Item No. 4 CITY OF WESTMINSTER PLANNING (MAJOR Date Classification APPLICATIONS) SUB For General Release COMMITTEE 4 June 2019 Report of Ward(s) involved Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning West End Subject of Report Development Site At 63 - 65 Curzon Street, London Proposal Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment, including excavation to create up to three basement storeys, ground and eight storeys to be used for up to 42 residential flats, creation of a ground floor arcade link between Stratton Street and Curzon Street for use as retail and/or restaurant uses (Classes A1 and A3), provision of up to 28 car parking spaces within the sub-basement levels. Provision of plant at basement and rooftop areas. Creation of terrace/balcony areas on both elevations. Agent Gerald Eve LLP On behalf of Maple Springfield Ltd Registered Number 19/00013/FULL Date amended/ completed 21 December Date Application 21 December 2018 2018 Received Historic Building Grade Unlisted Conservation Area Mayfair 1. RECOMMENDATION 1. Grant conditional permission, subject to a S106 legal agreement to secure the following: i) Car Club Membership for 25 years for all the flats; ii) Unallocated parking (as there are less car parking spaces than proposed flats) iii) Walkway Agreement; iv) Car Lift Maintenance; v) Highways alterations required for the development to occur (at no cost to the City Council); vi) Stopping up and dedication of land; and vii) The costs of monitoring the S106 agreement. 2. If the S106 legal agreements has not been completed within six weeks of the date of the Committee resolution, then: (a) The Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning shall consider whether it would be possible and appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning is authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not; Item No. 4 (b) The Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning shall consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits which would have been secured; if so, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers. 3. That Committee authorises the making of a draft order pursuant to s247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the stopping up and dedication of parts of the public highway to enable this development to take place. 4. That the Executive Director of City Management & Communities or other appropriate officer be authorised to take all necessary procedural steps in conjunction with the making of the order and to make the order as proposed if there are no unresolved objections to the draft order. The applicant will be required to cover all costs of the Council in progressing the stopping up order. 2. SUMMARY The application site comprises two adjacent properties in the Mayfair Conservation Area. One of the buildings has frontages on Curzon Street and Stratton Street and is currently vacant, but was last in use for office purposes. 63 Curzon Street is in use for retail purposes over the lower floors and five residential flats on the upper six floors. It is proposed to demolish and erect a new building comprising of two basement levels, lower ground, ground and eight upper levels. A new retail arcade is proposed at ground floor level and this will provide a pedestrian link between Stratton Street and Curzon Street. Retail/restaurant floorspace is proposed at lower ground and ground floor level, with up to 42 residential units proposed over the upper floors. The key issues for consideration are: - The design of the new building and the impact on the Mayfair Conservation Area; - The impact of the new restaurant uses on existing and new residential properties. The proposal is considered acceptable and complies with the policies set out in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and Westminster’s City Plan (City Plan) and is therefore recommended for approval. Item No. 4 3. LOCATION PLAN .. This production includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission if the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (C) Crown Copyright and /or database rights 2013. All rights reserved License Number LA 100019597 Item No. 4 4. PHOTOGRAPHS Curzon Street frontage 63 65 Item No. 4 Stratton Street frontage Item No. 4 5. CONSULTATIONS HISTORIC ENGLAND (LISTED BUILDS/CON AREAS) No requirement to be consulted on this application. HISTORIC ENGLAND (ARCHAEOLOGY) Any response to be reported verbally. RESIDENTS SOCIETY OF MAYFAIR & ST. JAMES'S Any response to be reported verbally. MAYFAIR RESIDENTS GROUP Any response to be reported verbally. THE ROYAL PARKS Any response to be reported verbally. BUILDING CONTROL Any response to be reported verbally. HIGHWAYS PLANNING MANAGER Objection to lack of off-street servicing. WASTE PROJECT OFFICER Objection, insufficient details submitted. DESIGNING OUT CRIME OFFICER No objection, subject to conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH No objection. THAMES WATER UTILITIES LTD No objection, subject to conditions. WCC ECONOMY TEAM Any response to be reported verbally. ADJOINING OWNERS/OCCUPIERS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED No. Consulted: 189 No. of objections: 2 letters of objection raising all or some of the following: Design - Overdevelopment of area - Too much development in historic area - Large scale redevelopment undermines integrity and charm of Mayfair Item No. 4 Other - Existing tenants will have to find alternative accommodation - Other large building works are ongoing in the area - Obstruction caused by construction works - Impact of works on local businesses in the area PRESS ADVERTISEMENT / SITE NOTICE: Yes 6. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 6.1 The Application Site The application site includes two separate, but adjacent buildings within the Mayfair Conservation Area. No.65 is an unlisted building which has two frontages on both Stratton and Curzon Street and is known as Nightingale House. The building is currently vacant, but was last in use for office purposes. No.63 is also an unlisted building comprising retail floorspace at basement and ground floor level and five residential units on the upper six floors. Stratton Street runs north from Piccadilly, and then runs east to meet Berkeley Street. No.65 is located at the point the road changes direction. No.65 has two distinct frontages, the Stratton Street facade dates from 1893, and was retained following redevelopment in late 1980’s and the facade to Curzon Street is post modern. The application site overlooks two lightwells, one to the east which is shared with the Mayfair Hotel and one to the west which is overlooked by two other buildings; 16 Stratton Street and 61 Curzon Street. The nearest residential is located at 16 Stratton Street, where there are six residential flats. 6.2 Recent Relevant History 63 Curzon Street Planning permission was granted on 30 January 2013 for the use of basement and ground floor for retail purposes (Class A1) and first to the sixth floor as residential (Class C3) apartments. The permission included alterations to facades including new entrance and windows with balconies to rear elevation and associated plant. This permission has been implemented. 65 Curzon Street Planning permission was granted on 29 April 2016 for the demolition of existing building and redevelopment, including excavation, to create up to three basement storeys, ground and eight storeys to be used for up to 32 residential flats, creation of a ground floor arcade link between Stratton Street and Curzon Street for use as retail and/or restaurant uses (Classes A1 and A3). The permission also included the provision of up Item No. 4 to 21 car parking spaces over the basement level, basement and rooftop plant areas and the creation of terrace/balcony areas on both elevations. This permission has been implemented and a certificate of lawfulness confirming the lawful implementation was granted on 11 July 2018. 7. THE PROPOSAL The proposal is broadly similar in terms of height, bulk and mix of uses to that granted in 2016 at 65 Curzon Street, the application site now includes the adjoining building at 63 Curzon Street. Permission is sought for the demolition of the existing buildings and rebuilding to provide two sub-basement levels, lower ground, ground and first to eighth floor levels. Two of the basement levels will accommodate the car parking and cycle parking associated with the development; a new retail arcade is proposed at ground floor level and this will provide a pedestrian link between Stratton Street and Curzon Street. There are differences in levels between both streets, the ground floor level on Stratton Street being higher than Curzon Street. Therefore, the arcade will be slightly downward sloping towards Curzon Street, this also allows part of the first floor on Curzon Street to be used for retail/restaurant purposes. Part of the ground floor and part lower ground floor will accommodate retail/restaurant uses. Within the arcade, retail floorspace is proposed on both sides of the arcade. The upper floors will be used for up to 42 residential units, with the residential entrance on Curzon Street. The key differences in the consented and proposed scheme are: - Inclusion of 63 Curzon Street; - Retail arcade has been realigned to allow for larger retail units on both sides of the arcade; and - Residential entrance will be from Curzon Street, rather than Stratton Street. 1. Existing land use figures for 63 Curzon Street Use Floorspace (GIA) Residential 1088 Retail 113 Total 1201 2. Consented land use for 65 Curzon Street Existing (GIA) Consented (GIA) +/- Office 4959 0 -4959 Retail/Restaurant 0 892 +892 Total Commercial 4959 892 -4067 Residential 0 7451 +7451 Total 4959 8343 +3384 Item No.
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