SPECULATIVE SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH Roll of Extraordinary Members in chronological order (including Resigned etc.) from about 1947. 1585 Henry Alexander Hepburn-Scott (Lord Polwarth,Resigned 1947; Governor BOS;Dir.various) 1586 Michael Francis Strachan (B.A.Camb. MBE. Shipowner, Salmonier Shipping Company) 1587 Ian Robertson Grant (B.A. Camb. Antiquarian Bookseller and Editor of the 1968 History) 1588 Ivor Reginald Guild (Ex-Snr Ptnr.Sheperd & Wedderburn;ChairDunedinWld.WdeInvTrust;etc) 1589 Neil McVicar M.A,Oxon. LL.B. Edin.Q.C. Chancellor to the Bishop of Edinburgh) 1590 Sir John Fraser, Bart (Honorary Member, Principal of the University of Edinburgh) 1591 Douglas Grant (F.R.S.E.; T.D. Publisher Brother of 1538; Cousin of 1587) 1592 Robert Smith Johnson (B.A. Cambridge, LL.B.Glasgow; Advocate Depute) 1593 Robert Ballantyne Anderson (Struck of Roll, T.D, W.S.) 1594 Rupert Iain Kay Moncreiffe(SirIainMoncreiffe,MALLB.PhD;Attache/Brit.EmbassyMoscow 46) 1595 Thomas Brown Smith (Brown Smith, Prof. of Law at Aberdeen & Edin; Author of Law books) 1596 William Macpherson Steel (B.L. Edin. W.S.) 1597 Patrick William Simpson(C.A; D.Ch.ENTCT;sonof1285,brotherof1581,nephew of1302&1381) 1598 Thomas Maclaglan Wedderburn (B.A. Camb.C.A. W.S. brother of 1517) 1599 Stewart Edward Bell (Resigned on departing to Malaya; Sheriff-Substitute at Glasgow) 1600 John Pierrepont (Resigned, D.F.C; Merchant Taylor and Freeman of the City of London) 1601 Hugh McKay Considine (Resigned, Edinburgh Academy 1932-37; B.A.Camb. LL.B.) 1602 Charles David Symington Cowan (Paper Trade; Manufacturing; Stockbroking) 1603 Laurence Jonathan Cohen (Lecturer&Fellow, Oxon,Edin,Dund,StAnd’s,Princton,&Harvard) 1604 Hamish George MacDuff Liddell(B.A.Oxon, LL.B.Edin;Ptnr.J&H Mitchell Perth; cousinof1594) 1605 The Hon Henry Shanks Keith (Law Lord, Lord Keith of Kinkel, d 2002) 1606 Sir David Gerald Moncreiffe of That Ilk. (Bart. & 23rd Laird of Moncreiffe; cousin of 1594) 1607 Edward Graham Marquis (M.A. LL.B. Cambridge, practiced as English Solicitor) 1608 William Thomson Hook (M.A. LL.B. Edinburgh, Sheriff at Greenock) 1609 Thomas Andrew Urquhart Wood (B.A. Oxon. Advocate; Sheriff-Substitute at Glasgow) 1610 David William Robert Brand (Resigned, M.A. LL.B. Q.C.; Solicitor General 1970) 1611 Norman Dunlop Galloway Galbraith (Shipowner, Sub-Lieutenant, Home Fleet) 1612 Joseph Michael Moran (Resigned; Draftsman Lord Advocate’s Department) 1613 Walter Archibald Elliott (Q.C. Barrister; Staff Captain Scots Guards) 1614 Alexander Dougal Callendar (B.A. Oxford, LL.B. Edin, W.S.; Captain Q.O.C.H.) 1615 Peter Herbert Butter (BA. Oxon; Prof; Lecturer at Edinburgh & Belfast Universities; Author) 1616 Paul Alexander Ingram (Chartered Surveyor; Captain Royal Artillery) 1617 David Yool Abbey (BA. Oxford, LL.B.; Advocate; Sheriff-Substitute at Airdrie) 1618 Peter Maxwell (Resigned, BA. Oxford, LL.B. Q.C.; grandson of 1027) 1619 Gordon Graham Turner Thomson (BA. Camb.; Printer, schoolmaster, & television producer) 1620 Alexander John Mackenzie Stuart (BA. Camb. LL.B. Edin.Advocate; Captain Royal Engineers) 1621 Charles Eliot Jauncey (Law Lord, Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle.) 1950. 