Miesque’s Approval (USA) bay, 1999 • height 16.0hh Native Dancer - Polynesian Raise A Native Mr Prospector Raise You - Case ace RACE RECORD 1970 Nashua - Nasrullah Gold Digger In USA, 12 wins, 1600-1800m and $2.6 million Sequence - Count Fleet Timeform 130 - Gr1 Breeders Cup Mile Turf Miesque’s Son Champion Turf Horse in USA in 2006 (USA) 1992 NORTHERN DANCER - Nearctic at 2 WON Pilgrim S.-(L) (1800m) Nureyev 2nd Gr2 Summer S. (1600m) Miesque Special - Forli 2nd Gr3 Generous S. (1600m) 1984 Prove Out - Graustark at 3 WON Gr3 Kent S. (1800m) Pasadoble WON Turf Cup Hcp-(L) (1800m) Santa Quilla - Sanctus 2nd Gr3 Hill Prince S. (1800m) Fortino - Grey Sovereign 2nd Gr3 Calder ||Derby (1800m) Caro 3rd Pete Axhelm S.-(L) (1500m) With Approval Chambord - Chamossaire at 4 2nd Gr2 Mile S. (1600m) 1986 Buckpasser - Tom Fool 2nd Gr3 Canadian Turf Hcp (1700m) Passing Mood 2nd Sea O’Erin Mile Hcp (L) (1600m) Win Approval Cool Mood - NORTHERN DANCER at 6 WON Old Ironside S. (L) (1600m) (USA) 1992 Tom Rolfe - Ribot 3rd Carterista Hcp (L) (1700m) Hoist The Flag at 7 WON Gr1 Breeder’s Cup Mile (1600m) Negotiator Wavy Navy - War Admiral WON Gr2 Mile S. (1600m) 1974 Gulf-Weed - Gulf Stream WON Gr2 Firecracker Hcp (1600m) Geneva WON Gr3 Red Bank S. (1600m) Anglofila - Madrigal WON Turf S. (L) (1800m) 2nd Gr1 Canadian Turf Hcp (1700m) STAMINA highest distance of individual winners, 3yo & up FEMALE LINE SIRE LINE 800/1399m 14/1600m 16/1999m 20/2399m 2400m+ 1st dam 39% 39% 12% 6% 4% Win Approval (92f, With Approval): 2 wins in USA; dam of MIESQUE’S SON – multiple Gr1 placed Gr3 winner MIESQUE’S APPROVAL (99c, Miesque’s Son): - in France (TFR 117). Full brother to successful sire subject stallion Kingmambo, their dam Miesque a dual Breeder’s SALES ANALYSIS WORLD APPROVAL 12c, Northern Afleet): Cup Mile winner. Sire of Gr1 winners. Sire of sires. BORN colt avg sold SI filly avg sold SI Champion Turf Horse in USA 2017 12 wins, Notable progeny incl . Whipper (01c – Sadler’s ’08 117,097 31 0.79 72,105 19 0.70 ’09 106,935 31 0.88 79,815 27 0.87 G1 Breeders Cup Mile, G1 Fourstardour S., G1 Wells, Mill Reef); Miesque’s Approval (99c – ’10 105,263 19 1.09 68,000 15 0.87 Woodbine Mile, G1 United Nations S., G2 Dixie With Approval, Hoist the Flag); Fingalbunt (99c ’11 103,684 19 0.75 43,636 11 0.45 S., G3 Tampa Bay S., G3 American Derby, G3 – Royal Academy, Salieri); Boggs Eyes (98f – ’12 92,500 22 0.54 73,462 13 0.73 Saranac S.; 2nd G1 Turf Classic, G2 Muniz Mem Honest Moment, Solo Landing); Mr Miesque (98c ’13 42,000 10 0.33 107,857 7 0.67 H.; 3rd G1 Manhattan S., G1 Northern Dancer Turf – Medieval Man, The Pruner); Sparhawk (02c – ’14 42,500 2 0.43 10,000 1 0.13 S. (TFR 130) Chief’s Crown, Artaius); Private Son (98c – Private ’15 20,000 1 0.23 28,333 3 0.45 ZA APPROVAL (08c, Ghostzapper): 9 wins, G3 Account, Roberto);Fun Logic (03f, Housebuster, ’16 0 15,000 1 0.20 Appleton S., G3 Red Bank S., G3 Knickerbocker Secretariat); Reno Bob (02c, Chief’s Crown, ’17 0 0 S., Real Courage S.