TfTE EVENING LAPIWL, ANNAPOLIS. MARYLAND, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1022. j J 52 BOYS ADMITTED TO Bruce Favors “Calm And American History “BILL” INGRAM COACH < day by day Reasoned Argument” p. Gma ACADEMY ON SATURDAY; In T. FOR WILLIAM AND MARY Vote for Fight Against “Dry” Laws SEPTEMBER 5 ANNAPOLIS LAD ENTERS Henry Hudson net foot on “Bill” Ingram, former Navy foot- the New Jersey shore on rowing CABELL William Cabell Bruce, only Sep- ball athlete and man, was BRUCE candidate for result be to solidify the op- in WM. can tember 5, the Democratic nomination for United position, to make it more determined, 1609. Annapolis last Friday en route to ! The Plebe class at the Naval Acad-j First .States Senator, on Saturday said his obstinate, willing to listen Continental Congress Williamsburg. Va.. where he has emy was augmented last Saturday by } more less deliberate judgment was that, if —and second Colonial Con- taken a position as football coach at For United States Senate the addition of fifty-two members. re-! to reason. I lief from the present prohibition laws "In the same gress—met in Philadelphia on William and Mary College. - 1 interview. Mr. Norris j Among those admitted was an Ann I September .3 to le obtained by the communi- suggested as another way of getting' 5, 1774 Ingram, who is the youngest of polls lad, Thompson Phelps Elliott. Battle between objecting to the laws, if a fight’ relief from the exitting laws that phy- | British fleet, three brothers, all noted Navy ath- The recent additions to the 1926 class |ties Graves, and ; that moans anything is to be made.) -icians be given the right to prescribe 1 under French letes, was graduated from the Acad- are as follows: fleet, | c-uim and reasoned argument must be; liquor whenever they think it proper, under de Grasse, at the emy in 1919. Charles Baird Adams, 6tb. Ohio; ! | used rather than clubs and fireworks.J i oLserved that Mr. did not say Chesapeake on September 5, Ingram, fullback in Lighten Washington; i Norris All-American L, Barry, Hen , 1781. j .Mr. Bruce's theory Is that the dry* hat he favored or. if elected to the 19,18, captain of the Navy team of the John Ferguson Black, Sen.. V. Okla- I 1 ire intrenched in Congress, with enor- ' ienate, would vote for such a provis- S. S. "Enterprise” cap- ! same year, is regarded by experts as j homa; Daniel Thomas Kiri well, Jr., uwui advantages on their side. He ; j on. The reason is obvious. Ninety- ttfred the British brig. one of the greatest players in the Sen., West Virginia; William Frank 'hinks that if they are approached •ight per cent, of the physicians "Boxer," on September 5,1813. history of the game. He is already i Cobb, 4th. Georgia; Beverly William with clubs they will put all their pow- vould dislike such a provision. The -Sixteen towns destroyed by the ground of William and Mary, Dickinson, Sen, Iowa; Thompson jon er behind a counter-attack with clubs few who would welcome R would be- forest fires in Minnesota on ; having reported for service on Satur- Elliott, 6th. Maryland; Charles Phelps whereas if they are approached with come merely legalized bootleggers, September 5, 1894. day. His contract with the Virgin- Ist. Mississippi; Paul Carl Faulkner, facts and argiftnents there is a chance ind make worse one of the very evils U. S. S. "Mount Vernon" ians means a distinct heightening of Eugene Foster, Sen., Kansas; • Charles that the American sense* of fair play from which we seek escape. limped into French port with the bright prospects of the Williams- Michael Froßch, Jr., 17th. New York; •v 111 give heed and that changes in the loss of thirty-five men, after burg team. Boren lionebrough Secs No Good Resulting Fryer, Bth. New irohilition laws may be achieved. being struck by German tor- Ingram’s reputation as a player has Jersey; Thomas Reginald Gannon. "What is the use of Mr. Norris talk- pedo on September f>, 1918. as a Would Avoid Kail Promises dwarfed his accomplishments 13tb. Michigan; Edgar Norwood ing about such a change in the law coach. Ho has had much experience His conclusion, therefore, is that Grady, 3rd. North Carolina; James the especially when he seems to be un- and success in the latter field. Re- 'pponent of the Iloscoe Granger, 4th. Washington; present prohibition j, willing to say that he favors it?There ceiving his training under the phe- aws who wants to Henry Harrison Gsell, 6fh. Missouri be effective, w-he-1 I can be no possible result of such a light wines and beers in communities nomenal Dobie, he was first assistant her citizen as Herman Joseph Habel, Sen., South as a or a member ol liscussion other than to awaken in that want them back and are willing to the old master at Annapolis in 1919 'lie Senate