2(1 KVKNING HKRALI). Sal . Orl 25. ISDU MaiirhrBtpr 1 ^ MANCHESTER NAS IT! Fair Fair tonight; becoming MAY WE SUGGEST •WEATHER cloudy. Detail's on page 2. BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR jPLAnERS A SALAOS . \m YGUR HULIOAY WEEKENO;; J h u e • ITAUM IfICIALTIlI • H O N B ^ Plli Vol. C, No. 23 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, October 27, 1980 YOVK HOMETOinS yEfTSPAPER Since 1881 . 20(l I ^ tt MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING • Dili ITEM! •AirriPAtTO i ^ou otaii • CATfAIM •naUAN HAAD GAUtT M UD a UHt®* Marinated Mushroom, Inc. W* c»(fY 10 1 p>*l VICINITY The rh*n t AM. "(3 IBil of &a&i of •Ki'lc'i DMLY FEATURING THIS WEElT .. 182 South Miln St. • Manchost^ Formal plan sought for mill rehab SwvlM itlll mMnt iOmithlnB to U6 — tnd Mrvlot iR tini ipiodino inowflf By MARTIN KEARNS Another possibility is that town of­ quality ot the area is maintained. The CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY tlrrw with you to help you lolM t th# right ptint flnlih for ih tt JoG you ro plan- Herald llrporler fices in the now-crowded municipal complex is one of a dozen historic ' ■ “i nlng. Sat U6 tor paint and aarvioa whan you plan your nairt prolact. building could be relocated in the sites included in the National ic- •vr' MANCHESTKK- Town officials clock lower mill. Town officials, Register of Historic Places, and ”24 have asked a New York developer to however, have not taken any position redevelopment would not be allowed submit a formal proposal for the on Rosen’s of£er''to include the of­ to change its appearance. 6 4 3 -0 0 1 6 EA Johnson PAINT CQ redevelopment of one building in the fices in the redevelopment plan. While the plan includes the con­ •COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIfl tOub aging Cheney Mill complex. The town would use revenue struction of at least 106 one-bedroom ■A: 'FOREIQN AND AMERICAN CARS iNOEPENCtNT In discussions last week. Abraham acquired from rental fees to pay off units, it could include as many as 180 • 49-4801 •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFINQ Rosen, whose Manhatten firm owns the 40-year lease. Elderly residents units. The decision on whether to in­ 'A about half of the former Cheney could also qualify for federal housing clude municipal offices in the plan •'A n , 2 <D Brothers silk mills, described a plan grants, routinely made to low- will determine the number of housing to redevelop the clock tower mill for iiicome families. units that might be constructed. The 763 use as elderly hoysing. The U.S. Department of Housing town Housing Authority now has 252 MAIN SI ^ ‘ ' yT I Under the plan revealed last and Urban, Development through its persons on its waiting list. 643-1191 Thursday, Rosen would rehabilitate Section VIII subsidies provides finan­ Rosen owns all of the mills in 191 the mill building with private funds. cial assistance to low-income which Cheney Brothers is now MAIN ST The town would lease the building for families living in rehabilitated operating — estimated at about half fesigns,mc h ^ MANCHESTER a period of 40 years, after which the housing. Under the program, Ihw- of the former mill complex. He has town would own the housing develop­ income persons pay no more than a developed mill buildings and homes 7 M l IROAO STREET. MANCHESTER. CONN. 0 S0 « 0 643-1900 ment. quarter of their income to rent, with in New York, Massachusetts and Manchester Professional Park, Suite A-1 Betty Gallagher, Prop. Following Rosen's meeting with HUD reimbursing landlords for the Europe. WE SERVICE AND INSTAU INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL town officials. Judge William balance of their operating costs. Consultants who studied the mill’s 1 ' I FitzGerald, chairman of the Cheney Rosen has proposed to begin con­ redevelopment earlier this year AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION BLACKSMITHING National Historic District Commis­ struction in the spring of 1981. Town, recommended that subsidized 1 ^ ; HEATING and SHEET METAL sion, assembled a group of town federal and state approvals would housing be included in any plan that & WELDING leaders'to apprise them of the dis­ have to be secured before any con­ might be considered by the town. The • l a n d FORDED ITEMS cussions with Rosen. Included were struction can begin. housing would guarantee a return to i ! t . ITEMS CUSTOM MADE New England Mechanical Services, bic. • SAND BLASTING Robert Von Deck and Mrs. Vivian Although a referendum would not investors, consultants said. Lli WALT 8CADDEN Ferguson, representing the be required, the town would have to Since the mill complex is a national lee TUNNEL RD. 22 WARREN ST. m u m aO C O i Republican leadership, and Ted approve zoning variances to allow