2008 Seating Chart Small.Indd

2008 Seating Chart Small.Indd

House Leadership Seat Margaret Anderson Kelliher ...................139 The Minnesota House of Representatives Speaker of the House Anthony “Tony” Sertich ......................... 102 Majority Leader District Room* 296- Seat Marty Seifert .............................................23 60A Kelliher, Minority Leader Margaret Anderson (DFL) ..463 .........0171 .......139 50B Knuth, Kate (DFL) ..............429 ....... 0141 .....103 Neva Walker Blaine—51A 20B Koenen, Lyle (DFL) ............439 ....... 4346 .....125 Duluth—7B Scott Kranz Mpls—61B Mike Jaros House Offi cers Seat 124 Seat 129 Seat 135 34A Kohls, Paul (R) ....................313 ....... 4282 .........7 Albin A. Mathiowetz .......142 Debra M. Fastner ............141 Seat 6 Seat 1 51A Kranz, Scott (DFL) ..............411 ....... 4226 .....135 Chief Clerk Desk Clerk Seat 11 John Berns Walker—4B Larry Howes Dan Severson Patrick D. Murphy ..........143 David G. Surdez ............. 140 Wayzata—33B 50A Laine, Carolyn (DFL) ..........407 ....... 4331 .......86 Sauk Rapids—14A 1st Asst. Chief Clerk Legislative Clerk Champlin—47A Faribault—26B Denise Dittrich Tom Rukavina Tom Virginia—5A 9A Lanning, Morrie (R) ............259 ....... 5515 .......27 Seat 123 Seat 128 Seat 134 Gail C. Romanowski .......144 Sandra A. Dicke ................69 Patti Fritz Seat 139 2nd Asst. Chief Clerk Chief Sergeant-at-Arms Margaret Anderson Kelliher 40B Lenczewski, Ann (DFL) ......509 ....... 4218 .......62 Mpls—60A Seat 7 Seat 2 Seat 12 66A Lesch, John (DFL) ...............537 ....... 4224 ....... 71 Paul Kohls Speaker of the House Joe Hoppe Chaska—34B Victoria—34A Steve Gottwalt St. Cloud—15A 30A Liebling, Tina (DFL) ...........393 ....... 0573 .......56 Sandy Wollschlager Cannon Falls—28A South St.Paul—39A House Members Minnetonka—43B 1B Lieder, Bernard (DFL) .........423 ....... 5091 .....116 Rick Hansen John Benson Seat 127 Seat 122 District Room* 296- Seat Seat 133 55A Lillie, Leon (DFL) ...............353 ....... 1188 .......76 Seat 13 Seat 3 48B Abeler, Jim (R) ....................203 ....... 1729 .......48 Seat 8 59A Loeffl er, Diane (DFL) ..........349 ....... 4219 .......78 Isanti—17A Rob Eastlund Andover—49A Michael Beard Chris DeLaForest 19A Anderson, Bruce (R) ...........201 ....... 5063 .......10 Shakopee—35A 37A Madore, Shelley (DFL) ........507 ....... 5506 .....131 Minnetonka—42A Northfi Eagan—38A Sandy Masin 22A Magnus, Doug (R) ...............217 ....... 5505 .......44 43A Anderson, Sarah (R) ............229 ....... 5511 .......32 Maria Ruud Seat 126 Seat 132 Seat 140 Seat 141 Seat 143 Seat 144 David Bly Seat 121 David G. Surdez Debra M. Fastner Patrick D. Murphy Gail C. Romanowski 67A Mahoney, Tim (DFL) ...........591 ....... 4277 .....137 3A Anzelc, Tom (DFL) .............417 ....... 4936 .......92 eld Legislative Clerk Desk Clerk Seat 142 1st Asst. Chief Clerk 2nd Asst. Chief Clerk —25B Seat 14 Seat 4 39B Atkins, Joe (DFL) ................503 ....... 4192 .....130 Albin A. Mathiowetz Seat 9 65B Mariani, Carlos (DFL) .........563 ....... 9714 ..... 114 Appleton—20A Aaron Peterson Perham—10B Dean Simpson Eagan—38B Chief Clerk Wardlow Lynn Ron Shimanski Seat 138 35A Beard, Michael (R) ..............207 ....... 