![The Inventory of the Guardian of Boston / William Monroe Trotter](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Inventory of the Guardian of Boston / William Monroe Trotter Collection #455 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Collection on Deposit P.rinted It�� (?") Box 1 1) The Guardi_an. HoJM.+ _'.1 November 9, 1901 Vol� A/a I. July 12, 1919 May 17, 1902 July 19, 1919 June 14, 1902 December 13, 1919 August 30, 1902 January 311 1920 October 4, 1902 January 10, 1920 . November l, 1902 January 20�!il920 November 29, 1902 February 7, 1920 December 6, 1902 December �O, 1932 October 10, 1903 January 20, 1923 December 16, 1905 Harch 21, 1923 {2 tepties) April 7, 1923 February 23 9 1907 April 28• 1923 April 27, 1912 Hay 4, 1912 June 29, 1912 June 30, 1923 · Januar_y /+• 1913 July 28 t 1923 June 7, 1913 (15 copies) November 20, 1915 July 12, 1924 February 19, 1916 August 26, 1933 November 18, 1916 February 17, 1934 December 2, 1916 Apt·il 7, 1934 April 12, 1919 April 14, 1934 'May 16, 1919 (5 copies) April 21 • 1934 Box 2 June 11+ � 1919 (2 copies) p1:1.ge 2 April 28, 1934 May .5, 1934 October.23, 1954 May 12, 1934 November 20, 1954 (2 dopies) Box 3 May 26. 1934 Decen1ber 18, 1951+ Junca 2, 1934 (2 copies) June 23, 1914 September 10, 1955 June 3 19.34 November 5, 1955 0, (3 copies) July 7, 1934 November 12, 1955 November 10, 1934 (3 copies) November 2J 1935 January 7 $ 1956 June 26, 1937 March 3 t 1956 .Does not appear on June 4, 1938 (Gift 9f Mrs. Julian BU Microfilm) July 29, 1939 Steele) April 7, 1956 September 21, 1940 April 21, 1956 July 5, 1941 May 5, 1956 (2 copi.es) June 11, 1949 June 23, 1956 November 12, 1949 (6 copies) December 5; 1949 July 28, 1956 2 copies) February 18, 1950 Jan\tary 19, 1957 ,/ March 11, 1950 (2 copies) February 23, 1957 Novembe� 25, 1950 (2 copies) March 8, 1952 May 17 & 1952 Hay 24, 1952 May 30 t 1953 February 27, 1954 (' . ,cppies) page 3 2) Clippings and Fra8ments. Ca. 250 pieces.. (Box 4- nad-92, Box 5- #90-92) Box 5 3) Other newspapers (Some are partial copies). a) Myer,tiser an,d Arnerio�n. :Bostoh, l'Jecembet' 16, 1917. (i/1) • . b) ,!._fro M&ga,z,in2,. Baltimore, August Li, 1962. (12) c) Bay $t,a,t� }3El;t?-��t• Boston. September 24, 1966 and October 8, 1966. ({13-4) d) l3oston .Ame:e:i_can. Novetnber 4, 1917 .. (t/5). e)Bo,s�on Even;J.na,.G+o,be. April 7, 1934. (#6). f) �Q_n Sunda.,Y �:Lobe. Nov�mber 28, 1948. ((17). g) !he OA�ett:;�. Clev�land, Apt':ll 21, 19 34 (2 copies- {18··9) and /, May·i6 1 1934. tHlO). ;; h) Negr:o ,Wor:+d• New York ,. May 5� 1923 •. (fill). i);.The New York Fr�etnan. May 28, 1887. ((/12). _ :�, v- ,' '.: ji The New York .Ti.mes. April 3, 1960. (1113). I , . ; k) 'l'h� 1?,hiladelp�ia;-Tri£.¥il�. April 7 � 1932. (1114), ' ,, � 1) Th� Sunda;v: ,lier!!.!£. Bostob:� February 9, 1913. ({115) • (\ . U,,m) Daily: Eveniug. '.C,:-�rA��ript. Boston, July 24 • 1830,. (#16). '-i i", } i \ page 4 • •' A Correspondence Bol' 6 1894-1966. (Ill). 6 ALS t;': 10 'XLS 2 TL mimeograph (signed) ' ' . 