RESPECTABLERESPECTABLE ASSASSINSASSASSINS:: A COLLECTIVECOLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHBIOGRAPHYY ANANDD SOCIO-ECONOMICSOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDYSTUDY OOFF THTHEE CARTHAGCARTHAGEE MOBMOB bbyy DebraDebra 10Jo MarshMarsh A thesithesiss submittedsubmitted ttoo thethe facultyfaculty ofof ThThee UniversitUniversityy ooff UtahUtah iinn partiapartiall fulfillmenfulfillmentt ooff ththee requirementrequirementss foforr ththee degredegreee ofof MasteMasterr ofof ArtsArts DepartmentDepartment ooff HistoryHistory TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof UtahUtah DecembeDecemberr 20092009 CopyrighCopyrightt © DebraDebra JJoo MarsMarshh 20092009 AllAll RightsRights ReservedReserved THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Debra Jo Marsh This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. Chair: W. Paul Reeve e-/�- 01 Eric HinderalC r THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the Graduate Council of the University of Utah: Debra Jo Marsh in its final fonn I have read the thesis of -----------=���==== ---------- and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the finalmanuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission to The Graduate School. u i - 11 - 9 Date W. Paul Reeve Chair: Supervisory Committee Approved for the Major Department James Lehning ChairlDean Approved for the Graduate Council Charles A. ight Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACABSTRACTT ThisThis studystudy disputesdisputes thethe generalgeneral beliebelieff thatthat thethe memenn inin ththee CarthageCarthage mobmob werewere rabble-rouserrabble-rouserss fromfrom ththee lowestlowest socio-economicsocio-economic ranksranks ofof society.society. AlthougAlthoughh thisthis characterizationcharacterization maymay accuratelyaccurately describedescribe a smallsmall numbernumber oftheof the participantsparticipants,, ththee mobmob overwhelminglyoverwhelmingly consistedconsisted ofof memenn whowho rankedranked amongstamongst thethe middlmiddlee andand uppeupperr societalsocietal classes.classes. InIn fact,fact, a definingdefining numbernumber werewere professionals,professionals, leadingleading businessmen,businessmen, and/orand/or politicianpoliticianss inin HancockHancock County.County. ThisThis studystudy alsoalso disputesdisputes ththee notionotionn thathatt thosthosee responsibleresponsible forfor thethe deathsdeaths ofof JosephJoseph andand HyrumHyrum SmithSmith sufferedsuffered horrifihorrificc fates.fates. CollectivelyCollectively speaking,speaking, thethe mobmob participantsparticipants livedlived normalnormal lifelife spansspans duringduring whicwhichh theythey prosperedprospered economically.economically. Moreover,Moreover, manymany enjoyedenjoyed successfulsuccessful careerscareers andand helheldd politicapoliticall officeoffice afterafter theirtheir participationparticipation atat Carthage.Carthage. ThesThesee findingsfindings createcreate a neneww andand mormoree accurateaccurate portraiportraitt ofof thethe CarthageCarthage mob,mob, oneone thatthat closelyclosely conformsconforms toto thatthat ofof otherother antebellumantebellum mobsmobs.. A lacklack ofof adequateadequate lawlaw enforcementenforcement,, widelwidelyy helheldd notionnotionss regardingregarding popularpopular sovereignty,sovereignty, andand residualresidual post­post- RevolutionarRevolutionaryy WarWar fervorfervor combinedcombined toto createcreate anan eraera inin whichwhich vigilantevigilante mobmobss werewere commoncommon andand largelylargely supportedsupported bbyy thethe generalgeneral antebellumantebellum populous.populous. AdditionalAdditional factors,factors, suchsuch asas widespreawidespreadd anti-Mormonanti-Mormon ideologiesideologies andand locallocal powerpower struggles,struggles, alsoalso influencedinfluenced ththee CarthageCarthage mob.mob. ThiThiss thesithesiss iiss dedicatededicatedd ttoo mmyy childrechildrenn whwhoo araree a constanconstantt remindereminderr thathatt beinbeingg a mothemotherr iiss ththee besbestt thinthingg I wilwilll everever ddoo inin mmyy life,, mmyy parentparentss whwhoo instilleinstilledd withiwithinn mmee a lovlovee ooff GodGod anandd a beliebelieff iinn HiHiss abilityability ttoo workwork miracles,, anandd mymy husbanhusbandd whwhoo hahass mademade alalll mmyy dreamsdreams comcomee true.true. TABLTABLEE OOFF CONTENTSCONTENTS ABSTRACABSTRACTT ............................................................................ .... ... .... ......... ................ .iviv LISLISTT OOFF TABLETABLES S ........................... .... ........................................................................viv iii INTRODUCTIOINTRODUCTIONN .......................................................................... ............. .................. 