Downloaded from at UQ Library on June 18, 2015 APPENDIX (B.) EOLL OF THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (Corrected to 1st June 1877.) I. HONORARY FELLOWS. (The number is limited by Law to Twelve.) His Grace THE DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.T., D.C.L., F.R.S., Chancellor of the University of St Andrews ; Inveraray Castle, Argyllshire, and Argyll Lodge, Campden Hill, London. Patron of the Society. * JOACHIM BARRANDE, Corres. Mem. Imp. Acad., Vienna, 22 Rue de l'Odlon, Paris, and 419 ELleinseite, Choteksgasse, Prague. ANDREW CROMBIE RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., V.P.G.S., Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom, Geological Museum, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. THOMAS DAVIDSON, of Muirhouse, F.R.S., 3 Leopold Road, Brighton. EDWARD WILLIAM BINNEY, F.R.S., 55 Peter Street, Manchester. DAVID PAGE, LL.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of Geology in the College of Physical Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; President of the Society, 1866-8. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Geology in the University of Edinburgh, and Director of the Geological Survey of Scotland, India Build­ ings ; President of the Society, 1868-74. JOHNHUTTON BALFOUR, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Secy. R.S.E., Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh, 27 Inverleith Row. JAMES NICOL, F.R.S.E., Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen. THOMAS C. ARCHER, F.R.S.E., Director of the Museum of Science and Art, Chambers Street. THOMAS B. JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E., of Messrs W. and A. K. Johnston, Geographica Publishers, 4 St Andrew Square. WILLIAM NELSON, of Messrs Thomas Nelson and Sons, Publishers, Hope Park Crescent. * His Grace was elected Patron in 1875. The former Patrons were Sir Roderick Murchison and Sir Charles Lyell, who successively held the appointment until their death. Downloaded from at UQ Library on June 18, 2015 vi II. ORDINARY FELLOWS. (Those Fellows who Time for their Annual Subscriptions by becoming " Life Members " are markedwith an asterisk. The dates indicate when the Fellows were elected.) *Archibald, John, Devonvale, Tilli- Dalzell, John Brown, Merchant, coultpy;(1868). Lesmahagow (1866). Armstrong, William, Jnn., M.E., Daniell, Alfred* M.A., B.Sc, 19 Pelaw House, Chester le Street, Gillespie Crescent (1877). England (1869). *Deans, P.D., Mount Charles, Austine, John, Oak Lodge, Hamil­ Portobello (1876). ton (1866). Dick, Robert, Coalmaster, Wynd- *Balfour, Isaac Bayley, D.Sc, Edin., edge Colliery, by Motherwell 27 Inverleith Row (1874). (1865). Beattie, William, Builder, 4 Dick, Thomas, Parish Schoolmaster, Frederick Street (1870). Kirknewton (1870). Begbie, William M., Crown Circus, 30 Douglas, Robert, Solicitor and Dowanhill, Glasgow (1866). Town-clerk, Berwick-on-Tweed Belfrage, Andrew, C.E., 1 Erskine (1874). Place (1868). Drummond, Henry, Free Church Bell, Robert, Coalmaster, Broxburn College, Mound (1873). (1866). Drummond, William, S.S.C., 21 Binning-Home, G. H. Munro, of Charlotte Square,(1868). Argaty, Doune, Stirling (1873). Farquharson, Thos. Ker, Account­ 10 Black, Dr. W. T., 2 George Square ant, 15 St Catherine's Place, (1873). Grange (1875). *Blyth, Rev. Thos. Allen, M.A, Ferguson,'John, 15 Brighton Place, Ph. D., Curate of Wymonham, Portobello (1863). Norfolk (1864). *Ferguson, William, of Kinmundy, Brodie, Alexander, 