1MT j(,d-Ct)Ct(2)-2/2011 fgeipy .Ust ijd T j difXd fXUTU(fU0- I |) X[XT: j (,fr-Ct)CY (2)-2/2011 xjUT f"lHdl-2, 31 VD^Cj, 2011 vf/TgpUT fgxTPd .Ust ijd ij U fUufdfdx UT d ,-oXT d ic /T X mud utx d vtX n"Tib xb fiip u l lu x VTj xjuT }jT iieix uXt VT: VfUX fUxe v f / f x fd , g: - 0 e fUxXT dT utx vf/TipUT 1w VT: x j[ T i w 1. fgXTPd ^U : dTfXd fOUTU vXtSTd, j (,d)-1t-,(3)-6/2010 oX-1 1 (vjMufXx) x ih m XrXt x ju T 14 flxECj, 2011 htX VTj >ufX fUxe, 2011 2. fgXTPd ^Ux dTfXd fXXTU fdfMd j (,d)-1t-,(3)-1/2010 oX- 111 (vjMufXx) x ih m Xt/Tr x ju T 14 flxECj, 2011 htX VTj >ufX fUxe, 2011 3. fgXTPd ^Ux dTfXd fOHTTX P MMill j (,Ur)-1t-,(3)-3/2010 oX-IV ( v jT t f r ) i h m HiXt x ju T 15- 11-2010 VTj VfUX fUxe, 2010 4. fgXTPd ✓Ux dTfXd foUTX PTdlnij j (,d)-1t-,(3)-2/2010 oX-IV (vjMufXx) iieiu; htXT VTj xdtmT 03- 12-2010 bXufX fUxe, 2010 m mXdx x h m HiXt VTj bdufX fUme H-jx d XfoxTU d vupNu 309 d vTtu cut, u, g VT: b i ^dTj fgxTPd ^Ux did Xot vtXtu X UT d ✓oX d fd , x rx ugt gTX g cdifd fgxTPd ✓Ux d id Xot vtXtu , d XdnfUd fUdTX g VT: vtXtu d dXprfjXT d t Xot x X H-jx d XfoxTU d vupNu 318(d) d muc/TT d v/Thu fotUxfXx gTXt g| vx%, fgxTPd ^Ux ijd T j d v d u UT d f u u ,-oXf dt CTcr xXt VTj bdufX fUxXT X , d : xt xt, t U d nfVxx, fgxTPd ✓Ux dt jT ; m , xrt d ifd x x d vupNn 318 d if t xfBr vupNn 309 d j^gd }jT ^nr "ifDr;f dT ✓Xfx djg g,, v d : dd g fd w ^ d t of.fr xT v j dufT fU;x, fgeipy ✓dsr yfd lx vrxfx d xdf d m q ; dt fUfdv „xxf d fy, b i vf/fipui d jTt =, fgeipy ^dr X ,-dTxx dr rddi l y x dd: jug xdf d m q ; dt ^xxf dr ctot cut, x , x d vTj dufd fU;e vfj tT fgeipy ^dr yfd I ot vrXTx X g, fUjflr gf tT,X: jug ;g Vfj fd ,1 fUjiu d gfd g, d wx; xt jugd I d vdu b i ✓dj fU jflr fU;XT d vdu dr xb dfb fU fr ctt ; t dijoib bu fXxXf d vdu fdf/fxxx : X dr xb ix > tiqd 1 VTd"T }TjT, xXXfT UUdT ✓EffU ifp o (difXd) fgxTpy ^ d r i j d f j 1 (Authoritative English test of the Notification No. Per(AP-B)B(2)2/2011 dated 31-10-2011 as required under Clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India.) GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADES DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL (APPOINTMENT-II) No.Per (AP-B)B(2)2/2011 Dated Shimla-171002, the 31st October, 2011 NOTIFICATION The Government of Himachal Pradesh has notified the common Recruitment and Promotion Rules in respect of the following categories of posts vide Notification number and date shown against each: Sr. Title of the Rules Notification No. & Date No. 1 Himachal Pradesh, Department of No.Per(AP)CA(3)6/2010, Personnel, Superintendent Grade-II, dated 14-09-2011 (Class-II Non- Gazetted) Common Direct Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 2011 2 Himachal Pradesh, Department of No.Per(AP)C-A(3)1/2010 Personnel, Clerk, (Class-III Non- dated 14-09-2011, Gazetted) Common Direct Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 2011 3 Himachal Pradesh, Department of No.Per(AP)C-A(3)3/2010 Personnel, Peon (Class-IV Non- dated 15-11-2010, Gazetted) Common Direct Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 2010 4 Himachal Pradesh, Department of No.Per(AP)C-A(3)2/2010 Personnel, Chowkidar (Class-IV dated 03-12-2010 Non-Gazetted) Common Direct Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 2010 The above common Recruitment and Promotion Rules have been framed under Article 309 of the Constitution of India and as such are not applicable to the categories of posts in the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission is a Constitution body and the service conditions of the employees of the Commission are regulated under the provisions of Article 318(b) of the Constitution of India. Therefore, with a view to bring uniformity in the Recruitment and