1622 Edward Victor Appleton (Principal University of Edin. Honorary) 1623 Charles Evan Bruce-Gardyne, (LL.B. Member Royal Co of Archers; 14th Laird of Middleton) 1624 Morris James Alexander Rose (Sheriff) 1625 James Crawford Roger Inglis(PtnrS&W;DirR.B.of S;Ch.BritAssTrust;Friend George Bush Snr) 1626 Julian Forbes Arbuthnott Peck (Accountant & Co Director,Flemings Merchant Bank) 1627 John Donald Mackenzie Watson (C.A.) 1628 James Law (Q.C.I951; Member of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board 1994) 1629 William Ian Stewart (Sir William, Pres. R.S.E.; Q.C. Solicitor General 1972) 1630 Ian William Scott Wilson (Master Printer, President, Junior Chamber Scotland, 1952-53) 1631 William Lorn Kerr Cowie (Law Lord, Lord Cowie) 1632 Ronald David Ireland (Q.C. & Honorary Prof of Law University of Aberdeen; Author) 1632a/ Alan Peter George Perfect (Resigned) 1633 John Raymond Johnstone (C.A.in Investment Trusts) 1634 Frank Harris Borden (M.A. University of Pennsylvania; A.B. Trinity College, Connecticut) 1635 Alexander Douglas Foulis (Bookbinder) 1636 Charles Kemp Davidson (Law Lord, Lord Davidson) 1 1636a/ Michael Donald Laird (Resigned, Michael Laird Partnership, Architects, Edinburgh) 1637 Evan Hugh Weir (B.A. Cambridge, LL.B, W.S.) 1638 Robert Lewis Campbell Lorimer (Author & Publisher, d.1996) 1639 Timothy Warren Strachan (Clerk of the Faculty of Advocates, 1958-67) 1640 Gerald Henry Elliot(SirGerald, MemRoyCoArchers; Chair.Christian Salvesen,ForthPorts.etc.) 1641 Angus George Millar (Investment Trust Manager) 1642 Donald MacArthur Ross (Lord,vP,RSE;Resgd;Chose chair for10 persons to appoint Judiciary) 1643 James Lachlan Martin Mitchell (Sheriff) 1644 Hugh Sinclair Arbuthnott (The Hon. Hugh of Cairnhill, Foreside, by Forfar, Angus Resigned) 1645 Harold Alexander Nicolson (LL.B. W.S.) 1646 Michael Alexander Campbell Penney (Son of1394, Auditor to C of S; Nephew of 1454 Planter) 1647 John Murray Peterson (Sheriff) 1648 John Veitch Paterson (Resigned,Sheriff at Selkirk) 1649 Edmund Oliver St John (B.L. W.S.; Member of Rent Assessment Panel for Scotland 1994-95) 1650 Iain William Noble (M.A. LL.B. WS) 1651 John Clark Phemister (Physician, Resigned) 1652 Donald Seymour Erskine (Fellow of the Chartered Land Agents Society, Estate Agent) 1653 Robert Ivan Kenyon-Slaney (Tobacconist & Snuff dealer, ceased to be a member d.1984) 1654 Alastair Graham Johnston (Resigned, M.A.) 1655 Robert James Gordon Watt (B.A. Camb.LL.B. WS.) 1656 Hugh Scott Douglas (B.A. Oxon. LL.B. W.S.) 1657 Robert Younger McLean (B.A. Camb. A.M.I.E.E. Electrical Engineer) 1658 William Leslie (B.A. Camb. LL.B. T.D. W.S.) 1659 Peter Laughlan Heath (B.A. Oxford; Prof. of Philosophy Univ. of Edin. & Virginia;Author) 1660 Alistair Archibald Macdonald (Sheriff substitute at Caithness, Orkney, & Zetland 1961) 1661 Douglas Nelson (Resigned M.A. LL.B.) 1662 HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, K.G. (Honorary Member) 1663 John Gwynne Clarke (Resigned Lecturer in French) 1664 Ronald MacDuff Urquhart (B.A. Oxford LL.B. Edin. T.D. W.S) 1665 Alastair Malcolm Morison (Law Lord, Lord Morison; son of 1417 Sir Ronald Morison) 1666 Robert Cochran Buist (Investment Trust Manager) 1667 William MacLelland Walker (Q.C. Social Security & Child Support Commissioner) 1668 Thomas Galloway Ian Hamnett (Advocate and lecturer at Edin. & Bristol Unis) 1669 Robert Mungo Maxtone Graham (Advocate and author of the Society’s literature) 1670 Ronald James King Murray (Q.C. MP; Law Lord, Lord Murray; Lord Advocate 1974) 1671 Nigel David Walker (M.A.Oxon ; PhD.Edin; Ass Sec. Scottish Home & Health Dept.; Author) 1672 Duncan Ian Black (Architect to the Scottish Development Dept.) 1673 Harold Keith Sambrook (M.A. Camb. Publisher) 1674 Ewan Kennedy Cameron (M.A. LL.B. Edin. W.S.) 1675 Hugh Roderick McLeod (B.A. Cambridge;Shipowner) 1676 James Peter Hymers Mackay (Lord Mackay of Clashfearn, Ex-Lord Chancellor.) 