10 Oxford University Club, Princes Street, Terrace (1862). F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.G.S. (1876). Bryce,* James, M.A., LL.D., Field, William, 6 Mansfield Place C.R.S.E., F.G.S., 18 Morning- (1864). side, Place, Vice-President (1875). Fleming, Andrew, M.D., H.M.I.A., Buchanan, John, C.E., 24 George C.R.S.E., 3 Napier Road, Mer- Street, Councillor (1868). chiston, Councillor (1875). Cadell, Henry, of Grange, Bo'ness; *Fraser, Alexander, Canonmills formerly Vice-President (1866). Lodge (1869). Cadell, William M., 1 Clarendon Galletly, John, Chemist, Addiewell, Crescent (1874). West Calder (1877). Cairns, Henry, W.S., 21 St An­ 40 Galloway, John, Kilmarnock (1866). drew Square (1862). *Gibson-Craig, The Right Hon. Sir Carey, William, Wemyss Colliery, William, of Riccarton, Bart., Fife (1866). Riccarton, Currie (1869). Carter, William Allan, C.E., 5 St Gowans, Alexander, 25 George St. Andrew Square (1874). (1863). 20 Clark, G.B., 5 Blackwood Crescent Gowans, James, 31 Castle Terrace ; (1873). formerly Vice-President (1863). Colston, James, Bailie, 23 Regent Gray, Archibald, C.E., Glengar Terrace (1869). nock, Paisley (1866). Conchie, William, Public School, Greig, John, Coltness Iron Works, Livingstone, Mid-Calder (1876). Wishaw (1865). Coyne, Roderick A. F. A., C.E., *Grieve, George J. Primrose, Kirk- Edinburgh and District Water bank, Burntisland (1864). Trust Offices, Royal Exchange Grossart, William, Surgeon, Sals- (1864). burgh, Holytown (1870). Croll, James, LL.D., F.R.S., Guthrie, J. Young, S.S.C., 7 Resident Geologist of the Geolo- Osborne Terrace (1876). logical Survey of Scotland, India Harrison, George, 36 North Bridge Buildings, Victoria Street (1869). (1867). Downloaded from at UQ Library on June 18, 2015 vii 50 Henderson, John, 9 Meadow Place, M'Cutcheon, William, Assistant Curator of the Museum (1862). Works Manager, Addiewell, West Henderson, William, of Bedford, Calder (1877). Linlithgow (1873). Macdonald, Charles, Writer, Thurso *Hood, Archd., Coalmaster, White- (1869). hill Colliery, Lasswade (1869). Mack, Anthony, J.P., 6 Crescent, Horsburgh, John, Photographer, Ardrossan; and 30 Rutland Square 131 Princes Street (1863). (1873). Hunter, John R. S., LL.D., Dale M'Diarmid, William R., 8 Palmer- Villa, Carluke (1862). ston Place (1877). Jack, R. L., F.G.S., Provincial M'Intosh, James, Bookseller, 3 Geologist for Queensland, Bris­ South College Street (1839). bane (1873). Maclachlan, D., Publisher, 64 South Jackson, Richard Atkinson, M.B., Bridge (1867). CM., Little Sutton near Chester, *M'Lagan, P., M.P., F.R.S.E., England (1868). of Pumpherston, Mid - Calder Jeffrey, David, 14 Randolph Cres­ (1875). cent (1867). M'Laren, Duncan, M.P., Newing Jenner, Charles, F.R.S.E., 47 ton House (1873). Princes Street (1867). Mackay, iEneas, J.G., M.A., LL.B., * Jolly, William, H.M. Inspector of Professor of History in Edinburgh Schools, Island Bank, Inverness University, 7 Albyn Place (1867). (1867). Mackenzie, William, Hope Park 60 Kenward, William, 5 Randolph End House, Hope Park Terrace Place (1866). (1866). Ker, Robert Darling, St Leonard's •Mackenzie, John F., C.E., H.M. House, St Leonard's Street, Indian Service, 32 London Street Librarian (1863). (1873). Kilgour, T. W., 4 East Brighton Macnab, James, 9 St Andrew Square Crescent, Portobello, Councillor (1865). (1874). *Maher, Michael, Solicitor, 51 Kitto, R. L. M., Preston Lodge, Upper Temple Street, Birming­ Prestonpans (1876). ham (1872). Knox, Thomas, Merchant, -15 "Marshall, W. H., of Callander, Hanover Street (1865). W.S., 25 Heriot Row (1875). Landale, Andrew, Lochgelly Iron­ 90 Mathieson, KennetlUComely Park, works, Lochgelly, Fife (1864). Dunfermline (1868).' Landale, David, M.E., 62 Castle *Maughan, Edward, 119a George Street (1863). Street (1874). Landale, James, M.E., 62 Castle *Melvin, James, Bonnington, Eatho, Street (1868). and 31 Chalmers Street, Vice- Lapworth, Charles, F.G.S., 3 Alfred President (1868). Place, St Andrews (1869). Merricks, Wm., Gunpowder Manu­ *Linford, William, Elstow, St facturer, Eskhill, Roslin (1867). James', Exeter, England (1873). Miller, George, Sharebroker, 60 70 Linn, James, Geological Survey of Princes Street (1863). Scotland, India Buildings, Coun­ *Milne-Honre, David, of Milne- cillor (1868). graden and Wedderburn, LL.D., Livesay, William, M.D. Edin., C. R.S.E., F.G.S., Paxton House, Sudbury, Derby, England (1869). Berwick-on-Tweed, and 10 York Livingstone, Josiah, 4 Minto Street Place, President (1871). (1867). *Moffat, John, Ardrossan (1866). Lumsden, Alexander, M.E., Addie- Moore, Thomas Hepburn, Coal- well Oil Works, West Calder master, Smeaton Park, Inveresk, (1865). Musselburgh (1869). Lundy, John James, F.G.S., Mungall, Henry, Whitefield Colliery, F.C.S., 4 Assembly Street, Leith Dunfermline (1867). (1863). Myers, Rev. A. S., Manse of Ben- *Lyon, George, Treasurer of the holm, Bervie by Fordoun, Kin­ Society, 9 Bernard Terrace, New- cardineshire (1872). ington; George Heriot's Hospital 100 Naismyth, Alexander H., M.E., Treasurer's Office, 7 Royal Ex­ Prestongrange Colliery, Preston­ change (1842). \ pans (1877). Downloaded from at UQ Library on June 18, 2015 viii Nasmyth, James, Donibristle Col­ Small, Robert, Assistant Inspec to. of liery, by Crossgates, Fife (1866). Schools, 3 Bernard Terrace (1869) Nicholson, Henry Alleyne, M.A., •Smith, Robert M., F.R.S.E., 4 M.D. Edinr. D.Sc. Edinr., Bellevue Crescent (1867). F.R.S.E., F.G.S., F.L.S., Pro- Smith, Frederick R., Steepside, fessor of Natnral History in St Cherrybank, Perth (1875). Andrew's University (1866). Somervail, Alexander, Stationer, Ormiston, Archibald R., Shott's 73 George Street, Convener of Ironworks, Shott's (1866). the Society's Lothians and Fife Overend, James, 24 Scotland Street Palseontological Committee (1863) (1872). )*Spowart, Thomas, of Broomhead, •Panton, George A., F.R.S.E., Dunfermline, and 7 Coates Cres­ Resident Secretary Scottish Pro­ cent (1863). vident Institution, 24 Bennett's Steuart, D. R., Selms, Kirknewton Hill, Birmingham (1862). (1876). Paterson, Dr John, Glenburn House, Stevenson,David,C.E., F.P.R.S.E., Rothesay (1873). 84 George Street (1875). Paterson, Robert, Architect, 47 •Stevenson-Hamilton, James, Fair- Grange Road (1871), holm, Lanarkshire (1865). Paull, Gavin, Wilsontown Gas Coal Stewart, James L., Alpha Cottage, Works, Carnwath (1866). Carluke (1866)., Payne, William, Kronos House, •Sturman, Edward A., M.A., Ph.D., Mostyn Street, Llandudno (1874). Principal of Queen's College, 3 110 Plenderleith, John A., C.E., Addie- Thicket Road, Anerley, Syden­ well, West Calder (1877). ham, London, S.E. (1870). •Powrie, James, of Reswallie, •SturrockjIPeter, C. E.,' Kilmarnock, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Reswallie, (1866). near Forfar (1867). •Sutton, William, LL.D., 42 High •Prentice, Thomas, Mining Mana­ Street, Ilfracombe, North Devon ger, Addiewell, West Calder (1871).
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