25338 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 12, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF RE.MARKS WAYNE MORSE DELIVERS DEEPLY delinquency. The Big Brother concept of One­ He donated thousands of dollars of his own FELT TRIBUTE TO DREW PEAR· Man-One-Boy relationship, as a means of. money, endless time and energy, to get the SON graduating potential delinquent boys into train rolling across the United States. Seven responsible citizenship, is one of Drew's hundred carloads of food and other supplies, legacies to our youth. worth 40 million dollars were collected by Drew Pearson liked young people. He had patriotic Americans and sent to France and HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH faith in them. He helped them in many, many It·aly to promote the cause of friendship. OF WEST VIRGINIA ways about which the general public knew Demoractic leaders of France and Italy very little. Sometimes we were privileged to stated that this meaningful, symbolic ges­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES look in to the mirror reflecting his love and ture in support of friendship helped in their Friday, September 12, 1969 understanding of children when one of his contest with Communism. You will remem­ columns took the form of a letter to his ber that, in 1949, they sent the "Merci Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, on grandchildren. Those letters also portrayed Train" of 4-0-and-8 cars, and an Italian car September 4 a memorial service was held the gentle, human qualities of this great of gifts, chiefly of valuable paintings, to our at Washington National Cathedral for man. country. Drew Pearson was selected by them Drew Pearson, who for 37 years wrote For a number of years, he made an annual to take charge of the distribution of the gifts of the people who were in the forefront practice of t aking troupes of professional to cultural centers in the United States. of government. entertainers, including the popular Harlem In 1951, he helped launch the Freedom Globetrotters, to visit American overseas Balloon campaign, operated by the Crusade Moving tributes to Mr. Pearson were bases at Christmas time. for Freedom, which reached behind the Iron given at the service, including those by In 1952, he organized a committee called Curtain with air-borne messages of liberty Mayor Walter E. Washington, Tyler "Americans Against Bombs of Bigotry" to and encouragement. He also organized the Abell, and Jack Anderson. combat the bombing of schools and places of Democracy Letters to Italy in the election of The eulogy was delivered by our dis­ worship that had resulted from racial and 1948 which was credited with helping defeat tinguished former Senate colleague, Hon. religious intolerance. Drew Pearson was Communism in Italy in that election. In Wayne Morse of Oregon, a longtime largely responsible for raising the money to 1953, he proposed the "Food for East Ger­ friend of Drew. I ask unanimous consent rebuild the Clinton, Tennessee, schoolhouse. many" program which was supported by the In 1953, he organized the "Americans Con­ Eisenhower Administration. that his deeply felt words be printed in science Fund" to assist victims of racial big­ These activities of Drew Pearson in for­ the RECORD. otry. These are among the legacies of his eign policy, I mention to emphasize that we There being no objection, the eulogy humanitarianism. pay tribute at this memorial service to a was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, In public affairs and politics, Drew Pear­ great American who was dedicated to the as follows: son's brilliance, courage, and devotion to our cause of peace. Many of his columns, system of constitutional self-government in­ TRIBUTE TO DREW PEARSON speeches, and radio programs warned of the spired millions of Americans throughout his danger that war only produces more war (By Hon. Wayne Morse) great career. His acts of courage were count­ when nations, for whatever reasons, en­ We gather at this memorial service, as free less. gage in unilateral, military interventions, men and women, to express our reverent ap­ When the Ku Klux Klan was in the heyday and when they escalate armament races­ preciation for the life of Drew Pearson. It of its post-war revival, Drew waged a power­ particularly nuclear weapons of world de­ was a life which, in keeping with his Quaker ful radio campaign against it, climaxed by struction. background, was dedicated to the service of his famous broadcast from the State Capitol He argued that our defense guard must mankind according to the dictates of his in Atlanta, Georgia. It was in that speech, on not be let down, but that multilateral ne­ conscience. He was more than a Journalist, July 21, 1946, that he answered the dare from gotiations under the aegis of international he was a humanitarian; he was a citizen­ the