A MONDAY, AUGUST 18. 1951 New Veters W ill Be Made Tomorrow at Town Clerk*s O ffice, 5-8 p, m. ^ A 6C t w e l v e ^ttiraing Unralii Avarsgs Dsily Net Prsss Run Hit WtsUitr Miaa K. PatricU O’Hw a daugl^ Mf0:t Enjoys . Feroeari at 0. S. Weather Baromi ter of Mr. and Mr*. William V. I Schedule Third Fee the Week Bn About Town O'Hara of M Mata atreet. haa an- Larkins^Clyde Nuptials Ang. 16. 1*63 rolled at the Katharin* Olbb* Record Sale Clear, ooatiauat eool tealglrt. A'dMubUr WM bom to Mr. School, Providanc*, R. L. where V o te r Session 10,195 lEtiFttmg B F raii ■ad Mr*. John PorotU of^ •< ahe will atart in SopUmber, Mia* Wedneaday fair, eUghtly warmer. O'Hara graduated from Mancha*. ■ ------— m r of th* AnBt AdOiM itrort *t Uio Hortford Hoe- Yesterday^s Total High* piUl ThunMtoy. tar High School in W i l l B e H e l d W e d n e s d a y Manchester—A City of Villaga Charm bara ^ngtaon, co-valedictorian of 1 _ _ ' est for Single Day in HoM Oo. Na 1 of the MFD wJU the claaa of 10S3, wiU attend the From 5 to 8 p. m, at M d ■ drtU tonight ot the Katharine Oibba School in Boaton FaD Auction Hbtory HouMi on HlUinrd nnd MMn thla fall. She la the daughter of Tokn diwk*s Office Mr. and Mr*. William Bengtaon of ■treetk ____ Th* Mancbaatar Auction Mart S7 Edjferton atreet. Th* Board of Selectman and anjoyad tha largast aingl* day r Binto wUl be pUyed thie ere- Town Clerk Samuel J. Turking- Mr*. Michael Palleln of 334 Oak aalaa in fall mart hlatory yaatar* ; : ••• . aiM -nt S o'clock at the home « ton wlU bold their third voter, • : •• • ; ; • A , atreet haa returned to her home day. according to efnelals of th* A rm istice Mm Velerte Bayled, S2 Hemlock making aeaaton Wedneaday in th* • ■ • i : 1 - . Btroet, given by the InkoU Coun- after apendtag fiv* week* at market. Point O' Wood*. town Clark'* offle* In th* Muniel. Total aalaa for th* day amount- B-29’s Hit Red eU N o7 «l, DOP. Member* and • •w • ••• •***• • (rienda are welcome. l Building betwaan th* houn of ad to 3SA3S.33. Alao Orad* 1 to­ Is Possible: U. S. Grand Jury to Annual outing oif Hdae Company and 0 p. m. matoes brought tha highest aver- ^ ^ f t o n Warrant Officer Wilbert Auden 4 of the South Mancheater Fire rNaturailaad cltisena must p i. aga in many yaara, "bringing a high of • Durkin etreet arrived h ^ e Daputment will be held Sunday, •ant their naturatiaatlon oertiA* of IA40 and a low of 33 for an Aug. 34. at the POC in Olaaton- eatea and doeumdntary evidane* Grenade Plant flslurdsy froni Kor#4 ®ft#r MTiy» average of 34S1. Cucumbara UN Leader tar on, the Oeneral Weiget on bury. Member* planning to attend muat b* praaantad in eaaaa of do* brou^t a high of 31.30 end a )ow Aug. 1* in San Franciaco. After are aakad to make raaervatlon* at rivativ* eiUaanahIp. of so cants for 131 buahal baskata. the hoae houae not later than Wed Seoul, Korea, Aug. 19— (4V-Fourteen Japsn-tosed U. S. hie furlough he will report to •Hm next aaaaien for making Th* market, which opanad ita Munssn, Korea, Aug. 19— neaday night voters .wilt b* held Sapt. 13. SuperforU last night bombed a huge Communist g r e i^ e (JP)— Maj. Gen. William Har' camp Edwarda, Maaa. fall season Wadnasday, la conduct, And maks mort dotiMi for your dollars H m Hartford County Federation I ad by th* Mancbaatar Fruit and factory employing 2.000 workers in northweat Korea. The lison, Senior UN command King David Lodge wlU meet at of Deinocratic Woman will hold a I vagatahl* Growers Marketing Aa- «jd scholars! Think of it... factory wa* only 3 mile* south of the Manchurian border. Far armistice delegate, said today the Holroea Funeral Homo at 7:S0 bispose of Cases aodatlon. It will b* open during tomorrow evening to pay their re- ptenie Wedneaday at Ooodwln East headquartera tn Tokyo] aald*— — —— ~ ie thought "an armistice is Park, Hartford, at S p. m. Mem* th* ramatadar of tha aaaaon five four outfits for onty $7.39! the eprawling work* we* ode of ^ possible but I haven’t the apecU to Brother Charle* Jaeob- _.ra wiahlng tranaportatlon are In Rockville Court day* a weak, Sunday through the 71 military Urget* the U. N. | g |>| aon, who waa a member of King aakad to contact altner Mra. .Mc- Friday. command haa given advance notice faintest idea when.” CongratuUtions Are in Order David Lodge for 40 geara. Padden of M l Loomla atreet or I It wiU attack. H* made tb* obMrvation at a Ike to Aim It atiaat aad matrliia wjih ,1 nawe