under pressure ISSION it all ends tonight, when CREEK iowa faces Baylor in the nit championship. SPORTS FESTIVAL 80 HOURS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 THurSday, aprIL 4, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Iowa marks Varnum case Local jail debate heats up A May 7 vote will determine the future of the proposed Johnson County justice center. By Quentin MiSiag [email protected] It was originally billed as a casual Wednesday afternoon input meeting by the Johnson County Board of Su- pervisors. But as plans regarding a new jus- tice center and crime prevention ef- forts came up, discussions quickly steered into back-and-forth debates centered on current county inmates and the need for $46.2 million of new judicial investment. County officials said the current number of available beds is so lim- ited that many inmates have to be sent nearly an hour away to Musca- tine County. In addition, the current courthouse does not comply with modern safety and security stan- dards. They noted that dental and medical care, recreational opportuni- ties, expanded visitation space, and Maggie and Heal McKnight sit with their daughter, Theo “T-bone” McKnight, in their home on Wednesday. (The Daily Iowan/Juan Carlos Herrera) a library are among the necessary additions. Officials and locals welcome the Varnum v. Brien anniversary, but feel there is much more to be done. Johnson County prosecutor Janet Lyness said the current crime pre- vention and outreach programs have By Brent griffithS Iowa with my spouse.” federal government has not recog- helped curb some repeat offenders, [email protected] Four years after Iowa became the nized us as married,” Heal McKnight but she stressed the importance third state to recognize same-sex said. “It’s great to be married, but it’s of new facilities to accommodate a Kate Varnum recalled April 3, 2009, marriage, officials and supporters be- still not quite legal marriage.” growing local population. as she huddled among six fellow cou- lieve much more could be done. Donna Red Wing, executive director She said a number of current in- ples awaiting the end of a legal process One Iowa City couple said they wel- of One Iowa, said while Wednesday mates include accused killers, rob- which had started two years earlier. She comed the decision, but they were frus- was a day for celebration, the organi- bers, and homicidal individuals, and the rest of Iowa heard the result in trated about the federal government’s zation continues to ensure the right to attacking the notion that the jail is Varnum v. Brien: by a unanimous de- refusal to recognize their marriage be- marry remains true. only a holding ground for rowdy col- cision, the Iowa State Supreme Court cause of the Defense of Marriage Act. “You know we’re celebrating four lege students. ruled same-sex marriage was legal. The law was one case the U.S. Su- years since the Varnum decision … “We are not housing for the people “I remember hearing, and felt like preme Court recently heard oral ar- but we’re always vigilant and watch- that are there drinking a little too we were floating home on the way guments on. ing to make sure we don’t lose the much downtown or getting drunk at back to Cedar Rapids,” Varnum said. “We are really happy to be legally freedom to marry,” she said. “Our football games or college kids smok- “We had just made history. It was a married in Iowa, we are, but we’re relief, and I felt more secure being in still frustrated four years later the sEE Marriage, 3A sEE JuStice center, 3A UISG hopefuls debate platforms Locals see The vice-presidential debate is set for April 8 in the IMU. scholarship By Jonathan SoliS [email protected] effect Candidates touched on their pro- Businesses are excited to see posed bike programs, student safety plans, and what qualifies them to be if the new summer tuition the University of Iowa Student Gov- scholarship will keep more ernment president during the first de- bate Wednesday evening. students in town. The debate questions were chosen based on the party platforms and student suggestions. Instead of a tra- By cassidy riley ditional back and forth style, the re- [email protected] spective candidates spoke to specific platform issues. As students prepare for the end of The UISG campaign kicked off April spring semester and the beginning of 1, and it will run for the next week. summer, both University of Iowa of- The election will take place on April 10 ficials and local businesses said they and 11 on ISIS, and the results will be UISG presidential candidates Katherine Valde of the HOUSE Party and Aaron Horsfield of the TOGA Party hope to see a larger returning popula- announced April 12 in the IMU. debate at the Seamans Center on Wednesday. (The Daily Iowan/Sam Louwagie) tion in the coming years following the Both candidates support the announcement of a new summer schol- SafeRide program, but Aaron Hors- approximately 110 times so far. presidential hopeful, explained why arship program. field, TOGA Party presidential can- “Students are wary to use one ride her party chose not to increase the The UI is offering a scholarship op- didate, said that his party hopes to per semester, and that’s why it’s so number of SafeRide rides. portunity to incoming freshmen who increase the number of free SafeRide low,” Horsfield said. “Increasing it to “It’s for emergency uses,” she said. come to the UI in the summer or fall of rides a semester from one to two or two or three will promote the use of “The reason that number is so low is 2013. This program will allow in-state more. this more.” In total, students have used SafeRide Katherine Valde, the HOUSE Party sEE uiSg, 3A sEE SuMMer, 5A insidE WEATHER dAily iowan Tv Classifieds To watch daily iowan Tv: 8B HIGH LOW • scan this code Crossword 10B 59 32 • Go to dailyiowan.com Opinions 4a • Watch UiTv sunday-Thursday Mostly sunny, breezy. Sports 8a night at 9:30 80 Hours 1B 2A | The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa • Thursday, April 4, 2013 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Aiding those with special needs Volume 144 Issue 167 BreAkiNg News sTaff Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher email: [email protected] William Casey 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 editor-in-Chief Emily Busse 335-6030 CorreCtioNs Managing editor Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro editors accuracy and fairness in the reporting Kristen East 335-6063 of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correction opinions editor or a clarification may be made. Benjamin Evans 335-5863 sports editors PuBlishiNg iNFo Benjamin Ross 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts editor published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot 335-6063 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo editors university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen 335-5852 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley 335-5852 at the Iowa City Post Office under the Design editor Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Haley Nelson 335-6063 tV News Director suBsCriPtioNs Allie Wright 335-6063 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web editor email: [email protected] Tony Phan 335-5829 subscription rates: Business Manager iowa City and Coralville: $20 for Debra Plath 335-5786 one semester, $40 for two semes- Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager ters, $10 for summer session, $50 Juli Krause 335-5784 for full year. Advertising Manager A hospital bed is shown on Nov. 30, 2011. Through the equipment referral service at the Center for Disability and Development, customers can purchase out of town: $40 for one semem- Renee Manders 335-5193 used medical equipment, such as wheelchairs or hospital beds. (The Daily Iowan/File Photo) ster, $80 for two semesters, $20 Advertising sales staff for summer session, $100 all year. Bev Mrstik 335-5792 The UI Children’s Hospital reaches out to help patients with disabilities receive the send address changes to: The Daily Cathy Witt 335-5794 Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Production Manager equipment they need. Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Heidi Owen 335-5789 By lAureN CoFFey buyer has no financial out there and also when [email protected] options,” said Michael you may not be able to equipment Lightbody, used equip- afford brand-new equip- People outgrow and ment referral service co- ment.” service buy new material items ordinator at Iowa Com- Another client of the constantly — shoes, pass. “Sometimes, [the service, Michelle Carden, Iowa Compass and the UI clothes, and bicycles, for seller] will sell [the piece has been using it for Hospitals & Clinics provide example. But for some of equipment] for free around five years for her a service to help people in situations, getting a new because they just want 9-year-old son and pre- need of selling or buying item to replace an older it to go to a good home. fers it to an alternative equipment for people with possession is not as easy They don’t want to sell it online marketplace such disabilities. as heading off to a store. to someone who will turn as eBay Inc. or Craig- • The service has existed The equipment re- around and sell it some- slist.
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