University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-11-1908 Carlsbad Current, 12-11-1908 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 12-11-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/21 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. P.I .If r.im'lj .i"' w t o' SEVENTEENTH IYE Ah CARLSBAD NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY DEO.. II. 1 90H NUMBER 4 TWO KILLED Engineer Mahan had one foot rowdies had not had a little t cut almost off and the other was tnjch tangle-foo- t, even to some inju- of the married men who left WRECKj mashed. It was internal Santa Glaus' IN ries and a blow on the head. that their wives nt home and had h caused death about an hour after night of it. Hetd-o- n Collision Between the accident. Everyone is planning big plans Hearquarters Train near Canyon; Mail Clerk Smith was foun I they going to for the times are Are al the City Texas. dead under the debris of his and have Xtnas. one or He 1 STAR ED MAHArf ONE" OF DEAD two other cars. wasj Mr. Will Baker an Mr. John PHARMACY crushed, almost from head to Lynch both from the plains near 1 he bett of l foot. passed over the moun- isorlmml oyi. I popular Engineer Met Death at ' Knowles The wounded and the bodies All kmdi of QiriMmai novrltic Hi Post. -- Other Dead Man is tains going to Crow flat to hunt of the dead were taken to Ama- -' at well tome of the moni J. J. Smith, Mail Qeilc, from ranches last week. They both rillo as soon as relief could be detirable and dependable art-K- ir Carlsbad Dense Fog Caused express themselves as well pleas- secured. The traina proceeded that will make very um-Iu-I Mahan to Run by the Switch ed with that country and intend on their way as soon as the1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS. at which his Train was to purchasing homes over there wveckage could be cleared and shortly. Have Taken Siding. Give Ui a Call new engines bag-gag- 's and mail and Many settlers here have mor-- ; cars supplied. Th night Rrwwrll Krcord. ed away and many more are go--1 Passenger trains No. 201, train reached Roswell six or sev- ing soon, to hunt places where The south bound, and No. 28 from en hours late, which threw it to they don't have to hand over to; the Piainvlew branch, north about 12:30 this morning. Uncle Sam half their earnings, STAR PHARMACY 60und., collided on New The remains of Engineer Ma the (which is taken from their liv-- 1 Mexico Eastern seven han will be shipped to his old TIIK qt'AI.ITY HTOKK track ings), to pay grazing and permit j Canyon home Delphos, miles east of City at 10: near Ohio. The fees. We believe in protecting 28 Sunday body Mail morning and badly of Clerk Smith will be timber and watersheds but don't shipped wrecked the front ends of both to his old.home in Com- want to starve to do it. Hence trains. merce, Texas, his wife and baby Her Heart was Broken are going to pastures green. K HOMER F. I'AKR. The dead: having passe through morn- this Cook Sacra-- twcue her complexion wm bad ami Mrs. from the PhVMCUN NOStlBIIKON, Ed Mahan, of Roswell, engi-te- er ing on their way from Carlsbad . he could timl nothing to clear it up. mentO mountains 18 Visiting With adiea: a bad complexion ie rauaed lJf on No. 201. to attend the fun eral. OlIW A qer sister Mrs. M. A. Middleton. n. inactive liver. An nuctive liver Hi Hull Hrlce tmlklma. awNUnc oe will be put condition by J. J. Smith, of Carlsbad, mail Fireman Holatein is now in ierfect HlKUno3t., 2nd IWr Nnrih if School houaa at Mrs. John Means and son Lew- - taking Hallara" llerbine Thu un- clerk on No. 201. the hospital in Amarillo, not Sola by K.i.iy ís paid a flying visit to Carlsbad 7oiv,'r C'AI.KSIIAI) The injured dangerously hurt, it is thought, r'r. NKW MKXICO Claud C. Holstein, of Roswell, last week. j b it in a coalition that needs StaW ,rices are Andy fam- - 8ame t0 a. r. it a nremtin on )l, tace almost en- several days rest. His father, Mrs. Locklear and alStar iii'Jac. c. Ii. Mi tirely skinned