1955 1677 Nicholas Hardwick Fairbairn(d. Solicitor General,1979-1982) 1678 Norman Donald McLeod (Sheriff-Substitute at Glasgow) 1679 Donald Campbell MacRae Duff (Resigned 1958) 1680 Ralph Hamilton Law (Under-Secretary Dept of Fisheries Scotland) 1681 Kenneth John Cameron (of Lochbroom, Law Lord) 1682 Archibald Louden Rennie (P.S. to Sec of State for Scotland 1962-63; Ass Sec to Scottish H & H) 1683 John Robin Sinclair Bell (MBE in 1999 for services to Scottish Charities) 1684 Nigel Earnest Drummond Thomson (Advocate & Author Sheriff Substitute at Hamilton) 1685 Abraham Herman Cornelius Sinclair Gieben (non-resident Member, M.D. Amsterdam) 1686 David Alexander West (B.A. Camb. Lecturer in Humanity Edin; Author) 1687 James Kincade (B.A. Trinity; M.A. B. Litt. Oxford, Teacher) 1688 James John Clyde (Law Lord, Lord Clyde, son of 1403, Lord Advocate & grandson of 1131) 1689 Richard Paul Voelcker (Resigned, M.A. Agriculturist) 1690 William Gebbie Henderson (M.A. Edin. Publisher) 2 1691 Robert Gordon McIntyre (Executive with Morgan Crucible, son of 1410 The Hon Lord Sorn) 1692 Andrew Gray Muir (B.A. Oxford, LL.B. Edin; Solicitor at 89 Ravenscroft St. Edin; Son of 1442) 1693 Thomas Theodore Scott Ingram (Senior lecturer in Paediatric Neurology and Author) 1694 Patrick Kennard Harrison (Principal, Scottish Development Dept.) 1695 Robert Lake Crole (Schoolmaster at Fettes and Geelong G.S.) 1696 William Campbell Galbraith (Q.C.; Chair, Tribunal DHSS, 1997; Chair, Tribunal MAFF, 1994) 1697 Ian Gordon Fraser (B.A. Camb. LL.B. Edin.Solicitor) 1698 John Taylor Cameron (Law Lord, Lord Coulsfield) 1699 James George Milligan (Law Lord, Lord Milligan) 1700 David Bruce Weir (Law Lord, Lord Weir) 1701 George Munn (M.A. LL.B. d. while an ordinary member 1960) 1702 William Douglas Cullen (Lord Justice General, son of 1361) 1703 Iain Ferguson MacLaren (Surgeon; Dr Ian Chieftain of Clan Maclaren, 3 Minto Street, Edin.) 1704 Patrick McLellan Forman (B.A. Camb. LL.B. Edin; Fin Dir. Singleton Birch) 1705 Nigel John Milne (M.A. LL.B. Solicitor d. while an Ordinary Member) 1706 David Beattie Robinson (Lecturer in Greek Edin.) 1707 Ian Dayrell Craddock (Research Engineer) 1708 Stuart Ogilvy Kermack (Sheriff). 1960. 1709 Douglas Mark Kelso Grant (Sheriff-Substitute at Ayr) 1710 Robert Moncrieff Martin (M.A.St.And. LL.B. Edin.W.S. Son of 1470) 1711 William David Prosser (Law Lord, Lord Prosser) 1712 Robin Rackowe (B.A.Camb.Pres. International Marine Fisheries,Company;Adv,Vietnam Gov) 1713 James Robert Campling (Works Director) 1714 Douglas Ainslie Thin (Bookseller & Publisher) 1715 Nigel Walter Buchanan (B.A. Oxford; LL.B. W.S.) 1716 Alister Macdonald Sutherland (Solicitor, Burness W.S. & Sec.Leven Dist.SalmonFisheries Board) 1717 James Drummond Crerar (Solicitor, Dickson McNiven & Dunn, W.S.) 1718 John Murray (Q.C.;F.C.I.Arb; & Professor was a Law Lord Dervaird resigned “magic circle”) 1719 Patrick Thomas Crofton Croker (B.A.Oxford ; Schoolmaster, Fettes College,1959-65) 1720 Ivan Ballantyne Tait (Sugeon F.R.C.S.E.; F.R.C.S.Eng.) 1721 Kenneth Hilton Osborne (Law Lord, Lord Osborne) 1722 Revel Oddy (Assistant Keeper of the Royal Scottish Museum) 1723 Alan Douglas Monro Ramsay (of Bowland, B.A.
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