![I-Tourglass () P, 8T ,11P](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
lJIGn TIDE ., 0''' "'T :; ;-29-69 5-2')-(,., 5 7 at 0306 () p, t 09,/) 4 8 at 1,524 I-tOURGlASS () p, 8t ,11P VOL 9, No 8408 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS T oday's News Commanding General Zais Calls At A Glance Hamburger Hill Gallant Victory SAIGON (UPI) -- U S Headquarters sa1d Wednesday a "substantial" force of A­ mer1cans rema1n1ng on Hamburger Hill could defeat any attempt by North Vietnam­ JUS1ICE DEPARTMENT -- New ant7-­ ese to reoccupy the controvers1al peak New fight1ng erupted nearby in A Shau cr"~e syste~ be"ng aevelopec Valley for two years fro~ now Withdrawal of a battalion-s1ze force of about 600 men of the U S 101st Di­ v1sion came on the eve of a V1et Cong-proclaimed 48-hour ceasefire in obseryJ SPACE CENTE? -- Mot"on p"cture ance of the bi of Buddha, a major re11g10us holiday in Vietnam f"lm fro~ Apollo 10 fl"ght re­ The cease-fire, effective at 7 am, on leasea by Agency Thursday (7 pm EDT Wednesday), was to be followed by a 24-hour "stand-down" in honor of Buddha's birthday to be ob­ SUE SI~KING -- Gu"ttaro s"nktng labeled as a blunder tr~t was served by Allied troops It was sche­ at'otdable duled to begin at 6 am Friday The partial withdrawal of American troops from Hamburger Hill revived de­ SAIGO~ -- Amencans rematn 01' .\... , tj Hamburger H"ll as defense but bate over the value of throwing U S Sold"ers speak out forces into battle for an objective to be subsequently given up as was the ROCKEFELLER - Governor tn Colom­ case 1n the fight for Hill 875 in the bta ana headed for Ecuador central highlands in 1967, and the ac­ t10n around Khe Sanh a year ago BACK ON EVEN KEEL--The nualear sub NIXON -- Pres"dent dtscusses col­ Maj Gen~ Melvin Zais of the U S Gutttaro tS back on the surfaae at lege ana htgh school unrest wtth Army sa1d 1t was a "gallant victory and ValleJO, Caltf.> where 1-t sank "71 34 Republtcan CGngress~en would save Amer1can 11ves 1n the long feet of water whtle undergotng ftnal run " ftttmg YORTl -- Los Angeles Mayor re­ Spec 4 Thomas Scully of Brooklyn, N elected Y , an en11sted man under Zais' command Sunken Submarine sa1d 1t was "sheer suicide" and that ..... lives were lost 1n va1n Incident Avoidable RESCUE ON HAMBURGER HILL--A 1 )t?und"d Sen Edward M Kennedy, D-Mass , said Amencan sold"er ts rusnea toward an 1t was "senseless and irresponsible Says Committee evacuatton heltcopter as memoers of The Amer1cans from Za1s' lOlst Air­ VALLEJU, LALIF (UP!)-- The dock­ Fact-Finding Tour side sinking of the $50 m1ll10n sub­ the 101st Atrborne unnston trl1 to borne D1V1S10n killed more than 600 Vi­ marine Guittaro resulted from a take bloody, bomb-scarred Hamburger etnamese, but then all but abandoned "wholly av01dable" blunder which had Opens Second Round Htll from North Vtetnamese forces tn the 3,000 foot peak A token force Was A Shau Valley, South Vut Nam left beh1nd to watch for North Viet­ separate work crews f1l1ing both ends of the sh1p at the same t1me, a Con­ BOGOTA, COLUMBIA (UPI)-- New York namese troops expected to move back gressional 1nvestlgation team report­ Gov Nelson A Rockefeller and h1s Zais' explanat10n for the battle was Yorty Re-elected ed today a1des began talks w1th Colombian of­ th1s "The only significance for the hill was that there were North Vietnam­ One crew of workmen were try1ng to fic1als today to open their second "trim," or level, the vessel by pour­ fact-finding tour of Lat1n America los Angeles Mayor ese troops on it My mission was to seek out and destroy the enemy in my ing water into ballast tanks forward The w1despread students unrest LOS ANGELES (UPI)-- A record turn­ at the same time another r,ew put that greeted Rockefeller's arrival out of voters, unhappy w1th urban and area of operat10ns That's wheTP the five tons vf water 1n the aft sect10n 1n Bogota dissipated to a large ex­ campus rebellion, gave Mayor Sam Yor­ enemy was~ therefore3 tnat: s wnere we attacked h1m " to carry out certain tests, the team tent overnight but for security's ty another four-year lease on C1ty reported sake the talks were held at the Te­ Hall today as his Negro challenger in Kennedy, who viewed the battle for Hamburger Hill from Washington, looked While workmen in the forward part quandama Hotel where the V1sitors yesterday's munic1pdl elect10n con­ of the vessel were out to lunch, the ceded defeat at it in terms of the additional Ameri­ arL "taY1n.,: crew in the aft section empt1ed wat­ Police reported about 20 persons With v1rtually all votes counted, can bloodshed at a time when there was er from its end This caused the injured and 30 arrested in ant1- unoff1c1al results gave Yorty 447,030 hope for a negotiated settlement nose to go under, and water poured 1n Rockefeller outbreaks yesterday 1n votes or 53 25 percent of the total the open hatches, the congressmen re­ the