26th being the two largest mg 1s held the last fnday m September) at 12 o'clock fairs m the year, and as many as so,ooo sheep and The following places are within the division :-Aid- lambs h_ave been brought for sale on these days; worth, Catmore, Chilton, Compton, Farnborough, Hallow-tide fair, for <:attle, ·sheep and lambs, is held on llsley (East), Dsley (West) the Wednesday followmg the rzth of November· dealers c p r · · an.d grllziers come from all parts of the country' to these ount! o tee, Lmgh~on Giles, sergeant fairs to purchase stock. There are several establish- Council School (mixed), erected in 1908, for 9B me?ts here for training race horses, the light and children; Arthur Thomas Powell, master springy turf of the downs being well adapted for that Ca.rrier.-John Webb passes through from West llsley purpose. Lady Wantage is lady of the manor and chief to Newbury, tues. & thurs Caldwell Rev. Wm. Henry McKennal Edwards John, Sun P.H public vaccinator, Wantage union, B.A. (rector), Rectory Field George, blacksmith &certifying factory ourgn.Dorset ho Gregory William, Compton road Frost Albert Richard, coal merchant Robinson James Humfrey, road sur- Risien E. Russsll L.S.A. Dorset ho Gardensr William, Star P.H veyor to the Wantage Rural District Shears Rev . .Arthur Wm. (Baptist) Goddard William Eeecher, builder Council & clerk to the East Holey Hamlen Herbert. John, Lamb hotel Council school & local agent to COMMERCIAL. Hamm Annie (Mrs.), grocer Pranldin & Gale, auctioneers, The Bartholomew Chas. grocer & butcher Hatt Richard William, trainer of Firs Bond John, White Hart P.H racehorses, Hill house Sneller William, Swan hotel Book er J oseph, relieving & vaccina- Long Frederick George, grocer Spencer Albert, Crown & Horns P.H tion officer, No. 2 district, collector Lowe Editha (Miss), frmr.Kennett ho Stevens Francis (exors. of), farmers to the guardians & registrar of Lowe Percy, trainer of racehorses & sheep pen proprietors births & deaths for llsley su b-dist. Marriott Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Ash- 'l'aylor Edwin Thos. stationer, Post off Wantage union & registrar of ridge farm Wells E. A. (Mrs.), assistant over- marriages for Wantage district,Fil- Pearce Henry James, insurance agent seer & cleTk to Parish Council bert house Pearce J ames Mead, saddler Wells John J ames, collector of ta!<es East James, trainer of racehorses. Risien E. Russell L.S.A.Lond. physi- for East & West Ilsley Church Hill house cian & surgeon, medical officer & Wells Mark, butcher WEST ILSLEY is a small village and parish 11 I 230 persons; on the north side of the churchyard is a miles north from Newbury and 4 north-west from Comp- memorial to Thomas Wise, for many years verger of ton ststion on the Didcot and Winchester railway, in St. George's chapel, in Windsor Castle, who died sth the Sou\hern division of the county, hundred of Cornp- April, 188o, and a tomb of granite, inscribed to George ton, llsley petty sessional division, union and county Bowes 'Morland, of Abingdon, d. June x, 1878. The court district of Wantage, rural deanerv of Newbury, register dates from the year 1558. The living is a archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of ·oxford; it is rectory, net yearly value £r4o, with residence, in the pleasantly situated in a deep valley in the centre of gift of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, snd held since the Downs, a.nd the traveller, in passing along the road, 1899 by the Rev. Edward Alexander Mc~onnell M._A. d?es not perceive it till he comes to the brow of a of St. John's Colle.ge, Oxford .. There 1~ a. Eapt~st hill at the entrance to the village. The church of All chapel here, erected' m r866. Calibut Dowmng, of Orrel Sainto io an ancient fabric of flint with stone facings, College, Oxford, in 1623, a divine of some eminence in the Esrly English style. consisting of chancel, nave, in the reigns of _<Jharles I. and ll. was rector here. north aisle north poreh and a western turret contain- Sir George Dowmng bart. 21l.P. an envoy to Holland ing one heir ; the north aisle was adde-d in 1876; on during th~ Protectorate, hitherto regarded as. his eldest the eoutll. side of the chancel is a marNe slab inscribed son, was 1n fact the son of Emmannel Downmg, of St. to ,John Head. of Hodcott, d. r8o3; and there is a Michael, COO'nhill, and of _Salem, Mass. U.S.A. as appears tablet to John Head, d. 1746, and his wife, d. 1756; from records l?r~served. 1~ the Court House at Salem. there 11re other memorials to William Morland, d. There are chantie• consistmg of J,a a year and to loads 1838; Msrgaret, wife of Thomas Gale, d. February 7th, of wood to twenty poor people annually. The Rev. 1784; and a brass to Marianne Morland, d. April roth, Edward Moore. a former rector, bequeathed £so, the 1877, to whose memory the stained east window was interest to be given annually to _the poor. LadyWantag_e also erected • and in the nave is a memorial window is lady of the manor and chief landowner. The soil to George ~or land esq. placed by Lord and Lady is chalk; subsoil, chalk, and in some places, clay. The Want11ge in x87g: on the north side of the chancel is a crops a.re oats, wheat snd barley. The ar~a I~ 3,037 bra"" recording the opening of a new north aisle .August acres; rateable value, £r,769; the population 1n rgrr gth, 18;r6; and of the chancel July 2oth, 1878 (when a was 313 dedSicahltion _stoiHne was laid by H.R.H. Princess Christian Sexton, William Day. o 1 c e•W1g- olstein); the restoration of the church, ~ompleted in r88r, was carried out under the snper- Post, M. O. & T. Offi.ce.-Joseph Kingham Eagles, 1ntendence of Mr. Edwin Dolby, architect, of Abing- sub-postmaster. Letters through Newbury arrive at don; in 1894 the chancel was partially restored and 8.25 a.m. & 4·5 p.m.; dispatched at xo.ro a.m . .t re-floored; the south aisle has also been re-floored, at 5.20 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 8.25 a.m. ; dispatched a total cost of a. bout £100: there are now sittings for at 9.30 a.m .
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