or House, will keep Carolina; Edwin Brewington Hall lii he minds of the more ardent prohi- to allow communities that do not want In 1920 and# he coached and ye fixed on the thing that be 1921. Ist. Missouri; Roy Noble Hamrick. can bitionists unjust suspicions of the men them Lack to keep them out, it seems played on. the team, picked from accomplished will avoid 7th. Georgia; Guy Renton Hcitnick and promis- md women who are seeking to bring to me that you hold a position that among the officers and men of the ing in an excited and fire-eating way John Howard Houck, ibout an improvement in conditions appeals to the sense of justice and Pacific fleet, which became the most Uthv hlngs tiiat all practical Jr., 4th Ixtuisiana; Ashton Lee Huh- men know by changing the existing laws. fair play that is in most people in popular aggregation on the Western annot lie accomplished, lest he crt-Jones, Ist. Pennsylvania; Claud set "What we must do is to face the this country, in and out of Congress. slope, and was defeated only once lead against him the of MerrilPl Hudgecs, 3rd. Tennessee; judgment facts like sensible people. One fact And if you Lack your call with facts luring the two years. Since the las' hose with whom he must Malcolm Alexander Hupty, 4th. Ken deal. Is that while the prohibitionists have and arguments to show that not only ‘ootball season, Ingram has given u* "The prohibition issue is paramount and with lucky; Ed. Hughes Jackson, Sen. been denounced damned do the people of certain communities iiis commission as ensign and lias gnu* n the Democratic primary,” Mr. Bruce great Georgia; Eugene Simon Karpe, Bth earnestness for sonic years, they want light wines and beers but that nto business with his father at Jef- aid. “not because only ques- Louisiana; Marion Stewart Kendrick it is the have won with depressing regularity they would be vastly better off having fersonville, Ind. ion in the people are interest- 17th Texas; S<d Earl 1/evensky. 6th which •n Congress. The reason is plain. The them legally than they are now you Entering the Naval Academy in 'd hut because probably is the Nebraska; Itout hey Gear McMillan it only ountry or country-controlled constit- have a still better chance of winning 1 916, Ingram played e game from most ion on which there is a i ■"'>*— I Sen., North Carolina; Thomas Ray- serious uencies and more influence and more he other side over. hen on through Lis years at Annapo- lifferonce between the candidates mond Miller, 4th. South Carolina. foi. representation in Congress than the "I believe it can Le shown to an> ’is The first year lie tilled a halfback he nomination for Senator. | Providence Mounts, Jr., 7th. Okla- listlnctly city communities. That ac- reasonable man that the people of a osition. the rest of the time he play- ij “It would be foolish to suppose that homa; Daniel Maxwell Ogden, Is* counts for the great dry majorities in community like Baltimore would bt | <1 quarterback. The team he captain- n as these, with 1 Iowa; John Ore, Bth. Tennessee; Htaf such times interna- the House of Representatives. It ac- vastly better off with light wines and •d has l ecu assessed as about the best j tional affairs occupying the attention ford Ferrnr Potter, Sen., Colorado; counts, in part, for the complete fail- beers than they are with the Volstead Navy team on •f thoughtful people the world record. Joseph Gipson Proddy, 4th. Arkansas; over ure of Representative Tinkham’s re- xct, and the violations of it on every ind with hard and Industrial George Latimer Reed, .Jr., 21st. Penn- times cent effort to oust Representative Vol- hand. It is now an open question whether i crises bearing down upon the every- sylvania; Charles Roland Rohceder stead from the chairmanship of the joloshes shall be worn buttoned Oi- lay of everyone, that the Sees Chance Of Relief ppy Bth. Ohio; Eugene Sylvester Sarstield affairs men House Judiciary Committee. ls this winter.—Vancouver l’ruv ind women of Maryland are thinking ut large, Presidential; Everett Hah “And 1 believe that if we went to ince. of nothing except prohibition Many States Have Dun Dry Laws Congress Still, 2nd. South Carolina; Roddiek the he members of from States luestiou. "Another fact we must face is that, like lowa, the Dakotas, Indiana, Kan- Bowman Still. Jr., 2nd. South Caro- WM. CABELL BRUCE unlike Maryland and other Eastern las, Colorado and lina; Rlngley William Thompson, 3rd. Little Act'd Of Debate Now other definitely and 9 States, many of the States have had powerfully dry States, and said to West Virginia; Edwin Francis Voit, “But since it may be assumed that prohibition State for years, and are -hem: ‘Do as you please for your own His 3rd.
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