1 CTLS 3 C'L'L l Postaard U Telegram ·· 1 Gre,eting eard 12 Cµrist•as cards {to Dharlea Ste�ard) Iticluding: 'Tibbott ,. E.F.(Private Secretary to Benjamin Harrison). , AL� to Charles G. Steward. December 6 t l.894. Csteward� Oharles. 2 ALS (cop+es) to Mayo,:- Patrick A. Collins, .Boston. January 1902� -� 1rder. V,llram l1onro-e �- ,,_ · --.../ Postcard to William H. Jackson. ,July 12, 1919, 1 • Speneer, Maud.ca W. (President of National Equal Rights League and Race Congress). 'i'LS to WMT. November 10, 19 30 ._ 1 Barnett, Claude A. (Director of Associated Negro Preas). TLS to WMT. November 20, 1930. -rr�er, W.I liom Moortie . CTL to franklin D. Roosevelt. June 22. 1933� \ T"roit-e� W,llr(lm r'/onrct< I q 3'-/ C � . Ats co Thomas Floyd� -J��.!1ary 23. 1984. {d,ecl l5uda\ J,J..0 > 7 r-Jr__., Ci,La Guardia, Fiorello.: TLS to Maude 'r. STeward. March 2, 194.5. :Fo� •. Stephen R.. (Author)� '!'LS to Charles Steward. April 22, '1966. Garner, Ertoll. (Musician). Greet:f.ng ea.rd, No da�e. -� 11{'Jl. 3� /9�7. i C!i(J)ilts J1/ewc/Ji {:,Ct,e.fts1 /-iiu ,:.e TLS f+t;e,,/ . ·---.....---... page 5 C "William Monroe Trotter: An Evaluation of the Life a£ a Radical Negro Newspaper Editor, 1901-1934." Fror,; Mes lfo/cJm Charles W. Puttkammer, senior thesis at Princeton University, 1958. Carbon typescr:ti,t� 116 PP• (t/2). 2) 11 Biography of a Crusading Editor: William Monroe Trotte.t', 1872.-1934., 11 Charles w. l?uttk�r ari.d Ruth Worthy, 1958. Carbon typescript, 30 PP• AL�o: Wdrt:hy, Ruth. TLS to Charles Steward, Sept.ember 19, 1958. (1!3). 3) :JH.ography of WMT. Anoi1ymoue, Holograph, 4 pp. ({/4). · J.J.. so� /µ 1,:oue?i:. 4) Mis.cellan�ous holograph in several 1l1:mds and 4n several subjects, 0 (Jlr:.) Inc{ .Jtewaied 7Nop/i, /qs fliJt.llJ Ca. 50 PP• 1r.J * J · + (. l'/7cJtv y faf11l t (iltd-l OitS BMt, T1/r�s:.r1/7!J(x/t�� . JU aon 'baleJ 5) HiscGllaneous typescript. Most concerns the $Tewa.rd Family and the Pe.(Ni'IICA. ::&land_// Lt1.z& later 19th Century, Ca .. 50 pp. (/f6). fe,- () 6)'-Scrapbook compiled by Charles Steward { ages are not bound �nd are feq ·/ ./ft'tlht-P. _ · �lyefs{J 1n !AQ i,µ very poor condition), ca. t11clulh cc 1 30. PP• (11 ). ar{it/es �1 1>1J, ·n-r;, fijJ.! � r'. -t ({bout /2,m Huy1z/,-.,.v 7) Bills and receipts, '1:rost.on Literary A id Historical Soci�ty, 1904.,·1905. ,i<lOf;l....7 /o/03/, ( · 9 p i.ecelil. (''S) . M1nufes1r • ,I) illeehnHvI / - .· 8) Carda advertising theatrical entertaiiunents, 1903-1925. :{iicfu.de':S ,5()YM, pieces obot:f"BoJlo/J <l . ' fflrd()d Ca. 2:> pieces. (In e�velope). o t..tfc't:o.'/arJ. H,siotttal Pfssocletft h 9) Guardian Publiehing Company blank station�ry, Ca. 75 sheets. (119). 10) HedaL Harvard O;t.asa of '96 t:weuty-fifth reunion. Chat1lea G. Sten.t4 •. (In envelope). 11) Documents: (UlO). a) Statt\ment of ·ownership, ·m.anagement� ciret�lat:ton of ���.�l:EE.· /{f!;�J /9&/ Gover11emfnt records, 1931 , - - - 3 f 1ec� ',. page 6 b) Last Will and Testament of vii liam �l. Dupree. Ca�bon J:ypescript, J Teo-/kStew(J}(f_ -rf/cUl� furtui!rf -Is' M(}J.