-(L); 2nd G1 Breeder’s Cup Auction Ring); Me Son (02c, Sheikh Albadou, Mile, G1 Shoemaker Mile, G1 Woodbine Mile, G2 Majestic Light); Gimme Some Love (01f, Seattle NOTABLE PROGENY (*SW) Arcadia S, G2 Sea Biscuit H.; 3rd G2 Eclipse S., Slew, Sir Wiggle); Miesque’s Encore (98c, The * JUDICIAL (10c - Dolpour, Judger; MR 105) - won Gr2 Victory G2 Nijinsky S., G3 Poker S., G3 Vigil S. (TFR 122) Minstrel, Sea Bird); Croom (98f, Quack, Never Moon S; 3rd Gr1 Summer Cup, Gr3 London News S; 2nd Gr1 REVVED UP (98c, Sultry Song): 20 wins, G2 Niagara Bend). Champions Cup, Drum Star Hcp (L) H., G3 Sycamore S., G3 Stars n Stripes H.; KIN-BREEDING: Miesque’s Son is kinbred 3x4x5 * PUTNEY FLYER (08c - Fort Wood, Jungle Cove; MR 102) 2nd G2 Niagara H., G2 Sky Classic H., G2 WL Raise You x Miss Dogwood x Igual - won Kenilworth Cup (L); 3rd Gr3 Cape Summer Stayers H; 2nd McKnight H.; multiple SW/SP (TFR 116) Settlers Trophy (L) x2, Drum Star H-(L); 3rd Woolavington H(L) Mr Prospector line sires in South Africa: Twice Over Highest Approval (07f, High Fly): unraced; dam of * ETON SQUARE (08c - Model Man, Al Mufti; MR 101) Roman Approval (11c, Roman Ruler): 9 wins; (Observatory); Noble Tune (Unbridled’s Song); - won Gr3 Jubilee; 4th Gr1 Durban July Flower Alley, Pathfork (Distorted Humor); Trippi Break Of Dawn (09f - Ela-Mana-Mou, Naskra; MR 100) 2nd G3 Stars ‘n Stripes S., G3 Kentucky Turf (End Sweep); Gold Standard (Trippi); Kildonan - 3rd Emerald H-(L), 3rd Syringa H -(L) Cup, G3 Col. ER Bradley H., G3 Fair Grounds (Rich Man’s Gold); Visionaire (Grand Slam); * APPROVAL RATING (09c - Al Mufti, Fort Wood; MR 99) H., G3 Arlington H.; 3rd Louisville H. Crusade (Mr Greeley); Capetown Noir, Red - won Gr2 Zimbabwe Guineas, Gr3 Hrib Gold Cup Sprint; 3rd 2nd dam Gr2 OK Grand Challenge, Ipi Tombe S.(L) Ray, Warm White Night, What A Winter (Western Negotiator (74f, Hoist the Flag) – 7 wins in USA, 2nd Gr1 Winter); Count Dubois (Zafonic); Ashaawes, Ideal Orange Blossom (09f - Elliodor, Golden Thatch; MR 98) - 3rd Gr Flamboyant S Matron S., 3rd Blue Hen S, Colleen S; dam of World, Mambo In Seattle (Kingmambo); Miesque’s Pleasure Point (82f, Honest Pleasure) – did not Approval (Miesque’s Son); Erupt, Willow Magic Angel’s Power (12c - Mogok, Elliodor; MR 96) - 2nd Gr3 Spring S. Lord Paramount (08c - Southern Halo, Ringaro; MR 96) win; dam of (Dubawi) Placido (09c - Badger Land, Jungle Rock; MR 95) FORRY COW HOW (88c, Horatius) – 10 - 3rd Gr3 Champion Juv Cup, Gr3 E-Cape Derby, Dahlia S (L) wins in USA, Congressional Hcp, Hail PEDIGREE Panama Man (09c - Harry Hotspur, Our Native; MR 95) Emperor S., Classic S., Jennings H. Star Miesque’s Approval combines Mr Prospector with Top Of The Chocs (08c - Excl. Patriot, Our Casey’s Boy; MR 93) de Naskra S., 2nd Walter Haight H.(L), Buckpasser (from his damsire With Approval), the Island Fiesta (08c - Is It True, Unknown; MR 92) 3rd Gr3 Clark Hcp, Never Bend H. Native Light The Way (11c - Fantastic Light, Damister; MR 92) Dancer H. Johnson Mem H. Georgia K. pair showing an apparent affinity (interestingly, * SHINE LIKE A STAR (11c - Shoe Danzig, Realm; MR 91) one of With Approval best sons Talkin Man is out - won East Cape Nursery (L) (92f, Horatius) – won at 2 in USA; dam of of a mare by Miswaki, who is Mr P. x