and badly bruised. W. B. Holatein. of North Pecos ily and Miss Eva Gilbert were at BUJAO BRIOC, Barney Queen Saturday. i Nelson, conductor on avenue, left this morning for his r or California grape vines and Attornryt tod Councilor at Law. 28, cut about head. There will be two weeks vaca- - the bedside. trees, well adapted for this valley Will practice in II the court of New The south bound train had left This tion for the school children land the valleys adjoining call at Meiico and Teiaa. was undoubtly the worvt Shops. Amarillo fifty and the Ohnemua O 1 minutes late wreck in the history of rail road - Christmas. fact im Clll Batidla. J was picking up time, running at 1 ing in the Pecos Valley. It is Mr, Dolph Shattuck and fami- a speed of 25 or 30 miles an honr, t I J t J . i A- ui mirqL' ma wrecK m wnicn... ly and John Stewart and wife A Hair's Breadth Escape L - NY.MKYEK It had orders to take the siding went' a pleasure trip to Conductor Wm. Alberts and for the ini you know that every lime you civil. kmhn::k at Haney, sevenmiles the other Company tank In Dog canyon. have a rough or a cold anil let it and Mail Clerk Jack Martin have es: ft Hvavoa side of Canyon City, and let pass on thinking it will junt cura iUelf vou I capen injury, A. E; Page, of are invitinx pneuiiionia. conoumplion Twl rniriiir in umri of KM Plain-vie- w tho passenger from the For Sale Horse. 6 years old, j or aome other pulmonary InmhleT Roswell was on the southbound -" T--,.. an branch, which was an time. broken single, double and saddle; ""n't T ' ut your back In NM..ira train, returning from . .,,,H, When the train reached the a four mhhi.r tire.1 ton huiro-v- Hot r,f l.f'T.1 .,"l.",..Mn,. "'"l '""Kh weeks' Missouri Min- wilh ltiiMinr lli,rhi.ii..l .Svnii.. trip to and new r,o .'iiie r the whittling post for Haney, inle harness. brth Price unl l no pi-- Ini! tie. silivi: eral Wells, Texas, but escaped Ii. H. Schwerdtfeger. Sold I y r iMy lnig Co. Engineer I'lilr-Hii- ;t Mahan sounded the unart KiirMtril tif whistle. The next thing known liKI.IAIII l VKIKiONAItV Hi IKillON. Ed Mahan helped in the con- to the passengers, they felt a I' Im t struction of tho Pecos Valley nnetitS Htiil in Hr liwl, terrible jerk, resulting from the Mil ii - ..f il hiM .,, ht railnil(, 12 years ago, u;i I has If it's in Drugs you may he sure we have it ItiiuiHhUt i ii. n ir air brakes being thrown on and W H. i.frn. I I, .n ml , i I the engine reversed, the train been employed on the road sliding for u time and then came ever since. At different times There I '. )it. ii. w. mm.i.i us . 11 are the crash of the ' "!'-on- - Mahan has been in iswell Three Essential Things Th üe was a ik. rog, bleet v...á Amarillo but much of her I iir.'-cri'- I'lUSU AN AND St mingled with snow falling, time has been spent in Ohio, That are dcsrable wh mi ta' imr a imi Iti.l.n.N í . and the wind curried me ünioke where they have u small farm. to the Di u ; !; :i Mr- - and steam from the engine along Mahan planned to move to ii it- - l'I.Miia Ml ' his (1) PURITY OF with tho train, enveloping it in u farm after a few more trips OUGS i r ; r. regular cloud. Wilh all tliee over me road. Me was well . "uo.mp n;:is ok vi í haiuiii'aps, and not a tre, stone: known all over the lines of this ') SKILL IN (OMi OU.WUING or b.ish in sight to reckon by, branch of the Santa Fe system Carlsbad Dairy Engineer Mahiin had let the and w us popular aiii'ing the men. For these liilee ihii.v"-- v.. :: "ft train got beyond the the awiU'ii His death is lieepiy tegretted by lake a pride in liihn r nil pie- - i!m.i,; f.l- - all. lowing - ti '. at whi ii lie vas to take the sid- the doctor'- iliiections to e iett Mail i Clerk ing. He evidently real i.; 1 his Smith had been an Puro Jnrsny Milk i Eddy D;ug Conipuny i- find Onliv-urnr- i peril at once and clapped on the this un lihout two j ears. IK The Crnrtm I to All of hi married little nu-i- A'.;ci.l i'..r Sou tit I'.
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