11 MORMOrvIO~ONN CHURCClIURClIH HISTORlIISTOR~Y ............................. .. .. .... ........................7 HANCOClIANCOCKK COUNTCOUNT~Y HISTORlIISTOR~Y .... ................................................... .... 1155 IDENTIFYINIDENTIF~INGG MEMBERrvIErvIBERSS OOFF THTlIEE CARTHAGCARTIIAGEE MOrvIOBB .... .. .. .. ... ... ... ........... 2121 A COLLECTIVCOLLECTIVEE PORTRAIPORTRAITT OOFF THTlIEE MOrvIOBB ...................................................... 3131 THTlIEE MOrvIOBB AFTEAFTERR CARTHAGCARTlIAGEE ............... .. .. ......... .......... ... ....................... ............... 4545 LUNDWLUNDWAL ALLL ............................................................................................................... 5151 WHYWlI~?? ....................... ...... ............................................................................................ 5454 SUrvIrvIAR~SUMMARY ANDAND CONCLUSIONSCONCLUSIONS .......................................................................... 6767 SELECTEDSELECTED BIBLIOGRAPlI~BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................... .......... ........ .... ............... .....69 69 LISLISTT OOFF TABLETABLESS Table Page 11.. ComparisoComparisonn ooff WilliaWilliamm ClaytoClaytonn anandd WillarWillardd Richards'' ListListss ..........................2 233 22.. MeMenn NameNamedd bbyy BackenstoBackenstoss ...................... .............................. .............. 3300 3.. KnowKnownn GeographiGeographicc OriginOriginss ooff MoMobb ........... .. ......... ................................... 3344 44.. KnowKnownn OccupationOccupationss ooff MoMobb ............................................... ..................................... 3366 55.. PubliPublicc OfficeOfficess HelHeldd bbyy CarthagCarthagee MoMobb ParticipantParticipantss 1834-1851834-18566 .............................. 3399 66.. PubliPublicc OfficeOfficess SoughSoughtt bubutt LosLostt bbyy MoMobb ParticipantParticipantss 1834-1851834-18566 ........................... .4141 INTRODUCTIOINTRODUCTIONN OnOn JunJunee 2727,, 1844,1844, iinn ththee Carthage,Carthage, Illinois,Illinois, jailhousejailhouse,, ththee livelivess ofof JosephJoseph SmithSmith,, JrJr.. (founde(founderr ofof ThThee ChurcChurchh ooff JesusJesus ChrisChristt ofof Latter-daLatter-dayy Saints)Saints) andand hishis brothebrotherr HyruHyrumm camecame ttoo a violenviolentt endend.. ThThee SmitSmithh brotherbrotherss werweree inin prisoprisonn awaitingawaiting triatriall forfor treasontreason,, havinhavingg surrenderesurrenderedd ttoo localocall authoritieauthoritiess threthreee daydayss earlier.earlier. TheThe initiainitiall chargchargee wawass riotingrioting;; howeverhowever,, whewhenn baibaill forfor ththee riotinriotingg chargecharge wawass quicklyquickly postedposted,, ththee brotherbrotherss werweree chargechargedd witwithh treasotreasonn andand,, consequently,consequently, imprisonedimprisoned withouwithoutt bailbail.. ThusThus,, thetheyy werweree forceforcedd ttoo remairemainn iinn CarthagCarthagee despitdespitee ththee factfact thatthat localocall hostilithostilityy towardtowardss ththee SmithsSmiths wawass aatt a boilinboilingg pointpoint,, anandd numerounumerouss threatthreatss hadhad beebeenn madmadee oonn theitheirr liveslives.. OOnn ththee fatefufatefull afternoonafternoon,, shortlyshortly afteafterr 5:05:000 p.m.p.m.,, thethe prisoprisonn guardguardss offereofferedd virtuallvirtuallyy nnoo resistanceresistance aass a mobmob,, overover twtwoo hundrehundredd menmen strongstrong,, stormedstormed ththee jail.jail.!1 IInn ththee jailhousjailhousee witwithh ththee prisonerprisonerss werweree friendfriendss JohnJohn TayloTaylorr anandd WillarWillardd RichardsRichards.. TayloTaylorr wawass severelseverelyy woundedwounded iinn ththee attackattack,, butbut 1 EyewitnessesEyewitnesses statestate thethe mobmob consistedconsisted ofof anywhereanywhere fromfrom thirtythirty toto fourfour hundredhundred men.men. SinceSince thethe momobb wawass comprisecomprisedd ooff sisixx localocall militimilitiaa unitsunits,, eacheach consistingconsisting ooff thirtthirtyy ttoo sixtysixty menmen,, "over"over twotwo hundredhundred"" isis ththee mosmostt crediblcrediblee figurefigure.. SeeSee:: GleGlenn MM.. LeonardLeonard,, Nauvoo: A Place of Peace, A People of Promise (Sal(Saltt LakLakee CityCity:: DesereDeserett BooBookk Co.Co.,, 2005)2005),393;, 393; RoberRobertt S.S. WickWickss anandd FreFredd RR.. FoisterFoister,, JuniusJunius and Joseph: Presidential Politics and the Assassination of the First Mormon Prophet (Logan:(Logan: UtahUtah StateState UniversitUniversityy PressPress,,
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