Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:234 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . MARCH 28. 2017 -Hamal 08, 1396 HS Tajikistan exports about 2.6 mil- lion kWh of electricity to Afghan- istan, reports Avesta news agen- cy. The volume of export of elec- tricity to Afghanistan has grown since early March, says the report. The flowage of the Vakhsh River allows not only to fully meet the domestic demand of the country, but also to export its surplus. Tajikistan annually produces about 55 million kWh of electricity. Tajiki- stan and Afghanistan reportedly will sign the relevant documents establishing the volume of sup- plies and prices for exported elec- tricity in April. According to the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan, the vol- ume of exports of electricity in 2016 increased by 138.3 million year. Chairman of the OJSC Barqi reporters that the country export- 4,059 cents for 1 kWh. kWh compared to the previous Tojik Mirzo Ismoilzoda earlier told ed electricity to Afghanistan at (AKIPRESS) Five billion Afs in worn-out bank notes burnt annually The Central Bank of Afghanistan worn-out Afghani bank notes in the while said the collecting and burn- notes in the market.“The current (CBA) on Monday said they pay past 11 years. “Burning such a big ing process of old bank notes is process of collecting and burning nearly three AFs to print every amount of money is a big cost and not clear and it is possible that a old bank notes is very unclear and Afghani bank note and that annu- people should keep the money large amount of the collected mon- corrupt. So this method should be ally they collect and burn five bil- new because we pay approximate- ey is injected back in to the mar- changed and the Central Bank lion AFs worth of worn-out and ly 2.8 AFs to print every bank kets. According to MPs, although should try more to prevent the old old Afghani notes. According to note,” said Emal Hashor, Central the process of collecting worn-out bank notes from returning back to Central Bank statistics, they have Bank spokesperson. A number of bank notes has been ongoing, still market,” said Ramazan Juma Zada, burned 41 billion AFs worth of Parliament Members (MPs) mean- there is a large amount of old bank MP. (Tolo News) By Farhad Naibkhel ing neglector and suspect from sol- weapons are only fit for control- dier to General ranking were intro- ling public order not for fighting KBAUL: Wolesi Jirga (Lower duced to judiciary organs in con- against terrorism. Minister said House) of parliament on Monday nection to attack over military hos- that assessment drive is complet- summoned ministers of defense pital,” Minister of Defense, Ab- ed about 80 percent regarding and interior as well as director of dullah Habibi told Wolesi Jirga. He ghost policemen and their weap- the national directorate of securi- said that those who are guilty will ons in different district of the prov- ty to brief regarding attack on mil- be punished strictly. Hinting to- inces across the country. He also itary hospital in Kabul and ramp ward mounting of insecurity, Min- insisted that fighting corruption is up security across the country. ister of Defense said that enemy on top agenda of the ministry of Though, security officials failed to was defeated last year, and all interior. Head of National Direc- satisfy parliamentarians with their preparation is on card to defeat torate of Security Masoom Stani- answers, but were saved from dis- them this year as well. He said kzai said that investigation pro- qualification. Members of parlia- that the ongoing war is a regional gressed well regarding military hos- ment criticized the security author- war, so we need all people sup- pital. ities for mismanagement and insuf- port to win this. Confirming ex- He said that we found clue to rec- ficiency, calling them as main fac- istence of corruption in army crew, ognize perpetrators linked to the tors behind hike of insecurity he insisted that serious combat is attack over military hospital with- caused the attack on Sardar Da- going on against corruption. in two weeks. He said that Af- wod Khan, a military hospital in Usurpers have put in place all ef- ghan forces are in war with 20 dif- Kabul. Parliamentarians also forts to grip lands belonging to the ferent terrorist network, which all pointed to speech of Head of the Ministry of Defense, but prevent- support by number of region coun- Office of Special Inspector Gen- ed, he noted. He emphasized that tries. eral for Afghanistan Reconstruc- the ministry exert utmost efforts Beside external issues, we faced tion (SIGAR), John Sopko regard- to reach weapons, equipment and to internal tribal, region and polit- ing corruption and mismanage- food to the soldiers on time. Min- ical issues, so it is required of all ment, which is the main