confarance shortly after UN Mr*. Helen Fltapatrick of 40S Oak* RockviUa, Aug. IS—(Bpaclal)— the ether dtaii, M tw* It was the first time the |riant, I land atreet. In th* City Court of RockvUI* this b u taia fear eatSit. at Nakwon. half way between | and Oommuniat nagotlatora trad­ ed arid word* for an hour at Pan- morning, with Daputy Judge IMta fMMn «WM. mM,i Binullu and Namaidong, had been In M oscow For Ballots Also Bare8 Women'* Auxiliary and Ladle* B A R S-W E S ^ IKHs. Mm ffssaIsBitB IIsb4. hit. I munjom and made "no visible prog­ Oulid of St. Mary'a Church will Thoma* U Larkin ptesldtag, th* flsnaaB sUra ami tto 13H fAs. Reaulta of the raid were not an-1 ress’’ toward settlement of th* REBS — WAT0RE8 < IbA. Cmi I* toslto* nbMt M.M. hold their ptimlcpicnic Wediteaday after' foUowtag eaaaa ware diapoaad Of: [XaU — WALLETS , nounced. The planes dropped 140 j truce blocking Uau* of prisoner d r . GERARD R. noon at the home of--------- Mr*, william Richard J. Cu*ack, 30, Sslam, ton* of bomba. As ‘Beggar’ exchange. Of W om en Visa Fraud Brennan of....... 31 .............Mt. Nebo place.• - AI apaadtng, forfaitad bond of But the B-2fl pilot* skirting the The delegations caUad a fourth MILLER poUuck will be aerved nt 1. edge of an erratic tsrphoon sweep­ straight week-long rec*M. Gen. il7rS6e Arfluir Drag StoTN' ay THE ASSOCIATED PBB88 Wsshington, Aug. 19— o'clock. Mambara or* raquaated to WUll* J. Pratt 64, RFD, Rock- ing acroaa the southern end of Nam n, senior Red delegate, pro­ Denver, Aug, 19— (fP),— HAS RESUMED bring thair own alivtr. the Korean peninsula, reported Moat watcher* of the China tested, then agreed to aetting th* *— Attornsy Genersl vtUa, failing to aUm at a stop atgn, they met intense anti-aircraft fire. Plans are being drafted for a 136; Waayl Radvldwtck of no ad- *cene believe the *urpri»e next meeting for Aug. 37. concerted effort to woo the Grsnery ssid today thst cir* REGULAR A daughtar waa bom at St One plane wa* attacked by a Red Francla Hoapltal In Hartford Aug. draaa, vagraney, 10 days in th* night fighter but the Air Force visit of Red Premier Chou •latter *f Paylag women’s vote for Gen. cumstsncfls surrounding Tolland County lall; Richard ■aid all 14 planes returned safely, ]3ta-lai to Moscow concerns On chances af th* talks to sue- 'government’s •ssle of the 01. OFFICE HOURS 10 to Mr. and Mra. Bugan* OoW' Frahar, 36, Roekvllla, broach of Dwight D. Elsenhower. Some ing of 111 Harlan atreet paaoa, 330; tatoxleation, 36; Eft Sigi Stnrltt Bomb Btorebeuae primarily the Korean war anr caed, Harriaon daclarad: of his aides feel it could mean Johni Rivier Shipysrd s t .The Air Force aaid the muni­ the Sino-Ruseian treaty of *T've thought th* Communlats Jsi^ionviile, Fla., in 19to K a ila s Llak. It. 80 MIU atiaat do want an armistice. It. la a mat­ the margin of victory for the Paat Pooahonta* of Suruwt Manchaatar, overcrowding th* tion* layout contained 17 primary will he presented to s feileNu OouncU No. 40 hied a monthly iBsrald Flioto. 1950. i ter of how much they are willing GOP presidential nominee. front aaat of a motor vahtcla, 330. aCoouBcrelal Lettering buildings of Steel and reinforced Theta are aom* who fael that trend Jury here oii Septelft* ..m a a tiiig with P. P. Mildred Jonea MRS. EDWARD J. LARKINS concrete and dosana ot bunker* to pay for It" , Mrs. Roy F. Priest of Utah, Edward Wandua 17. 64 VUlag* Chines e-Rusalan relationships auiatant national OOP chairman jer 8. ; ’of Oottag* atraeU Wlndabr. A da- a Bilk Bereaa PrOeaaa and ammunition store* have been getting a little strained. Harriaon Mid It w m possible for ■traet, taUing to obtain an opera- Frtatlag and head of the party's women's Tb* Attorney General told. * lldoua lunchaon waa aarvad on th* toFa liceiuw, 33, operating an un- The tredding of Mlsa EleanorAly after tha ceremony, foUowtag combed in nearby hUl*. The plant Oou'a visit to Moscow may be In th* Reds to accept the UN posi' porch with a abort buainaaa moat, reportedly produced dellX tion on prisoners. division, is leading the movement. news conterenca last week ttait MATTRESSES Inaurad motor vehiela, 316 Frande Lola Clyda of Mancbaatar- ■ and------ Ed­’ which_________ th* —jplacouple ------------left for an— un- aNeeuBcrvIo* th* nature of a showdown, but Thia tall, pleasant woiQ*>< haa ng following. A gift waa pr*.
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