8872 .........8 Silver Lake—18A 9B Marquart, Paul (DFL) .........597 ....... 6829 .......80 Apple Valley—37A Clara City—20B Shelly Madore Willmar—13B 43B Benson, John (DFL) ............517 ....... 9934 .....133 Koenen Lyle 38A Masin, Sandra (DFL) ...........527 ....... 3533 .....126 Seat 125 Seat 131 AlJuhnke Seat 120 Seat 17 33B Berns, John (R) ....................311 ....... 4315 .........6 Kurt Zellers 53B McFarlane, Carol (R) ..........223 .......5363 .......26 Maple Grove—32B Seat 5 Seat 10 57A Bigham, Karla (DFL) ...........529 ....... 4342 .......89 Seating Arrangement 2008 Seat 15 57B McNamara, Denny (R) ........271 ....... 3135 .......22 St. Paul—67A Bob Dettmer Tim Mahoney Tim Bruce Anderson Andover—49B Seat 137 Kathy Tingelstad 25B Bly, David (DFL) .................557 ....... 7065 .....121 Forest Lake—52A 4A Moe, Frank (DFL) ...............369 ....... 5516 .....110 Inver GroveHeights—39B 25A Brod, Laura (R) ...................321 ....... 4229 .......46 Buffalo Township—19A 40A Morgan, Will (DFL) ............531 ....... 4212 .......61 Seat 18 Joe Atkins 27A Brown, Robin (DFL) ...........337 ....... 8216 .......59 Seat 130 23A Morrow, Terry (DFL) ...........415 ....... 8634 .......83 Wabasha—28B Steve DRazkowski 23B Brynaert, Kathy (DFL) ........421 ....... 3248 .......82 Seat 16 58A Mullery, Joe (DFL) ..............367 ....... 4262 .....112 Thomas Huntley Matt Dean Duluth—7A Dellwood —52B Dellwood 35B Buesgens, Mark (R) .............307 ....... 5185 .......35 Seat 136 64A Murphy, Erin (DFL) ............413 ....... 8799 .......91 56A Bunn, Julie (DFL)................521 ....... 4244 .......53 6B Murphy, Mary (DFL) ...........343 ....... 2676 .......96 45B Carlson, Lyndon (DFL) .......479 ....... 4255 .....101 Seat 19 46A Nelson, Michael V. (DFL)....569 ....... 3751 .......57 Seat 70 Lakeville—36A Seat 42 Mary Liz Holberg 61A Clark, Karen (DFL) .............471 ....... 0294 .......79 David Dill 10A Nornes, Bud (R) ..................277 ....... 4946 .......30 Crane Lake—6A Tony Cornish 24B Cornish, Tony (R) ...............281 ....... 4240 .......42 Good Thunder—24B 29B Norton, Kim (DFL) .............387 ....... 9249 .......55 62A Davnie, Jim (DFL) ...............545 ....... 0173 .......84 Gene PelowskiSeat 99 Jr. 1A Olin, Dave (DFL) ................593 ....... 9635 .....105 Winona—31A 52B Dean, Matt (R) ....................327 ....... 3018 .......16 Seat 22 16B Olson, Mark (IR) .................301 ....... 4237 .......51 Grand Rapids—3B Loren Solberg Seat 106 Anthony “Tony” Sertich 49A DeLaForest, Chris (R) .........323 ....... 4231 .......13 Denny McNamara 11B Otremba, Mary Ellen (DFL) ..445 ........ 3201 ......108 Seat 102 Hastings—57B Chisholm—5B Seat 25 29A Demmer, Randy (R) ............225 ....... 9236 .......31 Seat 72 37B Ozment, Dennis (R) ............283 ....... 4306 .......39 Connie Ruth Paul Thissen Seat 43 Seat 23 52A Dettmer, Bob (R) .................329 ....... 4124 .......15 Mpls—63A 42B Paulsen, Erik (R) .................309 ....... 7449 .......45 Seat 71 Seat 44 Brad Finstad Marty Seifert Owatonna—26A Jean Wagenius Marshall—21A Thief River Falls—1A 6A Dill, David (DFL) ................571 ....... 