historic site, Rosen will eligible VERNON. CT. 06066 MANCHESTER, CT. D 4D -O O D «f: Cummings and Mayor Stephen Pen­ housing in the present industrial for certain tax breaks (resigned to 671-1111 ny, representing the Democratic zone. The town would also have to promote its rehabilitation. The leadership. As a result of this second agree to provide utilities and some breaks had been viewed as essential, l-W iEsl a MICKEY MILLER'S meeting — held Friday — it was road improvements in the area. given the high cost of borrowing TELM Serrin((- Manchettrr over 30 yri. decided to seek an official proposal Fire officials would have to ap­ money. built in the former silk mill. The building is “ PAP from Rosen. prove the project, making certain Town Manager Robert Weiss is A New York developer has proposed PARTS FORMAL’S INN INC. penttand The Florist Rosen has suggested the construc­ that state and local fire codes are scheduled to meet Tuesday with of­ restoration of the clock tower mill on Elm the second largest in the complex and the "AUTO PARTS FOR LESS’ tion of at least 106 units of elderly adhered to. The U.S. Department of ficials from both HUD and the U.S. Street. Under the plan described Thursday, at first to be seriously considered for rehabilita­ 24 BIRCH ST. HOURS housing in the clock tower mill which the Interior must also review the Department of the Interior to discuss least 106 units of elderly housing would be tion. (Herald photo by Kearns) 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. 775 MAIN ST. TEL. 643-6247 contains 208,000 square feet of space. plan to ensure the architectural Rosen's proposal. 8 TO 5 SAT. A SUN. ..3 . A 44 F.T.D. 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER MSTR CHG WORLD WIDE MANCHESTER AMER EXPRltlT SERVICE BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY a For'the Groom we have a special GROOMS Power outages blamed on winds TUXEDO FREE POLICY FLO’S Cfke Decorating Supplies Inc. MANCHESTER One in mid-morning and lasted Most of the problems were caused The fallen wires caused no traffic reports of three-quarters of an inch. hardest bit by the water shortage. a We have a size range from a boys 4 to a 846-0238 87S-32S2 widespread blackout, affecting 1,598 throughout the day. The blackouts by tree limbs falling on electrical back-ups or snarls, despite the Although the rain broke the Giles curtailed use of the reservoir homes, plus scattered outages, affected smaller numbers of homes, wires. The town fire department dis­ scattered occurances, police said. drought which has severely lowered and it now serves the 250 Glastonbury Service MASTER m ans 5 4 A COMPLETE UNE OF MLTMCMIEIIECOMIIONS patcher reported downed wires early lO F UANCHESTER/ROCKVILLE \ resulted from Saturday’s gusting throughout Manchester, but the The largest problem was reported on Manchester’s reservoirs, it was not customers, rather than also a portion 70 UNION 9T. in the afternoon at Laurel and Chest­ sufficient to lift the water ban im­ a All our tuxedos are In stock on the 191 CRNTU tT- wind and heavy rain. majority of problems were in the Pine Street, again caused by a fallen of Manchester. MANCHISTIR, CONN. NOCKVILL1.CONN. The blackout In the northeast sec­ west side, according to the nut Streets. tree. The traffic quickly dispersed, posed on watering lawns or washing premises for you to try on at your con- Won. • M . ^ 0-% HOURS tion began at 1:15 p.m. when a tree Manchester Police and Fire Later in the afternoon, about 5:30, police said. cars. * A ban on unnecessary water use C TOTAL CLEANINB SERVICES Ttwr»4 104 CLOSED TUBS. limb fell on electrical wires on Departments. In one case a blackout a utility pole ignited at 501 Hartford The Highway Department reported Jay Giles, public works director, was imposed about a month ago, HOME AND BUSINEIIS vonlonco D A ILY 10-8 Parker. Street. The neighboring affecting homes on Pine, Cedar, Road. The dispatcher said the minor only one case of flooding, on Porter said the Buckingham Reservoir has when the reservoir water levels had CALL 040-3433 • A seamstress and tailor are available to Wedding Caket A Specialty homes were powerless for about 33 Pleasant and Walnut' Streets lasted fire caused no damage. Street, caused by leaves clogging the about six Inches of water above the critically dropped. Besides the reser­ serve you properly minutes, according to the Hartford at least 4 hours, according to police. The low voltage caused by storm drain. main pipe. However, divers found a voirs Manchester uses underground OVER 4 5 Electric Light Company spokesman. HELCO spokesman said about 2421 scattered outages set off the fire The Cooper Hill Water Treatment ^ o n d a ry pipe further below the wells for its water.
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