c1t1es of Bogota, Barranqu111a , to Bradley's 392,379 or 46 75 per­ ported Cal11 and Monteria Police called cent The speCial three-member team of out reserves and the sho~ of offi­ CarnIVal TID1e' About 80 percent of the city's 1, the House Armed Serv1ces Subcommittee cial strength appeared to have damp­ 127,224 reg1stered voters turned out concluded that the accident must: oe ened the left1st student groups for the elect10n, break1ng the prev­ borne by the Mare Island ShiDy~rd Officials of Colombia's Univers1ty May 29-31 ious record of 66 2 percent for a Commander, Rear Admiral Norbert of the Andes, a pr1vate 1nst1tut10n municipal elect10n set 1n the Aprll Frankenberger partly f1nanced by American funds at pr1mary where Bradley outpolled Yorty But the "proximate" cause of the m1d-day preselted Rockefeller at his 42 to 26 percent catastrophe was "the def1cient per­ hotel, with an honorary doctorate in formance of the civi11an ~upervlsory philosophy and letters personnel" on the Job, the report The Governor is scheduled to leave said Bogota at 10 am EDT tomorrow, for Space Agency Releases Movie The investigating committee issued Quito, Ecuador, his second stop on the current five-nation swing its pr~limi,ary f1ndings after three Ecuador, on the west coast of the Film Taken by Apollo 10 days of closed-door hearings cont1nent, 1S in deep social unrest SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -- The Space Agency Wednesday released 105 ft of color mot10n p1cture f1lm taken by Apollo 10, some of it less than 10 miles States May Get Computer Nixon Discusses above the moon, which a space geologist sa1d showed noth1ng that would inter­ fere with a July lunar landing Student Disorders Some of the mOV1es were underexposed, but geologist John Dietrich said many Aid to Track Crimina's WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Pres1dent Nixon of the shots were "new and exc1t1ng " d1scussed the problem of student Astronauts Thomas P Stafford, John W Young and Eugene A Cernan brought to WASHINGTON (UPI)-- W1th1n two years d1sorders today with h1s senior earth hundreds of photographs in color the Justice Department's new anti­ staff a1des and a group of Repub11 - and black and white, stiJ1~ and motion crime agency plans to maKe the na­ can congressmen who have been tour­ pictures Some were in stereo, giving tion's top spy techniques available ing some of the nat10n's more rest­ a three-dimens10nal effect to the states to help them keep track less campuses These p1ctures w111 form the maps A­ of organ1zed racketeers The meet1ng lasted 75 m1nutes and pollo 11's moon team follows to a July Charles H Rogov1n, Chlef nf the was descr1bed by the Wh1te House as touchdown on the ar1d lunar surface Law Enforcement Assistance Aom1n1S­ an initial conference soon to be The color movies 1ncluded an hilar­ tration, announced today that two De­ followed by additional reports from ous Vlew of Young shaving with a safety fense Administration intelligence the congress10nal group to the chief razor in the moonsh1p, and eight still gather1rg agenc1es wh1ch want to re­ execut1ve photographs, 1ncluding two in color main anonymous, are cooperating with The conference took place as the "It looks very good," Dietr1ch said LEAA and S1X states in developing President prepared to leave late to­ "The approach photograph is new On "the automated organized cr1me intel­ day for a long weekend at Key B1S­ a very br1ef look it has not shown any­ ligence system " cayne, Fla , where he will work on thing surpr1s1ng The a1m, said RogoV1n, is to build two speeches wh1ch he will de11ver "The problems we're having are due to a computerized system that could ad­ on college campuses next week pr10r the extremely low sun angle We tended vise every state exactly how to gath­ to his Midway Island meeting with to underexpose, unfortunately, near the er and evaluate information on organ­ President Nguyen Van Thieu of South day-night terminator on the 16- milli­ ized crime He identified the states Viet Nam on June 8 meter film but we tp1nk we can bring participat1ng in the project now as White House Press Secretary Ronald the pictures out in the lab " New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ziegler sa1d Rep Wil11am E Brock, He said the shots 1ns1de the command Illinois, California and Florida (Rep -Tenn ), was responsible for sh1p were "probably the best lighted Rogovin stressed the two defense organ1zing a group of about 20 GOP V1ew of the cabin we have gotten on any agencies ere contributing their House members who set up six teams flight" evaluating skills not actual intelli­ to tour about 50 campuses recently , The pictures released Wednesday were gence data He also stressed there d1scussing unrest w1th students and the f1rst of many that will come from would be no central file of informa - college
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