{ti· a:f.grted. --'· 0 I c) Notification from Adjutant Gen1n:al s Office at the War Department to T.G.Ste�ard that hie application papers for the poat of Chaplain of the u.s. Military Academy have been l'.'eoeived. Dated,Mareh 21, 1896. d) Copy of marriage certificate of Charles G. Ste�mrd and Maude Trotter. e) Final report of T.G.Steward's affairs. Carbon typescript, 3 PP• 12) Photographs; (In 'OilVelope). a) WHT' s f�aaral, 3 c:piecea. h) Haude. 'l'rotter Steward. c} narriet Edgerton Wall$. d) 5 miscellaneous photographs. page 7 .. Box 17 Aeschylus AGAMEMNON: TEXT AND TRANSLATION. Translated by w.W.Goodwiu. Harvard University, 1906. THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES OF AEICHYLUS. Introduction and nQtee by lsaaa FLagg. Ginn and Company, Boston� 1891, Signed in ink: "Maude A. Trotter, 1895." Also, holograph mariin notes in pencil. Aristophanes TUE ACHARNIANS: THE KNIGHTS. Edited by w.c.Green, Rivingtons. London, 1880. Bartlett, Frederic Orin THE GUARDIAN. Soll, Maynard and Company t Boston t 1912. l11a-oribed. Black, G.U. l)ESCRIPT!VE ANATOMY OF 'l'RE HUMAN TEETH. s.S.White Dental Manufa�turing Company, Philadelphia, 1897. Fourth edition¥ Bouilly, G.N. RACCONTI PER. LE GIOVIUBTTE. Colombo Coen Editore .. Vens:t.a-Trieste. 1873 .. Fourth edition. Brandt, H.C.G. A Olt:RMAN READER FOR BEGINNERS. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1894. City of Boston. 11 Dedlcation .of the Statue of Wendell Phillips�' July 5, 1915". ·City of Boston Printing· Department, 1915. Defoe a Daui•l ROBINSON CRUSOE. McLoughlin Brothers. New York, 1897. Box 8 Hat"vard College Clase of 1895 'l'HlR'rY-F;rnTH AMNIVERSARY R,�PORT. Tolman University Press, Cambridge, 1930. Harvard College Class of 1896 TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY REPORT. Pridtaly printe� by the Class� 1921. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY REPORT. Murray Printing Company, Cambridge. 1946. Hossfeld llOSSFELD'S GERMAN DICTIONARY Lysias TEN SELECTED ORA'J.'IONS OF LYSlAS. Edtfled by George P. Bristol. Allyn and B{acon� Boston, 1892. page 8 .. ....� . .. Martin, n. Newell ·.nm RUMAN BOl)Y. lienry Holt and Company, New Yo:rk, 1895,. Signed t'Maude11 A. '£rotter� '97. Wellesley College, 1895 • by Box 9 Phillips Exeter Academy 'l'fiE PEAN. Published the Senior Class. Exeter, New Hampshire. At the press of Rockwell & Churchill, Boston, 1892. Ransom, Reverdy C. THH PILGRUfAWE 01'' BARRIE'£ RANSOM'S SON. Sunday school Union Publishers, Na$hville, 1949. l·Jith: Steward, Charles. Incomplete AL to Maude 'I'rotter BtGlward, January 19.27. 11 Laid in. "Boston Whittier Centennial Oration by RCC. Pamphlet, 8 pp. Guardian Press, Boston. Laid in. G�a/d Steward, Theophih1s THE ARMY AS A '£RAINED FORCE AND 'THE.BIRTH ( fi1/0�1 (Xcu /�c,, OF THE REPUBLIC. Jennings and Graham, Cincinnati. Ooa/c/ + , l8J./B·- )1aJ[h•rV,J,id T1:der:) . A CUARLES'rON LOVR STORY. F. Tennyson Neely, New York� 1899� FIF'l'Y YEARS IN TUE GOSPEL HINISTRY.
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