2190 .......70 Seat 111 Seat 105 John Lesch Doug Magnus Comfrey—21B 64B Paymar, Michael (DFL) .......543 ....... 4199 .......73 Mpls—62B Dave Olin LyndonSeat Carlson 101 St. Paul—66A Slayton—22A 47A Dittrich, Denise (DFL) ........371 ....... 5513 .....134 Crystal—45B 31A Pelowski Jr., Gene (DFL) ....491 ....... 8637 .......99 Seat 24 Seat 26 Seat 29 32A Peppin, Joyce (R) ................331 ....... 7806 .......37 58B Dominguez, Tom Emmer Delano—19B Carol McFarlane Torrey Westrom Augustine “Willie” (DFL)...539 .........8659 .........66 Sheldon Johnson Elbow Lake—11A 20A Peterson, Aaron (DFL) ........451 ....... 4228 .....138 Seat 117 White Bear Lake—53B St. Paul—67B Seat 104 Seat 110 Park Rapids—2BBrita Sailer Seat 75 12B Doty, Al (DFL) .....................433 ....... 4247 ....... 81 Frank Moe Steve Simon 41B Peterson, Neil W. (R) ..........213 ....... 7803 .......40 Bemidji—4A St. Louis Park—44A Seat 45 Seat 27 28B Drazkowski, Steve (R) .........247 ....... 2273 .......18 Seat 34 45A Peterson, Sandra (DFL) .......345 ....... 4176 ....... 88 Erik Paulsen Seat 30 Seat 74 Morrie Lanning Eden Prairie—42B Bud Nornes Tom Hackbarth 17A Eastlund, Rob (R) ................243 ....... 5364 ......... 3 Linda Slocum Seat 46 Moorhead—9A Cedar—48A 27B Poppe, Jeanne (DFL) ...........487 ....... 4193 .......60 Richfi Seat 73 Seat 47 Laura Brod Seat 103 eld—63B Fergus Falls—10A BernieSeat Lieder 116 Rod Hamilton 2A Eken, Kent (DFL) ...............575 ....... 9918 .....107 Crookston—1B New Brighton—50BKate Knuth Michael Paymar 5A Rukavina, Tom (DFL) .........477 ....... 0170 .....123 Seat 109 New Prague—25A St. Paul—64B Mountain Lake—22B 19B Emmer, Tom (R) ..................261 ....... 4336 ....... 24 Brainerd—12AJohn Ward Seat 28 26A Ruth, Connie (R) ................291 ....... 5368 .......25 Sondra Erickson Seat 31 Seat 35 41A Erhardt, Ron (R) .................245 ....... 4363 .......41 Princeton—16A eld—29A 42A Ruud, Maria (DFL) .............515 ....... 3964 .....132 Mark Buesgens Randy Demmer Jordan—35B Hayfi 16A Erickson, Sondra (R) ...........279 ....... 6746 .......28 Mary Ellen Otremba 2B Sailer, Brita (DFL) ...............577 ....... 4265 .....104 Seat 108 Seat 79 Alice Hausman Long Prairie—11B Karen Clark Seat 115 Seat 48 8B Faust, Tim (DFL) ................567 ....... 0518 .......94 St. Paul—66B Mpls—61A 54B Scalze, Bev (DFL) ................357 ....... 7153 .......64 Jim Abeler Seat 32 21B Finstad, Brad (R) .................251 ....... 9303 .......43 Seat 78 Anoka—48B Seat 36 21A Seifert, Marty (R).................267 ....... 5374 .......23 Sarah Anderson Diane Loeffl Seat 49 Bob Gunther Mpls—59A Plymouth—43A 26B Fritz, Patti (DFL) ................551 ....... 8237 .....128 Seat 107 er Seat 77 Dean Urdahl Fairmont—24A 5B Sertich, Twin Valley—2AKent Eken Seat 76 Seat 50 CarlosSeat Mariani 114 Ryan Winkler Seat 51 Grove City—18B 53A Gardner, Paul (DFL) ...........581 ....... 2907 .......58 Golden Valley—44B Bud Heidgerken Anthony “Tony” (DFL) ...459 ....... 0172 .....102 St. Paul—65B Leon Lillie Mark Olson Seat 33 North St. Paul—55A Big Lake—16B Freeport—13A Steve Smith 36B Garofalo, Pat (R) .................221 ....... 1069 .......38 Seat 37 14A Severson,

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