daughter of Emperor Niarchos (10c - Strike Smartly, Caesour; MR 91) AGGADAN (99c, Carnivalay) – 12 wins, Buckpasser). Revved Up, Gr1 placed Gr3 winning Portelinha Waltz (13f - Shamardal, Century; MR 90) 1200-1800m in USA, Jennings H, half brother to Miesque’s Approval, is by Sultry Preamble (09f - Elliodor, The Eliminator; MR 90) Northern Dancer S, Challedon S; 2nd Song and inbred 4x4 to Buckpasser. Another Auction King (10c - Elliodor, Golden Thatch; MR 90) Gr1 Vosburgh S., Gr2 Tom Fool Hcp, With Approval mare produced Gr2 winner With A * J’S OUTSIDER (09c - Qui Danzig, Proclaim; MR 88) Gr3 Aquaduct H, Native Dancer S., City, who sire City Zip is by Carson City (Mr P x - won Gr2 Gold Bowl Skipaway S., Challedon S., Million Blushing Groom x Nijinsky). The dam of Gr2 winner Ryker (14c - Elliodor, The Eliminator; MR 87) - 2nd KZN Guineas Classic S. (2x); 3rd Gr3 Stuyvesant H, Silver Tree is by With Approval out of a daughter Trial (L) Drone S., Challedon S. of Nijinsky. Melson (11c - Foveros, Plum Bold; MR 82) LOVE YOU MADLY (00f, Partner’s Hero) - 3rd KZN Guineas Trial (L) – 6 wins, 1000-1200m, in USA, Skipat SUITABLE LINES could be Mr Prospector, Nijinsky, Do Be Snappy (11c - Manshood, Del Sarto; MR 81) Blushing Groom, Dinner Partner; Sadler’s Wells/ - 3rd Gr3 Cape Nursery, Gr3 Langerman S., 3rd Marshua S. Nureyev, Never Bend/Mill Reef/Riverman/Irish Do Me Right (09f - Qui Danzig, Secret Prospector MR 69) ORIGINAL GRAY (94c, Smarten) – 4 wins in River, Sir Gaylord; la Troienne (Seattle Slew, etc); Lady Carina (13f - Carnegie, Sir Tristram MR 66)) - 3rd Breeders USA, Star de Naskra S., Hirsch Jacobs Bold Ruler (Jungle Cove): etc Fillies Mile (L) ZIM Uptown Gal (12f - Al Mufti, Shoe Danzig MR 63) - 3rd Sable Flyers (L) MIESQUE’S APPROVAL STUD ANALYSIS Colts: SSI 0.53 (stamina 1718m) 3% SW; 5% BType; Fillies : SSI 0.69 (stamina 1391m) 0% SW; 3% BType. First season at stud 2007. Champion Turf Horse in USA in 2006. Leading sire polytrack (2015), 3rd Leading sire polytrack (2016); Half brother to 2017 Champion Turf Horse in USA colt filly born foals rnrs wnrs w/r% SW SW/r% BT BT/r% wins SSI AR stamina born foals rnrs wnrs w/r% SW SW/r% BT BT/r% wins SSI AR stamina ‘08 45 39 27 69% 2 5% 2 5% 69 0.83 73 1623m ‘08 32 27 11 41% 0 0% 0 0% 24 0.58 59 1439m ‘09 49 46 22 48% 2 4% 3 7% 67 0.63 70 1650m ‘09 40 33 18 55% 0 0% 4 12% 48 0.76 69 1494m ‘10 36 34 22 65% 1 3% 1 3% 74 0.72 74 1568m ‘10 33 32 21 66% 0 0% 0 0% 35 0.64 70 1379m ‘11 29 27 16 59% 1 4% 3 11% 52 0.75 78 1544m ‘11 40 36 12 33% 0 0% 0 0% 22 0.31 59 1263m ‘12 32 31 18 58% 0 0% 1 3% 50 0.36 71 1628m ‘12 38 31 8 26% 0 0% 1 3% 8 0.16 53 1375m ‘13 21 18 9 50% 0 0% 0 0% 15 0.34 65 1628m ‘13 27 22 13 59% 0 0% 1 5% 27 0.48 67 1277m ‘14 6 3 2 67% 0 0% 1 33% 6 0.93 83 1700m ‘14 6 3 1 33% 0 0% 0 0% 3 0.33 42 1600m ‘15 7 5 1 20% 0 0% 0 0% 1 0.19 39 2400m ‘15 19 12 2 17% 0 0% 0 0% 2 0.26 47 1300m ‘16 9 4 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0.00 38 0m ‘16 8 1 1 100% 0 0% 0 0% 2 2.71 80 0m 2018 FEE: FOA Owner: Property of KZN Breeders Synd & Scott Bros Enquiries: Robin Scott.
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