Promotion Rules in respect of various categories of posts under the Government of Himachal Pradesh, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, in exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 read with Article 318 of the Constitution of India, is pleased order that the above mentioned Recruitment and Promotion Rules shall be applicable to the above referred categories of posts of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission from the date of publication of this Notification in Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh: Provided that the Recruitment and Promotion Rules made in respect of above categories of posts and which are in force in the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission shall stand repealed. Provided further that notwithstanding such repeal, any appointment made or anything done or any action take under the rules so repealed under proviso I supra, shall be deemed to have been validly made or done or taken under these rules. By Order MANISHA NANDA Principal Secretary (Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. jiti= , fgeipy fgeipy i t i i t ; n iu } j idiRir __________________ f"ieyi Oljoij 15 flrECj, 2011/24 im re, 1933__________________ fgeipy it i ijd ij y id fUeT; fO-nx "jf) i= f"ieyi-2, 14 flrECj, 2011 10 iloCloMCc;o (C0) , q (5) 31/2009-bi fOxx }n ^ vtu vffrae 1894 dr /trt 6 o 7 d xro N^Mdr id, rglhy iNin, ftyr flu lj e Uut fVxdj fMyeu urjx iMd d fUxTx gr vftr dr tT jgr Hjfe d fy, tdr dr xb ixixxd vf/rupm fnuid 22-12-2009 d i i - 3 e "XTH U0 99/ 44/ 2" d LFTTU i j "[TH U0 96/ 44/ 2" i<T tT, I Vjg"T }TjT, gLrrsrftr/- y/TTU ifPo (yTd fUefx) I 122- 1 t i = / 2011- 15- 9-2011 (3085) 3086 fguipy in . , 15 2011/24 urnin, 1933 dif^d fO+rix (fUo-III) vfXdpuT f"lHdl-2, 14 RhUMV, 2011 iw : ibvv (,i)-d r-, (s)-6/2010.-fgerpy iX?T dr u^my h i v d dfoxiu d vupNn 309 d i j —d n ij in n "iR-ddl dT ixiX dv— g,, fguipy iX ) y id doT vtxix d MjiH"T d, fgeipy iX?T dvdiv d fOf+du fouiXT X vffteTd, Xm- i i , (oX-i i , vvtifXx fyfid oXhx dor,) d in d fd, bd vf/idpui d dyxu mum/T-d'd vudv diui-M h— v j iXufd fuxe nui— g, varir;:- 1. f r a - utx, i j f v j yTd) gfuT.-(1) bu fuxef dT d)dn ure fgeipy id y drfdd fO+fd, v/TTfid, Xm- i i , (oX- i i , vvtifX x , fdfid oXhx doT,) h u m Hf—h vfj iXufd fXxe, 2011 t i (2) x fune jit i= fgeipy iX ) X idif"ir giX dh rnd^T d ioR— gTX i (3) X fune fgeipy iX ) vttx d iu l u d vd jr fouiXT dT' xtx. gTX % i i — X fune fgeipy iX ) fX/nu dm dfPoiy;/fgeipy iX ) mpp u ;i;iy ; d int df yiX) ugr gTX % 2. Pivlh v j <xio rR—;i . -(1) fgeipy iX ) dvdiv d fofXu fouiXT d v#u dex- dex i i t i v/Thfid, oX- i i , d int d fy, h— v i iXufd fuxei X minfXx h— dr i f io —u X ugt vgXh i (2) ,d fXidu d gT— g, hTT m ixi— mu-fXxu (1) d v/fru bd id iv fXddu fuxef d v/Tru dt xb dTb fund—, mu xt diioib bu fXxeT d v/fru fof/Fdx : i X dh xb de>r ti,Xr i vtX"t n ij, eXXiT unT, i/TTu dfpo (dried) i mirnu/T-'d' fgeipy i n . d i d i i d tot+Tuu fo+TiXf- X v/hsid Xm- i i , (oX- i i v j t i f X u fXfid oXhx doT,) d i n d f y , iixiu; hi— v i i f fXxe 1. i n dT utx.- v/Thfid, Xm- ii . 2. ini' dr d W .-td t dEC) fo+XX X dVdTV nTiT dXX-dXX ii etv dr Xb g vii e ti dh ti, i 3. oXfdVuT.—oX-II ( w tif y u ) (fyfid oXIx d o i,) i 4. odPHH.-i C.M : 10300-34800/- dif, tUT 4200/- Xm i i 5. "pxu " i n vftot "v p x u " in .- v u n u i 6. d/Th Hf—f d fy , vt^ .- yttx. ugr i 7. dl/t Hf—f fd, trd ofy cxfDxxt d fX, vdffTx uxu—e f i d vV v^x vg—,.- YTTX. ugr i R ti= , fgeipy iX " , 15 RhUMR, 2 0 1 1 /2 4 Xmin, 1933 3087 8. dhd x T fd , tU oiy ciifDdiil d fy, fOfgr v ; vR f id vguT, ii-ur c;fDr;T dh n"TT X yix , gTXh xt ug".—vt; : yix ugh I "Trld vgri % yix ugh 1 9.
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