Klan to come to Georgia. tribunals offer mankind a greater hope for statesman. His innumerable clashes with dishonest world peace than resorting to the law of Born to Quaker parents in Evanston, Illi­ and corrupt officials at all levels of govern­ military might. Firm in this belief, Drew nois, on December 13, 1897, Andrew Russell ment demonstrated a courage rooted in sin­ Pearson served his country as a Journalistic Pearson lived most of his boyhood in Swarth­ cerity, conscience, and conviction. The record Statesman, traveling throughout the world, more, Pennsylvania, where his father was of his service to his generation and all to talking to high government officials, urg­ Professor of Speech. After his graduation, in follow is a significant part of this period of ing the escalation of diplomatic intercourse 1919, from Swarthmore College, having been American history. in the interest of peace-making rather than an editor of the college newspaper and wear­ He recognized the truth of Jefferson's com­ military containment productive of war­ ing a Phi Beta Kappa key, Drew Pearson ment that a Democracy can be no stronger making. walked forth into the world with his con­ than the enlightenment of its people. He He was welcome in many Latin-American science as his guide. He volunteered for two deplored the growing trend toward govern­ countries and greatly helped to improve re­ years of service in Serbia to supervise the ment by secrecy and executive supremacy in lations between the United States and Latin American Friends Service Committee post­ our nation. His muckracking of the conceal­ American countries. He was an effective sup­ war relief program in Balkan villages. ment of facts from the American people by porter of economic, educational, health, and Often, over the years of my friendship departments of the executive branch-fre­ cultural aid to Latin-America and a critic, with him, I heard Drew discuss the influence quently including the White House itself­ rightly so, of military aid in large amounts. of his work for the American Friends Service produced some of his most penetrating col­ Military juntas and dictatorships of one Committee upon some of his later views on umns. The concealment by members o.f brand or another received the lancing cuts foreign policy. It brought him into a close Congress of their conflict-of-interest, finan­ of his sharp criticism. He particularly de­ and affectionate understanding of the Slavic cial manipulations made him a crusader for plored the growing influences of the Amer­ people. They expressed some of their appre­ years in support of effective and meaningful ican military in Latin-America in co-op­ ciation of his dedication to helping others public-disclosure legislation which would eration with military juntas and dictator­ help themselves in recovering from the rav­ give the people the f'acts about the sources ships. ages of war by naming a Serbian town, Pear­ and amounts of income not only of all mem­ In 1959, he attended the Atlantic Confer­ sonovitch, in his honor. bers of Congress, but members of the Judici­ ence in London as a delegate and was a It was the American Friends Service Coxn­ ary and Executive branches in the higher-pay member of the President's Food for Peace mittee that was the forerunner· of the Peace brackets. Committee in 1961. Corps of which Drew was a staunch sup­ It is frequently said that Drew Pearson One of his greatest services to our country, porter. In fact, some of the advisors who helped keep many public officials honest. He in his capacity as a private citizen, was his helped to set up the Peace Corps were selected did. Most public officials are honest, and trip to Moscow in 1961. He spent two days from the American Friends Service Commit­ Drew often said so in his columns. Unfortu­ with Chairman .Khrushchev at his summer tee with which Drew continued to maintain nately, there is a small minority that yields home on the Black Sea discussing United a close association, in support of all its work. to temptation now and then. Another group States-Soviet problems. He wrote a series of To fully appreciate this great American's might become wayward if it were not for the columns on his talks with the Russian lead­ public service we should never forget that he possibility that, should they leave the ers, which received worldwide attention. was a Humanist. Influenced early in his life straight and narrow, they might read about At this memorial service we pay tribute by spiritual teachings that, although there it in the column of Pearson and Anderson. to the legacy of national and world states­ is much about immortality that we do not His contributions to the foreign affairs of manship that he has bequeathed to us. We know, there is a very real immortality of our nation put us forever in his debt.
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