factor be- ister of Interior Taj Mohammad Afghan to be united to defeat ene- hind failure of security forces in Jahid, while confirming security mies, he mentioned. It is pertained Afghanistan. The lawmakers also threats across the country, said that to mention that five bombers had asked security officials to brief most of the areas are under control attacked Saradar Dawod Khan mil- about existence of ghost soldiers of Afghan forces. He said that al- itary hospital March 8, resulted at and selling fuel, food and even though police forces duty is con- killing of 50 people and wounding weapons of the Afghan forces to trolling of public order, but they of dozens others including military the Taliban insurgents by com- involved fighting against terrorists. and civilian staffs of the hospital manders. “23 employees includ- He said that police formation and in Kabul capital. KABUL : Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah on Monday urged Pakistan’s hones- ty in the fight against terrorism, saying support to terrorist groups was threatening the region’s and world’s stability. Presiding over a LASHKARGAH : At least 16 Tal- Cabinet meeting, Abdullah said last iban have been killed and nine oth- year was full of security challeng- ers wounded in Afghan forces air es for Afghanistan but the Afghan raid in the Nad Ali district of south- government had meanwhile some ern Helmand province, an official achievements as well. said on Monday. Lt. Col. Moham- Inauguration of various infra- icate terrorism”, he said, adding that mad Rasoul Zazai, spokesman for structure development projects, the fight against terrorism needed 215th Maiwand military corps, launching of the National Citizen honest cooperation between the told Pajhwok Afghan News the air Charter program, reforms in the two countries. Abdullah said ef- force targeted a group of Taliban election system, introduction of forts were underway at establish- who were planning attacks against technology to the electoral regime ing peace and Afghan forces were security forces. Zazai said, 16 mil- and finalization of electronic ID bravely defending their country itants were killed and nine others cards were major steps of the gov- against disruptors. Political, eco- wounded and many weapons and ernment last year, he said. nomic and military support of ter- ammunition were destroyed dur- The CEO said Pakistan recent- rorist groups was threatening se- ing the airstrike. Akhtar Moham- ly closed the crossing points with curity of the region and the world mad, a resident of Nad Ali said to Afghanistan due to some security and Afghanistan expected all re- Pajhwok, the security forces car- issues, while Afghanistan had been gional countries would honestly ried out the airstrike late on Mon- the frontline state in the fight help the Afghans get rid of extrem- day and Taliban suffered heavy against terrorism without differen- ism, the CEO said. About summon- casualties but, he was unaware of tiating between good and bad ter- ing of security officials by the the exact figure of militants’ loss- rorists. “Negotiations are the only Wolesi Jirga, he said powers of the es. Separately, four Taliban had solution to all problems with neigh- all three pillars were clear and the been killed in Sangin district dur- bors and measures taken across the lower house had the right to sum- ing infighting, Zazai claimed. Durand Line would not help erad- mon ministers. (Pajhwok) (Pajhwok) TUESDAY . MARCH 28, 2017 AFGHANISTAN TIMES Damning Afghanistan war report criticises lack of planning Enrollment at a secondary for NZ school in Kabul city has increased by more than a deployment third as a result of improved Special immigrant facilities and resources, which have created a conducive learning visa holders still environment. This is one of many tangible face questioning benefits of grants provided under the Education Quality A shelved Defence Force report on Improvement Program, upon reaching US New Zealand's deployment in Af- which aims to increase ghanistan slammed the lack of a access to quality basic As an economist, Hussein Mahr- spokeswoman says the agency has cohesive plan for our time in the education across Afghani- ammi helped U.S. development not changed its policy on SIV hold- country, as well as issues with authorities in Kabul, Afghanistan ers since January. But immigrant faulty equipment. stan. rebuild his war-torn country. He rights groups say officers with However, a military command- planned to stay in Afghanistan. CBP have become too aggressive er says the report was never form- Then, one by one, his colleagues at airports and border crossings. alised as it was "insufficiently ac- The program has helped the were assaulted and even killed be- How America's Idea Of Illegal curate".
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